1,617 research outputs found

    Tendências no desbaste das coleções de periódicos impressos nas bibliotecas universitárias: um estudo comparativo das estratégias adotadas no Brasil e em Portugal

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    O desbaste é uma atividade fundamental na gestão das coleções das bibliotecas universitárias. As mudanças sociais, em decorrência das tecnologias, trouxeram desafios para as coleções de periódicos impressos. A literatura destaca que este tipo de material tem sido preferido para o desbaste, por ocupar um grande espaço físico, necessário para outros fins, e em virtude da sua acessibilidade no formato digital, o que tem acarretado a baixa utilização dos volumes impressos. Neste contexto, entende-se o desbaste como um processo que poderá, a partir da avaliação do item, resultar no descarte ou remanejamento do título. Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar e comparar as razões que levam ao desbaste, e as estratégias que estão a ser adotadas pelas bibliotecas universitárias, no Brasil e em Portugal, para o desbaste da coleção de periódicos impressos. Caracteriza-se como uma investigação exploratória, na qual utilizou-se de relatos disponíveis na literatura para identificar as razões e as estratégias de desbaste, e do questionário para coleta dos dados junto de 118 bibliotecas. Os resultados mostram as razões para o desbaste, tipificadas em catalizadora e em secundárias, e as estratégias relacionadas com a forma como o desbaste ocorre e com as decisões tomadas na destinação dos itens. Conclui-se que as motivações para o desbaste são semelhantes, sendo a falta de espaço físico a principal razão que leva à ação de desbaste. Quanto às estratégias aferidas na literatura e nas bibliotecas investigadas, também são semelhantes, contudo, distinguem-se pelo tipo de item que está a ser desbastado. Percebe-se que, no Brasil, as coleções são trabalhadas de modo mais cooperativo entre as bibliotecas de uma mesma universidade, enquanto em Portugal, as decisões, em geral, são individuais, em cada biblioteca. Desta forma, o estudo atingiu os objetivos propostos, ainda que a construção do questionário, embasado na literatura, não tenha permitido conhecer as especificidades das bibliotecas investigadas e tenha tornado as respostas homogêneas, resultando em uma análise comparativa generalista.Weeding is a fundamental activity in the collections management of university libraries. Social changes, as a result of technologies, have brought challenges to print journal collections. The literature highlights that this type of material has been preferred for weeding, as it occupies a large physical space, necessary for other purposes, and because of its accessibility in digital format, which has resulted in the low use of printed volumes. In this context, weeding is understood as a process that may based on the evaluation of the item, result in the withdrawal or transfer of the title. This study aims to identify and compare the reasons that lead to weeding, and the strategies that are being adopted by university libraries, in Brazil and Portugal, for weeding the collection of printed journals. It is characterized as an exploratory investigation, in which reports available in the literature were used to identify the reasons and strategies for weeding, and the questionnaire to collect data from 118 libraries. The results show the reasons for weeding, typified in catalyst and secondary, and the strategies related to how weeding occurs and with the decisions taken in the destination of the items. We conclude that the motivations for weeding are similar, with the lack of physical space being the main reason for the weeding action. As for the strategies measured in the literature and in the investigated libraries, they are also similar, however, they are distinguished by the type of item that is weeding. It is noticed that, in Brazil, the collections are worked in a more cooperative way between the libraries of the same university, while in Portugal, the decisions, in general, are individual, in each library. In this way, the study reached the proposed objectives, although the construction of the questionnaire, based on the literature, did not allow us to know the specificities of the investigated libraries and made the answers homogeneous, resulting in a generalist comparative analysis

    Inovação empresarial : a utilização do design thinking como nova oportunidade de inovação

