18 research outputs found

    Business intelligence governance framework in a university: universidad de la costa case study

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    Universities and companies have decision-making processes that allow to achieve institutional objectives. Currently, data analysis has an important role in generating knowledge, obtaining important patterns and predictions for formulating strategies. This article presents the design of a business intelligence governance framework for the Universidad de la Costa, easily replicable in other institutions. For this purpose, a diagnosis was made to identify the level of maturity in analytics. From this baseline, a model was designed to strengthen organizational culture, infrastructure, data management, data analysis and governance. The proposal contemplates the definition of a governance framework, guiding principles, strategies, policies, processes, decisionmaking body and roles. Therefore, the framework is designed to implement effective controls that ensure the success of business intelligence projects, achieving an alignment of the objectives of the development plan with the analytical vision of the institution

    Marco de gobierno en inteligencia de negocio para el eje estrat茅gico de permanencia estudiantil en la Universidad de la Costa

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os la deserci贸n ha sido una de las principales problem谩ticas de las universidades en Colombia y el mundo. Por otro lado, se ha identificado el gran potencial que tiene la implementaci贸n de inteligencia de negocio (BI), en donde la tecnolog铆a inform谩tica le ofrece herramientas al gerente para la toma de decisiones. En un proceso tan importante como el de la gesti贸n de la retenci贸n estudiantil, se plantean proyectos de BI para la visualizaci贸n de tableros de control e identificaci贸n de patrones para predecir que estudiantes son posibles desertores. Sin embargo en un ecosistema en donde se pueden ejecutar diversos tipos de proyectos de BI, donde intervienen diferentes dependencias y es necesario asegurar la entrega de valor; es necesario la implementaci贸n de Gobierno. El Gobierno de BI es un concepto reciente y poco implementado. Sin embargo en la Universidad de la Costa se ha identificado el escenario perfecto para construir una propuesta de marco de gobierno en inteligencia de negocio, enfocado principalmente en el proceso de deserci贸n. Con este proyecto se logr贸 proponer un modelo, procesos, roles, principios, pol铆ticas, estrategias y un 贸rgano de decisi贸n llamado BICC. Para el desarrollo de la propuesta fue necesario en primera instancia un diagn贸stico del nivel de madurez en el cual se encuentra el BI en la instituci贸n. Posteriormente a trav茅s de una an谩lisis se pudo construir una propuesta alineada a la estrategia de la universidad

    Software para la gesti贸n de la autoevaluaci贸n para el proceso de acreditaci贸n de los programas acad茅micos de la Corporaci贸n Universitaria de la Costa

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    Ingenier铆a de SistemasThis thesis proposes the design, development, training and deployment of a web platform as a support tool to manage and evaluate quickly and simultaneously the different actors involved in a self-evaluation. This software allows you to store all the necessary information for self-evaluation process, also trace it and facilitates the collection of statistics that provide an analysis, which is necessary to give some judgments that will define how far an academic program of excellence is in terms of education鈥檚 quality. For the development of the platform we achieved the integration of two major market frameworks: Joomla and ExtJS. The first one gives us all the libraries for the ACL, session management, mail and application logic. And the other one offers us a variety of web鈥檚 controls which interact to the server, with an asynchronously way from the browser to make queries and storages in the database without reloading the web page, adding to the usability of the software. Through this project we replaced the pencil, paper or Excel macros that try to be instruments for the surveys implementations; for a complete web platform which is going to be scalable, concurrent, stable, secure and easily accessiblea presente tesis propone el dise帽o, desarrollo, capacitaci贸n y despliegue de una plataforma web como herramienta de apoyo para gestionar y evaluar de forma r谩pida y simult谩nea los diferentes actores que participan en un proceso de autoevaluaci贸n. Este software permite almacenar toda la informaci贸n necesaria para el proceso de autoevaluaci贸n, realizar el seguimiento de 茅sta y facilita la obtenci贸n de estad铆sticas que aportan al an谩lisis necesario para la emisi贸n de juicios que definan que tan lejos se encuentra un programa acad茅mico de la excelencia en la calidad del servicio educativo. Para el desarrollo de la plataforma se logr贸 la integraci贸n de dos grandes frameworks del mercado: Joomla y ExtJS. El primero nos brinda todas las librer铆as para el ACL, manejo de sesiones, correo y l贸gica del aplicativo. Y ExtJs ofrece una variedad de controles webs que interact煤an desde el navegador de maneara asincr贸nica con el servidor, para realizar consultas y almacenamientos en la base de datos sin necesidad de recargar la p谩gina web, aportando a la usabilidad del software. A trav茅s de este proyecto logramos remplazar el l谩piz y papel o macros dise帽adas en Excel que intentaban ser instrumentos para la ejecuci贸n de las encuestas, por toda una plataforma web escalable, concurrente estable, segura y de f谩cil acceso

