15 research outputs found

    Une cytolyse hépatique révélant un ganglioneurome surrénalien

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    Le ganglioneurome est une tumeur nerveuse bénigne rare, d'origine neuroectodermique et de localisation rétropéritonéale fréquente. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient de 55 ans dont la tumeur est révélée fortuitement sur une échographie abdominale demandée dans le cadre d'une cytolyse hépatique secondaire à une hépatite virale C. Le patient est opéré après la réalisation d'un scanner abdominal et d'un bilan hormonal. L'examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire est en faveur d'un ganglioneurome. Devant une  volumineuse masse rétropéritonéale avec état général conservé, on doit envisager le diagnostic de ganglioneurome car l'exérèse chirurgicale complète permet une guérison sans récidive. Préalablement, l'ensemble des autres diagnostics différentiels doit être éliminé. Key words: Ganglioneurome, tumeurs rétropéritonéales, TDM, IR

    Improving Olive Oil Yield from Moroccan Picholine by Bacterial enzymes extract

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    ABSTRACT Olive oil production represents one of the most interesting fields of Moroccan agriculture. The effect of the Bacterial enzyme preparations during the mechanical extraction process of virgin olive oil on the yield was investigated. In this sense, we implicated the usage of Bacillus licheniformis enzymatic solution (containing among other enzymes cellulase and pectinase) on improving and maximising the oil yield during olive mechanical extraction. The assays were performed with the Moroccan Picholine variety. Results indicated that Bacillus licheniformis enzymatic solution increased olive oil extraction yield (4.12g/100 of olives) compared to control (3.79g/100g of olives). Moreover, the use of commercial cellulase or pectinase for oil extraction doesn't give more olive oil than the bacterial enzymes solution (4g/100g of olives and 4.05g/100g of olives respectively). We have also shown that olives should be used during ripening stage from the middle of November in order to obtain the highest olive oil yield

    Dysphagia as an Unusual Presentation of Myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell dyscrasis characterized by mature B cells proliferation in the bone marrow. In rare cases, the disease can present as an extramedullary location, making diagnosis and management more challenging. Here, we describe a rare case of tongue extramedullary myeloma and discuss diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic issues

    Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome: A case series

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    The tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome (TINU syndrome) affects adolescent females preferentially, and it is typicallycharacterized by the association of tubulointerstitial nephritis and anterior bilateral uveitis. However, it may have different atypicalpresentations. It can be seen in male, in adults, without renal insufficiency, or with a posterior uveitis. We report three cases ofatypical TINU syndrome. We reported two out of three adult patients (16, 60, and 62 years of age), two of whom were female andone male. The first patient had a panuvéitis of the left eye and a posterior uveitis of the right eye. The second patient presentedbilateral panuveitis with retinal vasculitis. The third patient had a bilateral anterior uveitis recurrent. The three patients hadproteinuria, glucosuria, aseptic leukocyturia without renal insufficiency. Renal biopsy showed tubulointerstitial nephritis withno sign of vasculitis or glomerular involvement. The etiological investigation did not find any cause (infection, medication, andsystemic illness). The patients received a local and general corticosteroid therapy associated in one case with methotrexate, whichhas resulted in rapid improvement for all three patients. This clinical case report highlights some important features of TINUsyndrome, including the increasing incidence of disease in male and adult patients, the possibility of a posterior involvement ofuveitis, and clinical presentation without kidney failure. Extensive studies are needed to elucidate the cause and pathogenesis ofthis syndrome for better management. &nbsp

    The prevalence of painful diabetic neuropathy in 300 Moroccan diabetics

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    Painful diabetic neuropathy is a frequent complication of diabetes. Its diagnosis is clinical. Our goal is to determine the prevalence of painful diabetic neuropathy in this population. We also analyzed the relationship between this neuropathy and certain parameters, concerning the patient and his diabetes. It is a cross sectional study conducted at the department of endocrinology and internal medicine of Avicenne hospital Marrakech-Morocco, among a cohort of 300 diabetic outpatients. We used the DN4 questionnaire (Douleur Neuropathique en 4 questions), for diagnosis. The results showed a prevalence of 15%. In this study: advanced age, female gender, duration of diabetes greater than 10 years, and the lack of medical follow up were found to be statistically significant risk factors for painful diabetic neuropathy, in addition to some diabetes-related comorbidities such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, sedentary life style and diabetic retinopathy. Painful diabetic neuropathy remains undertreated, in fact 74% of our patients did not receive any specific treatment, knowing that the progress in developing effective and well-tolerated therapies has been disappointing

    Habitat, État, société au Maghreb

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    Se loger aujourd'hui au Maghreb constitue souvent un problème pour les classes pauvres, et même de plus en plus, selon les pays, pour les classes moyennes. «Architecture ou révolution !», proclamait Le Corbusier : si la crise du logement a laquelle les gouvernants sont ainsi confrontes est sans doute d'abord une crise du développement, elle pourrait bien, dans le contexte des nouveaux choix économiques et d'une urbanisation mal maîtrisée, dégénérer en crise plus générale. Réunissant des sociologues, des juristes, des architectes-urbanistes, des géographes, des politologues et des économistes, Habitat, Etat, Société au Maghreb analyse par pays différents aspects du problème et examine les réponses apportées indépendamment ou conjointement par les autorités politiques et les populations