45 research outputs found

    Risultati di una prova di intensificazione foraggera su terreni marginali della collina sarda

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    In the years 1976-78 a fodder-intensification program was carried out granitic soils of Central Sardinia where natural resources allow a stocking of 20 kg/ha live weight. Are experirnental area fiften hectars large was chosen in a farm about 150 ha large, and the following practices were carried out: scrub clearing, fertilizing, sward thickening and, in the best soils, sowine of annual forage crops. In 1978 a stockiing of 100 eurs was obtanied in the 15 hectars, thank to the improsed fodder availability. In this way, by intervening only on the 10% of total farm area the livestock could graze continnously on the pastures while, previously, it could graze on1y seasonally. Nel triennio 1976-78 è stata condotta una esperienza di intensificazione foraggera su terreni granitici della Sardegna centrale. La situazione di partenza consentiva un carico di circa 20 kg/ha di peso vivo. Nell'ambito dell'azienda si sono identificati 15 ha sui quali sono state effettuate operazioni di decespugliarnento, concimazione, infittimento della cotica e, nei terreni migliori, l'impianto di erbai autunno-vernini. Nel 1978 con le disponibilità foraggere dei 15 ha migliorati è stato possibile mantenere un carico di 100 pecore da latte, durante tutto il periodo produttivo. Con l'intervento su una superficie pari al 10% dell'azienda si è quindi resa possibile la presenza stanziale del bestiame che in precedenza, solo stagionalmente poteva utilizzare questi pascoli

    Risultati preliminari di una prova di concimazione nell'arancio ÂŤWashington navelÂť

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    In this paper are reported the results of 4-year research on the effects of differential N, P, K treatments on young ÂŤWashington navelÂť orange trees. The following treatments were compared: A - Control; B - Nitrogen fertilization at rate of 60 Kg/ha per year (N); C - Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization at rates, respectively, of 60 Kg/ha and 120 Kg/ha per year (NP); D - Nitrogen and potassium fertilization at rates, respectively, of 60 Kg/ha and 90 Kg/ha per year (NK); E - Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization at rates, respectively, of 60 kg/ha, 120 kg/ha, and 90 Kg/ha per year (NPK). The results evidenced that 4 year later the start of the research the different treatments did not influence tree growth, while N and Mn content of the leaves was increased by NP and NPK treatments. No difference was found between N, NK, and NPK treatments on the average yield, that was reduced in NP treatment and in the control trees. As for as the fruit quality is concerned, a higher juice percentage was found in fruits from the control trees, while total soluble solids were increased by treatments NP and NPK


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    Viene presentato il punto sulla produzione teatrale dell'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari dopo 10 anni di attivitĂ  a partire dalla prima conferenza spettacolo del 2008. Vengono inoltre presentati i progetti futur

    Il nuovo Planetario INAF-OAC ...e quindi entrammo a riveder le stelle

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    Si tratta del poster di un congresso, non pubblicato in atti di convegnoIl poster è relativo al nuovo Planetario dell'INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari e ne illustra le caratteristiche tecniche, le attività che già vi si stanno svolgendo e quelle in preparazione

    The Complex Story Behind a Deep Eutectic Solvent Formation as Revealed by L‑Menthol Mixtures with Butylated Hydroxytoluene Derivatives.

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    An in-depth study of the hydrophobic eutectic mixtures formed by L-menthol (MEN) with the butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), 2-tert-butyl-pcresol (TBC), and p-cresol (PC) compounds has been carried out, where TBC and PC are analogous to the BHT species but with a different degree of steric hindrance around the hydroxyl group. Thermal characterization evidenced that the BHT/MEN system can be classified as an ideal eutectic, while the TBC/MEN and PC/MEN mixtures behave as type V deep eutectic solvents (DESs) for a wide range of compositions around the eutectic point. As shown by an array of experimental and theoretical methods, in the BHT/MEN mixtures the establishment of hydrogen-bond (H-bond) interactions between the components is dramatically hampered because of the steric hindrance in the BHT molecule, so that the achievement of a liquid phase at room temperature for the eutectic composition is driven by apolar−apolar attractions among the alkyl functional groups of the constituents. Differently, the TBC-MEN donor−receptor H-bond is the main driving force for the formation of a type V DES and derives from a concurrence of electronic and steric factors characterizing the TBC molecule. Finally, the absence of steric hindrance around the hydroxyl group allows the self-association among PC molecules through H-bonded networks already in the pristine compound, but the replacement with the more favorable PC-MEN H-bond provides a type V DES upon mixing of these components. Our combined approach, together with the peculiarity of the inspected systems, delivered an archetypal study able to shed light onto the various contributions ruling the structure− properties relationship in DESs and possibly deepening the currently accepted view of these inherently complex media

    Enhanced Amphiphilic Profile of a Short β-Stranded Peptide Improves Its Antimicrobial Activity

