1,049 research outputs found

    Student geographical mobility and labor market outcomes: evidences from Italy

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    The aim of this thesis is to discover the association between geographical mobility and labour markets outcomes of Italian early graduates. Even if is an argument widely trated in literature, I'll try to investigate the evolution of the \Brain Drain" process in light of recents event: the nancial crisis of 2007-2008 and the cut back in higher education. Migration decisions are closely related to degree of social mobilty in a country, especially where there are strong interregionals dierences as in Italy where, analyse migration path evolution of human capital might be very useful to policy makers intent to reduce regional gaps and improve the \equality of opportunity" level. Take into account migration endogeneity, the results suggest a positive eect of spatial mobility on economic performance with dierences according to movement trajectories. However some limits, due also to the lack of adequate data, indicate that further researchs are necessary in order to identify a causal relation. The thesis is strutured as follows: the rst chapter explains push and pull factros related to migration and the connection with social mobility, wage inequality and regional development. The chapter two presents an estimation of the return to geographical mobility of early graduates wages while the third chapter present the estimation of return from geographical mobility in terms of employment condition using a dataset summarizing information coming from three dierent sources: Almalaurea, Infostud and Ministry of Labor

    Effects of pilot injection parameters on low temperature combustion diesel engines equipped with solenoid injectors featuring conventional and rate-shaped main injection

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    The potential of pilot injection has been assessed on a low-temperature combustion diesel engine for automotive applications, which was characterized by a reduced compression-ratio, high EGR rates and postponed main injection timings. Dwell time sweeps have been carried out for pilot injections with distinct energizing times under different representative steady-state working conditions of the medium load and speed area of the New European Driving Cycle. The results of in-cylinder analyses of the pressure, heat-release rate, temperature and emissions are presented. Combustion noise has been shown to decrease significantly when the pilot injected mass increases, while it is scarcely affected by the dwell time between the pilot and main injections. The HC, CO and fuel consumption trends, with respect to both the pilot injection dwell time and mass, are in line with those of conventional combustion systems, and in particular decreasing trends occur as the pilot injection energizing time is increased. Furthermore, a reduced sensitivity of NOx emissions to both dwell time and pilot injected mass has been found, compared to conventional combustion systems. Finally, it has been observed that soot emissions diminish as the energizing time is shortened, and their dependence on dwell time is influenced to a great extent by the presence of local zones with reduced air-to-fuel ratios within the cylinder. A combined analysis of the results of swirl sweeps and dwell time sweeps is here proposed as a methodology for the detection of any possible interference between pilot combustion burned gases and the main injected fuel. The effect of pilot injection on engine performance and emissions has also been assessed in the presence of rate-shaped main injections. These main injection profiles have been implemented with solenoid injectors by designing the injection fusion between a pre injection shot, which is added after the pilot injection, and the main injection. This innovative strategy shows benefits, with respect to combustion noise, although it still results in a reduced impact on NOx emissions. Furthermore, the brake specific fuel consumption and soot levels generally become worse than in the case of the simple pilot–main injection schedules. The injection fusion strategy has a significant impact on the soot versus dwell time dependence, which is influenced by the interference between the main injection and pilot combustion

    A note on the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with discontinuity

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    In this work we consider differential equations of the type pm,u(k)=f(u),pm, u^{(k)}=f(u), and study the extinction profile of their solutions. Emphasis is placed on the special case −u(4)=sign(u)-u^{(4)}=sign(u), which is related to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. In this case we describe in more detail the extinction phenomenon and prove a conjecture by Galaktionov and Svirshchevskii

    New Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for the Advanced LIGO Configurations (LIGO2)

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    A new passive seismic attenuation system is being developed to replace the current passive attenuation stacks in LIGO 2, it is expected to drive the seismic contribution to the interferometer noise below any other noise source. The SAS will be effective completely starting at about 5 Hz, well inside the (uncompensated) gravity gradient noise wall

    Blow-up profile for solutions of a fourth order nonlinear equation

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    It is well known that the nontrivial solutions of the equation u¿(r)+¿u¿(r)+f(u(r))=0u¿(r)+¿u¿(r)+f(u(r))=0 blow up in finite time under suitable hypotheses on the initial data, ¿¿ and ff. These solutions blow up with large oscillations. Knowledge of the blow-up profile of these solutions is of great importance, for instance, in studying the dynamics of suspension bridges. The equation is also commonly referred to as extended Fisher–Kolmogorov equation or Swift–Hohenberg equation. In this paper we provide details of the blow-up profile. The key idea is to relate this blow-up profile to the existence of periodic solutions for an auxiliary equation

    Results of medium seventeen years' follow-up after laparoscopic choledochotomy for ductal stones

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    INTRODUCTION: In a previously published article the authors reported the long-term follow-up results in 138 consecutive patients with gallstones and common bile duct (CBD) stones who underwent laparoscopic transverse choledochotomy (TC) with T-tube biliary drainage and laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Aim of this study is to evaluate the results at up to 23 years of follow-up in the same series. METHODS: One hundred twenty-one patients are the object of the present study. Patients were evaluated by clinical visit, blood assay, and abdominal ultrasound. Symptomatic patients underwent cholangio-MRI, followed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) as required. RESULTS: Out of 121 patients, 61 elderly patients died from unrelated causes. Fourteen patients were lost to follow-up. In the 46 remaining patients, ductal stone recurrence occurred in one case (2,1%) successfully managed by ERCP with endoscopic sphincterotomy. At a mean follow-up of 17.1 years no other patients showed signs of bile stasis and no patient showed any imaging evidence of CBD stricture at the site of choledochotomy. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic transverse choledochotomy with routine T-tube biliary drainage during LC has proven to be safe and effective at up to 23 years of follow-up, with no evidence of CBD stricture when the procedure is performed with a correct technique

    Efficiency and maximal CP-asymmetry of scalar triplet leptogenesis

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    We study thermal leptogenesis induced by decays of a scalar SU(2)_L triplet. Despite the presence of gauge interactions, unexpected features of the Boltzmann equations make the efficiency close to maximal in most of the parameter space. We derive the maximal CP asymmetry in triplet decays, assuming that it is generated by heavier sources of neutrino masses: in this case successful leptogenesis needs a triplet heavier than 2.8 10^{10} GeV and does not further restrict its couplings, allowing detectable mu --> e gamma, tau --> mu gamma rates in the context of supersymmetric models. Triplet masses down to the TeV scale are viable in presence of extra sources of CP-violation.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Interference term added to eq. (16d), figures recomputed (the difference is almost invisible

    Model-Based Control of Torque and Nitrogen Oxide Emissions in a Euro {VI} 3.0 L Diesel Engine through Rapid Prototyping

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    In the present paper, a model-based controller of engine torque and engine-out Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, which was previously developed and tested by means of offline simulations, has been validated on a FPT F1C 3.0 L diesel engine by means of rapid prototyping. With reference to the previous version, a new NOx model has been implemented to improve robustness in terms of NOx prediction. The experimental tests have confirmed the basic functionality of the controller in transient conditions, over different load ramps at fixed engine speeds, over which the average RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) values for the control of NOx emissions were of the order of 55-90 ppm, while the average RMSE values for the control of brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) were of the order of 0.25-0.39 bar. However, the test results also highlighted the need for further improvements, especially concerning the effect of the engine thermal state on the NOx emissions in transient operation. Moreover, several aspects, such as the check of the computational time, the impact of the controller on other pollutant emissions, or on the long-term engine operations, will have to be evaluated in future studies in view of the controller implementation on the engine control unit
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