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing e EstratégiaUm fator determinante para a competitividade é a inovação, sendo que empresas inovadoras tendem a atingir maior lucratividade. O design thinking é uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de inovação assente na geração de ideias e de resolução de problemas. Apesar da sua utilização por parte de empresas multinacionais ter vindo a tornar-se mais frequente na última década o design thinking é ainda relativamente pouco estudado. A presente dissertação procura contribuir para um melhor conhecimento sobre a relação entre design thinking e inovação a partir do estudo de quatro casos de empresas brasileiras onde esta metodologia foi aplicada. Na análise efetuada procurou-se perceber qual o perfil da empresa que utiliza o design thinking, os seus objetivos e resultados e ainda descrever o seu processo. Os resultados obtidos este trabalho sugerem que o design thinking tem sido um catalisador no processo de criação e desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços, onde os esforços das pessoas devem ser vistos como uma série de soluções que contribuem para ações criativas. Pôde-se ainda concluir, com este estudo, que os conceitos e entendimentos do design thinking por parte das empresas ainda estão em processo de construção. Mas nota-se também que a metodologia de design thinking mostrou possuir uma visão otimista, construtiva e experimental, focada na solução de necessidades dos consumidores com relação a produtos ou serviços.A determinant factor for competitiveness is innovation, and innovative companies tend to achieve higher profitability. Design thinking is a methodology designed to promote innovation by generating new ideas and solving problems. Despite its adoption by multinational companies has been becoming more frequent over the last decade design thinking is still relatively understudied. This dissertation seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between design thinking and innovation by studying four cases of Brazilian companies where this methodology was applied. The analysis carried sought to understand the profile of the company that adopts design thinking, its objectives and outcomes as well as to describe its process. The results of this study suggest that design thinking has been a catalyst in the creation and development of new products and services, where people´s efforts should be seen as series of solutions that contribute to creative actions processes. Another conclusion from this study is that the concept and understanding of design thinking by companies are still under construction. Finally we note also that the methodology of design thinking has shown to have an optimistic, constructive and experimental vision focused on solving the needs consumers regarding to the products and services

    Beta cell lipotoxicity in the development of type 2 diabetes:the need for species-specific understanding

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    The propensity to develop type 2 diabetes (T2D) is known to have both environmental and hereditary components. In those with a genetic predisposition to T2D, it is widely believed that elevated concentrations of circulatory long-chain fatty acids (LC-FFA) significantly contribute towards the demise of insulin-producing pancreatic β-cells - the fundamental feature of the development of T2D. Over 25 years of research support that LC-FFA are deleterious to β-cells, through a process termed lipotoxicity. However, the work underpinning the theory of β-cell lipotoxicity is mostly based on rodent studies. Doubts have been raised as to whether lipotoxicity also occurs in humans. In this review, we examine the evidence, both in vivo and in vitro, for the pathogenic effects of LC-FFA on β-cell viability and function in humans, highlighting key species differences. In this way, we aim to uncover the role of lipotoxicity in the human pathogenesis of T2D and motivate the need for species-specific understanding.</p

    Fractionnement par voie sèche de la biomasse ligno-cellulosique (broyage poussé de la paille de blé et effets sur ses bioconversions)

