158 research outputs found

    Termofosfatos magnesianos do complexo de Maicuru como fonte de P e Mg na produção de milho

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    The objective of this work was to investigate changes in soil chemical characteristics, phosphorous concentrations in maize leaves, and the agronomic efficiency (AE) of magnesium thermophosphates produced from rocks of the Maicuru complex in the Brazilian Amazon Basin, in comparison with triple superphosphate (TSP). The thermophosphates consisted of a mixture of raw material from apatite, dunite, and quartz sandstone from Maicuru, aiming to adjust the contents of P, Mg, and Si. The mixture was melted, ground, and subjected to the analysis of solubility, chemical characteristics, and granulometry. The experiment consisted of two rates of dolomitic lime (0 and 2.4 Mg ha-1), three rates of P (20, 60, and 100 mg kg-1 soil), and four sources of P (TSP and three Mg thermophosphates), as well as of two control treatments, with and without lime. Three replicates were carried out per treatment in pots containing plants of the BR 5107 maize hybrid. Phosphorous concentration was determined in maize leaves at 45 days after sowing. The Mg thermophosphates showed a high AE and a higher neutralizing effect with the application of lime, which improved soil chemical characteristics and AE. The thermophosphates obtained from rocks of the Maicuru complex can be an alternative P fertilizer in maize production.O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar mudanças em atributos químicos do solo, concentrações de fósforo em folhas de milho e eficiência agronômica (EA) de termofosfatos magnesianos produzidos com rochas do complexo de Maicuru, na bacia da Amazônia brasileira, em comparação ao superfosfato triplo (SFT). Os termofosfatos consistiram de mistura de matéria-prima de apatita, dunita e arenito quartzoso de Maicuru, para ajuste dos conteúdos de P, Mg e Si. A mistura foi fundida, moída e submetida à análise de solubilidade, características químicas e granulometria. O experimento consistiu em dois níveis de calcário dolomítico (0 e 2,4 Mg ha-1), três níveis de P (20, 60 e 100 mg kg-1 de solo) e quatro fontes de P (TSP e três termofosfatos magnesianos), além de dois controles, com e sem calcário. Foram realizadas três repetições para cada tratamento, em vasos com plantas de milho do híbrido BR 5107. A concentração de P foi determinada nas folhas de milho aos 45 dias após a semeadura. Os termofosfatos magnesianos apresentaram alta EA e maior poder neutralizante com a aplicação de calcário, o que melhorou as características químicas do solo e a EA. Os termofosfatos obtidos de rochas do complexo Maicuru podem ser alternativa de fertilizante fosfatado na produção de milho


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    Na planície intermontana da serra do Tepequém no estado de Roraima ocorre o desenvolvimento de feições erosivas lineares na forma de ravinas e voçorocas que pela intensidade do processo erosivo evidencia-se na paisagem local. Essas frentes erosivas por voçorocamento podem ter sido intensificadas pela ação antrópica, principalmente pela atividade garimpeira diamantífera que se integrou ao cenário da serra do Tepequém desde 1937, praticada ao longo das décadas nos rios Paiva e Cabo Sobral, nos aluviões e secundariamente em elúvios e colúvios provenientes dos sedimentos da Formação Tepequém. Por causa da natureza arenosa siltosa e incoesa dos solos que formam a superfície da planície intermontana Tepequém, submetido a um lençol freático raso e um relevo inclinado, além da baixa densidade de cobertura vegetal (gramíneas e arbustos isolados) no topo da serra, deixa o solo mais exposto à ação erosiva da chuva, facilitando o transporte do material superficial e subsuperficial, levando ao estabelecimento de grandes voçorocas. Palavras-Chave: Serra Tepequém – garimpo diamante – voçorocas. ABSTRACT In the plain intermontana of the mountain of Tepequém in the state of Roraima happens the development of lineal erosive features in the ravinas form and voçorocas that it is evidenced in the local landscape by the intensity of the erosive process. Those erosive fronts for voçorocamento might have been intensified by the human action, mainly for the activity extraction of diamonds that integrated into the scenery of the mountain of Tepequém since 1937, practiced along the decades in the rivers Paiva and Cabo Sobral, in the alluvia and secondarily in elúvios and coming colúvios of Formação Tepequém's sediments. Because of the nature sandy siltosa and incoesa of the soils that form the surface of the plain intermontana Tepequém, submitted to a sheet shallow freático and a tilted relief, besides the low density of vegetable covering (gramíneas and isolated bushes) in the top of the mountain, he/she leaves the most exposed soil to the erosive action of the rain, facilitating the transport of the superficial material and below the surface, taking to the establishment of great voçorocas. Key-Words: Mountain Tepequém - mine of diamonds - voçorocas. DOI: 10.5654/actageo2007.0101.000


