77 research outputs found

    Gonzo novinarstvo i djela Hunter S.Thompsona kao književnost

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    The importance of Frederick Douglass’s narratives lies in the mere necessity of their existence, as they were instruments which proved the importance of education and served as reminders that history should not repeat itself. For a slave, literacy and education were close to impossible, which is why Douglass is so significant. He came from an enslaved family, and, against all odds, not only learned how to read and write, but made himself the biggest African American Hero of his century. This paper explores Douglass's background and his autobiographies and breaks down three major influences on his persona and literacy: the women around him, his faith in God, and his racial background. Additionally, the paper mentions some of his other significant works besides his three autobiographies which this thesis revolves around, in order to present his beliefs and views. Lastly, this thesis displays some instances of the problematics of race in the modern society vastly covered by the (social) media. This paper examines the various influences on Douglass's persona and argues that the biggest influence on him was exercised by women from his early life as a spiritual slave to his adulthood as a hero striving for equality. Women enabled Douglass's literacy and, therefore, moulded his identity which he further developed once he became free

    Gonzo novinarstvo i djela Hunter S.Thompsona kao književnost

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    The importance of Frederick Douglass’s narratives lies in the mere necessity of their existence, as they were instruments which proved the importance of education and served as reminders that history should not repeat itself. For a slave, literacy and education were close to impossible, which is why Douglass is so significant. He came from an enslaved family, and, against all odds, not only learned how to read and write, but made himself the biggest African American Hero of his century. This paper explores Douglass's background and his autobiographies and breaks down three major influences on his persona and literacy: the women around him, his faith in God, and his racial background. Additionally, the paper mentions some of his other significant works besides his three autobiographies which this thesis revolves around, in order to present his beliefs and views. Lastly, this thesis displays some instances of the problematics of race in the modern society vastly covered by the (social) media. This paper examines the various influences on Douglass's persona and argues that the biggest influence on him was exercised by women from his early life as a spiritual slave to his adulthood as a hero striving for equality. Women enabled Douglass's literacy and, therefore, moulded his identity which he further developed once he became free

    Tipovi humora

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    Tipovi humora

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    Gonzo novinarstvo i djela Hunter S.Thompsona kao književnost

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    The importance of Frederick Douglass’s narratives lies in the mere necessity of their existence, as they were instruments which proved the importance of education and served as reminders that history should not repeat itself. For a slave, literacy and education were close to impossible, which is why Douglass is so significant. He came from an enslaved family, and, against all odds, not only learned how to read and write, but made himself the biggest African American Hero of his century. This paper explores Douglass's background and his autobiographies and breaks down three major influences on his persona and literacy: the women around him, his faith in God, and his racial background. Additionally, the paper mentions some of his other significant works besides his three autobiographies which this thesis revolves around, in order to present his beliefs and views. Lastly, this thesis displays some instances of the problematics of race in the modern society vastly covered by the (social) media. This paper examines the various influences on Douglass's persona and argues that the biggest influence on him was exercised by women from his early life as a spiritual slave to his adulthood as a hero striving for equality. Women enabled Douglass's literacy and, therefore, moulded his identity which he further developed once he became free

    Negenetski čimbenici morfoloških odlika vimena istarskih ovaca

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    Considering the facts that Istrian sheep is Croatian indigenous breed with the highest milk production, and increasing interest of local farmers for machine milking implementation, the aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting udder morphology traits of Istrian ewes. Ninetythree purebred Istrian ewes with symmetrical udders and no signs of clinical mastitis, from second to fourth lactation, were used for this study. Average udder depth of Istrian ewes was 15.85 cm, udder width 13.05 cm, udder circumference 39.66 cm, cistern height 1.44 cm, teat position 2.85 (scored from 1 to 5), teat angle 47.32°, teat length 3.43 cm and teat width 2.03 cm. The traits related to udder size (depth, width, and circumference) were significantly (P<0.01) affected by lactation milk yield. These traits were also in high and positive correlations (P<0.01) with daily milk yield. With the increase of parity, the morphological aptitude of udder to mechanical milking become worse, with an increase (P<0.01) of cistern height, teat angle and position. As lactation of Istrian ewes continued morphological traits defining udder aptitude for machine milking improved (decrease of cistern height, teat angle and position). Ewes with two and more lambs had larger udder (P<0.05) than ewes with a single lamb.S obzirom na činjenicu da je istarska ovca najmliječnija hrvatska izvorna pasmina ovaca te na sve veći interes uzgajivača za primjenom strojne mužnje, cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi čimbenike morfoloških odlika vimena istarskih ovaca. Istraživanjem su bile obuhvaćene ukupno 93 čistokrvne istarske ovce, od druge do četvrte laktacije, sa simetrično razvijenim vimenom i bez znakova kliničkog mastitisa. Prosječna dubina vimena bila je 15,85 cm, širina vimena 13,05 cm, opseg vimena 39,66 cm, visina cisterne 1,44 cm, položaj sisa 2,85 (ocjena raspona od 1 do 5), kut sise 47,32°, duljina sise 3,43 cm i širina sise 2,03 cm. Odlike vezane uz veličinu vimena (dubina, širina i opseg vimena) bile su pod značajnim utjecajem (P<0,01) količine mlijeka proizvedenoga u laktaciji. Također, ove odlike su bile u visokoj i pozitivnoj korelaciji (P<0,01) sa dnevnom proizvodnjom mlijeka. S povećanjem redoslijeda laktacije prikladnost vimena strojnoj mužnji je narušena, s posljedičnim povećanjem (P<0,01) visine cisterne, kuta i položaja sisa. S odmicanjem laktacije utvrđeno je poboljšanje prikladnosti vimena strojnoj mužnji (smanjenje visine cisterne te kuta i položaja sisa). Ovce s dvoje i više ojanjene janjadi imale su veće (P<0,05) i razvijenije vime nego ovce s jednim janjetom

    Mogućnosti ublažavanja utjecaja mliječnih preživača na okoliš

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    Livestock industry, with dairy sector as one of the fastest growing, largely contributes to the atmospheric/soil pollution and greenhouse gases emissions (i.e. methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide) on the global scale. The goal of this paper is to present a short synthesis of published scientific works aiming to reduce dairy ruminants’ environmental footprint by mitigating land degradation, water pollution and depletion, and greenhouse gasses emissions (GHG) by implementing novel nutritional, biotechnological, microbiological, animal management, and manure management strategies. In order to mitigate land degradation, suggested strategies include the introduction and adjustment of grazing fees and lease rents, and addressing pollution by establishing a “provider gets - polluter pays”. Improving water use efficiency is the most important in animal feed production. Contamination of water with microorganisms and parasites from manure should be prevented to avoid a public health hazards. With respect to methane and nitrous oxide emissions, the most common nutritional strategy for mitigating GHG emissions is using forages with lower fiber and higher soluble carbohydrates content or grazing less mature pastures. Although many of feed additives (organic acids, secondary plant components, and lipids) can be effective to some extent in reducing rumen methanogenesis, much in vivo research is still needed to clarify which amounts and combinations of additives are the most effective in mitigating methane emission. In order to successfully respond to the increasing global demand for raw milk and milk products, the dairy industry will have to mitigate future negative impacts on the environment, modifying the current production systems, and maintain at the same time high quality of final products at an economic price acceptable for the consumers.Stočarska proizvodnja, osobito mliječni sektor kao jedan od najbrže rastućih, u velikoj mjeri doprinosi onečišćenju atmosfere/tla i emisijama stakleničkih plinova (tj. emisiji metana, ugljičnog dioksida i dušičnog dioksida) na globalnoj razini. Cilj ovog rada je dati sažet pregled objavljenih znanstvenih radova na temu istraživanja mogućnosti smanjenja utjecaja mliječnih preživača na okoliš kroz ublažavanje degradacije zemljišta, smanjenje onečišćenja i osiromašenja kvalitete voda te smanjenja emisija stakleničkih plinova (GHG) primjenom suvremenih hranidbenih, biotehnoloških i mikrobioloških strategija, kao i strategija upravljanja farmom te upravljanja otpadnim tvarima na farmi. Kako bi se ublažila degradacija zemljišta, predložene su strategije uvođenja i prilagodbe naknada za ispašu i najamnine te rješavanje onečišćenja uspostavom odnosa “dobavljač dobiva - zagađivač plaća”. Poboljšanje učinkovitosti korištenja vode najvažnije je u proizvodnji stočne hrane. Zagađenje vode mikroorganizmima i parazitima iz stajskog gnoja treba spriječiti kako bi se izbjegla ugroza javnog zdravlja. S obzirom na emisije metana i dušičnog dioksida, najčešća hranidbena strategija za ublažavanje emisija stakleničkih plinova je korištenje krme s nižim sadržajem vlakana i višim sadržajem topljivih ugljikohidrata ili ispašom manje zrelih pašnjaka. Iako mnogi dodaci hrani za životinje (npr. organske kiseline, sekundarne biljne komponente i lipidi) mogu djelovati u određenoj mjeri na smanjenje metanogeneze buraga, još uvijek je potrebno provesti brojna in vivo istraživanja kako bi se pojasnilo koje su količine i kombinacije dodataka najučinkovitije u ublažavanju emisije metana. Da bi se uspješno odgovorilo na povećanu globalnu potražnju za sirovim mlijekom i mliječnim proizvodima, mliječna industrija morat će ublažiti buduće negativne utjecaje na okoliš mijenjajući postojeće proizvodne sustave i istodobno održavajući visoku kvalitetu gotovih proizvoda cjenovno prihvatljivih potrošačima