    Big data classification using fuzzy logical concepts for paddy yield prediction

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    Time association data has been critical to the exploration field of paddy yield forecast. At durations the path of recent many years, countless flossy legitimate time arrangement. For this reason, this paper canters round searching forward to statistics esteems on a huge variety of flossy precept calculations. To clarify the approach in the course of gauging, the verifiable statistics of paddy yield. The method for acknowledgment used at some point of this exam can also be an extreme information grouping. The technique joins the coaching capacities of fake neural device with the human like data portrayal and clarification capacities of flossy precept frameworks and furthermore a trendy primarily based in maximum instances hold close framework. It's miles for the most half of used in Brobdingnagian expertise getting equipped applications. As we have a tendency to in all opportunity am aware, affiliation method of massive information teams the information into thousands of categories addicted to high-quality trends for additional getting equipped. We've got engineered up some other calculation to have an effect on the grouping by using flossy recommendations on this present fact informational index. Forecast of harvest yield is signi铿乧ant because of this on precisely meet marketplace conditions and legitimate company of rural sports coordinated towards enhance in yield. A number of obstacles, as an example, weather, bothers, biophysical and physio morphological highlights advantage their idea whereas determining the yield. It's in reality proper right here that the flossy precept becomes partner in Nursing important issue. This paper explains a shot to create flossy valid frameworks for paddy crop yield expectatio

    Mediation of Virtual Learning Objects in the Development of Mathematical Competences in Engineering Students

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    El presente art铆culo analiza la contribuci贸n de los Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (OVA) al desarrollo de competencias matem谩ticas en estudiantes de ingenier铆a de dos universidades de Barranquilla-Colombia. Se aplic贸 una prueba diagn贸stica a 120 estudiantes representados en dos grupos (control y experimental). Durante un semestre acad茅mico se incorpor贸 OVA en el 谩rea de c谩lculo diferencial. Al final del periodo fue aplicada una evaluaci贸n que permiti贸 comparar el grado de apropiaci贸n de conocimientos matem谩ticos. Los estudiantes del grupo experimental desarrollaron habilidades matem谩ticas un 25.9% por encima del grupo control y el 55%, consideran que son herramientas eficaces para reforzar conocimientos de c谩lculo diferencial. Se concluy贸 que la incorporaci贸n de OVA al proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje con la orientaci贸n del docente, motiva a los estudiantes por aprender, potencia las habilidades matem谩ticas de interpretaci贸n, modelaci贸n de situaciones matem谩ticas y ejecuci贸n de procedimientos para dar soluci贸n a distintos problemas de c谩lculo diferencial.In the present article the contribution of Virtual Learning Objects (VLO) to the development of mathematical competences in engineering students from two universities in Barranquilla-Colombia is analyzed. A diagnostic test was applied to 120 students represented in two groups (control and experimental). During the academic semester, VLO were incorporated in the differential-calculus subject. At the end of the period a test that allowed to compare the mathematical knowledge was applied. The students of the experimental group developed mathematical skills 25.9% above the control group, and 55% consider that Virtual Learning Objects are effective tools to improve differential-calculus knowledge. It was concluded that the incorporation of OVA to teaching-learning process with the teacher鈥檚 guidance, motivates the students to learn, enhances the mathematical skills of interpretation, mathematical situations modeling and execution of procedures to solve different differential calculus problems

    Mediaci贸n de los objetos virtuales de aprendizaje en el desarrollo de competencias matem谩ticas en estudiantes de ingenier铆a

