41 research outputs found

    Policy and planning of prevention in Italy: results from an appraisal of prevention plans developed by Regions for the period 2010-2012

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    Health policies on disease prevention differ widely between countries. Studies suggest that different countries have much to learn from each other and that significant health gains could be achieved if all countries followed best practice. This paper describes the policy development and planning process relating to prevention activities in Italy, through a critical appraisal of Regional Prevention Plans (RPPs) drafted for the period 2010-2012. The analysis was performed using a specific evaluation tool developed by a Scientific Committee appointed by the Italian Ministry of Health. We appraised nineteen RPPs, comprising a total of 702 projects, most of them in the areas of universal prevention (62.9%) and prevention in high risk groups (27.0%). Italian Regions established prevention activities using an innovative combination of population and high-risk individuals approaches. However, some issues, such as the need to reduce health inequalities, were poorly addressed. The technical drafting of RPPs required some improvement; e.g. the evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the health interventions proposed was seldom reported. There were significant geographical differences across the Regions in the appraisal of RPPs. Our research suggests that continuous assessment of the planning process of prevention may become a very useful tool for monitoring, and ultimately strengthening, public health capacity in the field of prevention. Further research is needed to analyze determinants of regional variation

    Trends in avoidable hospitalization rates in Italy, 2001-2008

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    Background: hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (AC SC), also known as avoidable hospitalization (AH) has been proposed as effect measure of the accessibility and effectiveness of primary care. In the last years in developed countries, including Italy, hospitalization rates have decreased as well as the rates of AH. The decline of AH-rates could be just an effect of the general trend of hospitalization. The objective of our study was to examine the adjusted trend of AH rates and to test possible associations with measures of primary care (re)organization. Methods: hospital discharges from 2001 to 2008 were analyzed. Main outcome measures were hospitalization rates, both as inpatient and day hospital. ACSCs were grouped in acute conditions, preventable through early diagnoses and treatment and chronic conditions, preventable through good ongoing control and management. Expected time-series rates of AH, estimated on the hypothesis of same time trends of Total Hospitalization (TH), were compared with observed ones using a Chi Square test. Adjusted hospitalization rates were analyzed in conjunction with indicators of primary care. Results: in the studied period, in Italy, the TH rates declined with an average decrease of 19.6%, while the decrease for AH was 16.4%. The rates of AH adjusted for the trend of TH significantly decreased only for chronic conditions. Decreasing trend of AH was correlated with the impact of reorganization of primary care in associative forms. Conclusions: the presented methodology can be used to evaluate the real effectiveness of policies aimed at reducing hospitalization for ACSCs

    Social relationships and HRQL: A cross-sectional survey among older Italian adults

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to investigate the association between social relationships and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) among the elderly in Italy. METHODS: A sample of 33,744 Italian residents, representing the non-institutionalised population aged 60 years and over was extracted from the national ISTAT cross-sectional survey during 1999-2000. HRQL was measured with the SF-12, from which the Physical Component Score (PCS) and Mental Component Score (MCS) were obtained. Data were subjected to descriptive analysis and multiple logistic regression models with adjustment for the main confounders. RESULTS: Our analysis shows a gradient in PCS and MCS among the terziles in seeing/meeting "friends" and "family" and, for PCS, a North-South gradient among the Italian regions. Females, the elderly who reported a lower household income, those who spent less time in recreational and religious activities, who lived too far from their relatives and had few relationships with friends and relatives, were significantly less likely to have an MCS above the median value. For PCS, an increase in HRQL was likely to be associated with a higher educational level, while lower PCS scores were associated with: age 75+, inadequate household income, unmarried status, infrequency of seeing/meeting friends, too high a mean distance from own home to relatives' homes, lack of leisure time spent in recreational activities, living in the Centre-South of Italy, chronic diseases, reduced autonomy, and use of drugs during the previous two days. Significant interactions between suffering from one chronic disease and the use of drugs were also found for both MCS and PCS. CONCLUSION: Some dimensions of social relationships were significantly associated with HRQL. These findings are crucial for devising welfare strategies at both the regional and the European level, i.e. in countries such as Italy where the primacy of family support of the elderly has declined in recent year