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    SB056 is a novel semi-synthetic antimicrobial peptide with a dimeric dendrimer scaffold. Active against both Gram-negative and -positive bacteria, its mechanism has been attributed to a disruption of bacterial membranes. The branched peptide was shown to assume a β- stranded conformation in a lipidic environment. Here, we report on a rational modification of the original, empirically derived linear peptide sequence [WKKIRVRLSA-NH2_{2}, SB056-lin]. We interchanged the first two residues [KWKIRVRLSA-NH2_{2}, β-SB056-lin] to enhance the amphipathic profile, in the hope that a more regular β-strand would lead to a better antimicrobial performance. MIC values confirmed that an enhanced amphiphilic profile indeed significantly increases activity against both Gram-positive and -negative strains. The membrane binding affinity of both peptides, measured by tryptophan fluorescence, increased with an increasing ratio of negatively charged/zwitterionic lipids. Remarkably, β- SB056-lin showed considerable binding even to purely zwitterionic membranes, unlike the original sequence, indicating that besides electrostatic attraction also the amphipathicity of the peptide structure plays a fundamental role in binding, by stabilizing the bound state. Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism and solid-state 19^{19}F-NMR were used to characterize and compare the conformation and mobility of the membrane bound peptides. Both SB056- lin and β-SB056-lin adopt a β-stranded conformation upon binding POPC vesicles, but the former maintains an intrinsic structural disorder that also affects its aggregation tendency. Upon introducing some anionic POPG into the POPC matrix, the sequence-optimized β- SB056-lin forms well-ordered β-strands once electro-neutrality is approached, and it aggregates into more extended β-sheets as the concentration of anionic lipids in the bilayer is raised. The enhanced antimicrobial activity of the analogue correlates with the formation of these extended β-sheets, which also leads to a dramatic alteration of membrane integrity as shown by 31^{31}P-NMR. These findings are generally relevant for the design and optimization of other membrane-active antimicrobial peptides that can fold into amphipathic β-strands

    Comment on “The 21 August 2017 M d 4.0 Casamicciola Earthquake: First Evidence of Coseismic Normal Surface Faulting at the Ischia Volcanic Island” by

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    We are writing this comment because many aspects of the analysis presented by Nappi et al. (2018) are debatable. In particular, a major issue is relevant to the conclusion suggested by Nappi et al. (2018) about a seismogenic normal fault with northward dip. This finding is not well‐founded because the authors do not really present a causative source model. In addition, their statement is clearly not consistent with the Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR), Global Positioning System (GPS) and seismological measurements presented in the article previously published by De Novellis et al. (2018). Moreover, we also report an evident error in the geologic map proposed by Nappi et al. (2018, their fig. 3).Published313-3156V. Pericolosità vulcanica e contributi alla stima del rischioJCR Journa

    ANMCO/AIAC/SICI-GISE/SIC/SICCH Consensus Document : percutaneous occlusion of the left atrial appendage in non-valvular atrial fibrillation patients: Indications, patient selection, staff skills, organisation, and training

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia and its prevalence is increasing due to the progressive aging of the population. About 20% of strokes are attributable to AF and AF patients are at five-fold increased risk of stroke. The mainstay of treatment of AF is the prevention of thromboembolic complications with oral anticoagulation therapy. Drug treatment for many years has been based on the use of vitamin K antagonists, but recently newer and safer molecules have been introduced (dabigatran etexilate, rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban). Despite these advances, many patients still do not receive adequate anticoagulation therapy because of contraindications (relative and absolute) to this treatment. Over the last decade, percutaneous closure of left atrial appendage, main site of thrombus formation during AF, proved effective in reducing thromboembolic complications, thus offering a valid medical treatment especially in patients at increased bleeding risk. The aim of this consensus document is to review the main aspects of left atrial appendage occlusion (selection and multidisciplinary assessment of patients, currently available methods and devices, requirements for centres and operators, associated therapies and follow-up modalities) having as a ground the significant evolution of techniques and the available relevant clinical data

    The Sardinia Radio Telescope . From a technological project to a radio observatory

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    Context. The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) is the new 64 m dish operated by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF). Its active surface, comprised of 1008 separate aluminium panels supported by electromechanical actuators, will allow us to observe at frequencies of up to 116 GHz. At the moment, three receivers, one per focal position, have been installed and tested: a 7-beam K-band receiver, a mono-feed C-band receiver, and a coaxial dual-feed L/P band receiver. The SRT was officially opened in September 2013, upon completion of its technical commissioning phase. In this paper, we provide an overview of the main science drivers for the SRT, describe the main outcomes from the scientific commissioning of the telescope, and discuss a set of observations demonstrating the scientific capabilities of the SRT. Aims: The scientific commissioning phase, carried out in the 2012-2015 period, proceeded in stages following the implementation and/or fine-tuning of advanced subsystems such as the active surface, the derotator, new releases of the acquisition software, etc. One of the main objectives of scientific commissioning was the identification of deficiencies in the instrumentation and/or in the telescope subsystems for further optimization. As a result, the overall telescope performance has been significantly improved. Methods: As part of the scientific commissioning activities, different observing modes were tested and validated, and the first astronomical observations were carried out to demonstrate the science capabilities of the SRT. In addition, we developed astronomer-oriented software tools to support future observers on site. In the following, we refer to the overall scientific commissioning and software development activities as astronomical validation. Results: The astronomical validation activities were prioritized based on technical readiness and scientific impact. The highest priority was to make the SRT available for joint observations as part of European networks. As a result, the SRT started to participate (in shared-risk mode) in European VLBI Network (EVN) and Large European Array for Pulsars (LEAP) observing sessions in early 2014. The validation of single-dish operations for the suite of SRT first light receivers and backends continued in the following year, and was concluded with the first call for shared-risk early-science observations issued at the end of 2015. As discussed in the paper, the SRT capabilities were tested (and optimized when possible) for several different observing modes: imaging, spectroscopy, pulsar timing, and transients