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    El presente art铆culo analiza la contribuci贸n de los Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (OVA) al desarrollo de competencias matem谩ticas en estudiantes de ingenier铆a de dos universidades de Barranquilla-Colombia. Se aplic贸 una prueba diagn贸stica a 120 estudiantes representados en dos grupos (control y experimental). Durante un semestre acad茅mico se incorpor贸 OVA en el 谩rea de c谩lculo diferencial. Al final del periodo fue aplicada una evaluaci贸n que permiti贸 comparar el grado de apropiaci贸n de conocimientos matem谩ticos. Los estudiantes del grupo experimental desarrollaron habilidades matem谩ticas un 25.9% por encima del grupo control y el 55%, consideran que son herramientas eficaces para reforzar conocimientos de c谩lculo diferencial. Se concluy贸 que la incorporaci贸n de OVA al proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje con la orientaci贸n del docente, motiva a los estudiantes por aprender, potencia las habilidades matem谩ticas de interpretaci贸n, modelaci贸n de situaciones matem谩ticas y ejecuci贸n de procedimientos para dar soluci贸n a distintos problemas de c谩lculo diferencial.In the present article the contribution of Virtual Learning Objects (VLO) to the development of mathematical competences in engineering students from two universities in Barranquilla-Colombia is analyzed. A diagnostic test was applied to 120 students represented in two groups (control and experimental). During the academic semester, VLO were incorporated in the differential-calculus subject. At the end of the period a test that allowed to compare the mathematical knowledge was applied. The students of the experimental group developed mathematical skills 25.9% above the control group, and 55% consider that Virtual Learning Objects are effective tools to improve differential-calculus knowledge. It was concluded that the incorporation of OVA to teaching-learning process with the teacher鈥檚 guidance, motivates the students to learn, enhances the mathematical skills of interpretation, mathematical situations modeling and execution of procedures to solve different differential calculus problems.Universidad de la Cost

    Las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n y su influencia en la transformaci贸n de la educaci贸n superior en Colombia para impulso de la econom铆a global

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    En este art铆culo se reflexiona desde el punto de vista conceptual, sobre la influencia que las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n (TIC) y el impacto que 茅stas han generado en los procesos de ense帽anza/aprendizaje. La educaci贸n superior en Colombia ha venido transform谩ndose en las recientes d茅cadas, con miras a responder de manera decidida a los requerimientos de una sociedad renovada, que busca contar con profesionales m谩s h谩biles, que gestionen eficientemente procesos administrativos y acad茅micos en Instituciones de Educaci贸n Superior en estos tiempos de globalizaci贸n econ贸mica. La metodolog铆a utilizada en este estudio se enmarca en la revisi贸n documental de investigaciones y publicaciones efectuadas en los 煤ltimos diez a帽os. Los resultados apuntan a que las TIC han aportado considerablemente a diferentes aspectos neur谩lgicos, en el contexto educativo y que las aplicaciones en los procesos pedag贸gicos son cada vez mayores.This document presents a conceptual analysis on the influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the impact they have generated in the teaching / learning processes. Higher education in Colombia has been transformed in recent decades, with the aim of decisively responding to the requirements of a renewed society, which seeks to have more skilled professionals, who efficiently manage administrative and academic processes in Higher Education Institutions in these times of economic globalization. The methodology used is part of the documentary review of research and publications carried out during the last ten years. The results indicate that ICT have significantly contributed to different neuralgic aspects, in the educational context and that applications in pedagogical processes are increasing.Universidad de la Costa - Universidad del Atl谩ntico

    Alignment of Cobit 5 and Coso IC-IF to define controls based on Good Practices IT in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