    Italy: Health System Review

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    Presentazione e valutazione del sistema sanitario italiano commissionato al CERGAS e al Gemelli di Roma da parte della World Health Organization

    Critical Pathways for continuous quality improvement: a multicentric analysis on the management of patients with lung cancer in Italian best performing hospitals

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    Introduction: Critical pathways (CPs) are effective change management tools used to improve quality in healthcare nationally implemented in Italy in 2015. This study aims to map the country’s state-of-the-art regarding the adoption of CPs and to verify the existence of factors that determine the success of their implementation and the relative entity of their impact, by analysing the management of Lung Cancer (LC) as a case-study. Methods: Our methodology followed the SQUIRE guidelines for quality improvement reporting (2015). Starting from the 2017 ranking table published by the National Outcome Program, we selected and included in our sample all Italian hospitals who, according to Ministerial Decree n. 70/2015, met national quality threshold  for LC treatment. To investigate regional-level and hospital-level factors believed to be responsible for the successful implementation of a CP, a Google Modules questionnaire was constructed and sent to the selected facilities; subsequently, a web-based research was carried out for missing data.  Associations between variables were tested in STATA by means of correlation tests and a linear regression model.  Results: 41 hospitals matched our inclusion criteria. Of these, 68% defined an internal Lung Cancer Critical Pathway (LCCP). Our results confirmed the presence of critical success factors that favour the correct implementation of a LCCP. Conclusions: Notwithstanding the availability of CPs, their adoption in routine clinical practice still lacks consistency, suggesting the necessity to resort to digital solutions, to increment the level of regional commitment and workforce commitment and to reinforce quality standards monitoring

    Covid-19: yesterday, today and tomorrow. The quality of Covid-19 management and the evaluation of the “Health” chapter of the Recovery Plan.

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    Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic represented an unprecedented challenge for the healthcare world and the introduction of a new stronger and believable project plays a fundamental role for the quality of work and the provision of qualitative care. Aim: The survey provided by ASIQUAS aims to examines the impact of “Health” chapter included in the Recovery Plan, through the assessment of management quality of the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: Starting from a literature review, in September 2021, a web-based survey has been conducted and administered by email. It has been taken into account measures widely used by different healthcare structures in order to analyze the projects implemented in the face of pandemic and to evaluate the new real possibility to invest funds in new healthcare structures and projects. Results: The survey consists of 19 multiple choices and respondents were from different types of structures, including regional departments and regional health agencies (1.4%), universities, research centers and IRCCS (11%), hospitals and university polyclinics (34.2%), Local Health Authorities (39.7%), socio-health organizations and Others (13,7%). The pandemic has highlighted many vulnerabilities at both hospitals and territorial level. The major weaknesses revealed by the survey are mainly due to.the lack of support from new staff units and poor availability of specific training tools for Covid-19 procedures. The Recovery Plan is still unclear with a lot of concern about the implementation and many limits of diffusion. Conclusions: It becomes essential to guarantee a new effective and interoperative model of integration. Today we can start more aware for the implementation of a system closer to everyone’s needs, making shortcomings the new strength and starting point

    “Wind of change”: the role of human centered healthcare factors in the implementation of clinical governance in an Italian University teaching hospital

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    BackgroundClinical Governance (CG) is an approach to quality improvement in healthcare aimed at achieving a patient-centered health care system. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of a CG assessment in the Teaching Hospital “A. Gemelli”, in order to identify strategic levers for improving healthcare provided and assessing its level of humanization.Materials and methodsCG implementation levels were assessed through OPTIGOV, a CG scorecard methodology. In order to identify the variables generating latent factors that can influence the governance of the Hospital, the multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was applied.ResultsThe application of OPTIGOV showed a good CG implementation level in the Gemelli Hospital. By applying MCA, the variables aggregated so as to define 3 latent factors (F1: assessment for people oriented improvement strategy; F2: assessment for people targeted management; F3: tracking for timely accountable people) explaining as a whole 82.68% of the total variance and respectively 48.09 % ( F1), 24.95% (F2 ) and 9.64% (F3 ).ConclusionsThe heuristic interpretation of the three latent factors could bring back to the concept of humanization in healthcare. This study shows that in the Teaching Hospital “A. Gemelli” humanization in healthcare is the driver of health care quality improvement

