2,751 research outputs found

    Local-Search Based Heuristics for Advertisement Scheduling

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    In the MAXSPACE problem, given a set of ads A, one wants to place a subset A' of A into K slots B_1, ..., B_K of size L. Each ad A_i in A has size s_i and frequency w_i. A schedule is feasible if the total size of ads in any slot is at most L, and each ad A_i in A' appears in exactly w_i slots. The goal is to find a feasible schedule that maximizes the space occupied in all slots. We introduce MAXSPACE-RDWV, a MAXSPACE generalization with release dates, deadlines, variable frequency, and generalized profit. In MAXSPACE-RDWV each ad A_i has a release date r_i >= 1, a deadline d_i >= r_i, a profit v_i that may not be related with s_i and lower and upper bounds w^min_i and w^max_i for frequency. In this problem, an ad may only appear in a slot B_j with r_i <= j <= d_i, and the goal is to find a feasible schedule that maximizes the sum of values of scheduled ads. This paper presents some algorithms based on meta-heuristics GRASP, VNS, Local Search, and Tabu Search for MAXSPACE and MAXSPACE-RDWV. We compare our proposed algorithms with Hybrid-GA proposed by Kumar et al. (2006). We also create a version of Hybrid-GA for MAXSPACE-RDWV and compare it with our meta-heuristics. Some meta-heuristics, such as VNS and GRASP+VNS, have better results than Hybrid-GA for both problems. In our heuristics, we apply a technique that alternates between maximizing and minimizing the fullness of slots to obtain better solutions. We also applied a data structure called BIT to the neighborhood computation in MAXSPACE-RDWV and showed that this enabled ours algorithms to run more iterations

    Approximation algorithms for the MAXSPACE advertisement problem

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    In the MAXSPACE problem, given a set of ads A, one wants to schedule a subset A' of A into K slots B_1, ..., B_K of size L. Each ad A_i in A has a size s_i and a frequency w_i. A schedule is feasible if the total size of ads in any slot is at most L, and each ad A_i in A' appears in exactly w_i slots. The goal is to find a feasible schedule that maximizes the sum of the space occupied by all slots. We introduce a generalization called MAXSPACE-R in which each ad A_i also has a release date r_i >= 1, and may only appear in a slot B_j with j >= r_i. We also introduce a generalization of MAXSPACE-R called MAXSPACE-RD in which each ad A_i also has a deadline d_i <= K, and may only appear in a slot B_j with r_i <= j <= d_i. These parameters model situations where a subset of ads corresponds to a commercial campaign with an announcement date that may expire after some defined period. We present a 1/9-approximation algorithm for MAXSPACE-R and a polynomial-time approximation scheme for MAXSPACE-RD when K is bounded by a constant. This is the best factor one can expect, since MAXSPACE is NP-hard, even if K = 2

    Non-essential elements and their role in sustainable agriculture

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    Agricultural systems are constantly under environmental pressure, and the continuous rise of the global population requires an increasingly intensification of agronomical productivity. To meet the current global food demand, particularly in depleted ecosystems under adverse climate conditions, the development of novel agronomical practices, which ensure crop productivity while safeguarding minimal impact to the environment, must be encouraged. Since aluminium (Al), cobalt (Co), selenium (Se), silicon (Si) and sodium (Na) are not essential to plant metabolism, their benefits are often neglected or underestimated in agriculture; however, several studies support their advantages in sustainable agriculture when properly employed. The agronomical uses of these elements have been studied in the last decades, delivering important cues for the improvement of food and feed production worldwide due to beneficial effects in plant growth and productivity, nutrient balance, pest and pathogen resistance, water stress management, heavy-metal toxicity alleviation, and postharvest performance. However, their application has not been addressed as part of a holistic conservation strategy that supports the sustainability of agroecosystems. Here, we discuss the potential use of these elements in sustainable agriculture, and the knowledge gaps that hinder their effective integration into agronomical practices, which result in equally profitable applications while supporting environmental sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How IT Governance can assist IoT project implementation

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    Internet of things (IoT) is considered a key technology for the Industry 4.0 revolution. Information Technology (IT) governance (ITG) is now an increasingly important tool for organizations to align their IT strategy and infrastructures with the organizations’ business objectives. The most adopted ITG framework is COBIT, which defines seven enabler categories. These enablers aim to facilitate the implementation, identification, and management of IT. This research aims to determine, explore, and define which are the most suitable IT governance enablers to assist managers in IoT implementation. The study adopted the Design Science Research methodology, including two systematic literature reviews and a Delphi method to build the artefact. The artefact was demonstrated and evaluated in a real organization. The results indicate that data privacy, data protection, and data analysis are currently the most relevant enablers to consider in an IoT implementation because they increase the efficiency of the solution and enhance data credibility

    Leveraging Semantics to Improve Reproducibility in Scientific Workflows

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    Reproducibility of published results is a cornerstone in scientific publishing and progress. Therefore, the scientific community has been encouraging authors and editors to publish their contributions in a verifiable and understandable way. Efforts such as the Reproducibility Initiative [1], or the Reproducibility Projects on Biology [2] and Psychology [3] domains, have been defining standards and patterns to assess whether an experimental result is reproducible

