81 research outputs found

    A percepção dos servidores de uma instituição pública de ensino a distancia sobre a importância das boas práticas em gestão de projetos

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    No Brasil, as instituições públicas de ensino a distancia exercem um grande papel de democratização do ensino, seja no segmento da educação de jovens e adultos como no ensino profissionalizante e de educação superior. O artigo tem por objetivo mostrar como os servidores de uma instituição pública de ensino a distancia percebem como as boas práticas da gestão de projetos podem influenciar no desenvolvimento das atividades da instituição. Para tanto foi realizado uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo por meio de aplicação de questionário em um estudo único de caso. Como principais resultados este estudo observou-se que embora não haja um conhecimento concreto sobre as boas praticas em gestão de projetos, estas se tornam quase que intuitiva e presente nas atividades dos entrevistados. Outro resultado importante esta no fato que a área de conhecimento mais citado como essencial, tanto para fundação como para o desempenho das atividades dos entrevistados, é a dos Recursos Humanos seguida pela área de comunicação e risco. Desta forma, esperamos que o trabalho desenvolvido contribuísse para uma reflexão sobre a importância da adoção de boas práticas de gestão de projetos aplicadas a área pública

    Corporate relationships and online social networks in a consumer world: cohabitation and respect in the case Me Gusta Picolés Artesanais

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    Sob a égide da sociedade pós-moderna, este artigo apresenta a comunicação a partir dos riscos aos quais está imersa no contexto das redes sociais on-line, posto que hoje deve lidar com públicos mais alertas, céticos, ativos e insatisfeitos com os desconfortos e decepções que permeiam a relação com as organizações no que tange às práticas e experiências de consumo. Nesse cenário, jogamos luz sobre o posicionamento positivo da marca Me Gusta Picolés Artesanais, por meio de um estudo de caso após um casal homossexual em 2015 ser expulso do estabelecimento em São Paulo e a reverberação que o caso gerou na ágora virtual.Bajo la égida de la sociedad posmoderna, este texto presenta la comunicación a partir de los riesgos a los cuales está inmersa en el contexto de las redes sociales en línea, ya que hoy debe lidiar con públicos más céticos, activos e insatisfechos con las decepciones que permean la relación con las organizaciones en lo que se refiere a las prácticas y experiencias de consumo. En esta perspectiva, analizamos el posicionamiento de la marca Me Gusta Picolés Artesanais en un estudio de caso, después que una pareja homosexual en 2015 fue expulsada del establecimiento de la empresa en São Paulo y la repercusión que el caso generó en el mundo virtual.Under the aegis of a postmodern society, this article presents communication under the perspective of the risks it is submitted to in the context of online social networks, considering it must deal today with audiences that are more alert, skeptical, active, and unsatisfied with the discomforts and disappointments that permeate the relationship with corporations regarding consumption practices and experiences. In this scenario, we highlight the positive positioning taken by the “Me Gusta Picolés Artesanais” trademark through a case study after a homosexual couple was thrown out from its store in São Paulo in 2015 and the repercussion generated by the case in the virtual agora

    The use of personalized medicine combined with artificial intelligence to monitor people with Covid-19

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    Since the emergence of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (coronavirus disease or COVID-19), the generalities since its emergence, from the clinical picture, as well as the findings observed in AI (Artificial Intelligence) diagnostic methods applied to medicine personalized. This article is a literature review regarding the use of personalized medicine combined with artificial intelligence to monitor people with covid-19. The continuous evolution of intelligent systems aims to provide better reasoning and more efficient use of collected data. This use is not restricted to retrospective interpretation, that is, to provide diagnostic conclusions. It can also be extended to prospective interpretation, providing an early prognosis. That said, physicians who could be assisted by these systems find themselves in the gap between the clinical case and in-depth technical analyses. What is missing is a clear starting point for approaching the world of machine learning in medicine

    Building an ambient room to foster the teaching/learning of anatomy and physiology of the human digestive system

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    The current teaching model has been characterized by activities distant from the student’s reality and mainly based on memorization. Since it is assumed that unconventional teaching strategies may foster  the knowledge of the syllabus contents, this paper aims to present the construction of an ambient room simulating the human digestive system to provide high school students an experience of its physiological processes. The room  was built in a government school with different materials, such as nonwoven fabric, PVC pipes, mortar and PET bottles. Visiting the ambient room, monitored by their teacher, the students were able to simulate the experience of each stage of the digestive process, allowing one to believe that the ambient room can be an effective playful approach activity, enabling students to construct meaningful learning on subjects which otherwise they may see as too theoretical and of difficult comprehensio

    Reuso de rejeitos do granito para obtenção de compósitos utilizando materiais cimentícios / Reuse of granite rejects to obtain composites using cementitious materials

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a viabilidade da aplicação de rejeitos de serragem de granito para a produção de materiais compósitos com materiais cimentícios para aplicação na construção civil. Através de um planejamento fatorial, foi produzido o corpo de prova de acordo com a norma NBR 7215: 1996, bem como os testes de resistência à compressão. Os estudos comprovaram a viabilidade do uso do rejeito possibilitando desenvolver novos compósitos para uso na construção civil

