249 research outputs found


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    As orquídeas apresentam ampla distribuição global, com exceção de regiões extremamente áridas, desérticas e polares onde as condições são adversas; a maior diversidade é encontrada nas regiões tropicais. O estudo descreve e ilustra uma nova espécie de Encyclia que pode ser caracterizada por apresentar folha verde com margem marrom, sépala dorsal oval-lanceolada, amarela, venação com 13 linhas, sendo central mais evidente, sépalas laterais parcialmente espatuladas, amarelas, venação com 9 linhas sendo central evidente, labelo com 3-lobo, lobos laterais lanceolados, curvados para cima e ápice dobrado e parcialmente circular, lobo central com margem irregular e apresenta marcação única na cor lilás

    Coumarins and alkaloids from Rauia resinosa (rutaceae)

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    The genus Rauia, that is poorly chemically studied, belongs to the Rutaceae family. This family has been known to contain a large variety of secondary metabolites. Our phytochemical investigation of the stem and leaves of Rauia resinosa has led to the identification of the structurally related coumarins: murralongin (1), murrangatin (2), munomicrolin (3), murrangatin diacetate (4), umbelliferone (5), rauianin (6) and one novel coumarin: 3-ethylrauianin (7); the alkaloids: N-methyl-4-methoxy-2-quinolone (8), mirtopsine (9), dictamine (10), γ-fagarine (11), skimmianine (12), Z-dimethylrhoifolinate (13), zantodioline (14), zantobungeanine (15), veprissine (16), one novel alkaloid 7-hydroxy-8-methoxy-N-methylflindersine (17) and 8-hydroxy-N-methylflindersine (18) that is described as a natural product for the first time, and a mixture of steroids: as sitosterol and stigmasterol.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Conceptual Model for Six Sigma Project Portfolio Management

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    O Projeto Seis Sigma tem sido usado por organizações em todo o mundo e ganhos expressivos têm sido reportados quanto ao aumento da qualidade e produtividade, redução de tempos de entrega e diminuição dos custos de processos críticos. Neste contexto, uma das questões que tem se mostrado bastante relevante é a forma como se dá a seleção, priorização e gestão do conjunto de projetos Seis Sigma. Esse parece ser um tema pouco explorado pelas organizações e as consequências da não utilização de uma sistemática robusta para tal tarefa podem ser bastante negativas para organizações que já trataram de todos os problemas estruturais grandes “visíveis”. Sendo assim, o presente artigo traz uma proposta de modelo teórico-conceitual para gestão de portfólio de projetos Seis Sigma com utilização de elementos apresentados na literatura sobre os referidos temas. Esse modelo é parte de um trabalho acadêmico em andamento e deve ser empregado nas atividades subsequentes de pesquisa de campo, onde será investigado o processo de gestão de portfólio de projetos Seis Sigma em empresas brasileiras do setor automotivo.Six Sigma has been used for many organizations around the world and significant benefits havebeen reported in relation to productivity and quality improvement, process lead time reduction andcost avoidance for critical processes. In this context one of the most relevant questions is related tothe way Six Sigma projects have been selected and prioritized. It seems to be a not very wellexplored issue by industries and the consequences of not using a robust approach for this task canbe very negative, once “visible” problems tends to decrease or disappear by time. So, this articlepresents a proposal for a Conceptual Model for Six Sigma Project Portfolio Management mainlybased on literature. This model is part of an “on going” academic work and will be used as mainreference for future field researches, investigating the Six Sigma Project Portfolio Management in Brazilian automotive industries


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    The group of orchids is distributed throughout the biosphere, except for extremely arid and polar regions, with the greatest diversity located in the neotropics. The present study describes and illustrates a new species of Bulbophyllum that can be characterized by presenting a partially cylindrical to oblong pseudobulb, compressed, pending inflorescence, epiquillus liguliform and trichome in the adaxial and abaxial portions, lanceolated hypocylate similar to two toothed projections and curved forward.Keywords: Amapá; Brazil; Dendrobiinae; Biological Diversity; Novelty Nomenclatural.O grupo das orquídeas está distribuído por toda a biosfera, exceto em regiões extremamente áridas e polares, sendo a maior diversidade localizada nos neotrópicos. O presente estudo descreve e ilustra uma nova espécie de Bulbophyllum que pode ser caracterizada por apresentar pseudobulbo parcialmente cilíndrico a oblongo, comprimido, inflorescência pendente, epiquilo liguliforme e tricomado nas porções adaxial e abaxial, hipoquilo lanceolado semelhante a duas projeções dentadas e curvado para frente.Palavras-chave: Amapá, Brasil, Dendrobiinae, Diversidade Biológica, Novidade Nomenclatural

    Preparation and characterization of polymeric nanoparticles loaded with the flavonoid luteolin, by using factorial design.

