16 research outputs found

    Evolução temporal e distribuição espacial da hanseníase em município de baixa endemicidade em São Paulo

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    Objective: To analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of leprosy in a scenario of low endemicity in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Ecological study with leprosy casesin Ribeirão Preto, between 2006 to 2016. The temporal trend of leprosy detection was verified through the decomposition of time series and identified areas of high and low occurrence of the disease using the Getis-Ord Gi* technique. Results: There were 890 cases and the detection rate showed an increasing trend in the period from 2011 to 2015, with an average growth of 1% per month. Areas of high occurrence of the disease were identified in the northern region of the city (99% and 95% confidence). Conclusion: The temporal analysis showed that the rate of detection of leprosy showed an increasing trend, and the spatial analysis showed that the region of the municipality with the highest occurrence of the disease is characterized by presenting the greatest social inequalities.Objetivo: Analizar la distribución espacial y temporal de la lepra en un escenario de baja endemicidad en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Estudio ecológico con casos de lepra de Ribeirão Preto, entre 2006 y 2016. La tendencia temporal de la detección de lepra se verificó a través de la descomposición de series de tiempo e identificaron áreas 5 de alta y baja ocurrencia utilizando la técnica Getis-Ord Gi*. Resultados: Fueran 890 casos y la tasa de detección mostró una tendencia creciente en el período de 2011 a 2015, con un crecimiento promedio de 1% mensual. Se identificaron áreas de alta ocurrencia de la enfermedad en la región norte de la ciudad (99% y 95% de confianza). Conclusión: El análisis temporal mostró que la tasa de detección de lepra mostró una tendencia creciente y análisis espacial mostró que la región del municipio con mayor ocurrencia de la enfermedad se caracteriza por presentar las mayores desigualdades sociale.Objetivo: Analisar a distribuição espacial e temporal da hanseníase em cenário de baixa endemicidade no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, sobre casos de hanseníase notificados em no município de Ribeirão Preto, entre 2006 e 2016. A tendência temporal da taxa de detecção de hanseníase foi verificada mediante decomposição de séries temporais, e identificadas as áreas de alta e de baixa ocorrência da doença utilizando-se a técnica Getis-Ord Gi*. Resultados: Foram 890 casos, e a taxa de detecção apresentou uma tendência crescente no período analisado, com crescimento médio de 1% ao mês. Identificou-se áreas de alta ocorrência da doença na região norte do município (99% e 95% de confiança). Conclusão: A taxa de detecção de hanseníase apresentou tendência temporal crescente, e a análise espacial permitiu visualizar que a 4 região do município com maior ocorrência da doença se caracteriza por apresentar as maiores desigualdades sociais

    Survival time among patients who were diagnosed with tuberculosis, the precocious deaths and associated factors in southern Brazil

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    Background: A diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) does not mean that the disease will be treated successfully, since death may occur even among those who are known to the health services. Here, we aimed to analyze patient survival time from the diagnosis of TB to death, precocious deaths, and associated factors in southern Brazil. Methods: We conducted a longitudinal study with patients who were diagnosed with TB and who died due to the disease between 2008 and 2015 in southern Brazil. The starting point for measuring survival time was the patient’s diagnosis date. Techniques for survival analysis were employed, including the Kaplan-Meier test and Cox’s regression. A mixed-effect model was applied for identifying the associated factors to precocious deaths. Hazard ratio (HR) and odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated. We defined p value <0.05 as statistically significant for all statistics applied. Results: One hundred forty-six patients were included in the survival analysis, observing a median survival time of 23.5 days. We observed that alcoholism (HR=1.55, 95% CI=1.04-2.30) and being male (HR=6.49, 95% CI=1.03-2.68) were associated with death. The chance of precocious death within 60 days was 10.48 times greater than the chance of early death within 30 days. Conclusion: Most of the deaths occurred within 2 months after the diagnosis, during the intensive phase of the treatment. The use of alcohol and gender were associated with death, revealing inequality between men and women. This study advanced knowledge regarding the vulnerability associated with mortality. These findings must be addressed to fill a gap in the care cascades for active TB and ensure equity in health.publishersversionpublishe

    Areas of risk for the occurrence of leprosy and its relation to social determinants in a municipality in the border region between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina

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    A Hanseníase ainda é um problema para a saúde pública e um desafio para os países endêmicos, principalmente em regiões de fronteira, onde o fluxo migratório é intenso. O estudo tem como objetivo identificar as áreas de risco para a ocorrência da hanseníase e verificar sua relação com os determinantes sociais em Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Estudo ecológico que considerou os casos novos de hanseníase notificados no município de Foz do Iguaçu no período de 2003 a 2015 e as unidades de análise foram os setores censitários urbanos. Foi realizada análise descrita dos casos novos. Em sequência, para a identificação das áreas de risco para a ocorrência da hanseníase utilizou-se a Estatística de varredura espacial e espaçotemporal e para identificação das áreas de risco para incapacidades, recorreu-se a varredura espacial e ao Estimador de intensidade Kernel. A investigação da dependência espacial foi verificada através do Moran Global, Getis-Ord G e Gi*. O Índice de Moran Bivariado Global (IMBG), Regressão por Mínimo Quadrados (OLS) e Regressão Geograficamente Ponderada (GWR) foi utilizada para verificar a associação dos determinantes sociais e o risco de adoecimento por hanseníase. Foram notificados 840 casos, onde a taxa de detecção de casos novos em homens foi 25,6/100.000 hab. e 24,9/100.000 hab. para mulheres, houve predomínio da raça/cor amarela (78,6/100.000 hab.), faixa etária >=60 anos (71,5/100.000 hab.) e ensino fundamental incompleto (60/100.000 hab.). As áreas de risco para a hanseníase e incapacidade grau 2 se concentraram no Distrito Sanitário Sul, Leste, Norte e Nordeste do município; regiões estas, caracterizadas por alta densidade populacional e pobreza. Os determinantes sociais renda (IMBG: 0,1273; p=0,001), número de moradores (IMBG: 0,0703; p=0,008), domicílios sem saneamento básico (IMBG: 0,0743; p= 0,025), pessoas da raça/cor preta (IMBG: 0,0397; p= 0,04), parda (IMBG: 0,1017; p= 0,002) e indígena (IMBG: 0,0976; p= 0,005) apresentaram correlativa positiva com o risco de hanseníase. As análises de regressão revelaram que a proporção de domicílios com renda mensal domiciliar per capita maior de um salário mínimo (? = 0,025, p = 0,036) apresenta risco menor de adoecimento por hanseníase. Enquanto, as pessoas de raça/cor parda (? = -0,101, p = 0,024) apresentam maior risco de adoecimento por hanseníase. Os resultados do estudo apontam que existe associação entre os determinantes sociais e o risco de adoecimento por hanseníase no município investigado. O investimento em políticas públicas para melhoria de distribuição de renda pode favorecer a mudança deste quadro. Os achados podem contribuir para nortear ações em saúde que auxiliem no combate e controle da hanseníase nesta região de fronteiraLeprosy is still a public health problem and a challenge for endemic countries, especially in border regions where migration flows are intense. The study aims to identify the risk areas for the occurrence of leprosy and to verify its relation with the social determinants in Foz do Iguaçu-PR. An ecological study that considered the new cases of leprosy reported in Foz do Iguaçu from 2003 to 2015 and the units of analysis were the urban census sectors. A descriptive analysis of the new cases was performed in order to identify the risk areas for the occurrence of leprosy, the spatial and time-spacial scanning statistics were used and the spatial scan and Kernel intensity estimator were used to identify areas of risk for disabilities. The investigation of spatial dependence was verified through Global Moran, Getis-Ord G and Gi *. The Global Bivariate Moran Index (IMBG), Minimum Squares Regression (OLS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) were used to verify the association of social determinants and the risk of illness due to leprosy. 840 cases were reported, where the detection rate of new cases in men was 25.6/100,000 inhabitants and 24.9/100,000 inhabitants for women, there was a predominance of yellow color / race (78.6/100,000 inhabitants), age group >=60 years (71.5/100,000 inhabitants) and incomplete elementary school (60/100,000 inhabitants). Areas at risk for leprosy and degree of disability 2 were concentrated in the South, East, North and Northeast Health District of the city; regions, characterized by high population density and poverty. The social determinants of income (IMBG: 0.1273, p = 0.001), number of residents (IMBG: 0.0703, p = 0.008), households without basic sanitation (IMBG: 0.0743, p = 0.025) (IMBG: 0.0976, p = 0.04), black color/race (IMBG: 0.1017, p = 0.002) and native color/race (IMBG: 0.0976; p = 0.005) presented a positive correlation with the risk of leprosy. The regression analysis revealed that the proportion of households with monthly household income per capita greater than a minimum wage (? = 0.025, p = 0.036) had the lowest risk of illness due to leprosy. While people of black race/color (? = -0.101, p = 0.024) are at higher risk of illness due to leprosy. The results of the study indicate that there is an association between the social determinants and the risk of illness due to leprosy in the city under investigation. The investment in public policies to improve income distribution can favor the change of this framework. The findings may contribute to health actions that help combat and control leprosy in this border regio

