419 research outputs found

    A escolha do consumidor entre duas marcas de tênis : um estudo aplicado ao mercado da Espanha

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, 2015.A presente pesquisa buscou identificar quais os valores humanos descritos por Schwartz et al. (2012) e os axiomas sociais de Leung et al. (2002) influenciam os consumidores na escolha das marcas de tênis Nike e Adidas no mercado espanhol. A investigação foi de natureza quantitativa, na qual foram coletados 213 questionários, sendo 83 válidos. Além disso, verificou-se o julgamento e significado que os consumidores espanhóis fazem sobre a marca, por meio do Modelo de Influência Cultural no Consumo - MICC, identificando a relevância do significado utilitário. Para o levantamento dos resultados utilizaram-se análises estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais como correlações e regressões logísticas. O principal achado foi a confirmação dos valores humanos e axiomas sociais influenciando e prevendo o comportamento dos consumidores espanhóis na escolha entre as marcas de tênis. Outro resultado obtido foi de que os consumidores espanhóis apesar de preferirem a mesma marca - Nike (SILVÉRIO, 2014), endossam valores humanos, axiomas sociais, julgamento e significado e atributos de maneira distinta dos brasileiros ao escolherem a marca. Em virtude da limitação da amostra, no que se refere ao número de respondentes, não é possível generalizar o resultado, mas pode-se identificar as características que influenciam o comportamento do grupo de consumidores espanhóis participantes do levantamento.This present research tried to identify which human values described by Schwartz et al. (2012), and which social axioms of Leung et al. (2002) influence the consumers at their sneakers brands choices, Nike and Adidas, at the Spanish market. The investigation, that had 213 observations, and 83 of which were valid, had a quantitative nature. Furthermore, it was verified the meaning and judgment that Spanish consumers have of the brand, through the Consumer Cultural Influence Model – CCIM, identifying the relevance of utilitarian meaning. To achieve these results, descriptive and inferential statistics analyses as correlated data and binary logistic regression were used. The most important outcome was the confirmation of human values and social axioms influencing and predicting the behavior of Spanish consumers on their choice to pick brands. Even though Spanish consumers prefer the same brand (Nike) as the Brazilian consumers (SILVÉRIO, 2014), they choose the brand based on different human values, social axioms, meaning and judgment, and attributes. Due to the limitation of this sample, regarding the number of the group that answered the questionnaire, the result could not be wider, but it was possible to identify the characteristics that influence the Spanish consumer’s behavior. ________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEsta investigación buscó identificar qué valores humanos descrito por Schwartz et al. (2012) y axiomas sociales de Leung et al. (2002) influyen sobre los consumidores en su elección de marcas de zapatillas deportivas Nike y Adidas en el mercado español. La investigación fue de naturaleza cuantitativa, en la que se obtuvieron 213 cuestionarios, de los cuales 83 eran válidos. Además, fue comprobado el juicio y significado que los consumidores españoles hacen de la marca, a través del Modelo de Influencia Cultural en Consumo - MICC, identificando la relevancia del significado utilitario. Para inspeccionar el análisis de los resultados se utilizó la estadística descriptiva e inferencial como correlaciones y regresiones logísticas. El principal hallazgo fue la confirmación de los valores humanos y axiomas sociales influyendo y prediciendo el comportamiento de los consumidores españoles en la elección entre las marcas de zapatillas deportivas. Otro resultado fue que los consumidores españoles a pesar de preferir la misma marca (Nike), tal como los brasileños (SILVÉRIO, 2014), respaldan los valores humanos, axiomas sociales, juicio y significado y atributos de uno modo distinto de los brasileños al elegir la marca. Debido a la limitación de la muestra, en cuanto al número de respondedores, no fue permitido generalizar el resultado, pero ella puede identificar las características que influyen sobre el comportamiento del grupo de consumidores españoles participantes de la investigación

    The Contribution of James Duff Brown to the Analytic-Synthetic Method: Comparisons with Otlet, Kaiser, and Ranganathan

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    Considering that the analytic-synthetic method is still one of the main methodological approaches to knowledge organization, the present paper aims to highlight the contribution of James Duff Brown to the development of this method. We conducted a comparative analysis based on William James's pragmatism in order to investigate the convergences of Brown’s work with other authors of the analytic-synthetic movement, namely Otlet, Kaiser, and Ranganathan. Our pragmatist analysis reveals that Brown developed a similar stance to the aforementioned authors based on the analysis and synthesis of subjects for knowledge organization

    Análise comparativa da função pulmonar de ratos usando uma nova técnica de intubação e a traqueostomia

