1,209 research outputs found

    Electron paramagnetic resonance study of Eu2+ centers in melt-grown CsBr single crystals

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    The structure of Eu2+ monomer centers in CsBr single crystals is investigated using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. These centers are produced by heating the melt-grown crystals above 600 K in vacuum followed by a rapid quench to room temperature (RT) or 77 K. The angular dependence of their EPR spectrum demonstrates that these centers have cubic symmetry. At RT the EPR spectrum decays by aggregation of the Eu2+ ions. This strongly contrasts with the situation for CsBr:Eu needle image plates synthesized by physical vapor deposition, where the Eu2+-related EPR spectrum was observed to exhibit long-term stability at RT

    Spin degrees of freedom and flattening of the spectra of single-particle excitations in strongly correlated Fermi systems

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    The impact of long-range spin-spin correlations on the structure of a flat portion in single-particle spectra ξ(p)\xi(p), which emerges beyond the point, where the Landau state loses its stability, is studied. We supplement the well-known Nozieres model of a Fermi system with limited scalar long-range forces by a similar long-range spin-dependent term and calculate the spectra versus its strength gg. It is found that Nozieres results hold as long as g>0g>0. However, with gg changing its sign, the spontaneous magnetization is shown to arise at any nonzero gg. The increase of the strength g|g| is demonstrated to result in shrinkage of the domain in momentum space, occupied by the flat portion of ξ(p)\xi(p), and, eventually, in its vanishing.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure

    Theoretical Aspects of Science with Radioactive Nuclear Beams

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    Physics of radioactive nuclear beams is one of the main frontiers of nuclear science today. Experimentally, thanks to technological developments, we are on the verge of invading the territory of extreme N/Z ratios in an unprecedented way. Theoretically, nuclear exotica represent a formidable challenge for the nuclear many-body theories and their power to predict nuclear properties in nuclear terra incognita. It is important to remember that the lesson learned by going to the limits of the nuclear binding is also important for normal nuclei from the neighborhood of the beta stability valley. And, of course, radioactive nuclei are crucial astrophysically; they pave the highway along which the nuclear material is transported up in the proton and neutron numbers during the complicated synthesis process in stars.Comment: 26 ReVTeX pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty, to be published in: Theme Issue on Science with Beams of Radioactive Nuclei, Philosophical Transactions, ed. by W. Gelletl

    Damping effects and the metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional electron gas

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    The damping of single-particle degrees of freedom in strongly correlated two-dimensional Fermi systems is analyzed. Suppression of the scattering amplitude due to the damping effects is shown to play a key role in preserving the validity of the Landau-Migdal quasiparticle picture in a region of a phase transition, associated with the divergence of the quasiparticle effective mass. The results of the analysis are applied to elucidate the behavior of the conductivity σ(T)\sigma(T) of the two-dimensional dilute electron gas in the density region where it undergoes a metal-insulator transition.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Improved and slightly extended version: new paragraph about Hall effect + new Fig.

    Closed shells at drip-line nuclei

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    The shell structure of magic nuclei far from stability is discussed in terms of the self-consistent spherical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory. In particular, the sensitivity of the shell-gap sizes and the two-neutron separation energies to the choice of particle-hole and particle-particle components of the effective interaction is investigated.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 8 uuencoded figures available upon reques

    Rearrangement of the Fermi Surface of Dense Neutron Matter and Direct Urca Cooling of Neutron Stars

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    It is proposed that a rearrangement of single-particle degrees of freedom may occur in a portion of the quantum fluid interior of a neutron star. Such a rearrangement is associated with the pronounced softening of the spin-isospin collective mode which, under increasing density, leads to pion condensation. Arguments and estimates based on fundamental relations of many-body theory show that one realization of this phenomenon could produce very rapid cooling of the star via a direct nucelon Urca process displaying a T5T^5 dependence on temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Two Scenarios of the Quantum Critical Point

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    Two different scenarios of the quantum critical point (QCP), a zero-temperature instability of the Landau state, related to the divergence of the effective mass, are investigated. Flaws of the standard scenario of the QCP, where this divergence is attributed to the occurrence of some second-order phase transition, are demonstrated. Salient features of a different {\it topological} scenario of the QCP, associated with the emergence of bifurcation points in equation ϵ(p)=μ\epsilon(p)=\mu that ordinarily determines the Fermi momentum, are analyzed. The topological scenario of the QCP is applied to three-dimensional (3D) Fermi liquids with an attractive current-current interaction.Comment: 6 pages, added new discussion and 2 figure

    Non-BCS pairing in anisotropic strongly correlated electron systems in solids

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    The problem of pairing in anisotropic electron systems possessing patches of fermion condensate in the vicinity of the van Hove points is analyzed. Attention is directed to opportunities for the occurrence of non-BCS pairing correlations between the states belonging to the fermion condensate. It is shown that the physical emergence of such pairing correlations would drastically alter the behavior of the single-particle Green function, the canonical pole of Fermi-liquid theory being replaced by a branch point.Comment: 7 page

    Mechanisms driving alteration of the Landau state in the vicinity of a second-order phase transition

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    The rearrangement of the Fermi surface of a homogeneous Fermi system upon approach to a second-order phase transition is studied at zero temperature. The analysis begins with an investigation of solutions of the equation ϵ(p)=μ\epsilon(p)=\mu, a condition that ordinarily has the Fermi momentum pFp_F as a single root. The emergence of a bifurcation point in this equation is found to trigger a qualitative alteration of the Landau state, well before the collapse of the collective degree of freedom that is responsible for the second-order transition. The competition between mechanisms that drive rearrangement of the Landau quasiparticle distribution is explored, taking into account the feedback of the rearrangement on the spectrum of critical fluctuations. It is demonstrated that the transformation of the Landau state to a new ground state may be viewed as a first-order phase transition.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Topological crossovers near a quantum critical point

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    We study the temperature evolution of the single-particle spectrum ϵ(p)\epsilon(p) and quasiparticle momentum distribution n(p)n(p) of homogeneous strongly correlated Fermi systems beyond a point where the necessary condition for stability of the Landau state is violated, and the Fermi surface becomes multi-connected by virtue of a topological crossover. Attention is focused on the different non-Fermi-liquid temperature regimes experienced by a phase exhibiting a single additional hole pocket compared with the conventional Landau state. A critical experiment is proposed to elucidate the origin of NFL behavior in dense films of liquid 3^3He.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure