5,524 research outputs found

    The price of energy efficiency in the Spanish housing market

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    The housing sector is a substantial consumer of energy, and therefore a focus for energy savings efforts. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), introduced in 2002 and revised in 2010, is a key instrument to increase the energy performance of buildings across the European Union. Following the implementation of the EPBD into Spanish law, all properties offered for sale or rented out in Spain are required to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). Given that the implementation of the EPC scheme for new, existing and advertised properties is still very low in Spain, unlike other European housing markets, the Spanish one lacks market data on energy efficiency (EE) labels and their impact on housing price. To overcome this gap, we determine the EE ratings of a sample of 1507 homes across Spain on the basis of information collected previously through household surveys. This allowed us to answer the question of whether or not, and to what extent, Spanish housing markets capitalise the value of EE. We apply the hedonic-price technique and observe that more energy efficient dwellings have a price-premium between 5.4% and 9.8% compared to those with the same characteristics but lower EE level. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd.The authors acknowledge the PURGE Project (Grant Agreement no. 265325 ) of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission for financial support in carrying out the survey work. Additionally, Ibon Galarraga wishes to recognise the support of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Government of Spain (Project ECO2013–41183–P : Economía de la Eficiencia Energética en el Sector Residencial y de Transporte en España)

    Benefits From Water Related Ecosystem Services in Africa and Climate Change

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    The present study collects original monetary estimates for water related ecosystem service benefits on the African continent from 36 valuation studies. A database of 178 monetary estimates is constructed to conduct a meta-analysis that, for the first time, digs into what factors drive water related ecosystem service values in Africa. We find that the service type, biome and other socioeconomic variables are significant in explaining benefits from water related services. In order to understand the importance that benefits from water related ecosystem services have for climate change, we explore the relationship between these benefits and the countries vulnerability and readiness to adapt to climate change. We find that countries face synergies and trade-offs in terms of how valuable their water related ecosystem services are and their potential vulnerability and adaptation capacity. While more vulnerable countries are associated with lower benefits from ecosystem services, countries with a higher readiness to adapt are also associated with lower ecosystem service values. Results are discussed in light of natural capital accounting and ecosystem-based adaptation. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.This work was undertaken as part of the Water Infrastructure Solutions from Ecosystem Services Underpinning Climate Resilient Policies and Programmes (WISE UP to Climate) project. This project is part of the International Climate Initiative. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety), Germany supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. The authors would also like to thank the Consellería de Educación, Xunta de Galicia for its financial support as well as Anil Markandya, Sébastien Foudi, Marc Neumann, James Dalton and Marta Escapa for their insightful reviews

    Colitis linfoplasmocitaria canina : un hallazgo frecuente en la exploración colonoscópica

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    En este trabajo se describen los hallazgos clínicos, laboratoriales y colonoscópicos de la colitis linfoplasmocitaria canina, aparte de tratar los aspectos más relevantes sobre su etiopatogenia y diagnóstico, para describir finalmente las pautas de tratamiento del proceso

    The Effect of Providing Monetary Information on Energy Savings for Household Appliances: A Field Trial in Spain

