319 research outputs found

    Działania projakościowe w samodzielnych publicznych zakładach opieki zdrowotnej

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    Przedstawiony referat koncentruje się na zagadnieniach związanych z działaniem systemów zarządzania jakością oraz logistyki w Publicznym ZOZ zawiera wyniki badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w Zakładzie Opiekuńczo-Leczniczym funkcjonującym na terenie województwa łódzkiego

    Communism as a Spiritual Attack on Man

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    Marxist ideology, and later the practice of the communist state, denied the essential goals of education, making it an important tool for indoctrination. Man ceased to be the highest value, and was replaced by other values that were lower than him.The communist program of raising children and youth in atheism, without God, was an attack on all believers, because it impacted the future of any religion in Russia.The pontificate of John Paul II, the first Pope from a communist country, was important in determining the threat of Marxism. In the encyclical „Laborem Exercens” the Pope stated that “by the use of various kinds of influence, including revolutionary pressure, it aims to win a monopoly of power in each society.” (LE, 11). The fundamental assessment of Marxism was made by John Paul II in response to social issues posed by the so-called theology of liberation. This power reaches deep and is vast, because it affects the whole person, in all dimensions of his existence.Marxist ideology, and later the practice of the communist state, denied the essential goals of education, making it an important tool for indoctrination. Man ceased to be the highest value, and was replaced by other values that were lower than him.The communist program of raising children and youth in atheism, without God, was an attack on all believers, because it impacted the future of any religion in Russia.The pontificate of John Paul II, the first Pope from a communist country, was important in determining the threat of Marxism. In the encyclical „Laborem Exercens” the Pope stated that “by the use of various kinds of influence, including revolutionary pressure, it aims to win a monopoly of power in each society.” (LE, 11). The fundamental assessment of Marxism was made by John Paul II in response to social issues posed by the so-called theology of liberation. This power reaches deep and is vast, because it affects the whole person, in all dimensions of his existence

    The Christian Understanding of Happiness

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    The relationship with God allows man to find the sense of life. Christianity is a humanism – it positions man in the very centre of the world according him the highest place – of the being created after God’s image. The revelation of God’s Love endows man with a new way of enriching himself and others. Thus the desire for happiness gains a new perspective of the divine longing for good.Happiness which Christ promises exceeds the limits of our imagination. It is incon­ceivable and incomprehensible to those living on earth. Heaven is beyond every word, beyond our conception for it bears the meaning which man cannot fully understand. It is the most supreme happiness, absolutely perfect and complete which no one has ever known.A Christian has to achieve in his life something more than the worldly aims. Whoever limits their life to the earth, focuses only on enjoying and using this life to the full; squeezing from it the last drop heedless of the needs of others


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    Rozważania na temat przyczyn powstawania stwardnienia rozsianego i leczenia

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    Sclerosis multiplex (SM) is considered as a immunologic disease, which pathogenesis still remains unknown— it is therefore difficult to choose the optimal method of treatment. The aim of this review is to analyzethe vascular theory of pathogenesis of SM and possibilities of new therapeutic options of the disease. Surprisingis the number of common elements both in the vascular theory of SM, and the effects of subarachnoidhaemorrhage. Additionally, in light of current research studies, it apears that responsible for the neurologicaldetoriation after SAH is not just reactive arterial narrowing, but rather the local inflammatory responsegenerated by the extravasated blood. It seems to be a logical proposal to use the similar treatment in theacute MS relapse as the nimodipine treatment for acute neurological deterioration after SAH.Stwardnienie rozsiane jest uważane za chorobę demielinizacyjną o podłożu immunologicznym, niejasnapozostaje jednak nadal jego patogeneza, zatem wybór optymalnej metody postępowania jest trudny. Celemniniejszej pracy jest analiza teorii naczyniowej patogenezy SM oraz ewentualnych nowych opcji terapeutycznych.Zaskakująca jest liczba elementów wspólnych dla teorii naczyniowej SM, jak również efektów uszkodzenianaczyń mózgowych w przebiegu krwawienia podpajęczynówkowego. Dodatkowo, w odniesieniu do aktualnychbadań za zły stan kliniczny chorych po SAH wydaje się odpowiadać nie tyle reaktywne zwężenie naczyńtętniczych, co miejscowa reakcja zapalna powstająca w wyniku działania wynaczynionej krwi. Logiczna wydajesię zatem propozycja zastosowania m.in. nimodypiny w ostrych rzutach SM leczenia podobnego jak terapiaostrego pogorszenia stanu neurologicznego w SAH