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    Vários estudos utilizam a intubação orotraqueal ou traqueostomia para coleta de dados na função pulmonar de ratos. Devido à dificuldade de realização da intubação, a traqueostomia é mais comumente utilizada. Conhecendo esta dificuldade, este trabalho demonstra uma nova maneira de realizar a técnica de intubação e compara as variáveis de função pulmonar obtidas por intubação ou traqueostomia. Para a análise de nossa nova técnica de intubação, foram utilizados 30 ratos, e para a análise comparativa dos dados da função pulmonar obtidos pelo uso de nossa técnica de intubação e traqueotomia, 16 ratos foram utilizados, divididos em dois grupos. O grupo T foi submetido a traqueostomia. O grupo de IT foi submetido inicialmente a intubação e, esperada sua recuperação, uma semana depois foi novamente submetido a intubação, que foi então chamado de grupo IT-1W. Nossa técnica de intubação é realizada com a ajuda de uma cunha, cama inclinada e transiluminação percutânea. Nenhum animal morreu durante o procedimento de intubação, e cerca de 77% dos animais foram intubados na primeira tentativa. Não foram obtidas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis de função pulmonar entre os grupos. Nossa técnica de intubação é facilmente aprendida e reproduzida. As implicações de tal técnica podem ser generalizadas para todos os laboratórios que lidam com a intubação de ratos.Several studies use intubation or tracheostomy for data collection in lung function of rats. Due to the difficulty of performing intubation, tracheostomy is most commonly used. Knowing this difficulty, this paper demonstrates a new way to perform the intubation technique and compares pulmonary function variables obtained using intubation or tracheostomy. For the analysis of our new technique of intubation, 30 rats were used, and the comparative analysis of lung function data obtained through the use of our technique of intubation and tracheostomy, 16 rats were used, divided into two groups. The T group underwent tracheostomy. The IT group underwent initial intubation and, awaiting recovery, a week later was again subjected to intubation group, which was then called IT-1W. Our intubation technique is performed with the aid of a wedge, inclined bed and percutaneous transillumination. No animals died during the intubation procedure, and about 77% of the animals were intubated at the first attempt. We did not obtain statistically significant differences in the pulmonary function variables between the groups. Our intubation technique is easily learned and reproduced. The implications of such a technique can be generalized to all laboratories dealing with intubation of rats.

    Electric field and solvent model for Electrochemical SERS: excited-state and enhancement tuning

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    Being SERS a promising technique due to it potentially combining the well-known characterization prowess of Raman with the high sensitivity arising from nanoparticle-associated enhancement, 1 understanding the mechanisms due to which SERS differs from Normal Raman is key to accomplish effective applications of this technique. Following the consensus about the theoretical background that stablishes the enhancement mechanisms in SERS, 2 and focusing on electrode potential as a variable in Electrochemical (EC) SERS, for our work we have studied Pyridine (Py) SERS spectra modelling an EC-SERS nanostructured surface through an Ag 6 cluster in different orientations, with an electric field parallel to the Ag 6 -Py axis reproducing electrode potential, as depicted in Figure 1. The objective of such model is to simulate Pyridine SERS spectra and rationalizing these results based on well-established properties, accounting for symmetry considerations, coupling terms and the influence of the solvent on the system to carry out a straightforward understanding of SERS enhancement mechanisms. Our results are able to effectively reproduce the main relative intensities of Pyridine SERS spectra, shedding light on the influence of the aforementioned properties on the calculated lineshapes and intensities.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Movimentos espontâneos do diálogo tônico-postural e atividades expressivas

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    Subject representation: analysis of approaches and stances in scientific articles in Information Science

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    Aborda em termos conceituais e teóricos o tratamento temático da informação realizado no contexto da organização do conhecimento. Objetiva analisar as abordagens e enfoques das pesquisas desenvolvidas sobre tratamento temático da informação e publicadas na modalidade de artigo científico. Metodologicamente constitui estudo descritivo de natureza quali-quantitativa. Caracteriza-se ainda como pesquisa bibliográfica, executada a partir de coleta na Base de Dados em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI) e com análise sustentada em sistematização estatística via gráfico e análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam uma distribuição de trabalhos ao longo dos últimos 10 anos, com predomínio de abordagens sobre o próprio tratamento temático, em detrimento de seus instrumentos, processos e produtos característicos, além do enfoque teórico na maioria das pesquisas publicadas na modalidade de artigo científico. Conclui-se que o assunto tem buscado, aos poucos, uma solidificação, tornada evidente em muitos trabalhos já nos títulos empregados para nomear as produçõesThis paper deals with subject representation in conceptual and theoretical terms in the context of knowledge organization. It aims to analyze the approaches and stances of the journal articles on the subject representation of information. It is a descriptive study of qualitative and quantitative nature. Its methodology can be also characterized as a bibliographic research, based on collection of bibliographic information from the Brazilian Information Science database (BRAPCI) and the statistical systematization of the results using figures and content analysis. The results show a distribution of papers over the last 10 years in which there is a predominance of approaches on subject representation over its characteristic instruments, processes and products, as well as the theoretical approach in many papers published as scientific journal articles. We concluded that the topic has gradually been consolidated, as shown in many of the titles used for the journal articles

