48 research outputs found
Penelitian didasari oleh isu pembuatan keputusan karier, dimana untuk mencapai kehidupan karier yang sukses, dibutuhkan pengambilan keputusan karier yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan program bimbingan karier berdasarkan pendekatan Myers-Briggs Type Indicator yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pembuatan keputusan karier peserta didik kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Jamanis Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Jamanis Tasikmalaya Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen kuasi dan menggunakan desain penelitian nonequivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan menggunakan angket tertutup skala model likert. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik parametrik untuk mengukur uji beda dua rata-rata berpasangan dengan bantuan microsotf excell 2010 for windows dan SPSS 16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) profil umum kemampuan pembuatan keputusan karier kelas X SMP Negeri 1 Jamanis Tasikmalaya; 2) rumusan program bimbingan karier yang layak menurut pakar yang terdiri dari rasional, deskripsi kebutuhan, tujuan program, sasaran program, komponen program, rencana operasional, pengembangan tema, langkah-langkah layanan dan evaluasi; 3) Program bimbingan karier berdasarkan pendekatan Myers-Briggs Type Indicator efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pembuatan keputusan karier peserta didik. Rekomendasi penelitian ini ditujukan kepada kepala sekolah, guru bimbingan dan konseling dan peneliti selanjutnya.
Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Pembuatan Keputusan Karier, Program Bimbingan Karier
The research is based on the issues of career decision-making, in which to achieve a successful career life, it takes the right career decision making. The purpose of this study was to identify the profile of career decision-making abilities of learners that have implications for the formulation of career guidance program based approaches Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to improve career decision-making class IX students of SMP Negeri 1 Jamanis Tasikmalaya Academic Year 2014/2015. The subjects were students of class IX SMP Negeri 1 Jamanis Tasikmalaya Academic Year 2014/2015. Approach to research using quantitative approach with quasi experimental methods and research design nonequivalent control group. The study sample was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. Instruments used using a Likert scale questionnaire models. Data were analyzed using parametric statistics to measure two different test average Microsotf paired with the help of Excell 2010 for Windows and SPSS 16.0 for windows. This study resulted in: 1) the general profile career decision-making abilities; 2) the formulation of proper career guidance program according to experts who made up of rational, objective need, program description, program goal, program component, operational plan, development of theme, measure and evaluation service; 3) effectiveness of career guidance program based approaches Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to improve decision-making career. This research recommendations addressed to the principal, guidance and counseling teacher dan researcher of the next.
Keywords: Career Decision-Making Ability, Career Guidance Progra
Evaluation of Fatigue Risk, Subjective Fatigue, and Work Motivation Level of Intercity Bus Driver
In Indonesia, the bus is one of the affordable transportation for intercity/province routes. However, there are accident risks faced by bus drivers related to fatigue caused by inadequate rest and sleep. The objective of this study is to assess the bus driver fatigue risks level, accompanied by work motivation and subjective fatigue. Using the convenience sampling method, 300 intercity bus drivers from 12 bus companies (male, age between 25-68 years old (44.06 ± 9.83)) agree to involve in the study. Fatigue risk level was estimated by fatigue likelihood score (FLS) which indicated by driving tasks hours and the rest time opportunity. Work motivation and subjective fatigue were measured using 20 questions. The FLS result has a range between 13-39 (scale 0-40) or the risks are categorized into medium to very high. The major finding in this study, while a fatigue risks were relatively high, the subjective fatigue level were low to medium, and work motivations were medium to somewhat high. Statistical test showed that work motivation has a significant correlation with fatigue risks (p < 0.05; r = -0.139), but not with a subjective fatigue level
Preferensi Konsumen pada Aktivitas Callback dan Telemarketing di Restoran Cepat Saji
This paper is objected to proposed a model for delivery service at fast food restaurants to measure consumer's preferences of callback and marketing activities. The model is developed using 4C concept (customer value, customer cost, customer convenience and customer communication). The concepts that used here are supported by previous researches on restaurant related to consumer behavior, and the theories of marketing activities including marketing and communications impact. For next steps, the measurement model should be implemented to see how far the reliability of the proposed model, and what improvements can be done in order to obtain a better model. The result can be used to develop strategies of callback and telemarketing activities for delivery service at fast food restaurant, which suit as as customer expectation and company's resources
Pengelolaan manajemen keselamatan kerja pada divisi sarana dan prasarana LLP-KUKM (Smesco Indonesia)
