119 research outputs found

    Parasitismo por Lernaea cyprinacea em Astyanax bimaculatus provenientes de um açude no município de Antonio Prado, Rio Grande do Sul

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    A Lernaea cyprinacea é um crustáceo copépode que causa lesão no tegumento do peixe, o que acarreta um aspecto repugnante. Esse fator inviabiliza o peixe para consumo humano, trazendo prejuízos para a piscicultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o parasitismo por L. cyprinacea em Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari). Foram necropsiados vinte peixes provenientes de um açude da região nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Os parasitos foram removidos manualmente, montados em lâmina de vidro e identificados baseando-se nas características morfológicas da fêmea. Todos os peixes analisados apresentavam-se parasitados pelo copépode L. cyprinacea. Os lambaris apresentavam lesões no local de fixação dos parasitos, possivelmente devido ao grande número de crustáceos por peixe. Observou-se nos lambaris uma infestação de 12-39 parasitas. É preocupante a presença do verme âncora em um ambiente natural da região, pois essa espécie exótica pode disseminar-se e parasitar outras espécies de peixes

    Addition of Curcumin in Dairy Sheep Diet in the Control of Subclinical Mastitis

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    Background: Curcumin, a polyphenol derived from rhizome of Curcuma longa, has been successfully used in animals and humans due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Recently, a study demonstrated that curcumin ointment reduced pain, mammary tension and erythema in humans with mastitis 72 h after the treatment. Mastitis in sheep is an important problem due to restrictions associated to the use of antibiotics, affecting milk production and becoming a public health issue. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify whether the addition of curcumin in the diet of six female sheep with subclinical mastitis could have curative efficacy and benefits to animal health.Cases: Six Lacaune sheep with subclinical mastitis that persisted for more than thirty days after the parturition were used. The animals received feed containing the curcumin (60 mg/animal/day) during 10 days. On days 0 and 10 of the experiment, total blood was collected to perform the hemogram and serum biochemistry (triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, total protein (TP), albumin, globulin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and urea), as well as individual milk samples for centesimal composition, somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC). Total leukocytes and erythrocytes, as well as hemoglobin content, were obtained using the hematological counter CELM-CC-550. Blood smears were stained by theRomanowsky method and used for leukocytes differentiation. After ten days of treatment, five sheep were negative in the California Mastitis Test (CMT). Total erythrocytes increased, while total leukocytes decreased after the treatment. Seric levels of AST, triglycerides, cholesterol and globulins decreased, while seric levels of albumin and urea increased after tendays of treatment. No differences were observed regarding milk production and composition, as well as for SCC and TBC on days 0 and 10 post treatment.Discussion: The use curcumin to prevent or to delay the occurrence of subclinical mastitis in ewes was first tested. In an experiment of lipopolysaccharide-induced mastitis in rats, researchers identified receptors type Toll 4 which are related with the induction of the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, as tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6 and 1β, molecules involved in the migration of leukocytes to the site of inflammation. According to literature, curcumin was able to reduce theactivity of myeloperoxidase in the mammary gland, an enzyme used as indicator of neutrophil infiltration, demonstrating the potent anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin. This effect can be associated to the release of interleukin-8, a cytokine that promotes the migration of neutrophils, lymphocytes and eosinophils into the site of infection, i.e., the mammary gland. It is important to highlight that neutrophils, due to its capacity to release inflammatory mediators and to delay apoptosis, has the potential to maintain a permanent inflammatory process, effects that were prevented or reduced by curcumin, specially the apoptotic and cytotoxic effects. It is important to emphasize the direct effect of curcumin on bacteria present in the mammary gland, since it exerts potent bactericidal effect. In summary, the use of curcumin in sheep with subclinical mastitis exerted beneficial effects in the dose of 60 mg/sheep/day, since it showed 83.3% of curative efficacy in the test CMT. This effect of curcumin can be direct or indirect, since the curcumin provided in the diet showed anti-inflammatory properties byreducing oxidation reactions and cell damage. Overall, the addition of curcumin in sheep diet improved the hematological and biochemical variables after only ten days of treatment. Future studies should be performed to clarify and determine whether the curcumin provided in diet can be an alternative to treat clinical or subclinical mastitis.Keywords: curcumin, mammary infection, immunity, biochemistry parameters, ovine

