2,297 research outputs found

    Advanced materials research for long-haul aircraft turbine engines

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    The status of research efforts to apply low to intermediate temperature composite materials and advanced high temperature materials to engine components is reviewed. Emerging materials technologies and their potential benefits to aircraft gas turbines were emphasized. The problems were identified, and the general state of the technology for near term use was assessed

    Four Italian experiences on vaccination policies: Results and lessons

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    Introduction. In 2018 the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases. Among EU Member States, Italy has a long-lasting tradition of immunization policies implemented in the context of the National Health Service over the last forty years. Methods. We identify, report and critically appraise four immunization strategies implemented in Italy in recent years and quantitatively assess their impact on coverage rates and other selected indicators. Results. First: the regional law that suspended mandatory vaccination in the Veneto Region in 2007 to stimulate a proactive approach to vaccine uptake was not successful. Second: a strengthened political commitment started in 2014 brought to the release of an innovative and updated National Immunization Prevention Plan and to encouraging increase in vaccine confidence and vaccination uptake. Third: the success of social media influencers is exemplified by the case of Roberto Burioni, professor of microbiology, who in 2015 started a personal social media campaign to contrast anti-vaccinists. Fourth: The new 2017 Italian law extending mandatory vaccinations has successfully impacted on vaccine coverage which increased by more than 1% and 4% for polio and MMR vaccines, respectively, in the first six months since its entering into force, and has continued to raise in 2018. Discussion. Our data and real-life case studies offer to the broader European public health community a solid basis for discussion and ground to evaluate similar polices implemented in different European settings, with the common goal to share best practices and promote the culture of immunization

    Performance of rocket nozzle materials with several solid propellants

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    Erosion resistance and thermal stress cracking tests of rocket nozzle materials with solid propellant

    Cerebral palsy rehabilitation: comparison between italian child centred andcanadian family centred healthcare models

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    ABSTRACT Background Among disabling pathologies, that affect children from birth, Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most important for frequency and multiplicity of associated disorders. Care of CP requires a long and complex rehabilitation process that involves healthcare services, educational facilities and social agencies, but above all family members (SCPE 2000). In Canada, family has decision-making power in childcare, which includes rehabilitation treatments and socio-educational interventions. This family-centred approach presupposes a shared responsibility between caregivers and family in planning and applying child rehabilitation therapies. In Italy, “Recommendations for cerebral palsy rehabilitation” provide for a drafting of an Individual Rehabilitation Plan (PRI), according to the ICF-CY model. Designing the therapeutic project (PRI) is the physician’s responsibility, who subsequently involves the family in reaching objectives, timing interventions, realising setting modalities and measuring outcomes. This approach is child-centred, however with the participatory involvement of family. The aim of this study is to compare perception of Italian and Canadian families regarding these two different healthcare models in CP rehabilitation. Method Data from 219 MPOC-20 and 75 MPOC-SP questionnaires were collected from child healthcare services in Emilia Romagna Region and compared to Ontario province data published by CanChild. Results By comparing MPOC-20 and MPOC-SP results obtained in Emilia Romagna and Ontario, we found that average values of various domains reveal few differences. The only domain showing lower results for Emilia Romagna concerned child-specific information supply (Emilia Romagna average is 4.69, Ontario is 5.23). On the contrary, for all the remaining domains, Emilia Romagna had higher averages. Considering physiotherapist questionnaires, we found higher satisfaction levels regarding treatment in Ontario. The greatest difference related to the “Providing General Information” domain: parental perception; Emilia Romagna average was 3.74, while Ontario’s average was 4.68. For the domain “Showing Interpersonal Sensitivity”, satisfaction was high for both countries: 5.76 in Emilia Romagna, 5.83 in Ontario. Discussion Communication regarding general aspects, pathology and treatment information must be improved in Emilia Romagna in order to increase satisfaction and cooperation between families and healthcare professionals. Conclusions The study results allow us to conclude that Italian and Canadian family satisfaction of healthcare quality is quite similar, and that the Italian model of CP rehabilitation, with a few slight modifications, could be judged competitive. An organizational model focused on child, constantly involving family in care programs, which we could coin "Child-and-Family-Centred approach", would seem to be the key to a higher quality, efficacy and efficiency service

    The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis and the Role of External and Internal Factors in Emerging Economies

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    This article assesses the impact of trade, capital openness and institutions on emerging economies’ output loss during the “Great Recession.” The fixed-effect estimates of an unbalanced panel of 122 emerging countries observed from 2008 to 2010 yield three main results. First, trade openness has exacerbated output loss. Second, capital openness can help mitigate the negative impact of an external shock, but this is conditional on the level of financial development. Finally, the results also point out that the interrelations between financial and institutional development affect the crisis’s severity

