62 research outputs found


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    A viga de Euler Bernoulli é um dos elementos mais importantes num sistema estrutural, sendo o cálculo dos deslocamentos e esforços nas seções transversais fundamentais para a análise e dimensionamento da edificação. São muitos os métodosusados para o cálculo de tais parâmetros, estando dentre eles o método dos elementos finitos (MEF), método dos deslocamentos, método das forças e o método das diferenças finitas (MDF)

    Transcriptome Profile of Trichoderma harzianum IOC-3844 Induced by Sugarcane Bagasse

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    Profiling the transcriptome that underlies biomass degradation by the fungus Trichoderma harzianum allows the identification of gene sequences with potential application in enzymatic hydrolysis processing. in the present study, the transcriptome of T. harzianum IOC-3844 was analyzed using RNA-seq technology. the sequencing generated 14.7 Gbp for downstream analyses. de novo assembly resulted in 32,396 contigs, which were submitted for identification and classified according to their identities. This analysis allowed us to define a principal set of T. harzianum genes that are involved in the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose and the accessory genes that are involved in the depolymerization of biomass. An additional analysis of expression levels identified a set of carbohydrate-active enzymes that are upregulated under different conditions. the present study provides valuable information for future studies on biomass degradation and contributes to a better understanding of the role of the genes that are involved in this process.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Campinas UNICAMP, CBMEG, Campinas, SP, BrazilBrazilian Ctr Res Energy & Mat CNPEM, Brazilian Bioethanol Sci & Technol Lab CTBE, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Phys Inst Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Inst Sci & Technol, Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniv Campinas UNICAMP, Dept Plant Biol, Inst Biol, Campinas, SP, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Inst Sci & Technol, Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Mineral and organomineral sources of nitrogen to maize agronomic performance

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    Nitrogen (N) is one of the nutrients absorbed in great quantity by maize crop. Also, N fertilizers are of high costs and subject to large losses into the agricultural environment. There are various categories of fertilizers known as fertilizers of improved efficiency that can minimize such N losses. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different sources and doses of N in maize agronomic performance. The experiment was installed in randomized blocks, with four replications, designed as a factorial 5 x 5 + 1, constituted by five N sources (urea, urea polymerized, urea with NBPT, organomineral with and without NBPT), five N doses (40, 80, 120, 160, 200 kg ha-1) plus a control (no N supply). The chlorophyll contents and grain yield were evaluated. The results showed no differences for the different N sources, indicating that the organomineral sources are as efficient as the mineral sources. The addition of N fertilizers in increasing doses, regardless of the source tested, has increased the levels of chlorophylls and grain yiled

    Research consortium : a methodological report from the UFPEL’s physical education master’s course in the physical activity, nutrition and health field

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    Dois eixos principais estruturam o curso de mestrado da Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF) da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL): de um lado, uma série de disciplinas voltadas para a formação de uma base de conhecimento da área de Educação Física, e de outro, disciplinas de orientação eminentemente práticas, que oportunizam a refl exão sobre temas e tradução do aprendizado teórico para a situação de pesquisa. Como estratégia para maximizar esforços, com o envolvimento de todos os professores e alunos, e minimizar os custos de pesquisas realizadas individualmente, a linha de pesquisa de Atividade Física, Nutrição e Saúde procurou utilizar uma metodologia de trabalho pouco difundida entre os programas de Pósgraduação na área de Educação Física: o consórcio de pesquisa. Essa metodologia culminou na realização de um trabalho de campo único, na forma de um estudo transversal de base populacional, em que todos os mestrandos participaram de maneira integral, obtendo dados para suas dissertações. Essa estratégia garantiu a formação de mestres em Educação Física com forte base teórica e com experiência de preparação e condução de um trabalho de campo. Além disso, foi possível manter um tempo de titulação abaixo de 24 meses para todos os alunos. O consórcio de pesquisa é uma estratégia que pode ser expandida para outros programas de pós-graduação da área.There are two main components in the structure of the Masters Program of the Federal University of Pelotas Physical Education School: fi rst, there is a series of theoretical courses designed to offer a solid body of knowledge on the Physical Education fi eld; second, there are a number of practically-oriented courses designed to provide students with real-life experience in the research fi eld. As a strategy to congregate efforts and involve all professors and students, and to minimize costs, the Physical Activity, Nutrition and Health concentration area opted to choose a rarely used approach in the postgraduate Physical Education courses: a research consortium. This approach resulted in a unique fi eld work, using a cross-sectional population- based design, from which each student obtained data for their dissertations. This strategy resulted in the graduation of Masters in Physical Education with in-depth theoretical knowledge on the Physical Education fi eld, and real-life knowledge on fi eldwork of a community-wide research study. In addition, all students could obtain their degrees in less than 24 months. The research consortium is a strategy that can be expanded to other postgraduate courses in the Physical Education fi eld