    Perfil Epidemiológico das Vitimas de Suicídio do Município de Foz do Iguaçu

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    Suicídio pode ser definido como o ato de matar-se, por morte voluntária, intencional ou autoinfligida, todas significando ato deliberado pelo qual uma pessoa tem a intenção de provocar a própria morte, pois é um ato consciente. A OMS considera o suicídio como um problema de saúde publica que deve ser observado pelas diferentes áreas da saúde, principalmente a epidemiologia, para que se motive a investigação com relação às causas e profilaxias. Este trabalho teve como objetivo traçar o perfil epidemiológico das vítimas de suicídio na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu no período de Janeiro de 2004 a Novembro de 2013. Os dados foram adquiridos no sistema de informação sobre mortalidade do setor de epidemiologia do município. Os resultados mostraram um total de 149 óbitos por suicídio indicando uma média de 5,1 mortes a cada 100 mil habitantes nos dez anos estudados nesta pesquisa. Do total 84% do sexo masculino e 16% do sexo feminino. A maioria absoluta dos suicídios provocados por enforcamento seguido por lesão provocada por arma de fogo. Todos os resultados parecem estar de acordo com a literatura especializada que apresenta índices médios semelhantes, homens como mais prevalentes e através de enforcamento. No entanto, muitos destes suicídios poderiam ser evitados pela simples informação e conhecimento sobre o assunto que poderia resultar num pedido de ajud

    Incidência de Homicídios na Cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, Período de 2004-2013

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    A violência é nos dias de hoje um grave problema social. Atinge todas as sociedades independente de raça e credo, no entanto está intimamente relacionada ao crescimento da desigualdade socioeconômica. O homicídio é uma das formas mais grave de violência, pois leva à perda da vida. Devido ao fato de Foz do Iguaçu estar localizada em uma tríplice fronteira, o que parece facilitar tanto o contrabando, quanto o tráfico de armas e drogas, o índice de homicídios segue elevado durante o passar dos anos. Por esse motivo, este artigo teve como objetivo verificar a incidência de homicídios nos últimos dez anos nesta cidade. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da vigilância epidemiológica. Os resultados mostraram que no período investigado ocorreram 2.034 homicídios na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu sendo a maioria causada por arma de fogo. Os dados mostram ainda que a maior incidência se dá em jovens na idade de 20 a 29 anos, do sexo masculino. Os resultados também ilustram a queda no número de homicídios a partir de meados da década de 2000, provavelmente ocasionados pela ação conjunta das polícias, da alta do dólar e da evasão de habitantes causadas pela falta de empregos formais. Independentemente de ocorrer queda nos índices de homicídios, Foz do Iguaçu ainda habita o ranking das cidades mais violentas do Brasil, comprovando, assim, a necessidade de um olhar especial dos órgãos públicos que garantam à população qualidade de vida e diminuição da marginalidade

    How do social-economic differences in urban areas affect tuberculosis mortality in a city in the tri-border region of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina

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    Abstract Background The World Health Organization (WHO) launched the “End TB Strategy”, which aims to reduce tuberculosis (TB) mortality by 95% by 2035, Brazil has made a commitment to this, however, one challenge is achieving the goal in the border region, where the TB situation is more critical. The proposal was to analyse the spatial mortality due to TB and its socio-economic determinants in the general population, around the border areas of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, as well as the temporal trend in this region. Method This ecological study considered the cases of TB deaths of residents of Foz do Iguaçu (BR), with its units of analysis being the census sectors. The standardized mortality rate was calculated for each area. Socioeconomic variables data were obtained from the 2010 Demographic Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The scan statistic was applied to calculate the spatial relative risk (RR), considering a 95% confidence interval (CI). Spatial dependence was analysed using the Global Bivariate Moran I and Local Bivariate Moran I (LISA) to test the relationship between the socioeconomic conditions of the urban areas and mortality from TB. Analysis of the temporal trend was also performed using the Prais-Winsten test. Results A total of 74 cases of TB death were identified, of which 53 (71.6%) were male and 51 (68.9%) people of white skin colour. The mortality rate ranged from 0.28 to 22.75 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. A spatial relative risk area was identified, RR = 5.07 (95% CI 1.79–14.30). Mortality was associated with: proportion of people of brown skin colour (I: 0.0440, p = 0.033), income (low income I: − 0.0611, p = 0.002; high income I: − 0.0449, p = 0.026) and density of residents (3 and 4 residents, I: 0.0537, p = 0.007; 10 or more residents, I: − 0.0390, p = 0.035). There was an increase in the mortality rate in people of brown skin colour (6.1%; 95% CI = 0.029, 0.093). Conclusion Death due to TB was associated with income, race resident density and social conditions. Although the TB mortality rate is stationary in the general population, it is increasing among people of brown skin colour

    Detection of risk clusters for deaths due to tuberculosis specifically in areas of southern Brazil where the disease was supposedly a non-problem

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is the infectious disease that kills the most people worldwide. The use of geoepidemiological techniques to demonstrate the dynamics of the disease in vulnerable communities is essential for its control. Thus, this study aimed to identify risk clusters for TB deaths and their variation over time. Methods: This ecological study considered cases of TB deaths in residents of Londrina, Brazil between 2008 and 2015. We used standard, isotonic scan statistics for the detection of spatial risk clusters. The Poisson discrete model was adopted with the high and low rates option used for 10, 30 and 50% of the population at risk, with circular format windows and 999 replications considered the maximum cluster size. Getis-Ord Gi∗(Gi∗) statistics were used to diagnose hotspot areas for TB mortality. Kernel density was used to identify whether the clusters changed over time. Results: For the standard version, spatial risk clusters for 10, 30 and 50% of the exposed population were 4.9 (95% CI 2.6-9.4), 3.2 (95% CI: 2.1-5.7) and 3.2 (95% CI: 2.1-5.7), respectively. For the isotonic spatial statistics, the risk clusters for 10, 30 and 50% of the exposed population were 2.8 (95% CI: 1.5-5.1), 2.7 (95% CI: 1.6-4.4), 2.2 (95% CI: 1.4-3.9), respectively. All risk clusters were located in the eastern and northern regions of the municipality. Additionally, through Gi∗, hotspot areas were identified in the eastern and western regions. Conclusions: There were important risk areas for tuberculosis mortality in the eastern and northern regions of the municipality. Risk clusters for tuberculosis deaths were observed in areas where TB mortality was supposedly a non-problem. The isotonic and Gi∗statistics were more sensitive for the detection of clusters in areas with a low number of cases; however, their applicability in public health is still restricted.publishersversionpublishe

    Social determinants, their relationship with leprosy risk and temporal trends in a tri-border region in Latin America.

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    Brazil is the only country in Latin America that has adopted a national health system. This causes differences in access to health among Latin American countries and induces noticeable migration to Brazilian regions to seek healthcare. This phenomenon has led to difficulties in the control and elimination of diseases related to poverty, such as leprosy. The aim of this study was to evaluate social determinants and their relationship with the risk of leprosy, as well as to examine the temporal trend of its occurrence in a Brazilian municipality located on the tri-border area between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.This ecological study investigated newly-diagnosed cases of leprosy between 2003 and 2015. Exploratory analysis of the data was performed through descriptive statistics. For spatial analysis, geocoding of the data was performed using spatial scan statistic techniques to obtain the Relative Risk (RR) for each census tract, with their respective 95% confidence intervals calculated. The Bivariate Moran I test, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) models were applied to analyze the spatial relationships of social determinants and leprosy risk. The temporal trend of the annual coefficient of new cases was obtained through the Prais-Winsten regression. A standard error of 5% was considered statistically significant (p < 0.05).Of the 840 new cases identified in the study, there was a predominance of females (n = 427, 50.8%), of white race/color (n = 685, 81.6%), age range 15 to 59 years (n = 624, 74.3%), and incomplete elementary education (n = 504, 60.0%). The results obtained from multivariate analysis revealed that the proportion of households with monthly nominal household income per capita greater than 1 minimum wage (β = 0.025, p = 0.036) and people of brown race (β = -0.101, p = 0.024) were statistically-significantly associated with risk of illness due to leprosy. These results also confirmed that social determinants and risk of leprosy were significantly spatially non-stationary. Regarding the temporal trend, a decrease of 4% (95% CI [-0.053, -0.033], p = 0.000) per year was observed in the rate of detection of new cases of leprosy.The social determinants income and race/color were associated with the risk of leprosy. The study's highlighting of these social determinants can contribute to the development of public policies directed toward the elimination of leprosy in the border region