20 research outputs found

    Farmer rationality and the adoption of greening practices in Poland

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    Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform in the European Union introduced a new element: greening. The aim of greening is to support the environment and create non-productive value in agriculture. The main element of greening is the Ecological Focus Area (EFA) meaning that a portion of farmland area has to be designed for environmental purposes. This article consists of an evaluatation of greening and its elements in the first year CAP reform has come into force. Surveys were used as a tool to gather information about farm characteristics, ways to meet greening requirements as well as the opinions of farmers as to changes in direct subsidies and greening obligations. The research was conducted in 2015 directly interviewing 290 farmers from the whole of Poland. The farmers interviewed lived in different parts of the country and had different size farms. Data was prepared with the use of spreadsheets and were analysed using the R statistical program and the “gmodel” and “vcd” statistical packages were used during the calculations. Polish farmers are against greening. Greening does not significantly change the way farmers run their farms. They choose the cheapest options of EFA which are usually not the best for the environment. Furthermore, farmers have to bear the cost of introducing the new elements themselves. Despite a high number of environmental and agricultural advantages offered by new farming methods, crop rotation and after-crop sowing duty, CAP reform is assessed in a negative light. As a result of negative opinions held by farmers due to the lack of subsidies, farmers may not continue greening practices in the future

    Crop rotations sustain cereal yields under a changing climate

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    Agriculture is facing the complex challenge of satisfying increasing food demands, despite the current and projected negative impacts of climate change on yields. Increasing crop diversity at a national scale has been suggested as an adaptive measure to better cope with negative climate impacts such as increasing temperatures and drought, but there is little evidence to support this hypothesis at the field scale. Using seven long-term experiments across a wide latitudinal gradient in Europe, we showed that growing multiple crop species in a rotation always provided higher yields for both winter and spring cereals (average +860 and +390 kg ha(-1) per year, respectively) compared with a continuous monoculture. In particular, yield gains in diverse rotations were higher in years with high temperatures and scant precipitations, i.e. conditions expected to become more frequent in the future, rendering up to c. 1000 kg ha(-1) per year compared to monocultures. Winter cereals yielded more in diverse rotations immediately after initiation of the experiment and kept this advantage constant over time. For spring cereals, the yield gain increased over time since diversification adoption, arriving to a yearly surplus of c. 500 kg ha(-1) after 50-60 years with still no sign of plateauing. Diversified rotations emerge as a promising way to adapt temperate cropping systems and contribute to food security under a changing climate. However, novel policies need to be implemented and investments made to give means and opportunities for farmers to adopt diversified crop rotations

    The phenology of winter rye in Poland: an analysis of long-term experimental data

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    The study of the phenology of crops, although quite popular, has limitations, mainly because of frequent changes to crop varieties and management practices. Here, we present data on the phenology and yield of winter rye in western Poland collected between 1957 and 2012 from a long-term field experiment. Data were examined for trends through time and compared to climatological factors using regression analysis. Both annual air temperature and precipitation increased during the study period, equivalent to 2 °C and 186 mm, respectively, over the 52-year period for which met data were available. We detected significant delays in sowing date and recently in emergence, but significant advances were apparent in full flowering date equivalent to 4 days/decade. Yield and plant density experienced a step like change in 1986; yield increasing by ca. 70 % and plant density increasing by ca. 50 %, almost coinciding with a similar change in annual mean temperature, but most likely caused by a changed seed rate and use of herbicides. Future climate change is expected to have a greater impact on this crop, but farmers may be able to adapt to these changes by modifying water regimes, using new machinery and sowing new rye varieties

    Increasing crop rotational diversity can enhance cereal yields

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    Diversifying agriculture by rotating a greater number of crop species in sequence is a promising practice to reduce negative impacts of crop production on the environment and maintain yields. However, it is unclear to what extent cereal yields change with crop rotation diversity and external nitrogen fertilization level over time, and which functional groups of crops provide the most yield benefit. Here, using grain yield data of small grain cereals and maize from 32 long-term (10–63 years) experiments across Europe and North America, we show that crop rotational diversity, measured as crop species diversity and functional richness, enhanced grain yields. This yield benefit increased over time. Only the yields of winter-sown small grain cereals showed a decline at the highest level of species diversity. Diversification was beneficial to all cereals with a low external nitrogen input, particularly maize, enabling a lower dependence on nitrogen fertilisers and ultimately reducing greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen pollution. The results suggest that increasing crop functional richness rather than species diversity can be a strategy for supporting grain yields across many environments

