1,633 research outputs found

    Development of a rapid and simple approach for kid carcass evaluation by vĂ­deo image analysis.

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    objective of this work is the development of a simple and cost-effective video image analysis (VIA) system to evaluate kid carcass in small slaughter units. To achieve this objective a trial was conducted with 42 kid carcasses (6.6±2.6 kg) and models to predict carcass composition from VIA were established. While the carcasses were hanging in the gambrel an image of the dorsal view of each carcass was obtained with a digital camera (Sony, DCR-TRV460). For imaging, carcasses were placed in front of a non-glare black surface and illuminated with standard lighting. The camera was placed perpendicular to the carcass long axis. A total of 44 geometric measurements (linear and area) were obtained after carcass image analysis with the ImageJ 1.39J software

    No Place For Hate Speech @ AMI: Convolutional Neural Network and Word Embedding for the Identification of Misogyny in Italian

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    In this article, we describe two classification models (a Convolutional Neural Network and a Logistic Regression classifier), arranged according to three different strategies, submitted to subtask A of Automatic Misogyny Identification at EVALITA 2020. Results were very encouraging for detecting misogyny, even though aggressiveness was less accurate. Our second strategy, consisting of a Convolutional Neural Network and logistic regression to identify misogyny and aggressiveness, respectively, won the sixth place in the competition.In questo articolo, descriviamo due modelli di classificazione (i.e., Convolutional Neural Network e Regressione Logistica), organizzati secondo tre diverse strategie, per il subtask A dello shared task Automatic Misogyny Identification a EVALITA 2020. I risultati sono stati molto incoraggianti nel rilevamento della misoginia, anche se l’aggressività viene riconosciuta con una precisione più basse. La nostra seconda strategia (Convolutional Neural Network per misoginia e Regressione Logistica per aggressività) ci ha permesso di ottenere il sesto posto nella competizione

    No Place For Hate Speech @ HaSpeeDe 2: Ensemble to Identify Hate Speech in Italian

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    In this article, we present the results of applying a Stacking Ensemble method to the problem of hate speech classification proposed in the main task of HaSpeeDe 2 at EVALITA 2020. The model was then compared to a Logistic Regression classifier, along with two other benchmarks defined by the competition’s organising committee (an SVM with a linear kernel and a majority class classifier). Results showed our Ensemble to outperform the benchmarks to various degrees, both when testing in the same domain as training and in a different domain.In questo articolo, ci presentiamo i risultati dell’applicazione di un modello di Stacking Ensemble al problema della classificazione dei discorsi di incitamento all’odio nel compito A di EVALITA (HaSpeeDe 2). Il modello è stato quindi confrontato con un modello di regressione logistica, insieme ad altri due benchmark definiti dal comitato organizzatore della competizione (un SVM con un kernel lineare e un classificatore di classe maggioritaria). I risultati hanno mostrato che il nostro Ensemble supera i benchmark a vari livelli, sia durante i test nello stesso dominio di sviluppo che in un dominio diverso

    Surface boundary layer characteristics over caatinga vegetation in tropical semiarid region of N-E Brazil

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    Some characteristic features of the atmospheric surface layer over a tropical semiarid station Petrolina (9.9â—¦S, 40.22â—¦W, 365.5 m) in N-E Brazil, are investigated, using data collected from a micrometeorological tower of 9 m height. This study utilizes the wind, temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide (CO2) data obtained for the month of July 2004. The diurnal variation of mean parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and CO2 are studied. Turbulent statistics are computed using the eddy correlation technique, and are studied under the framework of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory with results compared with other experimental studies reported in the literature

    Validity And Reliability Of A Self-efficacy Expectancy Scale For Adherence To Antiretroviral Therapy For Parents And Carers Of Children And Adolescents With Hiv/aids [validação E Reprodutibilidade De Uma Escala De Auto-eficácia Para Adesão Ao Tratamento Anti-retroviral Em Pais Ou Cuidadores De Crianças E Adolescentes Vivendo Com Hiv/aids]