    Ações de integração da zootecnia UDESC com a comunidade rural e urbana do oeste de Santa Catarina

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Este trabalho apresenta as principais ações de extensão desenvolvidas pelo Curso de Zootecnia da UDESC, por meio dos dois programas de extensão universitária em execução no referido curso. Os dois programas têm como foco principal possibilitar intercâmbio de conhecimentos entre os meios rural e urbano e a Universidade, com foco em áreas variadas do conhecimento. As ações descritas neste trabalho fazem parte dos Programas “Interação UDESC - comunidade: Construção do conhecimento no meio rural e urbano” e “Conexão Zootecnia - UDESC e a Produção Animal”. O público-alvo envolve acadêmicos, população urbana, produtores rurais, técnicos do setor agropecuário e alunos de cursos do ensino fundamental, médio e superior da Região Oeste do Estado de Santa Catariana. Nestas ações, estão sendo realizadas abordagens sobre bem-estar de animais de rua e de companhia, manejo da bovinocultura de Leite, noções de geodésia e navegação com receptores de sinal de satélite, controle zootécnico de rebanhos e orientações sobre o controle parasitário, assim como realização de diagnóstico parasitológico animal. Como estratégias centrais das ações destacam-se parcerias com ONGs e sociedade visando minimizar a problemática de animais sob guarda não responsável e abandonados, capacitações para o uso de novas tecnologias, com curso sobre Noções Básicas e promoção de eventos integrativos sobre diferentes áreas da produção animal, com a promoção de cinco edições do 'CONECTA ZOO’. As ações realizadas em ambos os programas estão sendo desenvolvidas em municípios da região Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina. A metodologia adotada visa o diálogo entre os participantes, de forma que os mesmos sintam-se a vontade para emitir opiniões, facilitando a troca de experiências e o aprendizado

    Ciclo biológico do cascudinho Alphitobius diaperinus em laboratório

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    O Alphitobius diaperinus é um inseto da ordem Coleoptera, vulgarmente denominado cascudinho da cama das aves sendo adaptável ao ambiente das mesmas pela disponibilidade de alimento e umidade da cama, apresenta grande capacidade de proliferação e causa prejuízos significativos aos criadores. O trabalho foi realizado com o intuito de verificar o ciclo biológico do A. diaperinus em todas as etapas de desenvolvimento e assim saber em que fase ele é mais susceptível a um posterior controle químico ou biológico. Após a sexagem dos coleópteros adultos, cada 10 casais foram alojados em placas de Petri contendo serragem autoclavada e mantidos em câmara climatizada com temperatura e umidade controlada (27°C e 80% UR). Os mesmos foram alimentados com ração comercial para coelhos em pellets. Após três dias do período de pré-ovoposição, foram encontrados os primeiros ovos nas ranhuras da ração e em cinco dias eclodiram as larvas com 1,5 mm de comprimento e coloração esbranquiçada. Estas permaneceram em crescimento durante 38 dias até chegar ao tamanho de 13,8 mm de comprimento e cor marrom escura. Após essa fase as larvas sofreram ecdise e puparam por 5 dias. Das pupas eclodiram os cascudinhos de coloração branca que em quatro dias desenvolveram quitinização e após 20 dias começaram a reproduzir-se. O ciclo reprodutivo do inseto em temperatura de 27º C e 80% de U.R. foi de 55 dias

    Experimental Infection by Brucella ovis: Changes in NTPDase, 5'-Nucleotidase and Acetylcholinesterase Associated Cerebral Oxidative Stres