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    Na planície intermontana da serra do Tepequém no estado de Roraima ocorre o desenvolvimento de feições erosivas lineares na forma de ravinas e voçorocas que pela intensidade do processo erosivo evidencia-se na paisagem local. Essas frentes erosivas por voçorocamento podem ter sido intensificadas pela ação antrópica, principalmente pela atividade garimpeira diamantífera que se integrou ao cenário da serra do Tepequém desde 1937, praticada ao longo das décadas nos rios Paiva e Cabo Sobral, nos aluviões e secundariamente em elúvios e colúvios provenientes dos sedimentos da Formação Tepequém. Por causa da natureza arenosa siltosa e incoesa dos solos que formam a superfície da planície intermontana Tepequém, submetido a um lençol freático raso e um relevo inclinado, além da baixa densidade de cobertura vegetal (gramíneas e arbustos isolados) no topo da serra, deixa o solo mais exposto à ação erosiva da chuva, facilitando o transporte do material superficial e subsuperficial, levando ao estabelecimento de grandes voçorocas. Palavras-Chave: Serra Tepequém – garimpo diamante – voçorocas. ABSTRACT In the plain intermontana of the mountain of Tepequém in the state of Roraima happens the development of lineal erosive features in the ravinas form and voçorocas that it is evidenced in the local landscape by the intensity of the erosive process. Those erosive fronts for voçorocamento might have been intensified by the human action, mainly for the activity extraction of diamonds that integrated into the scenery of the mountain of Tepequém since 1937, practiced along the decades in the rivers Paiva and Cabo Sobral, in the alluvia and secondarily in elúvios and coming colúvios of Formação Tepequém's sediments. Because of the nature sandy siltosa and incoesa of the soils that form the surface of the plain intermontana Tepequém, submitted to a sheet shallow freático and a tilted relief, besides the low density of vegetable covering (gramíneas and isolated bushes) in the top of the mountain, he/she leaves the most exposed soil to the erosive action of the rain, facilitating the transport of the superficial material and below the surface, taking to the establishment of great voçorocas. Key-Words: Mountain Tepequém - mine of diamonds - voçorocas. DOI: 10.5654/actageo2007.0101.000

    JARINA (Steinnuss): Das pflanzliche Elfenbein aus Amazonien - Ein Bio-Edelstein

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    Jarina ist der Populärname für die in Südamerika endemische Palme Phytelephas macrocarpa (Phyto = Pflanze und elephas = Elefant) aus Amazonien. Die Samen der Pflanze, ihre Nüsse oder Jarina, gelten als pflanzliches Substitut für tierisches Elfenbein. Jarina wurde früher vor allem zur Herstellung von Knöpfen verwendet, heute allerdings ersetzt durch Plastikerzeugnisse. Seit den 80er Jahren des 20ten Jahrhunderts weckt die Jarina erneut wirtschaftliches Interesse: diesmal als Material zur Herstellung von Kunstgegenständen und Schmuck.Die Jarina-Palme tritt in den brasilianischen Bundesstaaten Rondonia, Acre und Amazonas auf, wo sie mit anderen Bäumen vor allem in den Überschwemmungsgebieten und Tälern der Weißwasserflüsse, wie der Flüsse Purus, Juruá und ihrer Zuflüsse im Bundesstaat Acre, wächst.Im Bundesstaat Acre existieren bereits verschiedene Vereine und kleinere Firmen, die in Handarbeit Jarina-Kunstgegenstände und Schmuck herstellen. Im Einklang mit der Natur stehen und entwickeln sich Kunst und Design sowie Verarbeitungstechniken. Für Amazonien leisten die neuen Produkte bereits einen Beitrag zum ökonomischen Selbstunterhalt


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    Os lagos de uma maneira geral, desempenham um importante papel para o homem, não apenas por representarem fonte de recursos hídricos, mas, também por funcionarem como verdadeiros bancos de dados sobre os diferentes paleoambientes e paleoclimas que caracterizaram o planeta durante o Pleistoceno e Holoceno. A formação de um lago depende basicamente da existência de uma depressão na superfície da Terra e de um balanço hidrológico favorável. Essas depressões podem originar-se através de vários processos, tais como tectônicos, vulcânicos, glaciais, eólicos fluviais entre outros. No Brasil a maioria dos lagos encontrados é decorrente de processos fluviais, devido à alta hidrodinâmica de rios de médio e grande porte. Entretanto, outros tipos de lagos podem ser encontrados ao longo do seu território. O estudo de alguns desses lagos tem aumentado o acervo do conhecimento regional e disponibilizam uma série de informações sobre as características limnológicas, condições paleoambientais, ciclo do carbono, dinâmica das inundações e dos nutrientes entre outras. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho consiste em um breve levantamento dos principais estudos desenvolvidos em ambientes lacustres no Brasil, visando com isso, auxiliar aqueles que desejarem se envolver com esse tema tão interessante e atual, e ao mesmo tempo tão importante para continuidade da diversidade biológica. Palavras - chave: Origem dos lagos – tipos de lagos brasileiros – ambientes flúvio-lacustres. ABSTRACT The lakes in a general way, play an important role for the man, not only for representing source of water resources, but, also for function as data bases on the different paleoenvironments and paleoclimates that had characterized the planet during the Pleistocene and Holoceno periods. The lake’s formation depends basically of a depression occurrence in the surface of the Land and of a favorable water balance. These depressions can originate through some processes, such as tectonic, volcanic, glacial, aeolian, fluviatile among others. In Brazil the lakes are generally formed for fluviatile processes, due to high hydrodynamics of medium and large rivers. However, others types of lakes can be found throughout its territory. The study of the Brazilian lakes has provided information about the limnological characteristics, paleoenvironmental conditions, cycle of carbon, dynamics of floodings and of the nutrients among others, contributing for increase of knowledge regional. In this direction, the present work consists of a brief survey of the main studies developed in lacustrine environments in Brazil, aiming to orient the persons that desire to study this so interesting and current subject, and at the same time so important for continuity of the biological diversity. Key - words: lakes’ origin – types of the Brazilian lakes – fluvio lacustrine environments. DOI: 10.5654/actageo2007.0101.000


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    Os lagos de uma maneira geral, desempenham um importante papel para o homem, não apenas por representarem fonte de recursos hídricos, mas, também por funcionarem como verdadeiros bancos de dados sobre os diferentes paleoambientes e paleoclimas que caracterizaram o planeta durante o Pleistoceno e Holoceno. A formação de um lago depende basicamente da existência de uma depressão na superfície da Terra e de um balanço hidrológico favorável. Essas depressões podem originar-se através de vários processos, tais como tectônicos, vulcânicos, glaciais, eólicos fluviais entre outros. No Brasil a maioria dos lagos encontrados é decorrente de processos fluviais, devido à alta hidrodinâmica de rios de médio e grande porte. Entretanto, outros tipos de lagos podem ser encontrados ao longo do seu território. O estudo de alguns desses lagos tem aumentado o acervo do conhecimento regional e disponibilizam uma série de informações sobre as características limnológicas, condições paleoambientais, ciclo do carbono, dinâmica das inundações e dos nutrientes entre outras. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho consiste em um breve levantamento dos principais estudos desenvolvidos em ambientes lacustres no Brasil, visando com isso, auxiliar aqueles que desejarem se envolver com esse tema tão interessante e atual, e ao mesmo tempo tão importante para continuidade da diversidade biológica. Palavras - chave: Origem dos lagos – tipos de lagos brasileiros – ambientes flúvio-lacustres. ABSTRACT The lakes in a general way, play an important role for the man, not only for representing source of water resources, but, also for function as data bases on the different paleoenvironments and paleoclimates that had characterized the planet during the Pleistocene and Holoceno periods. The lake’s formation depends basically of a depression occurrence in the surface of the Land and of a favorable water balance. These depressions can originate through some processes, such as tectonic, volcanic, glacial, aeolian, fluviatile among others. In Brazil the lakes are generally formed for fluviatile processes, due to high hydrodynamics of medium and large rivers. However, others types of lakes can be found throughout its territory. The study of the Brazilian lakes has provided information about the limnological characteristics, paleoenvironmental conditions, cycle of carbon, dynamics of floodings and of the nutrients among others, contributing for increase of knowledge regional. In this direction, the present work consists of a brief survey of the main studies developed in lacustrine environments in Brazil, aiming to orient the persons that desire to study this so interesting and current subject, and at the same time so important for continuity of the biological diversity. Key - words: lakes’ origin – types of the Brazilian lakes – fluvio lacustrine environments. DOI: 10.5654/actageo2007.0101.000