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    Energy labels are one of the most widely used policies in the European Union for increasing the energy efficiency of household appliances. However, their effectiveness in promoting energy-efficient purchases has sometimes been called into question. One of the reasons for this is that consumers may have difficulties in fully understanding the energy consumption information provided on labels (in kilowatt-hour per year). Some authors argue that to avoid this problem energy consumption information should be converted into monetary information. We analyse whether providing monetary information on lifetime energy savings can significantly increase purchases of energy-efficient appliances. To that end, a field experiment was carried out with small retailers in Spain. The experiment involved three types of appliances: washing machines, fridges and dishwashers. The impact of monetary information on actual purchases of appliances was tested in different ways: (i) by including a monetary label to display energy savings during the lifetime of the product; (ii) by the monetary information provided by sales staff; and (iii) by combining (i) and (ii). We find that the effectiveness of providing monetary information depends on the appliance and the specific way in which the information is provided. For washing machines, providing monetary information through a monetary label seems effective in promoting the purchase of highly energy-efficient appliances. However, for fridges, both monetary information provided by staff alone and the combination of the monetary label and information from sales staff seem to be effective in promoting purchases of A+++ fridges. Surprisingly, no effect is found for dishwashers. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.This study was conducted as part of the CONSumer Energy Efficiency Decision making (CONSEED) project, an EUfunded H2020 research project under grant agreement number 723741. This research is also supported by the Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation 2018-2022 (Ref. MDM-2017-0714). This study was conducted as part of the CONSumer Energy Efficiency Decision making (CONSEED) project, an EU-funded H2020 research project under grant agreement number 723741. This research is also supported by the Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation 2018-2022 (Ref. MDM-2017-0714). Financial support from the Government of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund through grant RTI2018-093692-B-I00 is gratefully acknowledged by Amaia de Ayala and Ibon Galarraga. Amaya de Ayala also acknowledges the support of Fundación Ramon Areces under XVIII Concurso Nacional para la Adjudicación de Ayudas a la Investigación en Ciencias Sociales

    Promoting energy efficiency at household level: a literature review

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    The household sector is one of the most energy-intensive sectors in Europe, and thus a focal point for reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption. Energy efficiency is considered a key measure to reduce household energy consumption, but several factors could lead to an underinvestment in energy efficiency. This is the so-called energy efficiency gap or paradox. The factors in question are grouped under market failures (including informational failures), behavioural failures and other factors. Various policies can be used to address these failures and promote the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, including energy standards and codes, economic incentives and information instruments. This paper reviews the empirical evidence to date on energy efficiency policies and discusses their effectiveness. On the one hand, command and control instruments seem to be effective policies, but they have to overcome several barriers. In the case of price instruments, subsidies and taxes do not seem to be effective while rebates present mixed results as they sometimes are effective and in other cases, they could present significant shortcomings. Finally, the effectiveness of informational policies is not always ensured as they depend on the country, sector and product category. Information feedback tools also seem to be effective as they work as a constant reminder of energy-efficient behaviour. Some limitations of energy efficiency policies are also identified, such as the difficulties of implementing codes and standards given that a minimum level need to be achieved, differences in the effectiveness of rebate programmes and non-conclusive results in regard to the effectiveness of monetary energy efficiency labels. © 2020, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature.This study was conducted as part of the CONSumer Energy Efficiency Decision making (CONSEED) project, an EU-funded H2020 research project under grant agreement number 723741. This research is also supported by the Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation 2018-2022 (Ref. MDM-2017-0714). The project leading to these results has received funding from ‘la Caixa’ Foundation under the project SR0435 led by Ibon Galarraga. Amaya de Ayala also acknowledges the support of Fundación Ramon Areces under XVIII Concurso Nacional para la Adjudicación de Ayudas a la Investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Marta Escapa is grateful for financial support from the University of the Basque Country (Grant GIU18/136) and from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Grant RTI2018-093352-B-I00)

    Normative data of Lower-limb muscle flexibility in futsal players

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue definir cuantitativamente los valores de referencia del perfil de flexibilidad en 20 jugadores profesionales de fútbol sala. Para ello se valoró la flexibilidad de los principales grupos musculares de la extremidad inferior a través de 7 pruebas de rango de movimiento articular pasivo máximo. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los jugadores de fútbol sala analizados presentan un perfil de flexibilidad de la extremidad inferior superior a los valores propuestos para población general, a los valores encontrados en sujetos sanos sedentarios, así como en personas físicamente activas. De la misma forma, los valores de flexibilidad de los jugadores de fútbol sala seleccionados son superiores a los observados en otras modalidades deportivas.The purpose of this study was to quantitatively define the normative lower-limb flexibility data in 20 professional futsal players. For it, the flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated throughout 7 different peak joint ROM assessment tests. The results of the current study demonstrate that the professional futsal players assessed have higher normative data of lower-limb flexibility than the previously stabilised flexibility normative data for general population, healthy sedentary adults, as well as for recreationally active adults. Likewise, the normative lower-limb flexibility data for the professional futsal players selected are higher than those reported for other sport modalities