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    Background: Changes in purinergic and cholinergic signaling have been demonstrated in various pathologies associated with inflammation; however, the changes in brucellosis caused by the Gram-negative coccobacillus Brucella ovis are not known. B. ovis is generally asymptomatic in sheep. Hepatosplenomegaly has been described in B. ovis, a non-zoonotic species, characterized by an extravascular inflammatory response. Purinergic system enzymes are closely involved with the modulation of the immune system, pro- and anti-inflammatory events. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of ectonucleotidases and cholinesterase’s in the brains of mice experimentally infected with B. ovis.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-eight animals were divided into two groups: control (n = 24) and infected (n = 24). In group infected, 100 µL containing 1.3 x 107 UFC B. ovis /mL via intraperitoneal was used in inoculation. The brains were collected from the animals on days 7, 15, 30 and 60 post-infection (PI). We measured levels of TBARS (substances reactive to thiobarbituric acid) and ROS (reactive oxygen species) in the brain. The activity of NTPDase (using ATP and ADP as substrate) and 5'-nucleotidase (using AMP as substrate) were evaluated in brain in addition to histopathological analysis. No histopathological lesions were observed in the control group nor the infected group at days 7, 15, and 30 PI. However,multifocal areas with moderate microgliosis and inflammatory infiltrates in the cerebral cortex were observed at day 60 PI in the infected animals. B. ovis DNA was detected in brain. During the course of infection, B. ovis caused greater lipid peroxidation in the brains of infected animals than in the control group at day 60PI. No significant results were observed at 7, 15 or day 30 PI. Similarly, there was significantly more reactive oxygen species at day 60 PI in brains of infected animals than in the control group. NTPDase activity (using ATP and AMP as substrate) was lower at days 7 and 15 PI in infected animals than in control. However, during the course of infection there was an increase in NTPDase activity at day 60 PI in the infected group. The infected animals showed a decrease of 5´-nucleotidase (AMP as substrate) activity at days 7 and 30 PI. On the other hand, 5´-nucleotidase activity was greater on day 60 PI in the experimental group than in the control. The results suggest that nucleotide hydrolysis was low in the acute phase (up to day 30 PI) due to the decrease of NTPDase and 5´-nucleotidase activities. After day 60 PI, there was a reversal in enzyme activities, probably with concomitant increase of extracellular nucleotides. AChE activity in brain on days 30 and 60 PI compared to control.Discussion: Among the functions of NTPDase are inhibition of platelet aggregation, vascular homeostasis, modulation of inflammation and immune response, all via its regulation of extracellular concentrations of ATP, a pro-inflammatory molecule. E-NTPDase plays an important role in controlling lymphocyte function, including antigen recognition and activation of cytotoxic T cell effector functions, as well as the generation of signals. The enzyme E-5´-nucleotidase also exerts non-enzymatic functions, including induction of intracellular signaling and mediation of cell-cell adhesion and cell-matrix and migration. Levels of acetylcholine are regulated by cholinesterase enzymes that are present in cholinergic and noncholinergic tissues, as the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a membrane-bound enzyme, primarily found in the brain and cholinergic neurons, where it participates in the structural regulation of postsynaptic differentiation. The results demonstrated that the chronicity of infection by B. ovis causes oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain, as well as modulation of ectonucleotidases and AChE activities