    Impact evaluation of a Critical Pathway for patients with Clostridium difficile infection: a pre-post analysis in a Third Level Referral Center

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    Background: Clostridium Difficile Infections (CDIs) have been increasing both in incidence and in severity, representing a big public health concern. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a recently implemented Critical Pathway (CP) focused on patients with CDI in an Italian Teaching Hospital. Methods: The CP implementation consisted of intervention aimed to faster diagnosis and appropriateness in admission and discharge point of care; activation of a multidisciplinary team; staff training; information to patients and caregivers.In a pre-post retrospective observational study, volume, process and outcome indicators were analyzed. Findings: A total of 228 patients (128 in 2013 and 100 in 2016) were included. A decrease in the absolute number of access to the Emergency Department (p = 0.02) and an increase in hospitalization in more appropriate ward (ie gastroenterology ward, p < 0.001) were found. The median hospital length of stay decreased from 20.5 (12.5–31) days in 2013 to 16.5 (7–31) days in 2016 (p = 0.05). With regards to outcome indicators, an increase of discharge to home and a decrease of discharge to long term facilities were showed (p = 0.01 both). Despite a reduction, no statically significant differences in mortality between 2013 and 2016 were revealed by the analysis. Conclusion: In conclusion, we found quality improvement in patient hospital management. Our experience confirms that the implementation of the CP increases the appropriateness in hospital quality of care. Keywords: Patient centeredness, Critical pathways, Clostridium Difficile infection, "Patient centered" analytic

    "Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine": The Coordination and Support Action to Foster Collaboration in Personalized Medicine Development between Europe and China

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    "Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine" (IC2PerMed) is a coordination and support action funded within the Horizon 2020 work program. Following the guidance of the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine (ICPerMed), the project's overarching aim is to align the European Union and China's research agendas in the field of personalized medicine (PM) to enable a swift development of PM approaches in the EU with strong leverage upon EU-Chinese collaboration. Living in the CO­VID-19 era, we are witnessing how the challenges imposed by the pandemic all around the globe have been acting as a catalyst for collaborations and knowledge sharing among national health systems worldwide. Given the strong interest on behalf of both Europe and China in the advancement of PM approaches, now more than ever, a cross-border collaboration between the 2 powers can accelerate the effective translation of such innovation to healthcare systems, advance research, and ensure that such change follows the directions toward the path of sustainability. IC2PerMed developments will be led by European and Chinese experts equally assembled into 3 Working Groups: (1) people and organization, (2) innovation and market, and (3) research and clinical studies in PM. This complex and dynamic network of actions thrives on dialog, cooperation, and alignment of research at national and global levels; work in the direction taken by IC2PerMed shall pave the way toward the realization of PM's full potential, prevent it from becoming a burden for healthcare systems, and, rather, prove that it provides an essential and irreplaceable contribution to their effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability

    Does Clinical Governance influence the quality of medical records?

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    Background. Clinical Governance (CG) is a validated framework for continuous quality improvement in health care settings. Quality medical records may reflect the quality of care delivered and are a viable tool to implement CG skills. Aim. Aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the level of implementation of CG dimensions and the quality of medical records. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out in an Italian Teaching Hospital. CG implementation levels were quantified through a systematic methodology (OPTIGOV©). The overall quality of medical records was measured through a revised version of a National-validated scale. A multiple linear regression model was used to test the likely influence of all the variables constituting the OPTIGOV evaluation on the quality of medical records. 47 hospital wards and 1458 medical records were assessed. Results. A significant and positive association between the quality of medical records and the accountability score (β = 0.15; p < 0.01) and the clinical audit score (b = 0.11; p = 0.02), was found. Conversely, the risk management score shown a negative and significant correlation (b = -0.17; p < 0.01). This study confirms that CG plays a central role in driving quality improvement and advocates a systematic implementation of such an approach within healthcare organizations.