36,940 research outputs found

    VMEXT: A Visualization Tool for Mathematical Expression Trees

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    Mathematical expressions can be represented as a tree consisting of terminal symbols, such as identifiers or numbers (leaf nodes), and functions or operators (non-leaf nodes). Expression trees are an important mechanism for storing and processing mathematical expressions as well as the most frequently used visualization of the structure of mathematical expressions. Typically, researchers and practitioners manually visualize expression trees using general-purpose tools. This approach is laborious, redundant, and error-prone. Manual visualizations represent a user's notion of what the markup of an expression should be, but not necessarily what the actual markup is. This paper presents VMEXT - a free and open source tool to directly visualize expression trees from parallel MathML. VMEXT simultaneously visualizes the presentation elements and the semantic structure of mathematical expressions to enable users to quickly spot deficiencies in the Content MathML markup that does not affect the presentation of the expression. Identifying such discrepancies previously required reading the verbose and complex MathML markup. VMEXT also allows one to visualize similar and identical elements of two expressions. Visualizing expression similarity can support support developers in designing retrieval approaches and enable improved interaction concepts for users of mathematical information retrieval systems. We demonstrate VMEXT's visualizations in two web-based applications. The first application presents the visualizations alone. The second application shows a possible integration of the visualizations in systems for mathematical knowledge management and mathematical information retrieval. The application converts LaTeX input to parallel MathML, computes basic similarity measures for mathematical expressions, and visualizes the results using VMEXT.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Intelligent Computer Mathematics - 10th International Conference CICM 2017, Edinburgh, UK, July 17-21, 2017, Proceeding

    Temporal and Spatial Expression Patterns of miR-302 and miR-367 During Early Embryonic Chick Development

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    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Completion Fluid terhadap Laju Swelling Clay pada Sumur Produksi Minyak Bumi

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    In the process of oil production wells maintenance, sometimes it has to face containing mud (clay) formations and this situation can detain the process of well maintenance and damage downhole equipment, especially pumps because of clay swelling. This study intends to determine the concentration effect of completion fluid to clay swelling and determine the optimum completion fluid concentration In this study, KCl and XCD polymer has been chosen as the inhibiting compound of clay swelling. Concentration used is 2%, 4% and 6% for KCl, 2, 3 and 4 ppm for XCD polymer with a ratio between the solution with the clay is 1:8, 1 9 and 1:10. The temperature used is room temperature of 25° C. The results showed that the rate of swelling occurs most rapidly at 2% KCl ratio of 1:8. The phenomenon of swelling clay to a solution of XCD polymer is very small so it can be considered no swelling that occurs, either in 2, 3 or 4 ppm solution of polymer XC

    Penelitian Pengaruh Waktu Penekanan Dan Tekanan Terhadap Daya Rekat Lem Sintesis Untuk Kulit Sol, Kulit Boks, Dan Pvc

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    Glue is valuable substance for sealing two things (compact thing). The research uses synthetic, and the adhesive strength reaches for sole leather, PVC to sole leather at the pressure of 30 bars, pressure duration 6 minutes (5,22 kg/10 cm2, and 5,68 kg/ 10 cm2), for PVC to PVC, box leather tp PVC at the pressure of 20 bars and pressure duration 6 minutes (5,98 kg/10 cm2 and 7,12 kg/10 cm2), whereas for box leather to sole leather at the pressure of 30 bars, pressure duration 9 minutes (4,36 Kg/10 cm2)

    Genetic characterization of seedling and adult plant resistance against three rust diseases in the 22nd SAWSN CIMMYT Nursery