    Control de edad en redes sociales mediante biometría facial

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    Actualmente, las redes sociales se han instaurado como un mecamismo muy potente de comunicaci¿on y contacto entre individuos. Sin embargo, las pol¿?ticas de privacidad que normalmente han acompa?nado a estas redes sociales no han sido capaces de evitar el mal uso de las mismas en temas relacionados con protecci¿on a menores. El caso m¿as significativo es el de adultos, haci¿endose pasar por menores. Este trabajo investiga la viabilidad del uso de t¿ecnicas biom¿etricas basadas en rasgos faciales para la detecci¿on de rangos de edad, con el prop¿osito de evitar que adultos se hagan pasar por menores, o incluso que ciertos menores puedan acceder a redes sociales, cuyo acceso debe estar trestringido por su edad. Los resultados muestran que es posible hacer esta distinci¿on entre adultos y menores, seleccionando edades umbrales cercanas a los 18 a? nos, con tasas de acierto cercanas al 80 %, y empleando clasificadores basados en m¿aquinas de vector soporte (SVMs) lineales

    Computational approaches for the charge-transfer mechanism in surface-enhanced Raman scattering

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    Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) is spectroscopic technique with strong potential for basic and applied science due to the large enhancement of the Raman signal, typically from 10^6 up to 10^{14} in the most favorable situation. This amplification is the result of several contributions, being the charge-transfer (CT) mechanism the most controversial of it due to the intrinsic properties of CT states. Specifically, the vanishing electric transition dipole moment of CT states implies that this mechanism must be active by intensity borrowing from the very bright plasmonic transitions on the metal (PL), therefore, excited state coupling must be accounted for a proper estimation of the enhancement factors. In this contribution, a survey of different computational approaches is discussed, emphasizing on the strengths and limitations of each of them. Two adiabatic methods based on simulating direct transitions on the CT states or on mixed PL-CT states are analyzed, including interstate coupling as Herzberg-Teller approximation. In addition, a full non-adiabatic approach based on diabatization procedures and nuclear wavepacket propagations with a Linear Vibronic Coupling model is also presented.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar o perfil dos idosos participantes da oficina -Diálogos com quem gosta de ler e escrever- e analisar suas produções escritas para averiguar os significados e sentimentos atribuídos à prática educativa, inspirada no Círculo de Cultura Freireano. Tratou-se de um estudo de abordagem quanti-qualitativa com 66 idosos, escolarizados, saudáveis, que frequentaram a Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo. Os dados quantitativos foram descritos por meio da estatística inferencial e os qualitativos foram tratados por meio da análise de conteúdo proposto por Bardin. Os resultados revelaram que a oficina trouxe mudanças positivas, possibilitando novos sentidos e sentimentos de bem-estar nos idosos.

    Linear vibronic coupling approach for surface-enhanced raman scattering: quantifying the charge-transfer enhancement mechanism

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    The outstanding amplification observed in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is due to several enhancement mechanisms, and standing out among them are the plasmonic (PL) and charge-transfer (CT) mechanisms. The theoretical estimation of the enhancement factors of the CT mechanism is challenging because the excited-state coupling between bright plasmons and dark CT states must be properly introduced into the model to obtain reliable intensities. In this work, we aim at simulating electrochemical SERS spectra, considering models of pyridine on silver clusters subjected to an external electric field E⃗ that represents the effect of an electrode potential Vel. The method adopts quantum dynamical propagations of nuclear wavepackets on the coupled PL and CT states described with linear vibronic coupling models parametrized for each E⃗ through a fragment-based maximum-overlap diabatization. By presenting results at different values of E⃗, we show that indeed there is a relation between the population transferred to the CT states and the total scattered intensity. The tuning and detuning processes of the CT states with the bright PLs as a function of the electric field are in good agreement with those observed in experiments. Finally, our estimations for the CT enhancement factors predict values in the order of 105 to 106, meaning that when the CT and PL states are both in resonance with the excitation wavelength, the CT and PL enhancements are comparable, and vibrational bands whose intensity is amplified by different mechanisms can be observed together, in agreement with what was measured by typical experiments on silver electrodes.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU