9 research outputs found

    Antioxidant activity of vegetable extracts: study of extraction conditions and evaluation in lipid system

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    A oxidação lipídica é uma das principais reações de deterioração em alimentos, provocando perdas em qualidade e valor nutricional. Para evitar este problema a indústria utiliza antioxidantes, substâncias capazes de retardar essas reações. Os compostos fenólicos constituem-se na principal substância antioxidante utilizada e encontrada em alimentos, sendo que estes podem estar presentes em várias matérias primas vegetais e em resíduos agroindustriais, desprezados pela indústria. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar as condições de extração de compostos fenólicos de frutos de acerola (Malpighia emarginata), borra de café (Coffea arabica) e casca de lichia (Litchi chinensis), bem como avaliar sua atividade antioxidante in vitro e sua aplicação em emulsões. Para extração dos compostos fenólicos foi aplicada a metodologia de superfícies resposta, visando a definição da melhor combinação de variáveis (concentração de etanol, temperatura e tempo) para a máxima recuperação de compostos fenólicos. A avaliação da atividade antioxidante se deu pela estabilização do radical DPPH e estudo da cinética da reação em comparação ao antioxidante sintético TBHQ. Além disso, foi avaliada a atividade antioxidante dos extratos adicionados a emulsões em diferentes concentrações (50 a 200 mg.kg-1), submetidas a teste acelerado de oxidação. O estudo das condições de extração evidenciou que os compostos fenólicos de cada matriz devem ser extraídos em condições distintas. Extratos de frutos de acerola apresentaram o maior teor de compostos fenólicos totais quando foi utilizada apenas água como solvente (175,87 mg GAE.g-1), seguido pelos extratos de borra de café e de casca de lichia extraídos com soluções etanólicas (26,37 e 25,87 mg GAE.g-1 respectivamente). O estudo da cinética de estabilização do radical DPPH demonstrou que o extrato de acerola foi o mais eficiente, seguido pelos extratos de casca de lichia e de borra de café (650,53; 43,09 e 38,74 de TEAC, respectivamente). O estudo de aplicação dos extratos em sistema modelo, com acompanhamento da oxidação por meio da determinação de hidroperóxidos formados (mmol.kg-1), indicou que somente o extrato de acerola, em todas as concentrações utilizadas, apresentou efeito comparável ao TBHQ. Os extratos de casca de lichia e de borra de café, em qualquer concentração utilizada, não apresentaram a mesma proteção à oxidação lipídica. Com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que cada matriz se comporta de uma forma na extração de compostos fenólicos, e daí vem a necessidade de se realizar estudo das condições de preparo dos extratos para cada amostra. O extrato de acerola se mostrou o mais eficiente, tanto na cinética de estabilização do radical DPPH quanto na inibição da oxidação no sistema lipídico estudado. No entanto mais trabalhos são necessários para avaliar diferentes sistemas de oxidação, bem como estudos toxicológicos para garantir níveis seguros de consumo.The oxidation is one of major deterioration in food lipids, causing losses in quality and nutritional value. To avoid this, antioxidants are used and the phenolic compounds are the main component of antioxidant applied and presented in foods, and also may be present in agroindustrial residues, usually discarded by the industry. The objective of this study was to identify ideal conditions to extract phenolic compounds from acerola fruits (Malpighia emarginata), coffee grounds (Coffea arabica) and lychee skins (Litchi chinensis) by means of surface response methodology (RSM), evaluation of antioxidant activity of extracts in in vitro essays, application of selected extracts in emulsions systems during accelerated test. The response surface methodology was applied to each material in order to identify the effects of temperature, ethanol concentration and time in extraction processes. Antioxidant activity by DPPH stabilization and its kinectis evaluation were performed and compared to TBHQ. Furthermore, selected extracts (50 to 200 mg.kg-1) were added in emulsion system and subject to accelerated oxidation test. RSM have shown that phenolic compounds of each material are extractable in different conditions. Acerola fruits aqueous extracts present maximum phenolic content (175.87 mg GAE.g-1) and the higher DPPH antioxidant activity, followed by coffee grounds and lychee skins extracts (26.37 and 25.87 mg GAE.g-1). Acerola extracts also presented the best stabilization of DPPH in kinetic study, with results comparable to the TBHQ effect (650.53 TEAC). Acerola extract added to the emulsion showed a good antioxidant effect in all concentrations during accelerated test, resulting in final oxidation levels (mmol hydroperoxides kg-1) comparable to TBHQ in the same concentration. Coffee grounds and lychee skins extracts were not efficient in avoid hydroperoxides increasing. Results showed the importance of studying extractions conditions for each material. Acerola extract showed the most efficient antioxidant activity both in DPPH kinetics DPPH stabilization and inhibition of lipid oxidation in the system studied. However, further work is needed to evaluate different oxidation systems, as well as toxicological studies to ensure safe levels of consumption