The high number of work accidents in building maintenance is a serious concern for the whole community and the government. So that learning for the community about work accidents is getting higher, thereby encouraging public awareness of the application of occupational safety and health management which is something that must be understood by workers in order to minimize the risk of work accidents occurring in the work environment. This study aims to evaluate the standard operating procedures (SOP) used in the facilities and infrastructure division of the Smesco Indonesia Marketing-Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises Service Institute (LLP-KUKM). The data collection method used in this research is interview analysis of building maintenance operators, as well as direct field observations. Followed by evaluation of observational data and interviews supporting data. The results of interviews with operators are in the form of secondary data and primary data. Primary data were obtained from direct field observations and interviews with operators. While secondary data is obtained from the organizational structure, standard procedures, regulations in the field and personal protective equipment (PPE). The next step is to analyze these data by compiling, discussing and evaluating these data. Where the final result of this study is to explain the application accompanied by supervision of occupational safety and health. Other impacts can also create work effectiveness
Penelitian ini didasari oleh isu pembuatan keputusan karier, untuk mencapai kehidupan karier yang sukses dibutuhkan pengambilan keputusan karier yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan pembuatan keputusan karier dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di kelas X SMA Negeri 21 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018. Subjek penelitian 3 orang peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 21 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian terhadap 3 peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 21 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik cukup mampu dalam pembuatan keputusan karier. Terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam kemampuan pembuatan keputusan karier yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi pemahaman terhadap diri sendiri dan lingkungan sekolah, memiliki kepercayaan diri, memiliki komitmen yang tinggi dalam belajar, tanggung jawab terhadap keputusan yang sudah diambil, pemahaman terhadap lingkungan jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi dan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh individu tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan. Sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi peran dari keluarga dalam pengambilan keputusan karier, keterlibatan diri dalam berbagai kegiatan yang positif, mengetahui peluang karier yang diinginkan, dukungan orangtua, keluarga dan teman dan stereotif gender dalam pengambilan keputusan karier, Rekomendasi penelitian ini ditujukan kepada kepala sekolah, guru bimbingan dan konseling dan peneliti selanjutnya.
Kata Kunci: kemampuan pembuatan keputusan karier siswa SMA, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan pembuatan keputusan karier.;--- The research is based on the issues of career decision-making, in which to achieve a successful career life, it takes the right career decision making. The purpose of this study was to describe career decision-making abilities and factors that influence them class X students of SMA Negeri 21 Bandung Academic Year 2017/2018. The subjects were 3 students of class X of SMA Negeri 21 Bandung Academic Year 2017/2018. This research is conducted in a qualitative study with case study. The method used in data collection are by questionnaires, interviews and observation. Based on the research in three student of class X of SMA Negeri 21 Bandung Academic Year 2017/2018, shows that career decision making are quite capable in career decision making. Factors that support a decision-making process in deciding a career include internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include self understanding and school environment, confidence, high commitment in learning, responsibility for the decisions taken, understanding of higher education environments and the ability of subject doesn’t match with the reality. While the inhibiting factors of career decision making include: role from family in career decision making, self involvement in positive things, knowing desired career opportunities, role from parent, family and friend and stereotypes gender in career decision making. This research recommendations addressed to principal, guidance and counseling teacher and next researcher
Pendekatan Model Supply Chain Quality Management Terhadap Daya Saing Perusahaan Gula
The sugar industry has a vital role in Indonesia. However, faces several challenges such as low quality, low productivity and inability to fulfil domestic demand. Certain corrective actions are necessary to make the industry more competitive. The supply chain quality management (SCQM) approach is expected to increase the productivity and competitiveness of sugar industry. This research aimed to formulate an SCQM approach on company competitiveness which suitable for sugar companies and analyze the effect of SCQM to company competitiveness using the structural equation modelling. By using Smart-PLS 4.0, the results showed that 49.1% of company competitiveness is influenced by organizational quality, Organizational quality is influenced by customer focus, supplier quality management, the effectiveness of the IT system, and leadership which are variables of SCQM. The SCQM approach significantly influences the competitiveness of sugar companies in being able to lead the competition, improve product quality, adapt to changes, reduce production costs, and gain loyal customers. Process integration shows a positive influence on organizational quality, which enhances future company competitiveness.