    Geo-questionnaire in urban planning – preliminary results of the experimental application in Poland

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    Changes in the attitude of local authorities towards the public participation in the decision making processes have prompted development of new methods of such involvement. As far as the urban planning is concerned, of particular potential is the so-called Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS). One of the tools used for the purpose is a geo-questionnaire, combining the benefits of a standard questionnaire and a map, which permits collecting information on particular sites and on the respondents’ ideas on localisation of new objects and functionalities.Within the project “Geoportal supporting public participation in urban planning”, in the years 2015–2016, a study was undertaken to explore the effectiveness and usefulness of the geo-questionnaire. Five pilot studies were performed in the Poznań and Łódź agglomerations. The geo-questionnaires concerned the local spatial management plan in Rokietnica (Poznań agglomeration), landscape protection in Łódź, conception of the transportation system development in Łódź, conception of urban design of the Łazarski Market in Poznań, and the Map of Local Needs in the city center of Poznań. The aim of the study was to present the preliminary results of the initial implementations of geo-questionnaire developed within the project Geoportal supporting public participation in urban planning. The applications of geo-questionnaire have been analysed taking into account the characteristics of implementation areas, characteristics of users, the effectiveness of recruitment methods and opinions about the tool from two points of view: the respondents and the recipients of results

    Uczciwa praca jako źródło utrzymania

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    The article is an attempt of an analytical look at the basic elements of economic order such as work and wages, from the perspective of Church social teaching. The author tries to show and justify personalistic reasoning with regard to work. The basic theses of this reasoning are: the primacy of man and his work over capital, the man is the subject of work, the man has the right to work and fair pay for it, work is also in the normal way to meet people’s needs, spiritual as well as material.Artykuł jest próbą analityczego spojrzenia na podstawowe elementy porządku gospodarczego, jakimi są praca i płaca, w perspektywie społecznej nauki Kościoła. Autor stara się pokazać i uzasadnić arugementację personalistyczną w spojrzeniu na pracę. Podstawowymi tezami tej argumentacji są: człowiek i jego praca mają pierwszeństwo przed kapitałem, człowiek jest podmiotem pracy, człowiek ma prawo do pracy i sprawiedliwej za nią zapłaty, praca jest również normalną drogą do zaspokojenia ludzkich potrzeb tak duchowych, jak i materialnych

    Geodiversity and Geoheritage: Crossing Disciplines and Approaches

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    In recent times, two terms, which are being used more and more frequently have been introduced into scientific nomenclature: Geoheritage (cf. Reynard and Brilha 2018 and references therein) and Geodiversity (cf. Gray 2013, 2018 and Najwer and Zwoliński 2014 and references therein). The concept of geoheritage was introduced in the 1970s (cf. Martini 1994), whereas geodiversity has been recognised as a concept worth investigating from the 1990s onwards (e.g. Wiedenbein 1993; Sharples 1995) but several recent attempts have been made to properly define and assess it (cf. Zwoliński et al. 2018 and references therein). Since their appearance, both concepts have aroused strong interest and debate, not only of researchers in Earth Sciences but also of experts in biology (e.g. Parks and Mulligan 2010; Hjort et al. 2012), spatial planning (e.g. Poiraud et al. 2016; Gordon et al. 2018; Bruschi and Coratza 2018 and references therein), general tourism (cf. Newsome and Dowling 2018 and reference therein) as well as national geotourism (e.g. Asrat et al. 2008 for Ethiopia and Migoń 2012 for Poland and references therein) and cultural heritage (e.g. Margottini 2007; Přikryl and Torok 2010; Coratza et al. 2016; Reynard et al. 2017), especially those interested in integrated and interdisciplinary approaches. This increase in awareness is testified within scientific circles by the numerous scientific conferences, workshops and sessions on geoheritage and geodiversity issues organised during the last two decades. Worthy of note is the increasing success from 2013 of the joint session on geoheritage and geodiversity in the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, which demonstrates the importance of heritage issues to the geoscience community