    Potential of acerola (Malpighia emarginata) metabolites as antioxidants in different oxidative systems mediated by free radicals

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    Os antioxidantes naturais extraídos de vegetais são potenciais substitutos aos sintéticos. Entretanto, as pesquisas que avaliem as atividades destes compostos em sistemas in vivo e que também elucidem os mecanismos dessas substâncias são escassas. A acerola apresenta consideráveis quantidades de compostos antioxidantes, os quais foram objetivo de estudo deste trabalho. A extração de compostos ativos de frutos de acerola verde e madura foi otimizada e diferentes métodos para avaliação da atividade antioxidante in vivo, utilizando Saccharomyces cerevisiae como microrganismo modelo, foram aplicados. Foi realizado um estudo da extração de compostos com atividade antioxidante através da metodologia de superfície resposta, identificando os efeitos da concentração de etanol da solução extratora e da temperatura de extração sobre o poder redutor e atividade estabilizadora de radicais ABTS e DPPH dos extratos. Duas estirpes de S. cerevisiae foram utilizadas para avaliação da atividade antioxidante in vivo: Wild Type (WT) e modificada geneticamente (erg6Δ). As estirpes apresentam diferença quanto à presença de ergosterol (ERG) e zimosterol (ZIM), esteróis analisados por modelagem molecular para determinação de sua possível atividade antioxidante. Os extratos de acerola verde e madura obtidos sob condições otimizadas, além dos antioxidantes sintéticos BHA (2 e 3-terc-butil-4-hidroxianisol), BHT (Butil Hidroxitolueno) e ácido ascórbico, tiveram sua atividade antioxidante avaliada por meio do estresse oxidativo induzido às células por diferentes reagentes químicos. As técnicas utilizadas para avaliar o efeito dos extratos e dos antioxidantes sintéticos foram a cultivabilidade, oxidação no nível de membrana celular e oxidação intracelular. Por fim, foi avaliado o efeito do processo de microencapsulação por spray drying na composição química dos extratos de acerola verde e madura. Através da análise das superfícies respostas foi possível identificar as condições ótimas para a obtenção de extratos, que apresentaram alta atividade antioxidante nos estudos com células de S. cerevisiae, com efeito protetor maior ou igual aos antioxidantes BHT e ácido ascórbico. Ainda foi comprovado nos experimentos in vivo que em todas as concentrações utilizadas, o BHA, além de não prevenir a oxidação, mostrou-se uma substância deletéria as células, principalmente no meio intracelular. Por meio dos estudos de modelagem molecular foi possível não só prever uma atividade antioxidante para o ERG e ZIM (em menor grau), mas também sugerir o mecanismo de transferência de elétrons seguido por doação de próton. O processo de microencapsulação permitiu a obtenção de um produto à base de extrato de acerola verde promissor para futuras aplicações. Pode-se concluir que é possível obter extratos ricos em compostos com atividade antioxidante a partir de frutos de acerola verdes e maduros e que a S. cerevisiae pode ser utilizada como um microrganismo modelo para a análise in vivo do efeito de