82 research outputs found

    On the use of deep learning and computational fluid dynamics for the estimation of uniform momentum source components of propellers

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    This article proposes a novel method based on Deep Learning for the resolution of uniform momentum source terms in the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. These source terms can represent several industrial devices (propellers, wind turbines, and so forth) in Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations. Current simulation methods require huge computational power, rely on strong assumptions or need additional information about the device that is being simulated. In this first approach to the new method, a Deep Learning system is trained with hundreds of Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations with uniform momemtum sources so that it can compute the one representing a given propeller from a reduced set of flow velocity measurements near it. Results show an overall relative error below the 5% for momentum sources for uniform sources and a moderate error when describing real propellers. This work will allow to simulate more accurately industrial devices with less computational cost

    On the use of deep learning and computational fluid dynamics for the estimation of uniform momentum source components of propellers

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    This article proposes a novel method based on Deep Learning for the resolution of uniform momentum source terms in the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. These source terms can represent several industrial devices (propellers, wind turbines, and so forth) in Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations. Current simulation methods require huge computational power, rely on strong assumptions or need additional information about the device that is being simulated. In this first approach to the new method, a Deep Learning system is trained with hundreds of Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations with uniform momemtum sources so that it can compute the one representing a given propeller from a reduced set of flow velocity measurements near it. Results show an overall relative error below the for momentum sources for uniform sources and a moderate error when describing real propellers. This work will allow to simulate more accurately industrial devices with less computational cost.Authors would like to thank the University Jaume I for the project UJI-B2021-70 and the spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación for the project PID2021-128405OB-I00. Researcher S. Iserte was supported by the postdoctoral fellowship APOSTD/2020/026 from Valencian Region Government and European Social Funds. J. Luis-Gómez is supported by FPU21/03740 doctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Educación física y deporte como aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida: alternativas pedagógicas al modelo prototípico corporal

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    El discurso hegemónico actual promulga una educación corporal basada en imágenes prototípicas que no tienen en cuenta los intereses, necesidades o particularidades de las personas mayores. Sobre todo, vinculadas con el cuerpo esbelto, el físico imponente y la reproducción que trata de moldear la imagen corporal de una persona adolescente. Por el contrario, nuestra propuesta se centraría en invertir este modelo partiendo de las necesidades de los propios adultos, dando una mayor validez a las relaciones interpersonales, sociales y afectivas, que a la estética corporal resultante.The current hegemonic discourse expresses a type of body education based on prototypical images that does not take into account the interests, needs and characteristics of the elderly. Mainly interested in the slender body, this discourse tends to impose, reproduce and shape images tied to the body model of teenagers. Starting from this genesis, the aim of our study is to reverse this hegemonic model and to propose a model more focused on needs and characteristics of adults. Our scope is to enhance a body education capable of developing and stressing the importance of interpersonal, social and emotional relationships and the effect on body aesthetics

    Development and validation of a one-dimensional solver in a CFD platform for boiling flows in bubbly regimes

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    This paper presents a new one-dimensional solver for two-phase flow simulations where boiling is involved. The solver has been implemented within the OpenFOAM® platform. The basic formulation follows the Eulerian description of the Navier–Stokes equations. Different closure equations for one-dimensional simulations are also included, as well as a subcooled boiling model in order to perform accurate computations of the mass and heat transfer between phases. In addition to the fluid, a domain is included in order to represent the solid structure, so the solver is able to solve conjugate heat transfer problems. Two different test cases are presented in this work, first a single-phase test case in order to verify the conjugate heat transfer, and then a case based on the Bartolomej international benchmark, which consists of a vertical pipe where the fluid runs upwards while it is heated. Transient calculation were performed, and the results were compared to the TRACE system code, and to the experimental data in the corresponding case. With this calculations, the capability of this new solver to simulate one-dimensional single-phase and two-phase flows including boiling is demonstrated. This work is a first step of a final objective, which consists in allowing a 1D–3D coupling within the CFD platform, avoiding external links

    Accelerating urban scale simulations leveraging local spatial 3D structure

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    [EN] This paper presents a hybrid methodology for accelerating Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations intertwining inferences from deep neural networks (DNN). The strategy leverages the local spatial data of the velocity field to leverage three-dimensional convolutional kernels within DNN. The hybrid workflow is composed of two-step cycles where CFD solvers calculations are utilized to feed predictive models, whose inferences, in turn, accelerate the simulation of the fluid evolution compared with traditional CFD. This approach has proved to reduce 30% time-to-solution in an urban scale study case, which leads to generating massive datasets at a fraction of the cost.Researcher S. Iserte was supported by postdoctoral fellowship APOSTD/2020/026 from GVA-ESF. While researcher A. Macias was supported by predoctoral fellowship FDGENT from GVA. CTE-Power cluster of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Tirant III cluster of the Servei d'Informatica of the University of Valencia were leveraged in this research. Authors want to thank the anonymous reviewers whose suggestions significantly improved the quality of this manuscript.Iserte, S.; Macías, A.; Martínez-Cuenca, R.; Chiva, S.; Paredes Palacios, R.; Quintana-Ortí, ES. (2022). Accelerating urban scale simulations leveraging local spatial 3D structure. Journal of Computational Science. 62:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2022.1017411116