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    Objective: To validate and evaluate the reproducibility of a self-efficacy (SE) scale for adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS, taking into account the perspective of parents/guardians. Methods: The study was carried out at the Hospital-Dia, Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/AIDS (CRT/SP), in São Paulo, Brazil. The parents/guardians of 54 children and adolescents aged 6 months to 20 years were interviewed during routine consultations at our service. Data on SE were collected using the Self-Efficacy for Following Anti-Retroviral Prescription Scale, and SE scores were calculated in two different ways: factor analysis and a predefined formula. The scale's internal consistency was verified using Cronbach's α coefficient. Validity was tested by comparing the mean scores of a group of patients who did adhere to antiretroviral treatment with those of a group that did not (Mann-Whitney test) and by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient for agreement between scores and clinical parameters. Reproducibility was verified using the Wilcoxon test, intraclass correlation coefficients (ricc) and Bland-Altman plots. Results: The SE scale demonstrated good internal consistency (α = 0.87) and good reproducibility (r icc = 0.69 and r icc = 0.75). In terms of validity, the SE scale was capable of differentiating adherent patients from those who did not adhere to their antiretroviral treatment (p = 0.002) and exhibited a significant correlation with CD4 counts (r = 0.28; p = 0.04). Conclusions: The SE scale can be used to assess adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS, taking into account the perspective of parents/carers. Copyright © 2008 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.8414146Matida, L.H., da Silva, M.H., Tayra, A., Succi, R.C., Gianna, M.C., Gonçalves, A., Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in São Paulo State, Brazil: An update (2005) AIDS, 19 (SUPPL. 4), pp. S37-S41Gibb, D.M., Goodall, R.L., Giacomet, V., McGee, L., Compagnucci, A., Lyall, H., Paediatric European Network for Treatment of Aids Steering Committee. Adherence to prescribed antiretroviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children in the PENTA 5 trial (2003) Pediatr Infect Dis J, 22, pp. 56-62Pluciennik, A.M., (2003) Transmissão materno infantil do vírus da imunodeficiência humana adquirida: Quanto custa não prevenir [tese], , São Paulo: Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP;Dyke, R.B.V., Lee, S., Johnson, G.M., Wiznia, A., Mohan, K., Stanley, K., Reported adherence as a determinant of response to highly active antiretroviral therapy in children who have human immunodeficiency virus infection (2002) Pediatrics, 109 (4), pp. 1-7Starace, F., Massa, A., Amico, K.R., Fisher, J.D., Adherence to antiretroviral therapy: An empirical test of the information-motivation-behavioral skills model (2006) Health Psychol, 25, pp. 153-162Shah, C.A., Adherence to high activity antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in pediatric patients infected with HIV: Issues and interventions (2007) Indian J Pediatr, 74, pp. 55-60Leite, J.C., Drachler, M.L., Centeno, M.O., Pinheiro, C.A., Silveira, V.L., Desenvolvimento de uma escala de auto-eficácia para adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral. (2002) Psicol Reflex Crit, 15, pp. 121-133Bandura, A., Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change (1977) Psychol Rev, 84, pp. 191-215Gortmaker SL, Lenderking WR, Clark C, Lee S, Fowler MG, Oleske JMThe ACTG 219 Team. Development and use of a pediatric quality of life questionnaire in AIDS clinical trials: reliability and validity of the general health assessment for children. In: Drotar D. Measuring health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: implications for research and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates1998. p. 219-35Eiser, C., Morse, R., Quality-of-life measures in chronic diseases of childhood (2001) Health Technol Assess, 5, pp. 1-95Streiner, D.L., Norman, G.R., (2003) Health measurement scales: A practical guide to their development and use, , 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press;Drotar D, Levi R. Critical issues and needs in health-related quality of life assessment of children and adolescents with chronic health condition. In: Drotar D. Measuring health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: implications for research and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates1998. p. 3-2

    Gold nanowires and the effect of impurities

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    Metal nanowires and in particular gold nanowires have received a great deal of attention in the past few years. Experiments on gold nanowires have prompted theory and simulation to help answer questions posed by these studies. Here we present results of computer simulations for the formation, evolution and breaking of very thin Au nanowires. We also discuss the influence of contaminants, such as atoms and small molecules, and their effect on the structural and mechanical properties of these nanowires

    Bibbia, cristianesimo e letteratura italiana: uno sguardo d'assieme.

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    L'A. ripercorre la presenza della Bibbia nella letteratura italiana dalle origini ai giorni nostri, sottolineando la persistenza della ripresa del Sacro testo sia nella poesia che nella prosa

    New insights into the antimicrobial action of cinnamaldehyde towards escherichia coli and its effects on intestinal colonization of mice

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    Escherichia coli is responsible for cases of diarrhea around the world, and some studies have shown the benefits of cinnamaldehyde in the treatment of bacterial disease. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cinnamaldehyde in mice colonized by pathogenic E. coli, as well as to provide more insights into its antimicrobial action mechanism. After determination of minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum bactericidal (MBC) concentrations, the interference of cinnamaldehyde in macromolecular pathways (synthesis of DNA, RNA, protein, and cell wall) was measured by incorporation of radioisotopes. The anti-adhesive properties of cinnamaldehyde towards E. coli 042 were evaluated using human epithelial type 2 (HEp-2) cells. Intestinal colonization was tested on mice, and the effect of cinnamaldehyde on Tenebrio molitor larvae. Cinnamaldehyde showed MIC and MBC values of 780 ÎĽg/mL and 1560 ÎĽg/mL, respectively; reduced the adhesion of E. coli 042 on HEp-2 cells; and affected all the synthetic pathways evaluated, suggesting that compost impairs the membrane/cell wall structure leading bacteria to total collapse. No effect on the expression of genes related to the SOS pathway (sulA and dinB1) was observed. The compound did not interfere with cell viability and was not toxic against T. molitor larvae. In addition, cinnamaldehyde-treated mice exhibited lower levels of colonization by E. coli 042 than the untreated group. Therefore, the results show that cinnamaldehyde is effective in treating the pathogenic E. coli strain 042 and confirm it as a promising lead molecule for the development of antimicrobial agents
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