antioxidantes por diferentes técnicas.Natural antioxidants extracted from plants show potential to replace synthetic ones. However, publications that both evaluates the activities of these compounds in in vivo systems and elucidate the chemical characteristics of these substances are scarce and often resorts to techniques that do not necessarily reflect the antioxidant activity in different systems. Acerola fruits have considerable concentrations of antioxidant compounds, so in this study the extraction of natural compounds from green and ripe acerola fruits was optimized and different methods for in vivo antioxidant activity evaluation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model microorganism were performed. Surface response methodology was applied to identify effects of ethanol concentration and temperature during the extraction of antioxidants compounds, using as response the reducing power and the sequestering activity of radicals ABTS and DPPH. Two strains of S. cerevisiae were used to evaluate the in vivo antioxidant activity: wild Type (WT) and the genetically modified (erg6Δ), which had difference in the presence of ergosterol (ERG) and zymosterol (ZYM). These two sterols were analyzed by molecular modelling to evaluate their possible antioxidant activity. Effects of green and ripe acerola fruits extracts, synthetic antioxidants Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and ascorbic acid were evaluated on the oxidative stress caused in the cells by different chemical reagents, cell culturability, cell membrane oxidation level and intracellular oxidation. Finally, the effect of the microencapsulation process by spray drying on the chemical composition of the acerola extracts was evaluated. Through the surface response methodology it was possible to determine the optimal conditions to produce acerola extracts rich in phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid. The extracts of acerola showed a high or equal antioxidant activity in the studies with S. cerevisiae cells, especially when compared to the synthetic antioxidants BHT and ascorbic acid. It has still been proven in in vivo experiments that at the presence of BHA in all concentrations, besides to do not prevent oxidation, proved to be a deleterious substance to cells, mainly in the intracellular studies. Through molecular modeling it was possible to predict an antioxidant activity for ERG and, in a lesser degree, for ZYM by the mechanism of electron transfer followed by proton donation. It was possible to obtain a microencapsulated powder from green acerola extract as a promising product for future food applications. The same conditions applied to mature acerola fruit extracts showed undesirable effect on reduction power and scavenging capacity. The study concludes that it is possible to obtain extracts rich in antioxidants compounds from green and ripe acerola fruits under optimized conditions. S. cerevisiae can be used as a model microorganism for in vivo analysis of synthetic and natural antioxidants. Finally, the microencapsulation by spray drying was feasible under the conditions of this work only for the green acerola extract