Keywords: Competitiveness, quality, structural equation modeling, sugar, supply chai
Risiko Postur Kerja Pemeras Sari Kedelai Pabrik Tahu Khas Bandungan Berdasarkan Metoda Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari pengamatan awal pada postur kerja pemeras sari kedelai di salah satu pabrik tahu Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang yang masih dilakukan secara manual. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis risiko postur kerja karyawan saat memeras sari kedelai di pabrik tahu Bandungan – Semarang yang masih dilakukan secara manual, dan merancang usulan perbaikan proses untuk mengurangi risiko yang terjadi. Melalui melakukan pengamatan langsung dan pengaplikasian metoda REBA untuk penilaian risikonya, diperoleh skor REBA = 10 atau dikategorikan sebagai berisiko tinggi. Alat bantu selanjutnya dirancang untuk memperbaiki postur membungkuk, pengerahan tenaga saat memeras, dan posisi tangan. Penilaian risiko postur kerja saat menggunakan alat bantu yang telah menunjukkan skor REBA sebesar 5 untuk posisi awal penggunaan alat dan posisi akhirnya. Sehingga dapat dikatakan risiko telah menurun dari tinggi menjadi sedang. Namun perlu dikembangkan rancangan agar posisi tangan dan leher dapat lebih nyaman bagi pekerja
Keluhan Muskuloskeletal Disorders dan kelelahan kerja, merupakan faktor yang dapat menurunkan kondisi tubuh dalam beraktifitas atau kegiatan saat bekerja, sehingga dapat menambah kesalahan dalam melakukan pekerjaan dan bisa berakibat fatal yaitu mengakibatkan kecelakaan kerja. Faktor tersebut dapat menurunkan motivasi kerja, memperlambat waktu reaksi tubuh, mempersulit pengambilan keputusan, menurunkan kinerja dan meningkatkan kesalahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menganalisis adakah hubungan antara Keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders pada pengguna pelindung pernapasan SCSR dengan Kelelahan Kerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 90 orang dari PT. XYZ. Variabel independen dari penelitian ini adalah Keluhan Muskuloskeletal Disorders dan variabel dependennya adalah kelelahan kerja. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Kuesioner dengan skala likert dan kuesioner NBM, Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square, diperoleh p-value = 0,018 yaitu Ada hubungan antara Keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorder dengan keluhan kelelahan kerja. Disarankan untuk perusahaan meningkatkan kembali pelatihan kelelahan kerja, mengembangkan standar operasional prosedur tetap pada yang berkaitan dengan kelelahan kerja, merekomendasikan design baru dan melakukan rotasi area kerja atau equipment yang berpotensi tinggi menyebabkan kelelahan kerja tinggi
Pengujian Skala Pengukuran Kelelahan (Spk) pada Responden di Indonesia
Subjective fatigue measurement instruments, based questionnaire, is a measure that is widely used for reasons of practicality and measurement results can be obtained quickly. For the purposes of measuring fatigue, there are a number of questionnaires commonly used abroad, but not a lot of literature with a case study in Indonesia that utilize this instrument. Of course, the reason for the use of the instrument is based on the expectation that the instrument has high validity and reliability, and if possible to have a high level of practicality as well. Asssment Fatigue Scale (FAS) is one of the suggested use as a measurement of worker fatigue. The instrument consists of a 10 item questionnaire with good reliability level. The discussion in this paper covers Measurement Scale Fatigue testing results via questionnaires measuring fatigue, adapted from the FAS in English and translated into Indonesian. DSS consists of 10 questions using 5 Likert scale, for the answer options are: never (1), sometimes (2), perceived a regular basis (3), is common (4), is always experienced (5). Relaibilitas test results using Cronbach alpha values obtained value of 0812, and can be improved if the item is question number 3 is removed. By implication, this questionnaire is good enough to use as a measuring instrument fatigue, but the level of proficiency in Indonesian language, in this CMS, needs to be repaired, especially for question number 5 and 3 if the level of validity and reliability to be improved, although the increase may not be too significant
Deming Cycle Utilization In Construction Project For Modular Building Construction For Oil And Gas Industry
Deming Cycle method, which is a standard method that contains a continuous improvement model developed by W. Edward Deming. This method consists of four main components arranged sequentially, namely the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Action) cycle. The workflow of the production department will be fast and efficient, while the Quality Control will be in a position to ensure that all work is completed to the exact specifications and terms according to the standards suggested in the project. The data collection method used to obtain data in writing this final project uses several data collection techniques of Observation, Interview and Documentation. The research model uses the Deming Cycle or PDCA Cycles. To re-check whether the corrective action is working as intended or not with FMEA analysis (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). FMEA analysis is carried out with FMEA spreadsheet. The Deming Cycle Method is a methodology that will be used as a method to ensure that Total Quality Management will be able to reduce defects and repetitive work during production process for modular building construction in the oil and gas sector. This PDCA found that Quality Issues are the main factor of failures or delays which will impact to the cost