79 research outputs found

    A simple and effective method for extracting potential mutagens from sediment samples in the classroom laboratory setting

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    We describe a simple and effective method for the extraction of potential mutagens from sediment samples. This method is straightforward and does not require expensive laboratory equipment, thus enabling instructors to analyze the presence of mutagenic substances in a conventional classroom setting. Additionally, we found that students felt encouraged to add the Ames test to the list of analyses they traditionally employ with sediment samples. This link between the environment and the Ames test provided an authentic learning context for students, bridging the gap between the "real-world" and the classroom laboratory, and thus making the educational experience more engaging and meaningful

    Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic: sharing results and data obtained from the Ames Test

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    We present a resource for instructors that contains results and data sets from the Ames test. Our aim is to share the results we have collected in previous semesters with other instructors, so they will be able to “conduct” the Ames test without the need to set foot in a laboratory classroom. Instructors will be able to use our online resource to perform the test remotely, as a supplement to their laboratory classroom, or even under hybrid circumstances. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic brought many changes, including the way we, as instructors, were able to carry out our educational curricula, since access to laboratory classrooms was not always possible. While COVID-19 restrictions are still in place, and thus access to laboratory classrooms is limited or null, instructors can use our online resource, without the need to set foot in a laboratory classroom. When COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and access to laboratory classrooms is permitted, instructors can follow the procedures we describe and compare their results with ours, which appear in Results and Discussion, or use our data sets as take-home assignments for their students. In addition to its use in detecting the potential mutagenicity of different samples, we have found the Ames test to be extremely useful for developing problem-solving skills by means of exercises like the ones included in this resource. Furthermore, the potential of this test as a starting point for problem-based learning is remarkable. Some suggestions for its use in active learning settings are provided

    Riesgo de miocarditis por vacunas ARNm contra el SARS CoV 2

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    La agenda mediática durante las elecciones presidenciales argentinas de 2015. Un estudio comparativo entre la prensa gráfica mendocina y la nacional

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    Las elecciones presidenciales de 2015 en la Argentina proclamaron al ingeniero Mauricio Macri como Presidente de la Nación. El nuevo mandatario terminó con doce años de gobiernos del Frente Para la Victoria (FPV), coalición que llevó a la presidencia a Néstor Kirchner en 2003 y por dos períodos consecutivos a su esposa, Cristina Fernández, entre 2007 y 2015. Antes, durante y después del acto electoral, los medios de comunicación nacionales y provinciales incluyeron asiduamente la temática electoral en sus agendas informativas. Los diferentes temas y actores, el despliegue de las fuentes de información y las valoraciones incluidas en las piezas informativas resultan aspectos interesantes para el estudio. El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar el tratamiento mediático de los diarios nacionales, Clarín y La Nación, y los de la Provincia de Mendoza, Los Andes y UNO, sobre las elecciones presidenciales de 2015 en la Argentina

    Media agenda, democracy and citizenship in Mendoza: a content analysis of the main digital media

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    La provincia de Mendoza se destaca por la existencia de una vasta cantidad de medios de comunicación en diferentes formatos y plataformas. El análisis de los contenidos de esos medios puede repercutir en la mejora de la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía, sobre todo si se parte de la premisa de que la comunicación es un derecho humano fundamental y que la calidad, diversidad y pluralidad de la información repercute en la toma de decisiones de las personas, impactando centralmente en la calidad democrática de la sociedad