    Depuración de aguas residuales: digestión anaerobia

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    Col·lecció: Cátedra FACSA de Innovación en el Ciclo Integral del Agua de la Universitat Jaume I ; Núm.Serie: 2La càtedra universitat-empresa FACSA d'Innovació en el Cicle Integral de l'Aigua de la Universitat Jaume I té com a objectiu fomentar l'intercanvi d'idees, la transferència de coneixement i la trobada entre tots els actors del cicle integral de l'aigua. Aquesta publicació arreplega els treballs exposats en la 1ª Jornada Tècnica en Depuració d'Aigües Residuals: Digestió Anaeròbia, que es va celebrar en la Universitat Jaume I. La Jornada va reunir a experts de l'àmbit acadèmic i empresarial que van exposar els avanços actuals en la digestió anaeròbia. De l'exposició els experts i el posterior intercanvi d'idees i comentaris, cada ponent ha desenvolupat un capítol d'aquest llibre en què plasma les idees que va aportar, així com les conclusions generades. A més, en la web de la càtedra, www.catedradelagua.uji.es, es poden trobar les presentacions utilitzades per cada expert en la seua ponència

    Procesos de oxidación avanzada en el ciclo integral del agua

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    Ponències presentades a la I Jornada Técnica sobre Procesos de Oxidación Avanzada en el Ciclo Integral del Agua celebrada a Castelló de la Plana el 15 de gener de 2016Amb més de 5000 hm3 depurats, més de 2900 EDAR en funcionament i un mercat que supera els 1200 milions d'euros, la depuració d'aigües ha aconseguit un alt grau de maduresa. Al llarg dels diferents capítols, el llibre exposa els últims avanços en POA (Processos d'Oxidació Avançada) presentats per investigadors de referència en aquest camp, realitzant un recorregut per les principals tècniques associades, els resultats, els seus límits i les possibles aplicacions

    Evaluation of hydraulic mixing performance in a full-scale anaerobic digester with an external liquid recirculation system using CFD and experimental validation

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) has become an essential process for sludge treatment and its optimum performance is related to its mixing degree. In this study, a full-scale Anaerobic Digester (ADer) with an external recirculation mixing system was studied via single-phase 3D-CFD simulations to assess the influence of recirculation flow and a 3-blade propeller. The model was validated with inert tracer tests. The design and mixing parameters were studied to characterise the mixing efficiency in different scenarios. The design parameters were assessed first, but wide deviations from the recommended values were found. Local mixing parameters were found to be useful for defining the degree and type of mixing, and are highly recommended in the CFD studies of ADers. A second-order statistical moment was proposed as a global mixing parameter to describe geometrical and local mixing, and to state a reliable homogenisation time.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Development and validation of a one-dimensional solver in a CFD platform for boiling flows in bubbly regimes

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    [EN] This paper presents a new one-dimensional solver for two-phase flow simulations where boiling is involved. The solver has been implemented within the OpenFOAM® platform. The basic formulation follows the Eulerian description of the Navier¿Stokes equations. Different closure equations for one-dimensional simulations are also included, as well as a subcooled boiling model in order to perform accurate computations of the mass and heat transfer between phases. In addition to the fluid, a domain is included in order to represent the solid structure, so the solver is able to solve conjugate heat transfer problems. Two different test cases are presented in this work, first a single-phase test case in order to verify the conjugate heat transfer, and then a case based on the Bartolomej international benchmark, which consists of a vertical pipe where the fluid runs upwards while it is heated. Transient calculation were performed, and the results were compared to the TRACE system code, and to the experimental data in the corresponding case. With this calculations, the capability of this new solver to simulate one-dimensional single-phase and two-phase flows including boiling is demonstrated. This work is a first step of a final objective, which consists in allowing a 1D¿3D coupling within the CFD platform, avoiding external links.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion [grant number BES-2013-064783], and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia Industria y Competitividad [project NUC-MULTPHYS ENE2012-34585].Gomez-Zarzuela-Quel, C.; Chiva Vicent, S.; Peña-Monferrer, C.; Miró Herrero, R. (2021). Development and validation of a one-dimensional solver in a CFD platform for boiling flows in bubbly regimes. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 134:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2021.103680S11613
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