18 research outputs found

    Caracterização fitoquímica e atividade antifúngica do extrato etanólico obtido da mistura de sementes e vagens de Caesalpinia echinata Lam / Phytochemical characterization and antifungal activity of the ethanolic extract obtained from the seed and pod mixture of Caesalpinia echinata Lam

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    O presente estudo focou em investigar o perfil fitoquímico através da técnica de análise de UPLC, bem como o potencial antifúngico do extrato etanólico obtido da mistura de semente e vagem deCaesalpinia echinata (EESVCe). O material vegetal foi coletado na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e as moléculas identificadas no screening fitoquímico foram: ácido gálico, ácido siríngico e quercetina, pertencentes à classe de metabólitos dos compostos fenólicos. Quanto a avaliação da atividade microbiana, o EESVCenão apresentou atividade anti fúngica frente às cepas do gênero Candida testadas, bem como também não apresentou para o fungo filamentoso Trichophyton rubrum.  Porém demonstrou atividade contra fungos da espécie Trichopyton mentagrophytes, evidenciando CMI de 200 μg/mL.Esse trabalho fornece dados importantes, contribuindo com futuras pesquisas para o possível desenvolvimento de medicamentos à base de Caesalpinia echinata, além de melhorar o conhecimento científico sobre o referido espécime

    Antioxidant, antimicrobial and immunostimulant properties of saline extract from Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Swartz (Fabaceae) leaves

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    281-289Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Swartz is a species that originates in India and Central America and is widely distributed in the world. This plant presents important biological properties, due to the presence of some secondary medicinal metabolites, such as tannins, glycosides, flavonoids and diterpenes. In folk medicine, C. pulcherrima is used in different diseases as bronchitis, asthma, infections, wounds and eye irritations. The aim of this study was to perform a phytochemical screening and evaluate which biological properties the saline extract of leaves from C. pulcherrima have against microorganisms and animal cells. Results showed that 15 majority compounds could be found in saline extract distributed among phenol, coumarin and quercetin groups.Saline extract of leaves from C. pulcherrima also showed good results in antioxidant test and showed significant antifungal property against Candida strains. Moreover, the saline extract did not showed cytotoxicity against mice splenocytes and promoted proliferation in these cells. These results may be predictive for future studies using the saline extract from C. pulcherrima leaves as cell stimulant agent in a pharmaceutical phytotherapic formulation used in cicatricial and in vitro immunostimulant assays

    In silico prediction of ADMET parameters and in vitro evaluation of antioxidant and cytotoxic activities promoted by indole-thiosemicarbazone compounds

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    Abstract Cancer is a complex and multifactorial disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and is one of the main causes of death in the world. This work aimed to evaluate a small series of 10 different indole-thiosemicarbazone compounds as potential antitumor agents. This is a pioneering study. For this, the antioxidant and cytotoxic capacity against normal and tumor cells was evaluated. The results showed that the compounds were able to promote moderate to low antioxidant activity for the ABTS radical scavenging assay. ADMET in silico assays showed that the compounds exhibited good oral bioavailability. As for toxicity, they were able to promote low cytotoxicity against normal cells, in addition to not being hemolytic. The compounds showed promising in vitro antitumor activity against the T47D, MCF-7, Jurkat and DU-145 strains, not being able to inhibit the growth of the Hepg2 strain. Through this in vitro study, it can be concluded that the compounds are potential candidates for antitumor agents