    Distribuição e Diagnóstico de Lynxacarus radoviskyi em Gato Doméstico / Distribution and Diagnostic of Lynxacarus radoviskyi in domestic cats

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    As dermatopatias representam cerca de 30% do atendimento clínico e grande parte destas é devido a ectoparasitas. Pelo fato do felino vir apresentando crescimento na preferencia de animal de companhia e pela falta de estudos recentes na região. Este artigo tem como objetivo determinar a ocorrência do ácaro Lynxacarus radoviskyi na população felina atendida no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, na cidade de Belém - Pará- Brasil e, também, se raça e sexo são determinantes para infecção pelo ácaro. O resultado obtido foi 21,96% (29/132) de animais positivos, sendo 37,93% (11/29) machos e 62,07 (19/29) de fêmeas, ainda destes 10,35% (3/29) eram felinos com raça definida (CRD) e 89,65% (23/29) eram sem raça definida (SRD). A análise estatística foi realizada pelo programa SAS (Edicao Universitaria - versão gratuita) e o valor de significância considerado foi de 0,05. Gatos com raça primária são mais sensíveis a doenças. Em nosso estudo, não foi identificado influencia do gênero.

    Potential biosurfactant producing endophytic and epiphytic fungi, isolated from macrophytes in the Negro River in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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    Endophytic and epiphytic fungi isolated from Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Cyperus ligularis L., macrophytes collected from oil-contaminated waters, were studied to assess their potential for producing biosurfactants; the most promising ones were identified by means of the rDNA region sequencing. In the selection, in the hydrocarbonate biodegradation activity, 2.6-indophenol (DCPIP) in oil-added Bushnell-Haas (BH) medium was the indicator used. The following tests were performed to ascertain the biosurfactant, bioemulsifier activity: emulsification measurement, drop-collapse, surface tension and production slope. Of the twenty fungi isolated, six promoted DCPIP discoloration. The isolate (S31) Phoma sp. showed emulsification of diesel (1.5 cm or 52%) and reduction of the surface tension of 51.03 mN/m water identified as Phoma sp. The other five fungi were identified as Rhizopus oryzae (S24), Fusarium sp. (S32, S33, S42, S46), presenting potential for biodegradation of hydrocarbons, as well. New studies on Phoma sp. (S31), including its cultivation in different carbon sources will be necessary to improve the production of secondary compounds involved in surface tension bioemulsification and reduction.Keywords: Bioremediation, bioemulsifiers, Eichhornia, Cyperus, oil, diese

    The stress granule protein G3BP1 alleviates spinocerebellar ataxia-associated deficits

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    Koppenol et al. show that overexpression of G3BP1 in cell models of SCA2 and SCA3 leads to a reduction in ataxin-2 and ataxin-3 aggregation. G3BP1 lentiviral delivery reduces motor deficits and neuropathology in preclinical models, suggesting that G3BP1 may be a potential therapeutic target for polyQ disorders. Polyglutamine diseases are a group of neurodegenerative disorders caused by an abnormal expansion of CAG repeat tracts in the codifying regions of nine, otherwise unrelated, genes. While the protein products of these genes are suggested to play diverse cellular roles, the pathogenic mutant proteins bearing an expanded polyglutamine sequence share a tendency to self-assemble, aggregate and engage in abnormal molecular interactions. Understanding the shared paths that link polyglutamine protein expansion to the nervous system dysfunction and the degeneration that takes place in these disorders is instrumental to the identification of targets for therapeutic intervention. Among polyglutamine diseases, spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) share many common aspects, including the fact that they involve dysfunction of the cerebellum, resulting in ataxia. Our work aimed at exploring a putative new therapeutic target for the two forms of SCA with higher worldwide prevalence, SCA type 2 (SCA2) and type 3 (SCA3), which are caused by expanded forms of ataxin-2 (ATXN2) and ataxin-3 (ATXN3), respectively. The pathophysiology of polyglutamine diseases has been described to involve an inability to properly respond to cell stress. We evaluated the ability of GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1 (G3BP1), an RNA-binding protein involved in RNA metabolism regulation and stress responses, to counteract SCA2 and SCA3 pathology, using both in vitro and in vivo disease models. Our results indicate that G3BP1 overexpression in cell models leads to a reduction of ATXN2 and ATXN3 aggregation, associated with a decrease in protein expression. This protective effect of G3BP1 against polyglutamine protein aggregation was reinforced by the fact that silencing G3bp1 in the mouse brain increases human expanded ATXN2 and ATXN3 aggregation. Moreover, a decrease of G3BP1 levels was detected in cells derived from patients with SCA2 and SCA3, suggesting that G3BP1 function is compromised in the context of these diseases. In lentiviral mouse models of SCA2 and SCA3, G3BP1 overexpression not only decreased protein aggregation but also contributed to the preservation of neuronal cells. Finally, in an SCA3 transgenic mouse model with a severe ataxic phenotype, G3BP1 lentiviral delivery to the cerebellum led to amelioration of several motor behavioural deficits. Overall, our results indicate that a decrease in G3BP1 levels may be a contributing factor to SCA2 and SCA3 pathophysiology, and that administration of this protein through viral vector-mediated delivery may constitute a putative approach to therapy for these diseases, and possibly other polyglutamine disorders.PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio