20 research outputs found

    Survey of medium-sized and large mammals in semideciduous Atlantic Forest patches near Alfenas, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    We surveyed, with the aid of camera traps, medium-sized and large terrestrial mammals in 8 patches of semideciduous Atlantic Forest near the city of Alfenas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We recorded species occurrence using 2 camera traps per fragment, which were simultaneously active for 2 months each. We recorded 16 species, plus a species of armadillo that we were unable to identify to genus. The rarefaction curve tended to stabilize, evidencing the efficacy of our methods. The species richness was similar or higher to other surveys carried out in remnants of seasonal semideciduous Atlantic Forest or transitional areas. However, such seemingly high richness in a severely degraded and fragmented region, including large carnivores and endangered species, hides a wide variation in richness among fragments. This calls for urgent actions to improve the landscape for these animals to ensure their survival in the long term, as some populations are probably not viable in the long run.&nbsp

    Avaliação do Impacto da Adoção do Sisu sobre o Perfil Médio do Aluno da Unifal-Mg

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    Resumo: Um dos objetivos do Sisu é a democratização do acesso às universidades federais. Testamos se isto ocorreu na Unifal-MG, analisando o perfil dos ingressantes. Previmos que após a adoção do Sisu haveria mais alunos oriundos de famílias com menor poder aquisitivo, de cidades mais distantes, do ensino médio público e com pais com baixo grau de escolarização. Somente a previsão sobre aumento da abrangência geográfica dos ingressantes não se confirmou. Sugerimos então que o Sisu pode ter representado uma democratização no acesso à Universidade pela comunidade local.\ud \ud Palavras-chave: Ensino superior. Política educacional. Democratização. Perfil Socioeconômico

    Avaliação do Impacto da Adoção do Sisu sobre o Perfil Médio do Aluno da Unifal-Mg

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    Resumo: Um dos objetivos do Sisu é a democratização do acesso às universidades federais. Testamos se isto ocorreu na Unifal-MG, analisando o perfil dos ingressantes. Previmos que após a adoção do Sisu haveria mais alunos oriundos de famílias com menor poder aquisitivo, de cidades mais distantes, do ensino médio público e com pais com baixo grau de escolarização. Somente a previsão sobre aumento da abrangência geográfica dos ingressantes não se confirmou. Sugerimos então que o Sisu pode ter representado uma democratização no acesso à Universidade pela comunidade local. Palavras-chave: Ensino superior. Política educacional. Democratização. Perfil Socioeconômico

    Focal study area, Alfenas—MG, Brazil.

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    <p>The Atlantic Forest remnants in the region are highly fragmented, with the vegetation reduced to 4% of the original area. The forest fragments were manually vectorized, scale 1:10,000, followed by visual grading. Figure originally produced by LGS based on Google Earth images, for illustrative purposes only.</p

    Characteristics of the 45 focal fragments regarding the study metrics.

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    <p>MIN—minimum value, AVG—average value, MAX—maximum value. Note that although the fragments are the same for all species, the average and maximum values for isolation and MPI are different among the species. This result occurred because the metrics include values that are ecologically calibrated that are different among the species.</p><p>Characteristics of the 45 focal fragments regarding the study metrics.</p

    Comparison of competing predictive models of species occurrence for <i>Callicebus nigrifrons</i>, <i>Callithrix aurita</i> and <i>Sapajus nigritus</i>, through the Akaike Information Criterion, based on occurrence information in the region of Alfenas—Brazil.

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    <p><sup>(a)</sup> Difference between the AICc value of a given model and the lower AICc value among all models for a given species.</p><p><sup>(b)</sup> Model weight. Models were ordered following the first species in the table. For the next two species, we indicate the position of the models, from the higher to the lower weight, using superscripts.</p><p>Plausible models are highlighted.</p><p>Comparison of competing predictive models of species occurrence for <i>Callicebus nigrifrons</i>, <i>Callithrix aurita</i> and <i>Sapajus nigritus</i>, through the Akaike Information Criterion, based on occurrence information in the region of Alfenas—Brazil.</p