816 research outputs found

    The Interstitial Self: On Literature and Agamben’s Potentiality

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    Partendo da una riflessione letterario-filosofica sulla differenza tra poesia e filosofia, e tra conoscenza e possesso, questo articolo propone una definizione del linguaggio letterario come framezzo. La medianità letteraria, che trova ampio riscontro in gran parte della letteratura moderna e contemporanea, viene qui affrontata e discussa attraverso il concetto di potenzialità e le modalità con cui questo concetto è stato interpretato in filosofia, con particolare riferimento al lavoro del filosofo italiano Giorgio Agamben.This paper was originally published with the title “The Stanza of the Self: On Agamben’s Potentiality” in the special issue of the electronic journal Contretemps on Giorgio Agamben (2003).Article text in Englis

    Erring in Poetry: The issue of ‘presence’ in the poetry of Giorgio Caproni

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    Giorgio Caproni è ormai considerato uno dei più importanti poeti del Novecento italiano. Qui mi occupo soprattutto delle raccolte da Il congedo del viaggiatore cerimonioso fino al postumo Res Amissa, proponendo una lettura della poesia caproniana alla luce di concetti quali presenza, erranza e potenzialità. Mi pare che Caproni si interroghi in maniera esplicita e consapevole sul rapporto tra conoscenza e linguaggio poetico, e sulla graduale perdita di concreti riferimenti ermeneutici ed epistemologici. Il suo interrogarsi diventa una ricerca che lo porta a scoprire l’importanza dell’errare in uno spazio indefinibile ma, proprio per questo, intensamente ricco di potenzialità

    Fast Spherical Harmonic Analysis: a quick algorithm for generating and/or inverting full sky, high resolution CMB Anisotropy maps

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    We present a fast algorithm for generating full sky, high resolution (∼5′\sim 5') simulations of the CMB anisotropy pattern. We also discuss the inverse problem, that of evaluating from such a map the full set of aℓma_{\ell m}'s and the spectral coefficients CℓC_\ell. We show that using an Equidistant Cylindrical Projection of the sky substantially speeds up the calculations. Thus, generating and/or inverting a full sky, high resolution map can be easily achieved with present day computer technology.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex, 5 PostScript figures included, 1 colour plate available (PostScript version, 1.6 Mb) at http://itovf2.roma2.infn.it/natoli

    Scaling, asymptotic scaling and Symanzik improvement. Deconfinement temperature in SU(2) pure gauge theory

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    We report on a high statistics simulation of SU(2) pure gauge field theory at finite temperature, using Symanzik action. We determine the critical coupling for the deconfinement phase transition on lattices up to 8 x 24, using Finite Size Scaling techniques. We find that the pattern of asymptotic scaling violation is essentially the same as the one observed with conventional, not improved action. On the other hand, the use of effective couplings defined in terms of plaquette expectation values shows a precocious scaling, with respect to an analogous analysis of data obtained by the use of Wilson action, which we interpret as an effect of improvement.Comment: 43 pages ( REVTeX 3.0, self-extracting shell archive, 13 PostScript figs.), report IFUP-TH 21/93 (2 TYPOS IN FORMULAS CORRECTED,1 CITATION UPDATED,CITATIONS IN TEXT ADDED

    Accelerating the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm

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    An algorithm for separating the high- and low-frequency molecular dynamics modes in Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations of gauge theories with dynamical fermions is presented. The separation is based on splitting the pseudo-fermion action into two parts, as was initially proposed by Hasenbusch. We propose to introduce different evolution time-scales for each part. We test our proposal in realistic simulations of two-flavor O(a) improved Wilson fermions. A speed-up of more than a factor of three compared to the standard HMC algorithm is observed in a typical run.Comment: 6 pages, late

    APE Results of Hadron Masses in Full QCD Simulations

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    We present numerical results obtained in full QCD with 2 flavors of Wilson fermions. We discuss the relation between the phase of Polyakov loops and the {\bf sea} quarks boundary conditions. We report preliminary results about the HMC autocorrelation of the hadronic masses, on a 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattice volume, at β=5.55\beta=5.55 with ksea=0.1570k_{sea}=0.1570.Comment: 3 pages, compressed ps-file (uufiles), Contribution to Lattice 9

    Progress and status of APEmille

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    We report on the progress and status of the APEmille project: a SIMD parallel computer with a peak performance in the TeraFlops range which is now in an advanced development phase. We discuss the hardware and software architecture, and present some performance estimates for Lattice Gauge Theory (LGT) applications.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE97, 3 pages, Late

    Decay Constants of Heavy-Light Mesons

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    The decay constants of the heavy-light pseudoscalar mesons are studied in a high statistics run using the Wilson action at β=6.0\beta=6.0 and β=6.2\beta=6.2, and the clover action at β=6.0\beta=6.0. The systematics of O(a)O(a) discretisation errors are discussed. Our best estimates of the decay constants are: fDf_D = 218(9) MeV, fD/fDsf_D/f_{Ds} = 1.11(1) and we obtain preliminary values for fBf_B.Comment: at the Dallas Lattice Conference, October 1993. 3 pages in a single postscript file, uuencoded form. Rome Preprint 93/98

    Autochthonous human and canine strongyloides stercoralis infection in europe: Report of a human case in an italian teen and systematic review of the literature

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    Autochthonous human and canine strongyloidiasis is reported in Europe but is unclear whether the transmission of infection still occurs. We report a previously unpublished human case in an Italian teen and perform a systematic review of literature on autochthonous human and canine strongyloidiasis in Europe to investigate the current dynamic of transmission. Overall, 109 papers published after 1987 were included and one previously unpublished Italian case was added. Eighty case reports were retrieved and 42 of them (52.5%) had severe strongyloidiasis. Most cases were diagnosed in Spain, Italy and France. The median age was 58, the most represented age group was 61–70 years, 11 patients were under 30, and 7 of them were diagnosed after 2000. Epidemiological studies on human strongyloidiasis showed prevalence ranging from 0.56% to 28%. Overall, agriculture work, mine work and walking barefoot were the most commonly reported risk factors for infection. Canine strongyloidiasis was reported mainly in Italy (68 cases), but a few cases occurred also in Iceland, Finland, England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Russia, Slovakia, Romania and Greece. Autochthonous strongyloidiasis is still reported in Europe and sporadic transmission still occurs. Health care professionals should be aware of this issue to identify infected subjects and avoid adverse outcomes, especially in immunosuppressed patients. Further investigations are needed to clarify the zoonotic transmission of this nematode
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