8 research outputs found

    CaractĂ©risation acoustique de nuages de microbulles: En vue d’une application aux rĂ©acteurs nuclĂ©aires de quatriĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration.

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    France has chosen to focus on liquid sodium cooled fast neutron reactors as part of its involvement in the GEN IV international forum. A prototype, ASTRID, is under development. This prototype must demonstrate the improvement of its safety and monitoring in operation. This passes, among other things, by the characterization of the sodium engulfment of the primary circuit.Indeed, due to the presence of Argon as a cover gas, a bubble cloud exists in a normal and continuous manner in the primary circuit. Due to the opacity of liquid sodium, ultrasonic testing methods are preferred for inspections in operation. However, the presence of bubbles greatly affects the acoustic properties of the medium. In addition, the presence of bubbles could also affects the heat and neutron exchanges within the core, as well as boiling and cavitation phenomena. The characterization of this cloud therefore responds to these controllability issues and allows the validation of evolution calculation codes of the engazement such as VIBUL.A bibliographic work has sought to determine the most appropriate methods of characterization to answer these problems. The strengths and weaknesses of each method were studied. The inversion methods of spectroscopic attenuation and velocity measurements seem particularly suitable. In order to minimize the prior knowledge of the bubble cloud, a method for determining the range of radii has been developed. This method has shown its ability to characterize clouds with void fractions between 10-6 and 10-4.Then, in order to allow the characterization of clouds with void levels less than 10-6, the possibility of inverting spectroscopic measurements of the nonlinearity coefficient has been studied and demonstrated.The results obtained offer numerous prospects for their industrial applications.Dans le cadre de son implication dans le forum international GEN IV, la France a fait le choix de se focaliser sur les rĂ©acteurs Ă  neutrons rapides refroidis au sodium liquide. Un prototype, ASTRID, est en cours de dĂ©veloppement. Ce dernier doit faire la dĂ©monstration de l’amĂ©lioration de sa suretĂ© et de la surveillance en fonctionnement. Ceci passe, entre autre, par la caractĂ©risation de l’engazement du sodium du circuit primaire.En effet, du fait de la prĂ©sence d’Argon en tant que gaz de couverture, un nuage de bulle existe de façon normale et continue dans le circuit primaire. L’opacitĂ© du sodium liquide, et les aptitudes spĂ©cifiques des mĂ©thodes ultrasonores justifient leur utilisation, privilĂ©giĂ©e lors des inspections en opĂ©ration. En effet, la prĂ©sence de bulles pourrait altĂ©rer non seulement les Ă©changes thermiques et neutroniques au sein du coeur, mais aussi les phĂ©nomĂšnes d’ébullition et de cavitation ainsi que les propriĂ©tĂ©s acoustiques du caloporteur. La caractĂ©risation de ce nuage rĂ©pond donc Ă  ces problĂ©matiques de contrĂŽlabilitĂ©, elle permet aussi la validation de codes de calculs d’évolution de l’engazement tel que VIBUL.Un travail bibliographique s’est attachĂ© Ă  dĂ©terminer les mĂ©thodes de caractĂ©risation les plus adaptĂ©s pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces problĂ©matiques en exploitant les forces et les faiblesses respectives. Ainsi, les mĂ©thodes d’inversion de mesures spectroscopiques d’attĂ©nuation et de cĂ©lĂ©ritĂ© s’avĂšrent particuliĂšrement robustes lorsqu’elles sont soutenues par des techniques de rĂ©gularisation. Afin de limiter l’importance de l’arbitraire (a priori), l’intervalle des tailles des bulles du nuage est estimĂ© prĂ©alablement Ă  la distribution, durant la phase d’optimisation du paramĂštre de rĂ©gularisation. Cette approche a montrĂ© sa capacitĂ© Ă  caractĂ©riser des nuages dont les taux de vides sont compris entre 10−6 et 10−4.Pour des taux de vides infĂ©rieurs Ă  10−6, la faisabilitĂ© d’une inversion de mesures spectroscopiques du coefficient de non-linĂ©aritĂ© a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e et dĂ©montrĂ©e.Les rĂ©sultats laissent entrevoir de nombreuses perspectives quant Ă  leurs applications industrielles