    Development and sensory evaluation of yogurt with chia seeds

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    The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate the sensory acceptance of yogurt formulations with chia seeds. After preparation of the formulations (A - Control, B - yogurt added of 2% of chia seeds, C - yoghurt added of 3% of chia seeds), microbiological and physicochemical analyzes were performed. Hedonic scales were used to verify the acceptance and the intention to purchase the elaborated formulations, as well as the Acceptability Index. The data of the acceptance and purchase intention tests were evaluated through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and later, Tukey’s Test was applied at a 5% probability. Yogurt formulations were within the standards required by Brazilian Legislation for microbiological and physicochemical analyzes. There was no significant difference (p > 0,05) between the 3 yoghurt formulations for the attributes of flavor, texture and overall impression. However, regarding the appearance attribute, the formulation with 3% chia (C) seeds was less appreciated (p 0,05) regarding the average of the purchase intention notes for the 3 yogurt formulations. It was concluded that the yogurt formulations with chia seeds were adequate for the microbiological and physicochemical parameters during the storage period, besides obtaining a good sensorial acceptance, presenting itself as a healthier milk alternative for the consumers

    Potential antioxidant of brazilian coffee from the region of Cerrado

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    <div><p>Abstract Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Its chemical composition may have varied according to the planting site, degree of roasting, and method of preparation. This work aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of coffee from the region of Cerrado in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The evaluation was performed with samples roasted at two different levels (traditional and extra dark) and using two different preparation methods (decoction and infusion) that reflect the conditions of preparing coffee. In vitro antioxidant activity by ABTS and DPPH radical methods and the concentration of total phenolic compounds and caffeine were determined. Samples made by decoction showed a higher content of phenolic compounds and no significant difference was observed between the degrees of roasting. However, the antioxidant activity and caffeine concentration of the extra dark samples were higher than those of the traditional samples for both preparation methods. The decoction preparation method was better for extracting phenolic compounds and the extra dark roast showed a higher concentration of caffeine and antioxidant activity. The samples showed a high antioxidant activity, indicating the coffee from Cerrado is an important source of antioxidants.</p></div

    Comparison of the antioxidant property of acerola extracts with synthetic antioxidants using an in vivo method with yeasts

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    International audienceIn this study, we compared the antioxidant activity of ripe and unripe acerola extracts with synthetic antioxidants (BHA and BHT). This activity was assessed by classical approaches (DPPH and ABTS) and by an in vivo method using yeasts. Acerola extracts contain phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid that exhibit radical scavenger capacity and reducing power. The results obtained with yeasts revealed that the acerola extracts and BHT either acted as antioxidants or presented no activity depending on the nature of the oxidant molecule used. BHA decreased yeast resistance to oxidative treatments and also showed deleterious effects even when oxidative treatments were not applied. The unripe acerola was the most efficient antioxidant in the in vitro experiments but not necessarily in the in vivo assays, showing the weakness of in vitro systems in predicting antioxidant responses for biological purposes. BHA presented cell damaging effects even in the absence of oxidizing reagents

    In vitro and in vivo antioxidant properties of bioactive compounds from Green Propolis obtained by ultrasound-assisted extraction

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    International audienceGreen propolis presents a potential source of bioactive compounds, responsible for its antioxidant capacity. The effects of ethanol concentration, solid-solvent ratio, and extraction time were evaluated in regard to the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant capacity of the extracts by the use of central composite rotatable designs. Optimum extraction conditions lead to significant reduction of extraction time compared to conventional extraction methods. Under optimum conditions, extracts were composed of 1614.80 mg GAE. g−1 and 807 mg artepillin C. g−1. Extracts were effective in retarding the oxidation in oil-in-water emulsions subjected to accelerated tests. Green propolis extracts (up to 200 mg.kg−1) did not increase Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell damage after 4 h of exposure, indicating its antioxidant effect and potential innocuity. Results demonstrated the antioxidant properties of the propolis extract was similar or better than the ones from synthetic antioxidants and warrant further investigation to determine its potential industrial application

    Can lychee reducing the adipose tissue mass in rats?

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    ABSTRACT Lychee fruit has been studied owing to the presence of several bioactive compounds that can contribute to weight loss in obese individuals. However, the anti-obese potential of the fruit has not been explored yet. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different parts of lychee in reducing the adipose tissue mass of cafeteria diet-fed rats. Phenolic compounds and scavenging capacities were quantified. The food intake, apparent digestibility, weight of the body and liver, body mass, Lee Index, and the mass of epididymal and visceral adipose tissues were evaluated. The results were estimated by Tukey’s Test at 5% probability. A higher amount of phenolic compounds and scavenging capacity were observed in the peel of lychee as compared to the other parts of the fruit. The hypercaloric diet with lychee flour resulted in a higher apparent digestibility. There was no difference between groups control (C), hypercaloric (H), hypercaloric with lychee flour - 50.00% peel and 50.00% seeds (H2F), and hypercaloric with lychee flour - 33.33% peel, 33.33% pulp and 33.34% seeds (H3F) with respect to body and liver weight, corporal mass, and Lee Index. The hypercaloric diet-fed group exhibited an increase in visceral and epididymal adipose tissue mass, whereas the group fed with hypercaloric diets and flour made from the peel and seed of lychee presented a lower visceral adipose tissue mass. In conclusion, the use of lychee flour was considered viable because it decreased visceral adipose tissue mass in rats