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    Dans le contexte de la bioraffinerie végétale pour la production de molécules et d'énergie, des prétraitements sont nécessaires pour augmenter la réactivité de la biomasse ligno-cellulosique. Cette thèse s'insère dans une thématique dont l'objectif général est d'établir les bases d'une raffinerie du végétal par des procédés par voie sèche. Cette étude a pour objectif de développer et comprendre le fractionnement mécanique poussé de la paille de blé jusqu'à des tailles sub-millimétriques et d'évaluer les effets sur des procédés de bioconversions énergétiques. La paille de blé présente une grande hétérogénéité à plusieurs niveaux d'échelle (du cm au m). Un diagramme de broyage multi-étapes à l'échelle pilote (>1kg) a permis d'obtenir une large gamme de tailles de particules, par 3 modes de sollicitation distincts: i) broyages à grille sélective produisant des tailles du grossier (800 m) au fin (50 m), ii) broyage à jet d'air (ultrafin, ~20 m) et iii) broyage à boulets (ultrafin, ~10 m). Une méthodologie d'analyse morphologique des particules a été développée par analyse d'images de microscopie optique. La paille soumise aux mécanismes complexes de rupture lors de broyages produit une forte variabilité des formes et compositions des particules. L'analyse multiple de co-inertie a permis d'évaluer de façon globale les morphologies des particules. Globalement, le broyage diminue la taille et les facteurs de forme des particules, avec quelques exceptions dues aux configurations matérielles. La dégradabilité enzymatique (saccharification) des poudres produites a été améliorée par la réduction de la taille des particules. Jusqu'à ~100 m la solubilisation des polysaccharides augmente puis se stabilise à 36 % des polysaccharides totaux et 40 % de la cellulose. Seuls les échantillons issus du broyage à boulets dépassent cette limite et atteignent 46 % d'hydrolyse des polysaccharides totaux et 72 % de la cellulose. Ceci est lié à une augmentation de l'efficacité enzymatique due à la diminution de la cristallinité de la cellulose (de 22 à 13%). Ces résultats du broyage à boulets sont comparables à ceux de l'explosion à la vapeur, avec une meilleure préservation des hémicelluloses. Cette amélioration d'efficacité enzymatique s'est traduite par des dégradations anaérobies (biogaz) accélérées et légèrement augmentées (cas du broyeur à boulets). La décomposition aérobie dans le sol a été améliorée par le broyage grossier, mais les broyages plus fins n'ont pas entrainé de gain. Les caractéristiques de la paille broyée peuvent varier selon l'intensité et le mode de broyage. Bien que tous les broyages permettent la réduction de la taille, le broyage à grilles et le broyage à jet d'air n'engendrent pas de changements dans la structure fine des polymères pariétaux. Seul le broyage à boulets a engendré des changements de la structure interne des particules notamment en réduisant la cristallinité de la cellulose et en solubilisant partiellement les hémicelluloses. Ces résultats permettent de mettre en évidence que la fragmentation mécanique poussée par voie sèche est une alternative possible aux prétraitements utilisés en raffinerie végétale.In a context of plant biorefinery for the production of molecules and energy, pretreatments are necessary to increase the reactivity of the lignocellulosic biomass. This thesis is part of a general project aiming to establish the bases for a dry plant refinery. This study aimed to develop and understand advanced mechanical fractionation of wheat straw down to sub-millimeter sizes and to assess its effects on bioconversion processes for bioenergy. Wheat straw exhibited a high heterogeneity at several scale levels (from cm to m). A multistep diagram of dry grinding at pilot-scale (> 1 kg) produced a wide range of particle sizes by three distinct mode of action: i) sieve-based grinding producing particle sizes from coarse (800 m) to fine (50 m), ii) air-jet milling (ultra-fine, ~ 20 m) and iii) ball milling (ultra-fine, ~ 10 "m). A morphological analysis of particles was developed by image analysis from light microscopy. Subjecting wheat straw to the complex breaking mechanisms during grinding produced particles highly variable in shapes and compositions. A multiple co-inertia analysis allowed the evaluation of the overall particle morphologies. Generally, grinding reduced the size and shape descriptors of particles, with some exceptions due to equipment configurations. The enzymatic degradability (saccharification) of produced powders was improved by reducing their particle size. Until ~ 100 m the polysaccharides solubilisation was increased and then stabilised at 36% total polysaccharides and 40% cellulose. Only samples from ball milling overcome this limit and attained hydrolysis yields of 46% total polysaccharides and 72% cellulose. This is due to an increase in enzymatic efficiency by the reduction of cellulose crystallinity (from 22 to 13%). These results of ball milling are comparable to those of steam explosion process, with a better preservation of hemicelluloses. This improved enzymatic efficiency resulted in faster and slightly more extensive (ball milling case) anaerobic degradations (biogas). Aerobic decomposition in the soil was improved by coarse grinding, but finer grinding did not result in a further increase. The characteristics of ground straw varied depending on grinding intensity and mode. Although all grindings could reduce the size, sieve-based grinding and air-jet milling did not allow changes in the fine structure of cell wall polymers. Only ball milling led to changethe internal structure of particles especially reducing cellulose crystallinity and partially solubilising hemicelluloses. These results demonstrate that advanced mechanical fragmentation by dry processes is a possible alternative for pretreatments in a plant refineryMONTPELLIER-SupAgro La Gaillarde (341722306) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    Apesar da experiência de monitoria ser uma prática muito comum nas IES do Brasil, existem poucos estudos disponíveis sobre essa temática. A monitoria é uma importante estratégia que incrementa o processo de ensino-aprendizagem durante a graduação, proporcionando a aproximação entre a realidade docente, o aprimoramento de práticas pedagógicas e o auxílio no processo de aprendizagem dos discentes interessados em aprofundar conteúdos, bem como sanar dificuldades em relação à disciplina. O presente artigo objetiva fazer uma revisão bibliográfica e um relato de experiência sobre a monitoria na disciplina de Elementos de Anatomia no curso de Psicologia. A Anatomia Humana é uma disciplina tradicional dos cursos da área de saúde, como o de Psicologia, sendo considerada básica para a formação do profissional da saúde. O exercício da monitoria na disciplina de Elementos de Anatomia proporciona ao monitor um maior conhecimento teórico e prático, vivenciando novas experiências ao acompanhar o professor nas aulas práticas em laboratório, desenvolvendo maior segurança e aprimoramento no desempenho diante de atividades de ensino e pesquisa, fomentando o interesse em exercer futuramente a carreira docente. Portanto, as experiências vividas na monitoria são marcas que ficarão impressas no intelecto do aluno privilegiado ao vivenciar essa realidade

