196 research outputs found

    Barriers to nurses performing physical assessments in rehabilitation care units: An observational study.

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    To describe the perceived barriers to nurses performing physical assessments of patients in rehabilitation wards. Secondarily, to investigate how sociodemographic and professional characteristics influence the use and frequency of physical assessments by nurses and their perceptions of barriers to their practice. A multicentre, cross-sectional, observational study. Data were collected from September to November 2020 among nurses working with inpatients in eight rehabilitation care institutions in French-speaking Switzerland. Instruments included the Barriers to Nurses' use of Physical Assessment Scale. Almost half of the 112 nurses who responded reported performing physical assessments regularly. The predominant perceived barriers to performing physical assessments were 'specialty area', 'lack of nursing role models' and 'lack of time and interruptions'. Greater clinical nursing experience in rehabilitation wards and more senior nurse specialist positions were associated with significantly lower use of physical assessment procedures by nurses. The present study revealed heterogeneity in the use of physical assessment by nurses practicing in rehabilitation units and highlighted their perceived barriers to this. Most nurses working in rehabilitation care units did not routinely perform physical assessments as part of their daily clinical practice. These results should raise stakeholders' awareness of this fact. Effective interventions to increase the use of physical assessments in nursing practice are to be recommended, including continuing education or hiring enough highly qualified nurses as role models in wards. This will promote quality of care and patient safety in rehabilitation care units. There was no patient or public involvement in the present study

    Methods for Caries Prevention in Children Reported by Dentists from a Brazilian Community

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    Objective: To describe the dental practice patterns related to caries prevention in children aged 6-18 years and associated factors. Material and Methods: Dentists (n=162) from Araraquara, Brazil, completed two paper questionnaires: (1) one about characteristics of their practice and their patient population; and (2) a translated version of the “Assessment of Caries Diagnosis and Caries Treatment” Questionnaire from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Regression analyses were used for data analysis (p<0.05). Results: Dentists reported using in-office fluoride (IOF) and dental sealants (DS) in 74.2% and 45.1% of their pediatric patients, respectively. Regression analysis showed that female dentists (p=0.035 for DS; p=0.044 for IOF; p=0.011 for non-prescription fluoride rinse), those with advanced degrees (p=0.032 for prescription of fluoride), those who graduated from a private dental school (p=0.018 for chlorhexidine rinse), those who provided caries prevention regimens (p<0.001 for DS; p=0.004 for IOF; p=0.013 for non-prescription fluoride rinse), those with a greater percentage of patients interested in a caries prevention regimen (p=0.007 for non-prescription fluoride rinse), those working in a private practice model (p=0.047 for prescription of fluoride) were more likely to recommend some type of preventive methods to their pediatric patients. Conclusion: Dentists reported recommending IOF to most of their pediatric patients. Certain dentists’, practices’, and patients’ characteristics were associated to some caries prevention regimens recommended by dentists

    Copaiba oleoresin: evaluation of the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

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    The copaiba oleoresin extracted by perforating the tree-trunk found in the Amazonian forest has been used by the native indigenous communities to treat several diseases and also as fuel for lighting and for the motorboats plying the region's rivers. Currently, the oleoresin is mostly employed as a traditional remedy, mainly for the treatment of tonsillitis and as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent in oil and capsule forms, and is also used in several industry sectors. Due to its use in oral form, especially as a traditional remedy, an analysis of the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as contaminants in the oleoresin was performed. PAHs are substances formed by two or more benzoic rings and found in the atmosphere as a residue from incomplete combustion of petroleum derivatives and industrial activities. These substances are found everywhere on land and water, and as a consequence can also be found in vegetables and foodstuffs in general. The use of products contaminated with these substances can compromise human and animal life. This study was performed on oleoresin from different areas or regions in the Amazon, using the HPLC methodology with fluorescence detection. The samples analyzed revealed different concentrations of these compounds.O óleo-resina de copaíba que é extraído mediante a perfuração do tronco da árvore que se encontra em forma nativa na floresta amazônica já era empregado pelas comunidades indígenas para a cura de várias doenças e, também, como combustível em iluminação e para o funcionamento de motores de barcos que trafegavam pelos rios da região. Hoje, é largamente empregado na medicina popular, principalmente para o tratamento de amigdalite e como antiinflamatório e cicatrizante na forma de óleo e em cápsulas, sendo utilizado, também, em vários setores da indústria. Devido ao seu uso na forma oral, principalmente na medicina popular, realizou-se um trabalho para avaliar a presença de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) no referido óleo-resina, como possíveis contaminantes. Os HPAs são compostos formados por dois ou mais aneis benzenicos e encontrados na atmosfera como resíduos provenientes das combustões incompletas dos derivados de petróleo e de atividades industriais. Esses compostos, preciptando-se da atmosfera, atingem terrenos, fontes de água e, consequentemente, os vegetais e gêneros alimentícios em geral. O uso de produtos contaminados com os sudetos compostos pode comprometer vidas humanas e animais. O estudo foi realizado com amostras do referido óleo-resina provenientes de diferentes áreas ou regiões da Amazônia, empregando-se a metodologia HPLC com detecção através de fluorescência

    Clones de seringueira selecionados para cultivo no estado de Goiás e no Distrito Federal.

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    O estado de Goiás e o Distrito Federal apresentam áreas com diferentes condições de clima e solo favoráveis ao cultivo da seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg.], que representa uma opção para diversificação do agronegócio regional. A heveicultura em Goiás ultrapassa 20 mil hectares, distribuídos em 71 municípios, e está concentrada (48%) nos municípios de Barro Alto, Goianésia, Vila Propício e Santa Rita do Novo Destino, estando a maioria dos plantios ainda em fase de crescimento e formação (Reis et al., 2017). No ano de 2018, o estado de Goiás foi o terceiro maior produtor nacional de borracha natural com a produção de 20.796 t de látex coagulado, colhida em 7.465 ha, equivalente a 2,8 t ha-1 de coágulo ou 1,7 t ha-1 de borracha seca. Essa produtividade é superior à média nacional estimada em 1,9 t ha-1 de coágulo que equivale a aproximadamente 1,1 t ha-1 de borracha seca (IBGE, 2018).bitstream/item/219538/1/P-Comunicado-Tecnico-Clones-de-seringueira-....pd