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    Nanoparticles containing luteolin flavonoid were prepared by using interfacial polymer deposition following solvent displacement. The formulation was optimized using factorial design. The parameters studied were the type of polymer [poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)], nature oil (isodecyl oleate and oleic acid) and the quantity of luteolin. Nanocapsules and nanospheres were also prepared and evaluated. Colloidal suspensions were characterized by evaluating pH, the particle size, the zeta potential, the morphological aspect and the kinetic release. A new High Performance Liquid Chromatography method was developed and validated in order to quantify luteolin in colloidal suspension allowing the analyses of the absolute recovery, entrapment efficiency and the kinetic release. The luteolin-absolute recovery ranged from 61.6% to 95%; entrapment efficiency was nearly 100% in all formulations and the particle sizes were smaller than 185.5 nm. The nanoparticles prepared with isodecyl oleate show a negative zeta potential. On the other hand, when oleic acid was utilized, the zeta potential was positive. The nanoparticles prepared by using isodecyl oleate have a more perfect spherical shape with a regular surface and form, homogeneity, and lower size dispersion. Nanocapsules and nanospheres have a similar release mechanism of pure diffusion according with Korsmeyer-Peppas’s model

    New Limonoids from Dictyoloma vandellianum and Sohnreyia excelsa: Chemosystematic considerations

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    Molecular phylogenetic studies separated and united a group of genera that constituted the Spathelia-Ptaeroxylon clade, in which Dictyoloma and Sohnreyia have been included. Our taxonomic interest in the Dictyoloma vandellianum and Sohnreyia excelsa stimulated an investigation of both species searching for limonoids. Leaves from D. vandellianum afforded the new limonoid 1,2-dihydro-1α-hydroxy-8,30-epoxy-cneorin R, and heartwood yielded the new rearranged limonoid dictyolomin. Leaves from S. excelsa afforded the new protolimonoid 3β-angeloyloxy-7α,24,25-trihydroxy-21,23-oxide-14,18-cycloapotirucall-21-methoxycetal and the new cycloheptanyl ring C limonoid with carbonate substituent and named as sohnreyolide. The new limonoids from Sohnreyia and Dictyoloma show similarities with those from Rutaceae and Meliaceae, providing support for moving Spathelia-Ptaeroxylon clade near to these associated large families. ©2019 Sociedade Brasileira de Química

    Preparation and characterization of polymeric nanoparticles loaded with the flavonoid luteolin, by using factorial design

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    Nanoparticles containing luteolin flavonoid were prepared by using interfacial polymer deposition following solvent displacement. The formulation was optimized using factorial design. The parameters studied were the type of polymer [poly(-caprolactone) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)], nature oil (isodecyl oleate and oleic acid) and the quantity of luteolin. Nanocapsules and nanospheres were also prepared and evaluated. Colloidal suspensions were characterized by evaluating pH, the particle size, the zeta potential, the morphological aspect and the kinetic release. A new High Performance Liquid Chromatography method was developed and validated in order to quantify luteolin in colloidal suspension allowing the analyses of the absolute recovery, entrapment efficiency and the kinetic release. The luteolin-absolute recovery ranged from 61.6% to 95%; entrapment efficiency was nearly 100% in all formulations and the particle sizes were smaller than 185.5 nm. The nanoparticles prepared with isodecyl oleate show a negative zeta potential. On the other hand, when oleic acid was utilized, the zeta potential was positive. The nanoparticles prepared by using isodecyl oleate have a more perfect spherical shape with a regular surface and form, homogeneity, and lower size dispersion. Nanocapsules and nanospheres have a similar release mechanism of pure diffusion according with Korsmeyer-Peppas’s model.CNPqCAPESFAPES


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    As orquídeas constituem um dos grupos mais numerosos entre as Angiospermas. A Família Orchidaceae Juss. está dividida em cinco subfamílias, e Epidendroideae Kostel. abriga a tribo Cymbidieae Pfitzer com a subtribo Catasetinae Schltr., no qual está inserido o gênero Mormodes Lindl. O presente estudo descreve e ilustra uma nova espécie deste gênero para o Brasil, Amazônia, caracterizada por ter um labelo carnoso, severamente trilobado, encurvado (forma de sela) 23,4 × 21,7 mm, base unguiculada e ligada à coluna, lobos laterais romboides e com reentrância visível, arcados para o centro, lobo central com margem trígono-denticulada de tamanho aproximado aos laterais.Palavras-chave: Biodiversidade, Brasil, Neotrópicos, Novidade nomenclatural.Orchids are one of the most numerous groups among the Angiosperms. The Orchidaceae Family Juss. is divided into five subfamilies, Epidendroideae Kostel. receives the tribe Cymbidieae Pfitzer with the subtribe Catasetinae Schltr., in which is inserted the genus Mormodes Lindl. The present study describes and illustrates a new species of this genus for Brazil, Amazonia, characterized by a fleshy, severely trilobed, curved (saddle) lip 23.4 × 21.7 mm, unguiculated base attached to the spine, rhomboid lateral lobes and visible recess, arches to the center, central lobe with trine-denticulate margin with approximate size to the sides.Keywords: Biodiversity; Brazil; Neotropics; Nomenclatural novelty

    Morphometric Growth Characteristics and Body Composition of Fish and Amphibians

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    Describing animal growth through the nonlinear models allows a detailed evaluation of their behavior, besides revealing important information of the response to a particular treatment. In this chapter, the parameters of mathematical models (Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy, Logistic and Brody) for live weight, feed and protein intakes, total and standard lengths and nutrient deposition are described systematically and comprehensively. Also the relative growth and allometric coefficients of body components in relation to body weight of fish and amphibians are described, explaining better the use of the allometric equation and classifying the growth of the body components