914 research outputs found

    Modelagem e otimizacao de sistemas agrossilvipastoris no Municipio de Lagoa Dourada, microrregiao Campos das Vertentes, MG.

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    Leaf nutrient content on seven plum cultivars with grafted by budding or own-rooted trees.

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    Abstract Several studies have been conducted in Brazil with rooting of plum scion cultivars, however, it is not known the performance and benefits of own-rooted trees at field. This study aimed to evaluate the leaf nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B) in seven Japanese plum cultivars (Prunus salicina) on the 2nd and 3rd year after field planting, whose nursery trees were produced by “T-inverted” budding method over ‘Capdeboscq’ peach (P. persica) or by own-rooted hardwood cuttings. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, factorial 7 x 2 (cultivars x nursery tree types), with five replicates of one tree per plot. We conclude that leaf nutrient content of Japanese plums varies among cultivars; however there is no cultivar that stands out in all macro and micronutrients evaluated. K, Ca and Mn leaf contents, when affected by nursery tree types tested, were always higher in own-rooted trees. However, Mg leaf contents, when affected by nursery tree types tested, were always higher in budded trees on ‘Capdeboscq’ peach. Own-rooted plum trees of ‘Amarelinha’, ‘Blood Plum’, ‘Pluma-7’ and ‘Reubennel’ presented higher Mn leaf contents, in relation to budded trees of these cultivars on ‘Capdeboscq’. Own-rooted ‘Cerejinha’ plum trees have highest K leaf content and also increase the agronomic interpretation class in relation to the budded trees of this cultivar on ‘Capdeboscq’

    Organizações mais socialmente responsáveis, mais éticas, mais atrativas como futuras empregadoras? Contributos do desempenho social e da reputação ética para a atração de futuros trabalhadores

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    Previous studies suggest that the corporate social performance of organizations influences their attractiveness as a workplace. This study analyzed additional variables that may help explain this relationship. In this context, an ethical reputation is a construct positively related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the research, CSR perception was manipulated in order to observe its effect on organizational attractiveness through the mediating effect of ethical reputation. Participants (n = 260) were randomly subjected to two experimental conditions by responding to an electronic questionnaire containing the description of an organization that implements (i.e., the high involvement condition) or not (i.e., the low involvement condition) a set of CSR practices. This was followed by questions about other variables of interest. The results show that the proposed theoretical model provides a strong fit to the data, thus empirically supporting the proposal that CSR directly and indirectly affects, through ethical reputation, evaluations of organizations as a future workplace. In practical terms, this means that, in the war for talent, organizations can use information about their corporate social performance and ethical reputation to attract potential candidates, alongside more traditional information on organizational attributes and job characteristics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparação dos teores de ácido fítico entre as cultivares de soja Vmax e Vmax RR.

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    A soja transgênica foi desenvolvida por processos biotecnológicos para melhorar o setor agrícola. Entretanto, a modificação genética pode modificar os componentes desse grão, assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi à investigação de possíveis alterações quantitativas no teor de ácido fítico (AF) em sementes de soja de duas cultivares Vmax convencional e Vmax RR transgênica plantadas em quatro locais distintos. Os resultados mostraram que houve diferenças significativas nos teores de ácido fítico entre as cultivares em todos os locais de plantio. A cultivar Vmax apresentou valores médios de ácido fítico(AF) iguais a 1,236, 1,410, 2,070 e 2,094%, já a cultivar Vmax RR apresentou concentrações médias de AF iguais a 1,437, 1562, 1,966 e 2,170% para Cândido Mota, Londrina, Ponta Grossa e São Jorge do Ivaí, indicando assim, que a modificação genética da cultivar Vmax pode ter influenciado nos teores de AF nessas sementes de soja

    Controversies or complexity in the relationship between temporal auditory processing and aging?

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    O presente artigo faz uma revisão breve da literatura sobre envelhecimento auditivo, abordando especificamente o envelhecimento do processamento temporal auditivo. São descritos os procedimentos experimentais para estudo de processamento temporal auditivo. São discutidos estudos sobre os efeitos do envelhecimento na detecção de interrupções em ruídos e tons puros, bem como estudos sobre a relação entre o processamento temporal auditivo e o reconhecimento de fala, entre sujeitos jovens e idosos. São descritas algumas das principais controvérsias sobre a relação entre processamento auditivo temporal e reconhecimento de fala. As diferenças entre os resultados encontrados nos estudos desta área são interpretadas em termos da complexidade dos procedimentos de avaliação de processamento temporal auditivo adotados. Finalmente, são apresentadas sugestões sobre direções futuras para pesquisa.The present article contains a brief review of the literature concerning auditory aging, describing specifical studies on aging of temporal auditory processing. Experimental procedures for research on temporal auditory processing are described. Studies about the effects of aging on the detection of gaps in noises and pure tones, as well as studies on the relationship between temporal auditory processing and speech recognition, among young and aged subjects, are discussed. Some of the main controversies about the relationship between temporal auditory processing and speech recognition are described. The differences found among the results of the studies in this area are interpreted in terms of the complexity of the procedures of assessment of temporal auditory processing adopted. Finally, suggestions about future directions of research are presented

    Estudo de avaliação econômica na recuperação de voçoroca em Lagoa Dourada, MG.

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    Neoplasms and novel gammaherpesviruses in critically endangered captive European minks (Mustela lutreola)

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    13 Päg. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA)The European mink (Mustela lutreola) is a riparian mustelid, considered one of the most endangered carnivores in the world. Alpha, beta and gammaherpesviruses described in mustelids have been occasionally associated with different pathological processes. However, there is no information about the herpesviruses species infecting European minks. In this study, 141 samples of swabs (oral, conjunctival, anal), faeces and tissues from 23 animals were analysed for herpesvirus (HV) using a pan-HV-PCR assay. Two different, potentially novel, gammaherpesvirus species were identified in 12 samples from four animals (17.3%), and tentatively named Mustelid gammaherpesvirus-2 (MUGHV-2) and MuGHV-3. Gross examination was performed on dead minks (n = 11), while histopathology was performed using available samples from HV-positive individuals (n = 2), identifying several neoplasms, including B-cell lymphoma (identified by immunohistochemistry) with intralesional syncytia and intranuclear inclusion bodies characteristic of HV (n = 1), pulmonary adenocarcinoma (n = 1), and biliary (n = 1) and preputial (n = 1) cystadenomas, as well as other lesions (e.g., axonal vacuolar degeneration [n = 2] and neuritis [n = 1]). Viral particles, consistent with HVs, were observed by electron microscopy in the mink with neural lymphoma and inclusion bodies. This is the first description of neoplasms and concurrent gammaherpesvirus infection in European minks. The pathological, ultrastructural and PCR findings (MuGHV-2) in the European mink with lymphoma strongly suggest a potential role for this novel gammaherpesvirus in its pathogenesis, as it has been reported in other HV-infected species with lymphoma. The occurrence of neural lymphoma with intralesional syncytia and herpesviral inclusions is, however, unique among mammals. Further research is warranted to elucidate the potential oncogenic properties of gammaherpesviruses in European mink and their epidemiology in the wild population.Innovation Initiative Grant (IIG) of the Edinburgh Fund (University of Edinburgh); Norwegian University of Life Sciences; Generalitat de Catalunya; São Paulo Research Foundation, Grant/Award Number: 2018/20956-08 and 2018/25069-7; University of EdinburghPeer reviewe