    Africa RISING Baseline Evaluation Survey (ARBES) report for Ghana

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    Innovative Covid-19 diagnostics and testing strategies in Italy, Denmark, UK, Israel and Sweden: a comparative analysis including tests, incidence and mortality

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    Background and aim: Detecting SARS-CoV-2 remains a critical component in the global effort to control COVID-19, particularly with the emergence of variants. Since the outbreak, diagnostic techniques have evolved to meet different contexts and needs. Methods: In this study, we analyzed the use of these techniques in five countries (i.e. Italy, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Israel) based on their specific national testing and contact tracing strategies. We also examined the number of tests performed per week, the positivity rate of tests, and the mortality rate in these populations during the same time periods. These countries were chosen based on the directives of the consortium involved in the CORONADX project. Results: During the three-year period under review, Italy and Denmark adopted large-scale testing strategies over a long period of time, with different results: in Italy an average of 4.5% of the population adhered to diagnosis, in Denmark 21%, while Israel reached 6.5%. The UK prioritised mass testing for short periods, outperforming the other countries with 1,882,596,198 total swabs and an average adherence of 28.1% of the population. Despite this, it recorded the highest number of deaths related to COVID-19 (211,155), with a lethality rate of 0.87%, second only to Sweden with 0.88%, where the average adherence to diagnosis was 1.7% of the population. Significant are the data for Israel, where as deaths increased, so did testing (r = 0.62, p < 0.001). Conclusions: To control future outbreaks it’s fundamental satisfying the need for effective testing strategies and government communication, equitable healthcare access, and education in public health and hygiene principles. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    Visualising transformative spaces for education: a focus on lecture halls, computer rooms and studios

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    One room, three learning spaces for creative education. This image-led investigation shows how a standard blank room can be effectively transformed into three different kinds of learning environments: a lecture hall, a computer room and a studio. Research has shown that effective design of teaching spaces is beneficial to the learning experience and contributes to creating a more engaging relationship between teachers and learners. On the other hand, few visual resources have been produced to support this in the UK. This article seeks to fill this gap. The design of these classrooms applies Basye’s idea of campfire to stimulate and support interaction between teachers and learners. In particular, these visuals show how technology can improve the students’ experience of the lecture hall, provide adequate lighting, personal space and drawing devices in the computer room, and finally how gathering in a circle may replicate the benefits of campfires in the studio

    Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines among agricultural workers: Results of an Italian a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Working age is increasing across Europe. Seasonal influenza (SID) and pneumococcal disease (PND) immunization programmes might be successfully implemented at the workplace. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among to assess SID and PND vaccine status, as well as knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) in a representative sample of agricultural workers (AWs) aged ≥55 years in North-Eastern Italy. Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered in person by trained personnel. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were carried out to identify behavioral and work-related factors associated with SID and PND vaccine uptake. Results: Among 707 participants, 238 were aged 55 years or more (33.7% of total). Of them, 39.1% had an up-to-date immunization status towards influenza, and 17.6% towards pneumococcus. Factors associated with inadequate immunization were doubts about influenza vaccine safety (40.0%) and the confidence in natural immunity towards pneumococcus (30.8%). Attitude towards vaccinations was somehow favorable in 44.5% of participants for SID, and 37.8% for PND. Overall, 37.4% and 21.8% workers were aware of national recommendations on SID and PND immunization, respectively. This factor was characterized as a significant predictor for SID vaccination (multivariated Odds Ratio, OR 32.688 95%CI 12.015-88.930), as well as the perception of SID as a severe disease (OR 7.539 95%CI 3.312-17.164), and the perceived value of preventing new infections (OR 3.215 95%CI 1.205-8.578). A somehow favorable attitude towards vaccinations was the main predictor (OR 39.214 95%CI 10.179-151.1) for PND vaccination. Conclusions: Our study indicates that older workers lack appropriate knowledge of national recommendations and correct risk perception of SID and PND infections, but also vaccines’ side effects. As the latter has been recognized as predictive factor for SID vaccination, our results stress the importance for tailored informative interventions in the workplaces aimed to increase risk perception and vaccine acceptance. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    Isothermal calorimetry protocols to monitor the shelf life and aftermarket follow-up of fresh cut vegetables

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    Protocols and guidelines were assessed in order to apply isothermal calorimetry as a complementary/alternative method to monitoring, during the shelf life and the microbial growth/metabolism in commercial fresh cut vegetables with random initial microbial population. Moreover, the endogenous microbial population was used as a biosensor to check the modifications occurred during long storage for aftermarket characterization in the frame of vegetable waste treatments. Validation was obtained following ready-to-use carrots highlighting the effects of the different exposed surfaces (cylinders, sticks and a`-la-julienne cut) on the overall spoiling process during shelf life and green salad stored up to 14 days with regard to the aftermarket characterization
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