    Euclid: Superluminous supernovae in the Deep Survey

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    Context. In the last decade, astronomers have found a new type of supernova called superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) due to their high peak luminosity and long light-curves. These hydrogen-free explosions (SLSNe-I) can be seen to z ~ 4 and therefore, offer the possibility of probing the distant Universe. Aims. We aim to investigate the possibility of detecting SLSNe-I using ESA’s Euclid satellite, scheduled for launch in 2020. In particular, we study the Euclid Deep Survey (EDS) which will provide a unique combination of area, depth and cadence over the mission. Methods. We estimated the redshift distribution of Euclid SLSNe-I using the latest information on their rates and spectral energy distribution, as well as known Euclid instrument and survey parameters, including the cadence and depth of the EDS. To estimate the uncertainties, we calculated their distribution with two different set-ups, namely optimistic and pessimistic, adopting different star formation densities and rates. We also applied a standardization method to the peak magnitudes to create a simulated Hubble diagram to explore possible cosmological constraints. Results. We show that Euclid should detect approximately 140 high-quality SLSNe-I to z ~ 3.5 over the first five years of the mission (with an additional 70 if we lower our photometric classification criteria). This sample could revolutionize the study of SLSNe-I at z > 1 and open up their use as probes of star-formation rates, galaxy populations, the interstellar and intergalactic medium. In addition, a sample of such SLSNe-I could improve constraints on a time-dependent dark energy equation-of-state, namely w(a), when combined with local SLSNe-I and the expected SN Ia sample from the Dark Energy Survey. Conclusions. We show that Euclid will observe hundreds of SLSNe-I for free. These luminous transients will be in the Euclid data-stream and we should prepare now to identify them as they offer a new probe of the high-redshift Universe for both astrophysics and cosmology.Acknowledgements. We thank the internal EC referees (P. Nugent and J. Brichmann) as well as the many comments from our EC colleagues and friends. C.I. thanks Chris Frohmaier and Szymon Prajs for useful discussions about supernova rates. C.I. and R.C.N. thank Mark Cropper for helpful information about the V IS instrument. C.I. thanks the organisers and participants of the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP) workshop “Superluminous supernovae in the next decade” for stimulating discussions and the provided online material. The Euclid Consortium acknowledges the European Space Agency and the support of a number of agencies and institutes that have supported the development of Euclid. A detailed complete list is available on the Euclid web site (http://www.euclid-ec.org). In particular the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, the Centre National dEtudes Spatiales, the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- and Raumfahrt, the Danish Space Research Institute, the Fundação para a Ciênca e a Tecnologia, the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, The Netherlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, the Norvegian Space Center, the Romanian Space Agency, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) at the Swiss Space Office (SSO), the United Kingdom Space Agency, and the University of Helsinki. R.C.N. acknowledges partial support from the UK Space Agency. D.S. acknowledges the Faculty of Technology of the University of Portsmouth for support during his PhD studies. C.I. and S.J.S. acknowledge funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant agreement No. [291222]. C.I. and M.S. acknowledge support from EU/FP7-ERC grant No. [615929]. E.C. acknowledge financial contribution from the agreement ASI/INAF/I/023/12/0. The work by KJ and others at MPIA on NISP was supported by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) under grant 50QE1202. M.B. and S.C. acknowledge financial contribution from the agreement ASI/INAF I/023/12/1. R.T. acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under the grant ESP2015-69020-C2- 2-R. I.T. acknowledges support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the research grant UID/FIS/04434/2013 and IF/01518/2014. J.R. was supported by JPL, which is run under a contract for NASA by Caltech and by NASA ROSES grant 12-EUCLID12-0004

    Doença de Alzheimer: um estudo de caso

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    RESUMO: A doença de Alzheimer é um transtorno neurodegenerativo progressivo, com desenvolvimento lento e continuo ao longo dos anos, manifestada pela deterioração cognitiva e da memória, evidenciando comprometimentos para desempenhar atividades da vida diária, bem como, uma variedade de distúrbios de comportamentos e sintomas neuropsiquiátricos. No Brasil, a população idosa passou de 6,1% para 7,3% da população total, o que equivale a 8 milhões de pessoas, despertando grande atenção para esta patologia. O caso relatado neste trabalho foi coletado na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) com previa autorização. As informações foram colhidas do prontuário do paciente por meio de entrevista com médico o qual o acompanhou. V.A.S., sexo masculino, 92 anos, viúvo, analfabeto, aposentado, ex-lavrador e cuidado por familiares. Apresentou quadro de Alzheimer avançado que evoluiu progressivamente em um curto período de tempo, não sendo tratado para esta patologia devido à resistência ao tratamento. O presente relato de caso objetiva apresentar os dados de rastreios e achados semiológicos em um paciente idoso diagnosticado com doença de Alzheimer, possibilitando maior compreensão acerca do assunto, diagnóstico e detecção precoce da doença. Palavras-chave:Alzheimer. Idoso. Diagnóstico. Depressão