    Acoustical characterization of microbubbles clouds

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    Dans le cadre de son implication dans le forum international GEN IV, la France a fait le choix de se focaliser sur les rĂ©acteurs Ă  neutrons rapides refroidis au sodium liquide. Un prototype, ASTRID, est en cours de dĂ©veloppement. Ce dernier doit faire la dĂ©monstration de l’amĂ©lioration de sa suretĂ© et de la surveillance en fonctionnement. Ceci passe, entre autre, par la caractĂ©risation de l’engazement du sodium du circuit primaire.Du fait de la prĂ©sence d’Argon en tant que gaz de couverture, un nuage de bulle existe dans le circuit primaire. L’opacitĂ© du sodium liquide, et les aptitudes spĂ©cifiques des mĂ©thodes ultrasonores justifient leur utilisation, privilĂ©giĂ©e lors des inspections en opĂ©ration. Un travail bibliographique s’est attachĂ© Ă  dĂ©terminer les mĂ©thodes de caractĂ©risation les plus adaptĂ©s pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces problĂ©matiques en exploitant les forces et les faiblesses respectives. Ainsi, les mĂ©thodes d’inversion de mesures spectroscopiques d’attĂ©nuation et de cĂ©lĂ©ritĂ© s’avĂšrent particuliĂšrement robustes lorsqu’elles sont soutenues par des techniques de rĂ©gularisation. Afin de limiter l’importance de l’arbitraire (a priori), l’intervalle des tailles des bulles du nuage est estimĂ© prĂ©alablement Ă  la distribution, durant la phase d’optimisation du paramĂštre de rĂ©gularisation. Cette approche a montrĂ© sa capacitĂ© Ă  caractĂ©riser des nuages dont les taux de vides sont compris entre 10e-6 et 10e-4 .Pour des taux de vides infĂ©rieurs Ă  10e-6, la faisabilitĂ© d’une inversion de mesures spectroscopiques du coefficient de non-linĂ©aritĂ© a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e et dĂ©montrĂ©e.Les rĂ©sultats laissent entrevoir de nombreuses perspectives quant Ă  leurs applications industrielles.France has chosen to focus on liquid sodium cooled fast neutron reactors as part of its involvement in the GEN IV international forum. A prototype, ASTRID, is under development. This prototype must demonstrate the improvement of its safety and monitoring in operation. This passes, among other things, by the characterization of the sodium engulfment of the primary circuit.Indeed, due to the presence of Argon as a cover gas, a bubble cloud exists in a normal and continuous manner in the primary circuit. Due to the opacity of liquid sodium, ultrasonic testing methods are preferred for inspections in operation. A bibliographic work has sought to determine the most appropriate methods of characterization to answer these problems. The strengths and weaknesses of each method were studied. The inversion methods of spectroscopic attenuation and velocity measurements seem particularly suitable. In order to minimize the prior knowledge of the bubble cloud, a method for determining the range of radii has been developed. This method has shown its ability to characterize clouds with void fractions between 10e-6 and 10e-4.Then, in order to allow the characterization of clouds with void levels less than 10e-6, the possibility of inverting spectroscopic measurements of the nonlinearity coefficient has been studied and demonstrated.The results obtained offer numerous prospects for their industrial applications

    Acoustical characterisation and monitoring of microbubble clouds

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    International audienceArgon microbubbles will exist in the primary sodium of the next generation of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR). Due to its opacity, acoustic methods will be used for the in-service inspection in these reactors, but the presence of such bubbles will greatly affect ultrasonic wave propagation. Moreover, these bubbles can lead to the formation of gas pockets in the reactor and impact cavitation and boiling phenomena. It is therefore necessary to characterise what is called the 'microbubble cloud' by providing the volume fraction and the bubble size distribution. Safety requirements in this field call for robust inspection methods based on very few assumptions about the bubble populations. The objective of this study is to assess the performance of spectroscopic methods in the presence of bubbles with high polydispersity and to monitor an evolving cloud of microbubbles. The histogram and void fractions were estimated according to the regularised inversion of the complex wave number's integral equation. To reduce the need for prior information on the bubble cloud, a specific procedure was used to estimate the maximum radius of the population. The results are presented on the basis of the experimental data obtained and then compared with optical measurements

    Micro-bubbles cloud's spectroscopic nonlinear coefficient measurements towards its characterization

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    International audienceIn 4th generation nuclear reactors cooled with liquid sodium, argon microbubbles are present in the primary sodium. Due to the opacity of liquid sodium, acoustic control methods are chosen for operating inspections. However, this bubble presence greatly affects the acoustical properties of the medium. In bubbly liquids, nonlinear propagation can arise at very low amplitudes and therefore affect the viability of ultrasonic measurements. The spectroscopic measurement of the nonlinear parameter is therefore required to estimate the reliability of acoustics measurements. Moreover, adding nonlinear information to attenuations and celerity measurements could improve bubble distribution estimation and provide more reliability on very low void fractions measurements. A dynamic acoustic-elastic testing method is employed to measure the nonlinear parameter over a large bandwidth. Inversion of these measurements is performed with success