    Nursing and self-care in the world of psychiatric care

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    Objective: Understanding self-care among nursing professionals in mental health. Method: qualitative study conducted in a psychiatric unit of a teaching hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception was used as a philosophical theoretical framework and Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic phenomenology was used as a methodological framework. The research was conducted with 10 nursing professionals in mental health, out of a total population of 15 professionals, by means of open interview, within the period from September to December 2010. Results: through the metaphor of discourses, the theme emerged: the world of psychiatry. Conclusion: care in the world of psychiatry is unveiled as a stage of intense interpersonal exchanges, matches and mismatches with the other involved in care. This space of objective and subjective relationships and events interferes with care for the other and each nursing professional's self-care

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues in monogenic syndromic obesity:Real-world data from a large cohort of Alström syndrome patients

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    AIM: To examine the real-world efficacy of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) in monogenic obesity in patients with Alström syndrome (ALMS).METHODS: We screened 72 UK adult patients with ALMS and offered treatment to 34 patients meeting one of the following criteria: body mass index of 25 kg/m2 or higher, insulin resistance, suboptimal glycaemic control on antihyperglycaemic medications or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.RESULTS: In total, 30 patients, with a mean age of 31 ± 11 years and a male to-female ratio of 2:1, completed 6 months of treatment with GLP-1 RAs either in the form of semaglutide or exenatide. On average, treatment with GLP-1 RAs reduced body weight by 5.4 ± 1.7 (95% confidence interval [CI] 3.6-7) kg and HbA1c by 12 ± 3.3 (95% CI 8.7-15.3) mmol/mol, equating to 6% weight loss (P &lt; .01) and 1.1% absolute reduction in HbA1c (P &lt; .01). Significant improvements were also observed in serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and alanine aminotransferase. The improvement of metabolic variables in our cohort of monogenic syndromic obesity was comparable with data for polygenic obesity, irrespective of weight loss.CONCLUSIONS: Data from our centre highlight the non-inferiority of GLP-1 RAs in monogenic syndromic obesity to the available GLP-1 RA-use data in polygenic obesity, therefore, these agents can be considered as a treatment option in patients with ALMS, as well as other forms of monogenic obesity.</p
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