177 research outputs found

    Effects of local coronary blood flow dynamics on the predictions of a model of in-stent restenosis

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    Computational models are increasingly used to study cardiovascular disease. However, models of coronary vessel remodelling usually make some strong assumptions about the effects of a local narrowing on the flow through the narrowed vessel. Here, we test the effects of local flow dynamics on the predictions of an in-stent restenosis (ISR) model. A previously developed 2D model of ISR is coupled to a 1D model of coronary blood flow. Then, two different assumptions are tested. The first assumption is that the vasculature is always able to adapt, and the volumetric flow rate through the narrowed vessel is kept constant. The second, alternative, assumption is that the vasculature does not adapt at all, and the ratio of the pressure drop to the flow rate (hydrodynamic resistance) stays the same throughout the whole process for all vessels unaffected by the stenosis, and aortic or venous blood pressure does not change either. Then, the dynamics are compared for different locations in coronary tree for two different reendothelization scenarios. The assumptions of constant volumetric flow rate (absolute vascular adaptation) versus constant aortic pressure drop and no adaptation do not significantly affect the growth dynamics for most locations in the coronary tree, and the differences can only be observed at the locations where a strong alternative flow pathway is present. On the other hand, the difference between locations is significant, which is consistent with small vessel size being a risk factor for restenosis. These results suggest that the assumption of a constant flow is a good approximation for ISR models dealing with the typical progression of ISR in the most often stented locations such as the proximal parts of left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCX) arteries

    Uncertainty quantification of a three-dimensional in-stent restenosis model with surrogate modelling

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    In-Stent Restenosis is a recurrence of coronary artery narrowing due to vascular injury caused by balloon dilation and stent placement. It may lead to the relapse of angina symptoms or to an acute coronary syndrome. An uncertainty quantification of a model for In-Stent Restenosis with four uncertain parameters (endothelium regeneration time, the threshold strain for smooth muscle cells bond breaking, blood flow velocity and the percentage of fenestration in the internal elastic lamina) is presented. Two quantities of interest were studied, namely the average cross-sectional area and the maximum relative area loss in a vessel. Due to the computational intensity of the model and the number of evaluations required in the uncertainty quantification, a surrogate model, based on Gaussian process regression with proper orthogonal decomposition, was developed which subsequently replaced the original In-Stent Restenosis model in the uncertainty quantification. A detailed analysis of the uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis is presented. Around 11% and 16% of uncertainty are observed on the average cross-sectional area and maximum relative area loss respectively, and the uncertainty estimates show that a higher fenestration mainly determines uncertainty in the neointimal growth at the initial stage of the process. On the other hand, the uncertainty in blood flow velocity and endothelium regeneration time mainly determine the uncertainty in the quantities of interest at the later, clinically relevant stages of the restenosis process. The uncertainty in the threshold strain is relatively small compared to the other uncertain parameters

    Partitioning of Arterial Tree for Parallel Decomposition of Hemodynamic Calculations

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    AbstractModeling of fluid mechanics for the vascular system is of great value as a source of knowledge about development, progression, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Full three-dimensional simulation of blood flow in the whole human body is a hard computational problem. We discuss parallel decomposition of blood flow simulation as a graph partitioning problem. The detailed model of full human arterial tree and some simpler geometries are discussed. The effectiveness of coarse-graining as well as pure spectral approaches is studied. Published data can be useful for development of parallel hemodynamic applications as well as for estimation of their effectiveness and scalability

    Medical Evaluation and Triage of the Agitated Patient: Consensus Statement of the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Project BETA Medical Evaluation Workgroup

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    Numerous medical and psychiatric conditions can cause agitation; some of these causes are life threatening. It is important to be able to differentiate between medical and nonmedical causes of agitation so that patients can receive appropriate and timely treatment. This article aims to educate all clinicians in nonmedical settings, such as mental health clinics, and medical settings on the differing levels of severity in agitation, basic triage, use of de-escalation, and factors, symptoms, and signs in determining whether a medical etiology is likely. Lastly, this article focuses on the medical workup of agitation when a medical etiology is suspected or when etiology is unclear

    Tutorial applications for Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification using VECMA toolkit

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    The VECMA toolkit enables automated Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for complex applications that can be deployed on emerging exascale platforms and provides support for software applications for any domain of interest. The toolkit has four main components including EasyVVUQ for VVUQ workflows, FabSim3 for automation and tool integration, MUSCLE3 for coupling multiscale models and QCG tools to execute application workflows on high performance computing (HPC). A more recent addition to the VECMAtk is EasySurrogate for various types of surrogate methods. In this paper, we present five tutorials from different application domains that apply these VECMAtk components to perform uncertainty quantification analysis, use surrogate models, couple multiscale models and execute sensitivity analysis on HPC. This paper aims to provide hands-on experience for practitioners aiming to test and contrast with their own applications
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