    Leptospira Seroprevalence in Capybaras from a Brazilian Urban Area

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    Background: Leptospirosis remains the most widespread zoonotic disease in the world. As a clinical entity it is strongly associated with regional occupational and environmental exposures.  While the exact global disease burden remains unknown, recent estimates by the leptospirosis Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (LERG) at the World Health Organization have set the number of human cases of severe leptospirosis to over 500,000 per year. This number almost certainly represents an under-representation due to poor surveillance and difficult diagnosis. Leptospira spp. belong to the order Spirochaetales, family Leptospiraceae, composed by 13 pathogenic Leptospira species with more than 260 serovars. Wildlife species are commonly considered to be important epidemiological carriers, mainly because of their frequent reactivity to Leptospira serovars native to their habitat. Capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), a known leptospirosis host, is a widespread species in South America. However, reports regarding the importance of this animal in the epidemiology of leptospirosis are rare. Therefore, the objective of this study was to report the results of leptospirosis serological survey of capybaras from a residential park area in southeastern Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 172 capybaras were sampled at Itú Municipality, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, from December 2012 to May 2013. Sera samples were examined for Leptospira antibodies by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), using live antigens grown in liquid medium (EMJH). A complete panel of 7 serogroups (including 10 reference serovars) was used as antigens: serogroup Sejroe (serovars Hardjo and Wolffi), serogroup Grippotyphosa (serovar Grippotyphosa), serogroup Canicola (serovar Canicola), serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae (serovars Icterohaemorrhagiae and Copenhageni), serogroup Australis (serovars Australis and Bratislava), serogroup Pomona (serovar Pomona), and serogroup Autumnalis (serovar Butembo).   As a results, 46 (26.75%) were serologically positive: 29 (63.05%) for serogroup Sejroe, 7 (15.22%) for serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae; 9 (19.56%) were seropositive for serogroups Sejroe and Icterohaemorrhagiae; and 1 (2.17%) was positive for serogroups Sejroe and Grippotyphosa.Discussion: L. interrogans sensu stricto is responsible for the most frequent and severe cases of human and animal leptospirosis. Considering the results of our serological survey, it is important to reinforce that in tropical countries, mainly Brazil, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia and Barbados, serovars belonging to the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup (Icterohaemorrhagiae and Copenhageni) are generally the most prevalent. Therefore, the report of different serogroups in capybaras (as observed in our study) it is an important observation reported. Human leptospirosis is usually due to serovars that are maintained by the animal populations of a region, which spread the bacterium on the environment; thus, it may represent an important additional risk factor for human population. Our study identified a greater serum reactivity to strains that belongs to serogroup Sejroe. In Brazil this serogroup is highly predominant in livestock; thus, our main hypothesis is that some animals were contaminated with Sejroe serovars when they were at their natural habitat and, once in the park, they maintained these serovars through cross transmission.  Therefore, based on our results, it was possible to observe a significant prevalence of serovars belonging to serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae, and there was also a high prevalence of samples positive to serogroup Sejroe. Thus, our serologic survey showed that capybaras living in an urban area could represent a risk factor for leptospirosis for the human population eventually exposed

    Occurrence of pseudoparasite coccidians in carnivores

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência de pseudoparasitos em três espécies de carnívoros (Felis catus, Lycalopex gymnocercus e Canis lupus familiaris) no sul do Brasil. Amostras de fezes colhidas em exame de rotina dos animais foram processadas através da técnica de centrífugo-flutuação com sulfato de zinco. Em microscópio óptico foram detectados oocistos esporulados e não esporulados de coccídios da família Adeleidae em gato doméstico e graxaim-do-campo. Nas fezes do canídeo foram encontrados oocistos de Eimeria sp. Ambos protozoários não são patogênicos para estas espécies hospedeiras, porém, podem ser facilmente confundidos com outros coccídeos virulentosquando não estão esporulados.  The aim of this research study was to report the occurrence of pseudoparasites in three species of carnivores (Felis catus, Lycalopex gymnocercus and Canis lupus familiaris) in the southern region of Brazil. Fecal samples collected in the routine examination of the animals were analyzed by the centrifugal flotation technique with zinc sulfate. Sporulated and nonsporulated oocysts of coccidia of the family Adeleidae were observed in the feces of the domestic cat and pampas-fox. Oocysts of Eimeria sp. were present in the dog feces. Although not pathogenic for these host species, these oocysts can be easily confounded with other virulent coccidian when present in their nonsporulated form