210 research outputs found

    Fisioterapia respiratória em pacientes com fissuras labiopalatinas : rotinas do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais

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    As malformaçÔes craniofaciais apresentam-se como alteraçÔes frequentes sendo as fissuras labiopalatinas mais comumente encontradas. Essa condição leva Ă  ocorrĂȘncia de infecçÔes de vias aĂ©reas superiores e broncopneumonias pois a comunicação entre a cavidade oral e nasal modifica toda depuração de vias aĂ©reas. O Setor de Fisioterapia do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC/USP) atua em conjunto com a equipe multidisciplinar tanto no ambulatĂłrio quanto nas unidades de internação, onde realiza terapia respiratĂłria para melhora do quadro clĂ­nico e condição cirĂșrgica desses pacientes. Diversas sĂŁo as tĂ©cnicas de fisioterapia respiratĂłria utilizadas, sendo necessĂĄria uma modificação ou adaptação para melhor realização no paciente fissurado. Objetivo: Descrever e divulgar as rotinas de atendimento fisioterapĂȘutico respiratĂłrio do Setor de Fisioterapia do HRAC/USP. MĂ©todo: Baseado em um estudo descritivo da experiĂȘncia clĂ­nica. Resultados: Realiza-se primeiramente uma anamnese, apĂłs verifica-se exames laboratoriais e de imagem seguindo para uma avaliação fisioterapĂȘutica respiratĂłria e assim sĂŁo traçadas as condutas necessĂĄrias com o paciente. Na Unidade Ambulatorial foi observado que os pacientes ganham condição cirĂșrgica apĂłs realização de terapia respiratĂłria prĂ© operatĂłria. Na Unidade de Internação a Fisioterapia auxilia na diminuição do tempo de hospitalização, orientando acompanhantes Ă  continuidade do tratamento em casa. ConclusĂŁo: Acredita-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para a divulgação da atuação do fisioterapeuta na assistĂȘncia de pacientes com fissuras labiopalatinas

    Molecular epidemiological investigation of Mayaro virus in febrile patients from Goiania City, 2017-2018.

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    Mayaro virus (MAYV) has historically been associated with sylvatic transmission; however, urban outbreaks have been reported in Brazil, including cases of co-detection with dengue virus (DENV). Therefore, we performed a molecular survey to investigate MAYV circulation and cocirculation with DENV within Goiania, a major city in Central-West Brazil. Among 375 subjects with arbovirus-like symptoms, 259 were positive for DENV and 26 for MAYV. Of these, 17 were coinfected with DENV-2, suggesting co-transmission of the viruses. The most common complaints at the time of inclusion were myalgia, headache, fever, arthralgia, retro-orbital pain, and skin rash. No specific symptoms were associated with MAYV when either detected alone or co-detected with DENV, compared to that when DENV was detected alone. Most MAYV-infected subjects were women with no recent travel history to rural/sylvatic areas. Phylogenetic reconstruction indicated that the MAYV identified in this study is closely related with a lineage observed in Peru, belonging to genotype D. Our results corroborate the growing circulation of MAYV in urban environments in Brazil and reinforce the need to implement laboratory diagnosis in the Unified Health System, considering that the clinical manifestations of Mayaro fever are similar to those of other arboviruses, particularly dengue. Furthermore, most cases occurred in association with DENV-2. Further phylogenetic studies are needed to evaluate MAYV, which has not been widely examined

    Avaliação da incidĂȘncia de antracnose, do desempenho e estado nutricional de variedades de mangueira, para cultivo orgĂąnico, na regiĂŁo centro-norte do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo.

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    A mudança do perfil do consumidor, aliada aos riscos da contaminação por agrotĂłxicos, tem levado Ă  busca de alternativas ecologicamente apropriadas para produção de frutas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a incidĂȘncia de antracnose, o desempenho e estado nutricional de variedades de mangueira conduzidas organicamente na regiĂŁo de Pindorama-SP. Foram utilizadas 17 variedades de mangueira. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento experimental em blocos completos ao acaso, com 17 tratamentos (variedades) e seis repetiçÔes. Foi avaliada a severidade de antracnose nas folhas, atravĂ©s de uma escala diagramĂĄtica, atribuindo-se notas aos sintomas. Foram avaliados o crescimento e o desenvolvimento (altura da planta, perĂ­metro do tronco e da copa) e o estado nutricional, mediante anĂĄlise foliar, das diferentes variedades utilizadas. AtravĂ©s dos resultados obtidos, podem-se considerar como muito suscetĂ­veis Ă  antracnose as variedades Bourbon, Rocha e Rosa; e resistentes, as variedades IAC 111, Alfa, Beta e Parvin; as variedades de manga apresentaram o mesmo padrĂŁo de crescimento; as maiores alturas da planta corresponderam aos maiores diĂąmetros do tronco e da copa; a variedade Parvin apresentou o melhor desempenho dentre as variedades estudadas, com relação Ă  resistĂȘncia Ă  antracnose, altura e diĂąmetro do caule e da copa, podendo ser recomendada ao cultivo orgĂąnico. As variedades Omega e Alfa tambĂ©m apresentaram bom crescimento, podendo ser indicadas para esse cultivo, pelo menos nessa fase inicial; as variedades Surpresa e Rosa nĂŁo apresentaram bom desempenho, no campo, em relação Ă s demais, nĂŁo devendo ser recomendadas para o cultivo orgĂąnico, principalmente a variedade Rosa, bastante suscetĂ­vel Ă  antracnose. As concentraçÔes de N, P e K foram elevadas na fase vegetativa das plantas, comparadas Ă  baixa concentração de Ca; houve carĂȘncia de Boro em todas as variedades estudadas. A manga Rosa, provavelmente, sofreu toxicidade ao excesso de manganĂȘs, ocasionando diminuição em seu desenvolvimento

    Regulatory T Cells Phenotype in Different Clinical Forms of Chagas' Disease

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    CD25High CD4+ regulatory T cells (Treg cells) have been described as key players in immune regulation, preventing infection-induced immune pathology and limiting collateral tissue damage caused by vigorous anti-parasite immune response. In this review, we summarize data obtained by the investigation of Treg cells in different clinical forms of Chagas' disease. Ex vivo immunophenotyping of whole blood, as well as after stimulation with Trypanosoma cruzi antigens, demonstrated that individuals in the indeterminate (IND) clinical form of the disease have a higher frequency of Treg cells, suggesting that an expansion of those cells could be beneficial, possibly by limiting strong cytotoxic activity and tissue damage. Additional analysis demonstrated an activated status of Treg cells based on low expression of CD62L and high expression of CD40L, CD69, and CD54 by cells from all chagasic patients after T. cruzi antigenic stimulation. Moreover, there was an increase in the frequency of the population of Foxp3+ CD25HighCD4+ cells that was also IL-10+ in the IND group, whereas in the cardiac (CARD) group, there was an increase in the percentage of Foxp3+ CD25High CD4+ cells that expressed CTLA-4. These data suggest that IL-10 produced by Treg cells is effective in controlling disease development in IND patients. However, in CARD patients, the same regulatory mechanism, mediated by IL-10 and CTLA-4 expression is unlikely to be sufficient to control the progression of the disease. These data suggest that Treg cells may play an important role in controlling the immune response in Chagas' disease and the balance between regulatory and effector T cells may be important for the progression and development of the disease. Additional detailed analysis of the mechanisms on how these cells are activated and exert their function will certainly give insights for the rational design of procedure to achieve the appropriate balance between protection and pathology during parasite infections

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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