    Building and revolutionising public healthcare: A living ecosystem to link and improve patient health data and outcomes in a Brazilian hospital

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    Objectives To develop a Brazilian public hospital, Sao Paulo University Medical School Clinics Hospital, HCFMUSP, informational model to link and improve multiple patients' health data, care pathways and outcomes, to build a living real world ecosystem aiming to subsidize policy decision-making, support research and promote patients' engagement and involvement. Methods Policy-relevant linkage data including demography, diagnostics, outpatient and emergency room visits, hospitalizations, intensive care evolution, assisted mechanical ventilation or special equipment’s uses, electronic prescriptions, imaging and clinical laboratory tests results, surgery records, blood components use, and medical and multidisciplinary teams’ evolutions. Telemedicine-based hub developed for patient’s access to his own visits or procedures schedule, comprehensive data and results temporal series, and specific communications channels. Anonymized data sharing for Sao Paulo State Health Secretariat policy decision-making and SP Research Agency multicenter Data Lake for Covid-19 pandemic research. Stratified impact and economic analysis regarding clinical and co-morbid conditions research were published. Results Since March 2020, this informational model example comprises over 10,000 Covid-19 patient’s related data with more than 100,000 events registered. During the first pandemic trimester, upon SP Health Secretariat policy, the HCFMUSP Central Institute’s 900 ward and 300 ICU beds were the SP central reference for severe and critical admissions. In this first evaluation 88.4% had co-morbidities (e.g. 48.1% hypertension, 30.5% diabetes), 51.7% required ICU admission and 28.9% died. Average hospital length of stay was 10.7 days, mean cost per admission was US12,637.42,andtheoveralldailycostwasUS12,637.42, and the overall daily cost was US919.24. Age strata >69 years confirmed COVID-19, ICU, elevated C-reactive protein (inflammation) adjusted by D-dimer levels (thrombosis biomarker), higher mSOFA, mechanical ventilation, dialysis, surgery and comorbidities, remained significantly associated with higher (24%-200%) costs and poorer outcomes. Conclusion The informational model is proving to be beneficial for all stakeholders. Technology-based organized systems increased management accuracy and efficiency, emergency preparedness, facilitates patient’s involvement and participation, promote medical and multi-professionals teams’ knowledge development, and permits to subsidize policy decisions and to improve public health


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    Introduction: In general, inflammation stimulates the production and release of neutrophils and, at the same time, decreases the production of lymphocytes. Lymphopenia reflects that cell-mediated immunity is impaired, while neutrophilia represents a response to systemic inflammation in these cancers. Objective: To review the incidence of complications and postoperative survival rates in patients with bone metastases in long bones, correlating them with markers NLR and PLR. Method: Narrative review carried out collecting information published on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English, initially carried out by searching for descriptors related to the topic, which were: “lower extremity, surgery, metastasis, epidemiology, postoperative complications, neutrophils, lymphocytes, platelets”. The extension incorporated AND or OR, by title and/or summary, and full reading of the texts most related to the topic. Result: 21 articles were included. Conclusion: The higher both the NLR and PLR are associated with lower survival in patients with bone metastases when undergoing surgical treatment, especially after 3 months postoperatively. However, there is still no confirmation that they signal any outcome, favorable or not, in relation to postoperative complications.Introdução : De um modo geral, a inflamação estimula a produção e liberação de neutrófilos e, ao mesmo tempo, diminui a produção de linfócitos. A linfopenia reflete que a imunidade mediada pelas células é prejudicada, enquanto a neutrofilia representa resposta à inflamação sistêmica nesses cânceres. Objetivo : Revisar nos pacientes com metástase óssea em ossos ao longo da incidência de complicações e taxas de sobrevida pós-operatória correlacionando-as com os marcadores NLR e PLR. Método : Revisão narrativa feita colhendo informações publicadas em plataformas virtuais em português e inglês inicialmente realizada por busca dos descritores relacionados ao tema que foram: “extremidade inferior, cirurgia, metástase, epidemiologia, complicações pós-operatórias, neutrófilos, linfócitos, plaquetas” e seus equivalentes em inglês “ extremidade inferior, cirurgia, metástase, epidemiologia, sobrevivência, complicações, neutrófilos, linfócitos, plaquetas sanguíneas ”. A extensão incorporou AND ou OR, pelo título e/ou resumo, e leitura na íntegra dos textos mais relacionados ao tema.  Resultado : Foram incluídos 21 artigos. Conclusão : Quanto maiores, tanto o NLR quanto o PLR estão associados à menor sobrevida em pacientes com MO quando submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico, especialmente após 3 meses de pós-operatório. Contudo, ainda não há confirmação de que eles sinalizam algum estágio, positivo ou não, em relação às complicações pós-operatórias