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    Medicamentos são substâncias químicas que, quando em doses terapêuticas, atuam no organismo contribuindo para homeostase. Em contrapartida, sabe-se que a associação de dois ou mais fármacos pode acarretar alterações em seu mecanismo de atuação, conduzindo a riscos de toxicidade acompanhados de prejuízos à saúde por meio das interações medicamentosas. Objetiva-se estudar a atenção farmacêutica no contexto do tratamento de tabagistas. Na presente pesquisa foi realizado seguimento farmacoterapêutico de um paciente atendido em grupo de tratamento de tabagistas do município de Campina Grande, Paraíba. O tabagista em tratamento voluntário, sexo masculino, 52 anos, infartado, usuário dos medicamentos trimetazidina, bissulfato de clopidogrel, ácido acetilsalicílico, atorvastatina cálcica, oxalato de escitalopram, ramipril e succinato de metoprolol. Foi prescrito Bupropiona para tratamento do tabagismo. No acompanhamento da evolução foi utilizado o método Dáder, participação em grupos de apoio para resolução dos Problemas Relacionados a Medicamentos (PRMs) e aprimoramento da prática de atenção farmacêutica. Observaram-se riscos à saúde decorrentes da interação entre fármacos, fazendo-se necessárias estratégias que proporcionem segurança à utilização dos mesmos. Foi suspensa bupropiona e realizada a abordagem cognitiva comportamental. No relato, o tabagista em tratamento recebeu orientações por meio da atenção farmacêutica fortalecendo e promovendo adesão ao tratamento sem utilização da medicação prescrita para tratamento de tabagistas. Conclui-se que a atenção farmacêutica tem potencial para se tornar indispensável no âmbito da saúde em virtude de promover saúde por realizar observação qualificada da atuação do

    Painéis de partículas de madeira leucena e resina poliuretana derivada de óleo de mamona

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    This research aimed to test particleboard with leucena (Leucaena leucocephala) wood particles and polyurethane resin castor oil based. The response variables are: modulus of rupture (MOR), internal adhesion (AI), apparent density (dap) and wood moisture content (um). The experiments were developed based on the methodological procedures of the ABNT NBR 14810:2002 standard. The particleboards were manufactured by hot-pressing at 4MPa and 90°C, using timber particles with 5% of moisture content and 10% of monocomponent and bicomponent polyurethane resin. The higher moisture content was achieved when the monocomponent polyurethane resin was used. The bicomponent polyurethane resin provided a percent increase of 43.7% and 22.7% on the modulus of rupture and apparent density, respectively, when compared to the standard limit. The internal adhesion of the panels manufactured with monocomponent resin was 2.45 times higher than the standard limit. The confidence interval between means revealed that the internal adhesion and apparent density exhibited statistical equivalence. A good correlation between the internal adhesion and apparent density was found, for this reason it was possible to estimate the internal adhesion of the panels based on the apparent density data

    Application of Omics Technologies for evaluation of antibacterial mechanisms of action of plant-derived products

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    In the face of increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics currently in use, the search for new antimicrobial agents has received a boost in recent years, with natural products playing an important role in this field. In fact, several methods have been proposed to investigate the antibacterial activities of natural products. However, given that the ultimate aim is future therapeutic use as novel drugs, it is extremely necessary to elucidate their modes of action, stating the molecular effects in detail and identifying their targets in the bacterial cell. This review analyzes the application of omics technologies to understand the antibacterial mechanisms of bioactive natural products, to stimulate research interest in this area and promote scientific collaborations. Some studies have been specifically highlighted herein by examining their procedures and results (targeted proteins and metabolic pathways). These approaches have the potential to provide new insights into our comprehension of antimicrobial resistance/susceptibility, creating new perspectives for the struggle against bacteria, and leading to the development of novel products in the future

    Forest Fragments Surrounded by Sugar Cane Are More Inhospitable to Terrestrial Amphibian Abundance Than Fragments Surrounded by Pasture

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    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in matrix-type influence on forest fragments. Terrestrial amphibians are good bioindicators for this kind of research because of low vagility and high philopatry. This study compared richness, abundance, and species composition of terrestrial amphibians through pitfall traps in two sets of semideciduous seasonal forest fragments in southeastern Brazil, according to the predominant surrounding matrix (sugar cane and pasture). There were no differences in richness, but fragments surrounded by sugar cane had the lowest abundance of amphibians, whereas fragments surrounded by pastures had greater abundance. The most abundant species, Rhinella ornata, showed no biometric differences between fragment groups but like many other amphibians sampled showed very low numbers of individuals in fragments dominated by sugar cane fields. Our data indicate that the sugar cane matrix negatively influences the community of amphibians present in fragments surrounded by this type of land use

