54 research outputs found

    Marine knowledge as a basis for Maritime Spatial Planning: TPEA Project

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    Comunicación oral presentada en SIEBM XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Biología MarinaThe Transboundary Planning in the European Atlantic (TPEA) project is developing as response to the European Commission (DG Mare’s) call for a Project on Maritime Spatial Planning in the Atlantic, including Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay, in order to reflect the aim of the project, which is to deliver a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the European Atlantic region.DG MARE - E

    Informe nº 0

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    Este informe presenta información sobre las concentraciones de hidrocarburos poliaromáticos totales presentes en el sedimento en muestras correspondientes a 23 estaciones localizadas en la plataforma continental gallega, recogidas en la Campaña oceanográfica 'PRESTIGE - CONTAMINACIÓN 1202', realizada a bordo del B/O Cornide de Saavedra del 7 al 13 de diciembre de 2002

    Importance of N2 fixation vs. nitrate diffusion along a latitudinal transect in the Atlantic Ocean

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    We present ocean, basin-scale simultaneous measurements of N2-fixation, nitrate diffusion, and primary production along a south–north transect in the Atlantic Ocean crossing three biogeographic provinces: the south subtropical Atlantic (SSA; , 31uS–12uS), the equatorial Atlantic (EA; , 12uS–16uN), and the north subtropical Atlantic (NSA, , 16uN–9uN) in April–May 2008. N2-fixation and primary production were measured as 15N2 and 14C uptake, respectively. Dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy (e) were measured with a microstructure profiler. The vertical input of nitrate through eddy diffusion was calculated from the product of diffusivity, derived from e, and the gradient of nanomolar nitrate concentration across the base of the euphotic zone. The mean N2-fixation rate in EA was 56 6 49 mmol N m22 d21, whereas SSA and NSA had much lower values (, 10 mmol N m22 d21). Because of the large spatial variability in nitrate diffusion (34 6 50, 405 6 888, and 844 6 1258 mmol N m22 d21 in SSA, EA, and NSA, respectively), the contribution of N2-fixation to new production in the SSA, EA, and NSA was 44% 6 30%, 22% 6 19%, and 2% 6 2%, respectively. The differences between SSA and NSA in the contribution of N2 fixation were partly due to the contrasting seasonal forcing in each hemisphere, which likely affected both N2 fixation rates and vertical nitrate diffusion. The variability in the nitrogen budget of the Atlantic subtropical gyres was unexpectedly high and largely uncoupled from relatively constant phytoplankton standing stocks and primary production rates.CTM2004-05174-C02 CTM2007-28295-E/MAR Programa I. Parga-Ponda

    Informe nº 22

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    Este informe presenta los resultados de los análisis de hidrocarburos poliaromáticos totales presentes en el sedimento en muestras correspondientes a 38 estaciones localizadas en la plataforma continental gallega comprendida entre la desembocadura del Miño y Cabo Ortegal, recogidas en la Campaña "PRESTIGE - CONTAMINACIÓN 0203", realizada a bordo del B/O Cornide de Saavedra del 9 al 14 de febrero de 2003. Las estaciones de esta campaña incluyeron todas las estudiadas en diciembre de 2002 en la Campaña "PRESTIGE - CONTAMINACIÓN 1202”. Con respecto al muestreo anterior (ver Informe 02) se aumentó su densidad con el fin de obtener una mayor representatividad y cobertura espacial. La profundidad de las estaciones varió entre los 27 y los 520 metros

    Informe nº 12

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    En este informe se presenta información sobre las concentraciones de hidrocarburos aromáticos totales presentes en la columna de agua en 111 muestras correspondientes a 37 estaciones de la plataforma continental de Galicia comprendida entre la desembocadura del Miño y cabo Ortegal, recogidas en la Campaña oceanográfica “PRESTIGE - CONTAMINACIÓN 0203”, realizada a bordo del B/O Cornide de Saavedra del 9 al 14 de febrero de 2003

    TPEA good practice guide: lessons for cross-border MSP from transboundary planning in the European Atlantic

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    This Good Practice Guide is the outcome of a project co-funded by the European Commission (DG Mare) called Transboundary Planning in the European Atlantic (TPEA), which ran from December 2012 to May 2014. The aim of the project was to demonstrate approaches to transboundary maritime spatial planning (MSP) in the European Atlantic region. This is one of a series of projects exploring the opportunities and challenges of carrying out cross-border MSP in Europe’s regional seas, making connections with integrated coastal management (ICM). TPEA focused on two pilot areas: one involving Portugal and Spain and the other Ireland and the United Kingdom. Despite distinct identities in the region relating to different traditions of planning and stages of MSP implementation, TPEA worked towards a commonly-agreed approach to transboundary MSP and developed principles of cross-border working which it is hoped will be of wider benefit. This guide presents these principles, illustrated with examples from the TPEA project