    Color stability evaluation of micro hybrid composite resins submitted to accelerated artificial aging

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    Objective: The aesthetics of dental materials is extremely important for the success of oral rehabilitation. Thus, in the present study we evaluated the color stability and the surface degradation of three micro hybrid composite resins after accelerated artificial aging process (AAA). Methods: Were prepared 24 specimens (n=8) for each material: Solidex, Artglass and Cesead, dimensions of Ø 15 mm by 2 mm in thickness. The samples were subjected to color analysis, before and after AAA, in a spectrophotometer according to the CIE L*a*b* parameters, and a sample of each material, was selected for morphological evaluation under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). Results: Artglass showed higher stability regarding the presence of red and yellow (p<0.05) when subjected to the AAA and fewer of these pigments (p<0.05) when compared to the Cesead and Solidex, which showed the highest luminance stability (p<0.05). ΔE Cesead was the most unstable (p<0.05). All resins analyzed by SEM showed superficial degradation when submitted to the AAA, mainly in resin Cesead. Conclusion: All materials analyzed demonstrate color change and surface degradation, Cesead resin showed the worse results

    Understanding the mobility of potential nutrients in rock mining by-products: An opportunity for more sustainable agriculture and mining

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    The increase in demand for highly soluble fertilizers brings a global sustainability concern. Alternative sources for traditional fertilization are therefore needed. Rock powder use has been proposed as an alternative approach to soil remineralization. However, research on the agricultural potential of minerals and rocks as alternative sources of nutrients is limited to changes in soil chemical attributes or effects on crop yield. In this work, we report an experimental study addressing the dissolution of two silicate rock-derived powders (andesite and dacite) that were produced during mining activities in Southern Brazil. The rock powders were exposed to Milli-Q water at pH (7.4–8.8) range, in solutions of 0.1 mol L−1 citric acid at pH range 2.1–3.3, and Milli-Q water acidified with 0.5 mol l−1 acetic acid (pH 5–5.8), in a continuous mechanical rotatory shaker at room temperature. Dissolution kinetics were determined as a function of reaction times at 24 to 5760 h, and solution pH. Based on this kinetics, dissolution rates were determined for the individual powders and compared to expected values for aluminosilicates. Based on this comparison, it was shown that the application of andesite and dacite rock-derived powder to replace high soluble fertilizers is feasible due to high dissolution rates of their minerals. The average andesite dissolution rates in Milli-Q water, in citric acid solution, and in Milli-Q water acidified with acetic acid were 2.1 × 10−5, 1.92 × 10−1 and 6.3 × 10−4 mmol cm−2 s−1, respectively for Ca, being 183%, 22.6%, and 69.2% higher than for the dacite rock. This make andesite rock a potential substitute for carbonate-based liming. In contrast, the average dacite dissolution rates in Milli-Q water, in citric acid solution, and in Milli-Q water acidified with acetic acid were 1.05 × 10–5, 7.22 × 10−5, and 3.72 × 10−5 mmol cm−2 s−1, respectively for K, being 72.0%, 61.4%, and 73.6% higher than the andesite rock. This highlights its potential use as a K source for agriculture to replace highly soluble K-fertilizers