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraEste relatório final surge a conclusão de uma formação de dois anos neste mestrado. O Estágio Pedagógico foi realizado na Escola Secundária de Anadia junto da turma D do 9º ano de escolaridade, durante o ano lectivo de 2013/14. O presente trabalho, pretende relatar e refletir sobre os procedimentos adotados em três processos por mim considerados fundamentais no processo ensino-aprendizagem, o planeamento; a realização e a avaliação. Ao longo do ano lectivo a reflexão constante sobre a prática pedagógica permitiu que me torna-se um professor em constante evolução, absorvendo a informação e tendo uma postura critica em relação a este processo. Com este relatório pretendo demonstrar o processo desenvolvido ao longo desta jornada. Um dos principais desfechos que retiro deste processo é a necessidade de ensinar e promover a aprendizagem adequada a todos os alunos. Deste o aluno que tem excesso de peso, ao que tem Necessidades Educativas Especiais, ao que não gosta de educação física, estre outros perfis. Se lhes for apresentado um ambiente adequado às suas necessidades todos eles serão munidos de uma importante bagagem. O estágio pedagógico promove a aquisição de um conjunto de saberes, de atitudes práticas e resolução de problemas pedagógicos, que servirão como base de sustentação para a integração futura no ensino e também será transversal a outras actividades ligadas ao desporto e à promoção de saúde. Por último, será abordado o tema: grupos de nível em Educação Física, apresentando como exemplo a turma do 9ºD. Que se foi confrontada ao longo do ano lectivos pela homo e heterogeneidade nos grupos formados para a aula. This final report is the conclusion of a two-year training in this Masters Degree. The Pedagogical Internship was conducted in Escola Secundária de Anadia with class D of the 9th grade during the school year 2013/14. The present study aims to report and reflect on the procedures adopted in the three cases, that i considered fundamental, teaching-learning process, planning; the implementation and evaluation. During the school year, constant reflexion about pedagogical act allow me toi became a teacher in constant improvement, absorbing all the information with na critic posture about the teaching. With this report i pretend show all the process developed during this long journey. One of the principals knowledges i reatret from this process is the need of teaching and promote na learning suitable for all students. From the student who have overweight, the one who has Special Educational Needs, the student who don’t like physical education, until the other students profile, if we gave them an suitable environment to their needs, al og them will todos eles will be provided with an important baggage. The Pedagogical Internship promotes the acquisition of an a aquisição de a set of knowledge, with practices and attitudes for solving pedagogical problems, to serve as a support base for future integration in teaching and will also be cross-linked to other activities for sport and health promotion.. Last but not least, will be approach a theme: Group levels on physical Education class, using as an example the class D from the 9th grade . Who was faced throughout the school year by the homo-and heterogeneity in groups formed for class


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    Islamic Religious Education is held with the intention of educating students to have noblecharacter and understanding. Prevent from consuming haram food and drinks. In this study, theformulation of the problem proposed 1) How is the implementation of Islamic Religious Educationlearning at SMPIT Titian Ilmu Bekasi?. 2) How do teachers increase students’ awareness in consumingfood and drinks at SMPIT Titian Ilmu Bekasi City? The purpose of this research is toTo find out fromthe research conducted is to find out the Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning onStudents’ Awareness in consuming food and drinks at SMPIT Titian Ilmu Bekasi City. This researchincludes qualitative descriptive research. To collect data, the author uses three methods, namely:(1). Interview method, the interview method is used to obtain data from students and teachers andprincipalsSMPIT Titian Ilmu(2). observation method, this method is used to see the conditions as ifand the condition of the canteenSMPIT Titian Ilmu(3). Documentary method, this method is used tofind out school documents, including school history, school area and school structure. Meanwhile, inanalyzing data, the author uses ”flow model analysis” from Miles and Huberman which includes threesteps, namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The resultsof the study describe the implementation of Islamic Religious Education learning at SMPIT Titian IlmuBekasi, with the aim that the values, attitudes, and competencies produced are in accordance with theobjectives contained in the learning implementation design (RPP). In distance learning or (PJJ), PAIteachers provide the concept of learning with power points by displaying types of food and drinks thatare halal and have high nutritional content. It is intended that every student has a high awarenessto avoid foods and drinks that are not halal and have no benefits for the body. To increase students’awareness in consuming halal and good food and drinks, the teacher plays a very good role by usingthe right media