    Optimal data of lower-limb muscle flexibility in female futsal players

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    El objetivo fue definir cuantitativamente los valores del perfil óptimo de flexibilidad en 20 jugadoras de fútbol sala. Para ello, se valoró la flexibilidad de los principales grupos musculares del miembro inferior a través de 7 pruebas de rango de movimiento pasivo máximo (ROM). Los resultados del presente estudio definen como ROM óptimo los siguientes rangos para las jugadoras de campo: 43º-52º para gemelo, 48º-54º para sóleo, 148º-154º para glúteo mayor, 99º-118º para musculatura isquiosural, 46º-56º para aductores, 12º-20º para psoas iliaco y 116º-129º para cuádriceps. Para las porteras se han obtenido los siguientes rangos: 40º-46º para gemelo, 40º-47º para sóleo, 150º-155º para el glúteo mayor, 94º-118º para musculatura isquiosural, 45º-54º para aductores, 8º-12º para psoas iliaco y 115º-133º para cuádriceps. Teniendo en cuenta que se ha definido el percentil >80 como el ROM óptimo, sólo 4 jugadoras de campo y 2 porteras presentaban este ROM en cada movimiento evaluadoThe purpose of this study was to define the optimal lower-limb flexibility data for 20 female futsal players. Therefore, the flexibility of the major lower-limb muscles was evaluated throughout 7 different passive range of motion (ROM) assessment tests. The results of this study define the optimal ROM ranges for field players as: 43º-52º for the gastrocnemius, 48º-54º for the soleus, 148º-154º for the gluteus maximus, 99º-118º for the hamstrings, 46º-56º for the adductors, 12º-20º for the iliopsoas, and 116º-129º for the quadriceps. For goalkeepers have obtained the following ranges: 40º-46º for the gastrocnemius, 40º-47º for the soleus, 150º-155º for the gluteus, 94º-118º for the hamstrings, 45º-54º for the adductors, 8º-12º for the iliopsoas, and 115º-133º for the quadriceps. Keeping in mind that optimal ROM values were defined as >80th percentile, only 4 field players and 2 goalkeepers presented this ROM values in each movement assessed

    Consumers’ preferences regarding energy efficiency: a qualitative analysis based on the household and services sectors in Spain

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    Informational failures frequently lead consumers to make non-optimal energy-efficient purchasing decisions. Energy efficiency labels seek to influence consumer behaviour at the point of sale by reducing informational failures regarding energy efficiency. However, several informational and behavioural factors contribute to the energy efficiency gap and could render label-oriented policies useless. The purchasing decision model of Allcott and Greenstone (The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26, 3 28, 2012) is used here to explore the different factors that influence purchasing decisions and understand (i) the importance of energy consumption compared to other attributes; (ii) how consumers weight energy savings and (iii) what other benefits and costs influence the purchase of energy-efficient goods. The analysis reported here is based on qualitative research methods and is conducted in the household and service sectors (the accommodation sector and private service companies), for appliances, heating and cooling systems and cars in Spain. Results show that (i) there is still an informational gap regarding energy labels and (ii) bounded rationality and end-user behaviour are important limiting factors for the purchase of energy-efficient goods in Spain. © 2020, The Author(s).This work was undertaken as a part of the CONSumer Energy Efficiency Decision making (CONSEED) project, an EU-funded H2020 research project under grant agreement number 723741. This research is also supported by the Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation 2018-2022 (Ref. MDM-2017-0714). Amaia de Ayala would like to thank the financial support of Fundación Ramón Areces under the project entitled “La toma de decisiones de los hogares en eficiencia energética: determinantes y diseño de políticas”