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    La Ley Sarbanes-Oxley permite garantizar la integridad de la informaci贸n financiera de las empresas que cotizan en bolsa, y su principal objetivo es proteger al inversionista. Actualmente y con la intensi贸n de proteger los datos, las empresas almacenan y gestionan su informaci贸n financiera en infraestructuras tecnol贸gicas y sistemas inform谩ticos propios. Por otra parte, COBIT 5 es el marco de trabajo que se implementa para gobernar las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n (TI) y asegurar la alineaci贸n de TI a la visi贸n de la organizaci贸n. Sin embargo, COBIT no posee las herramientas que posibiliten el tratamiento en detalle de la informaci贸n financiera; por tal raz贸n, aqu铆 se propone articular COBIT 5 y el Marco Integrado de Control Interno del Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO ICIF), fundamentados en los lineamientos expuestos por las normas ISO 38500 e ISO 27001, para dar cumplimiento a la Ley Sarbanes-Oxley. Como resultado de esta articulaci贸n se obtuvo una gu铆a para el auditor financiero, que le permita definir controles de calidad basados en buenas pr谩cticas de controles de TI. Para lograr esto, se realiz贸 una alineaci贸n de los procesos de COBIT con los principios de cada uno de los componentes de COSO IC-IF. Adicionalmente, se propuso c贸mo evaluar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de la Ley desde una perspectiva de TI, aplicando buenas pr谩cticas en la implementaci贸n del control y la referenciaci贸n de los procesos de COBIT 5.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act makes it possible to guarantee the integrity of the financial information of listed companies, and its main objective is to protect the investor. Currently, in an effort to protect data, companies store and manage their financial information in their own technology infrastructures and IT systems. On the other hand, COBIT 5 is the framework that is implemented to govern Information Technology (IT) and ensure the alignment of IT to the organization's vision. However, COBIT does not have the tools that enable the detailed treatment of financial information; For this reason, it is proposed here to articulate COBIT 5 and the Integrated Framework of Internal Control of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO IC-IF), based on the guidelines set forth by the ISO 38500 and ISO 27001 standards, to comply To the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. As a result of this articulation, a guide was obtained for the financial auditor, allowing him to define quality controls based on good practices of IT controls. To achieve this, an alignment of the COBIT processes was performed with the principles of each of the components of COSO IC-IF. Additionally, it was proposed how to evaluate compliance with the requirements of the Law from an IT perspective, applying good practices in the implementation of the control and referencing of COBIT 5 processes

    Las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n y su influencia en la transformaci贸n de la educaci贸n superior en Colombia para impulso de la econom铆a global

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    En este art铆culo se reflexiona desde el punto de vista conceptual, sobre la influencia que las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n (TIC) y el impacto que 茅stas han generado en los procesos de ense帽anza/aprendizaje. La educaci贸n superior en Colombia ha venido transform谩ndose en las recientes d茅cadas, con miras a responder de manera decidida a los requerimientos de una sociedad renovada, que busca contar con profesionales m谩s h谩biles, que gestionen eficientemente procesos administrativos y acad茅micos en Instituciones de Educaci贸n Superior en estos tiempos de globalizaci贸n econ贸mica. La metodolog铆a utilizada en este estudio se enmarca en la revisi贸n documental de investigaciones y publicaciones efectuadas en los 煤ltimos diez a帽os. Los resultados apuntan a que las TIC han aportado considerablemente a diferentes aspectos neur谩lgicos, en el contexto educativo y que las aplicaciones en los procesos pedag贸gicos son cada vez mayores.This document presents a conceptual analysis on the influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the impact they have generated in the teaching / learning processes. Higher education in Colombia has been transformed in recent decades, with the aim of decisively responding to the requirements of a renewed society, which seeks to have more skilled professionals, who efficiently manage administrative and academic processes in Higher Education Institutions in these times of economic globalization. The methodology used is part of the documentary review of research and publications carried out during the last ten years. The results indicate that ICT have significantly contributed to different neuralgic aspects, in the educational context and that applications in pedagogical processes are increasing

    Monitoring system for agronomic variables based in WSN technology on cassava crops

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    Agriculture, and natural resources associated to its development like water, soils and forests, have a relevant role in the future of countries and environmental conservation. The optimization of these resources is made with the implementation of technological strategies and tools that make it possible. In this sense, we developed a monitoring prototype for agronomic variables in cassava crops (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) in the Atl谩ntico department (Colombia) based in WSN using Z1 motes as hardware platform and the temperature and soil moisture sensor SHT11. The operating system used was Contiki, and the routing protocol was RPL. The Network Performance Metrics evaluated were packet loss, RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator), LQI (Link Quality Indicator) and network convergence time. Then, a deployment model using Schl盲fli notation to determine the location and number of nodes, also we calculated the coverage range of the nodes to keep network uniformity. With these calculations, we obtained the linkage budgets between specks, and results were validated with RadioMobile software. Then, test fields were made in a cassava crop located in the city of Manati, Atl谩ntico. Finally, with the help of server client architecture XAMPP, all data was stored and visualized through SIMCA (Agricultural Crop Information and Monitoring System), a web application developed by authors