    Increasing crop rotational diversity can enhance cereal yields

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    9 Pág.Diversifying agriculture by rotating a greater number of crop species in sequence is a promising practice to reduce negative impacts of crop production on the environment and maintain yields. However, it is unclear to what extent cereal yields change with crop rotation diversity and external nitrogen fertilization level over time, and which functional groups of crops provide the most yield benefit. Here, using grain yield data of small grain cereals and maize from 32 long-term (10–63 years) experiments across Europe and North America, we show that crop rotational diversity, measured as crop species diversity and functional richness, enhanced grain yields. This yield benefit increased over time. Only the yields of winter-sown small grain cereals showed a decline at the highest level of species diversity. Diversification was beneficial to all cereals with a low external nitrogen input, particularly maize, enabling a lower dependence on nitrogen fertilisers and ultimately reducing greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen pollution. The results suggest that increasing crop functional richness rather than species diversity can be a strategy for supporting grain yields across many environments.G.V., R.B. and S.H. acknowledge FORMAS grants 2018-02872 and 2018-02321. TMB acknowledges USDA AFRI grant 2017-67013-26254. LTEs managed by SRUC were supported by the Scottish Government RESAS Strategic Research Programme under project D3-, Healthy Soils for a Green Recovery. Swedish LTEs were funded by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). We thank the Lawes Agricultural Trust and Rothamsted Research for data from the e-RA database. The Rothamsted Long-term Experiments National Capability (LTE-NC) was supported by the UK BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, BBS/E/C/000J0300) and the Lawes Agricultural Trust. The Woodslee site was supported by the Agro-Ecosystem Resilience Program (Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada) and field management provided by field crews over 6 decades is appreciated. La Canaleja LTE (Spain) was supported by RTA2017-00006-C03-01 project (Ministry of Science and Innovation. El Encín LTEs were supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness funds (projects AGL2002-04186-C03-01.03, AGL2007-65698-C03-01.03, AGL2012-39929-C03-01 of which L. Navarrete was the P.I). R.A., A.G.D. and E.H.P. are also grateful to all members of the Weed Science Group from El Encín Experimental Station for their technical assistance in managing the experiments. The Brody/Poznan University of Life Sciences long-term experiments were funded by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. We acknowledge the E-Obs dataset from the EU-FP6 project UERRA (http://www.uerra.eu) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service, and the data providers in the ECA&D project (https://www.ecad.eu/).Peer reviewe

    Crop rotational diversity can mitigate climate-induced grain yield losses

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    Diversified crop rotations have been suggested to reduce grain yield losses from the adverse climatic conditions increasingly common under climate change. Nevertheless, the potential for climate change adaptation of different crop rotational diversity (CRD) remains undetermined. We quantified how climatic conditions affect small grain and maize yields under different CRDs in 32 long-term (10-63 years) field experiments across Europe and North America. Species-diverse and functionally rich rotations more than compensated yield losses from anomalous warm conditions, long and warm dry spells, as well as from anomalous wet (for small grains) or dry (for maize) conditions. Adding a single functional group or crop species to monocultures counteracted yield losses from substantial changes in climatic conditions. The benefits of a further increase in CRD are comparable with those of improved climatic conditions. For instance, the maize yield benefits of adding three crop species to monocultures under detrimental climatic conditions exceeded the average yield of monocultures by up to 553 kg/ha under non-detrimental climatic conditions. Increased crop functional richness improved yields under high temperature, irrespective of precipitation. Conversely, yield benefits peaked at between two and four crop species in the rotation, depending on climatic conditions and crop, and declined at higher species diversity. Thus, crop species diversity could be adjusted to maximize yield benefits. Diversifying rotations with functionally distinct crops is an adaptation of cropping systems to global warming and changes in precipitation.</p

    A New Approach to Farm Biodiversity Assessment

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    A reduction in biodiversity due to farming operations has been broadly reported. As a solution, policy makers in the European Union have introduced several programs in recent years to enhance biodiversity on farms but these have met with only limited success. One of the main reasons for this lack of success is that the experience, knowledge and attitudes of farmers are not taken into account when biodiversity conservation programs are formulated. Farmers&rsquo; opinions must be taken into consideration in the creation of future programs, which should also include an assessment by the farmers of the value of the nature of their farms. In this study, farmers were asked to express their opinion on the attractiveness of their farm in relation to pollinators, game, birds, amphibians, reptiles, rodents and non-crop (wild) plants. Data were then analysed using a novel method in which each farm was assigned to one of four categories. High nature-value farms contained more natural features in the landscape, such as individual trees or ponds. Socio-economic factors, such as gender, also influenced the farm assessments; female farmers were more critical compared to their male counterparts. The establishment of field margins or watercourse by the farmers significantly increased the possibility that the farm would be classified as attractive

    Mineral nitrogen fertilisers remain a crucial factor even in the ecological intensification of agriculture

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    The negative impact on the environment caused by intensive agriculture has been extensively discussed for years. In particular, excessive nitrogen application has been associated with biodiversity loss. Many studies have shown the potential to reduce the use of nitrogen without any impact on crop yield. Maintaining crop yield has been the goal, whereas crop quality has not been considered. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the level of soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen fertiliser application on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield and its quality. We show that the absence of nitrogen fertiliser decreased both yield and quality parameters of cereal grain. Quality parameters, such as protein and gluten contents, zeleny value, falling number and hardness were strongly positively influenced by nitrogen fertiliser application. The SOC level had no significant effect on these grain quality parameters. As a result, in the absence of nitrogen fertiliser, grain was not suitable for baking bread. We recommend that in the debate on the potential to limit the use of nitrogen in agricultural production, its impact on grain quality should be taken into consideration, especially at low levels of SOC


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    This paper aims at investigating pesticides used by farmers and their costs in Poland for winter wheat protection. Based on data collected in 2020 from the market survey among 1,299 growers, an analysis of how farm size determines pesticide usage, and their costs was conducted. A significant interrelationship was found. The average cost of pesticide used in wheat cultivation in 2020 was 85.61 EUR/ha, and the median was 77.24 EUR/ha. The average cost of herbicide was 28.62 EUR/ha with a median of 27.40 EUR/ha. Respectively, the cost for fungicide was 47.90 and 40.68 EUR/ha, while for insecticides farmers spent on average 2.28 EUR/ha. Along with the increased farm size, the protection cost and number of treatments increased, too. Farm size also had an impact on particular herbicide strategies. Smaller farms much more often chose spring herbicide to manage weeds, while bigger ones used herbicide in autumn. In the article, we showed the importance of farm size for the strategies adopted by them. This is particularly important in the era of limiting the use of pesticides and the EU’s Green Deal policy

    Agricultural Practice in Poland Before and After Mandatory IPM Implementation by the European Union

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    Integrated pest management (IPM), a worldwide agricultural strategy, contains methods to control or manage agricultural pests and diseases in a more efficient way, and consequently, to obtain better quality raw materials for food production. The engagement and practice of farmers play a key role in the success of this strategy. Since January 1, 2014, Poland and other European Union countries have been obligated to apply the principles of IPM. This paper shows the results of surveys conducted in 280 randomly selected farms the year before and the year following mandatory IPM implementation. The aim of this study was to gather information about farmers’ knowledge of IPM and the most commonly used plant protection methods. Our results show that law regulations do not significantly change agricultural practice. Among the non-chemical methods farmers most often comply with are: implementing the agrochemical calendar, sowing healthy material, destroying volunteer plants, rotating crop, applying balanced fertilizer, plowing stubble and preventing excess nitrogen. Integrated plant protection is not possible without proper knowledge of diseases. This factor needs improvement in Poland. The average Polish farmer lacks the knowledge about basic cereal diseases such as powdery mildew or brown rust, though larger farm operators tend to be more knowledgeable. The results of this survey demonstrate the necessity to provide informative farmer training campaigns to promote on-farm application of IPM and to improve the knowledge of disease issues