    Mesure acoustique de trĂšs faibles taux de vide dans les liquides Ă  bulles

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    La caractĂ©risation des Ă©coulements Ă  bulles est une problĂ©matique frĂ©quemment rencontrĂ©e dans les sciences, l’industrie et le mĂ©dical. Le CEA y est confrontĂ© dans le cadre du dĂ©veloppement des rĂ©acteurs nuclĂ©aires rapides refroidis au sodium liquide : il est en effet nĂ©cessaire d’ĂȘtre en mesure de caractĂ©riser la prĂ©sence de microbulles d’argon dans ce fluide caloporteur. Il est difficile de caractĂ©riser un milieu Ă  bulles prĂ©sentant de trĂšs faibles taux de vide. Nous prĂ©sentons ici une technique apte Ă  mesurer des taux de vide aussi faibles que 10-6. Elle est basĂ©e sur la mesure de la vitesse acoustique Ă  basse frĂ©quence en association avec le modĂšle de Wood (1930). Ces mesures sont comparĂ©es Ă  des mesures optiques, et leur faisabilitĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©e pour des taux de vide infĂ©rieurs Ă  10-5 constitue une rĂ©elle avancĂ©e. Les expĂ©riences sont menĂ©es sur le couple air-eau avec deux types de gĂ©nĂ©rateurs de microbulles: des gĂ©nĂ©rateurs microfluidiques et des gĂ©nĂ©rateurs cavitants. Les bulles gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es sont des microbulles dont les rayons sont dans la plage [1 ”m - 100 ”m]. Les mesures en immersion de la cĂ©lĂ©ritĂ© acoustique dans le milieu Ă  basse frĂ©quence sont effectuĂ©es Ă  l'aide de transducteurs dans la gamme [18 kHz - 30 kHz]. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent une bonne concordance entre les mesures optiques et acoustiques malgrĂ© le fait que plusieurs hypothĂšses du modĂšle Wood - notamment le comportement isotherme et la contribution de la tension superficielle - sont Ă  la limite de validitĂ© dans nos expĂ©riences

    Acoustical Characterization of Micro-Bubbles Clouds by Attenuation and Velocity Spectroscopy

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    International audienceIn 4th generation nuclear reactors cooled with liquid sodium,argonmicrobubbles are present in the primary sodium. Due to the opacity of liquid sodium, acoustic control methods are chosen for operating inspections but this bubble presence greatly affects the acoustical properties of the medium. It is therefore required to characterize the microbubble cloud, i.e., to provide the bubble’s volume fraction and the size distribution. Safety demands the proposed method to be robust and applicable with few assumptions (about the bubble populations) as possible. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of spectroscopic methods (based on celerity and attenuation) in the presence of bubbles whose sizes and surface (or volume) contributions are very different. Two methods of evaluating the histogram and the void fraction are compared. The first is based on the inversion of the integral equation of the complex wave number derived by Commander and Prosperetti. The second, which assumes the populations to have log-normal or sums of Gaussians distributions, performs an adjustment of the distribution’s parameters to fit attenuation and celerity curves measurements. These methods are compared with experimental data obtained using ACWABUL facilities at CEA Cadarache

    Non-linear bubbly Helmholtz resonator

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    Recent modelling advances in NDT to improve safety and sustainability for the next generation of nuclear reactor

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    International audienceIn the frame of Generation 4 Nuclear Reactor developments, the French LMA Laboratory and the French CEA nuclear institute undertake a joint work for improving monitoring and inspection of future Sodium Fast Reactors.The goal is to properly test and monitor, with non-destructive acoustic methods, structures and materials at different scales (from micrometric to metric) and at different operating states (nominal, partial, shutdown, incidental or even accidental). Indeed, acoustic signatures can be recorded (reflected signals, vibrations, noise), and, after treatment, allow checking the good health or state of components and structures immersed in liquid sodium (detection of displacements, flaws, leaks, bubbles, buckling).This is a real challenge as the media are rather complex, due to their geometry (shapes and access), their physical properties (multiphase, heterogeneous, anisotropic, flowing fluid, thermal gradients), high temperature, irradiation and sodium. This leads to use active acoustic methods (volumetric and guided waves) or passive ones (acoustic emission), and linear and non-linear acoustic methods.A number of experiments are performed at full scale or less, mainly in simulating water fluid (in conventional water test vessels, on water loops, with Schlieren bench) but also in sodium facilities.Numerical simulations are performed with available or tuned codes (multi-physics, ray tracing and finite elements, spectral finite elements ) in order to predict wave propagation within materials and structures. In addition, among other inverse methods used, defect detection can be done with time reversal techniques coupling with adjoint method.The future MISTRAL common lab will allow to ease this joint work between CEA Cadarache and LMA