    Tratamento de mamas tuberosas com incisões combinadas Treatment of tuberous breast with combined incisions

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A deformidade tuberosa da mama é uma rara entidade, descrita por Rees e Aston em 1976. O desenvolvimento mamário encontra-se alterado, com herniação do parênquima pelo complexo areolopapilar, alargamento dessa estrutura e hipoplasia do tecido mamário, principalmente nos quadrantes inferiores. A mama, portanto, adquire um aspecto tubular ao invés do aspecto cônico natural. MÉTODO: No total, 4 pacientes foram submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico em um único tempo, com incisões combinadas: inframamária e periareolar. Detalhes técnicos devem ser individualizados para cada caso, conforme a gravidade e a classificação do tipo de mama tuberosa. RESULTADOS: O procedimento cirúrgico utilizado aborda todos os aspectos da deformidade da mama tuberosa em operação de um estágio. Cirurgia de revisão de cicatriz periareolar não foi necessária em nenhum caso. Em todos os casos, obteve-se resultado estético final aceitável e com satisfação da paciente e do cirurgião. O procedimento adotado não interfere em lactações futuras. CONCLUSÕES: A mama tuberosa representa um verdadeiro desafio terapêutico. A técnica utilizada é muito atraente e mostra resultados confiáveis e reprodutíveis.BACKGROUND: Tuberous breast deformity is a rare entity, first described by Rees and Aston in 1976. In this condition, breast development is altered, with herniation of the parenchyma through the nipple-areolar complex, enlargement of this structure, and hypoplasia of the breast tissue, especially in the lower quadrants. The breast thus acquires a tubular shape rather than the natural conical look. METHODS: Four patients underwent a single surgical treatment, with combined inframammary and periareolar incisions. Technical details must be individualized for each case depending on the severity and classification type of the tuberous breasts. RESULTS: The surgical procedure used covers all aspects of tuberous breast deformity in a single-stage operation. Revision of periareolar surgery scar was not necessary in any case. In all cases, the final aesthetic result was satisfactory for the patient and the surgeon. The procedure adopted does not interfere with future lactation. CONCLUSIONS: Tuberous breast represents a real therapeutic challenge. The technique reported herein is very attractive and provides reliable and reproducible results

    Bioguided Purification of Active Compounds from Leaves of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul

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    Anadenanthera colubrina var cebil (Griseb.) Altschul is a medicinal plant found throughout the Brazilian semi-arid area. This work performed a bioguided purification of active substances present in ethyl acetate extract from A. colubrina leaves. The anti-Staphylococcus aureus and antioxidant actions were used as markers of bioactivity. The extract was subjected to flash chromatography resulting in five fractions (F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5). The fractions F2 and F4 presented the highest antimicrobial action, with a dose able to inhibit 50% of bacteria growth (IN50) of 19.53 μg/mL for S. aureus UFPEDA 02; whereas F4 showed higher inhibitory action towards DPPH radical (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate) [dose able to inhibit 50% of the radical (IC50) = 133 ± 9 μg/mL]. F2 and F4 were then subjected to preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), resulting in the identification of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and hyperoside as the major compounds in F2 and F4, respectively. Hyperoside and p-hydroxybenzoic acid presented IN50 values of 250 μg/mL and 500 μg/mL against S. aureus UFPEDA 02, respectively. However, the hyperoside had an IN50 of 62.5 μg/mL against S. aureus UFPEDA 705, a clinical isolate with multidrug resistant phenotype. Among the purified compounds, the proanthocyanidins obtained from F2 exhibited the higher antioxidant potentials. Taken together, these results highlight the potential of A. colubrina leaves as an alternative source of biomolecules of interest for the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries