17 research outputs found

    Uji Efektivitas Mukolitik Ekstrak Umbi Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill) Urb)

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    Dayak Onions are a typical Borneo plant that have been used by generations of Dayaks as herbal medicine. Empirically, tubers can be used as cough medicines. The purpose of this study was to determine the mucolytic effect of Dayak onion tuber extract by in vitro and the concentration range which gaves an equivalent effect with the effect of 0.1% acetylcysteine. This study conducted extraction using maceration. The test solution was made with a concentration of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% mixed with a mucus-phosphate buffer pH 7 20:80. The test solution was incubated for 30 minutes at 37oC. Further, positive control used was 0.1% acetylcysteine drug and the negative control was mucus solution without extract. Viscosity values obtained were analyzed using the One-way Anova statistical test with a confidence level of 99% (α 0.01). Based on the results, it was revealed that the extract of Dayak tuber with a concentration of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% showed a significant difference and a concentration of 0.5%.  Mucolytic effectiveness was better than positive controls (acetylcysteine)


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan berupa edukasi kepada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan penyuluhan terlebih dahulu kemudian baru melakukan pendampingan praktek penyuluhan tersebut. Pemanfaatan minyak jelantah menjadi sabun cuci juga bisa meningkatkan kesejahteraan karena bisa menghemat pengeluaran keluarga dan bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut bukan tidak mungkin bisa dijadikan salah satu sumber pendapatan keuarga. Selain mengedukasi kepada ibu-ibu di Desa Kolam Pasar 13 Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan tentang pengelolaan minyak jelantah sebagai sabun padat untuk mencuci piring, Tim Dosen UMN Al-Washliyah juga mengedukasi pembuatan larutan eco enzyme yang juga memiliki banyak manfaat yaitu sebagai larutan pembersih serbaguna, pupuk tanaman dan melestarikan lingkungan. Larutan pembersih komersial yang ada sekarang berpotensi mencemari udara, tanah, air, sungai, dan laut. Penggunaan cairan organik ini sebagai larutan pembersih alami sangat membantu menjaga lingkungan.Pada kegiatan tersebut dihadiri sekitar 25 PKK dari Desa Kolam Pasar 13, dan pada kesempatan tersebut disampaikan kepada seluruh PKK untuk selalu menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dari limbah rumah tangga, salah satunya adalah dengan mengelolah limbah minyak jelantah menjadi sabun cuci piring dan mengelolah limbah kulit buah, dan sisa sayuran menjadi larutan eco enzyme yang kaya akan manfaat. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat tersebut mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa dari seluruh pihak terkait. Tim pengabdian mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ibu Kadus Desa Kolam, Kader PKK Desa Kolam sehingga kegiatan pengabdian tersebut berjalan dengan sukses dan lancar

    Formulation of a biocellulose mask containing the essence of Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f combination with vitamin E as anti-aging

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    Most ageing processes are accelerated due to an increasing amount of endogenic stress from outdoor or indoor activity overload. The essence of aloe vera is formulated in the form of a biocellulose mask. It is one of the solutions to deliver essence within polymeric substances, obtained through the fermentation process with the help of Acetobacter xyllinum. The aim of this study is to enhance anti-ageing activity derived from Aloe vera (L) essence combined with vitamin E, thus in the form of a biocellulose mask that will prolong skin contact and reduce the main cotton sheet mask problem of deforestation, hence its eco-friendly benefit. Material and methods: Twelve volunteers around 25 to 45 years old are subjected to a biocellulose mask containing Aloe vera essence combined with vitamin E for at least 4 weeks to achieve a balanced skin criterion including wrinkles, spots, facial pores, and moisture. Aloe vera and vitamin E constituents within F0; F1, F2; F3, [0%, 0%]; [0%, 1%]; [5%, 0 %] and [5 %, 1 %] as per the following. Results: Results showed that bio-cellulose masks containing 5  % Aloe vera with 1  % of vitamin E essence in F3 provide a beneficial anti-ageing activity rather than other biocellulose mask preparations. Conclusion: Biocellulose mask through the fermentation process can improve skin conditions, the formula combined with the well-known activity of aloe vera as an exfoliating agent and antioxidant vitamin E, it can not only provide skin rejuvenation but also provide anti-ageing activit


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) merupakan kegiatan mahasiswa dalam bentuk pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh perguruan tinggi. Dalam kegiatan KKN dari mahasiswa UMN yang berlangsung di Desa Pematang Cermai kecamatan Tanjung Beringin Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, kelompok mahasiswa terpadu UMN mengambil sasaran berupa pengembangan potensi desa. Sasaran tersebut  lebih difokuskan kepada kegiatan penggilingan padi, pembuatan sapu, pembuatan mie dan kue ketawa. Disamping itu dilakukan pengabdian dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesahatan. Adapun metode yang digunakan yaitu metode tatap muka langsung lebih mengarah kepada one the job training. Sedangkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian tim manusia terpadu melaksanakan pengajaran yang difokuskan kepada kemampuan Calistung (baca, tulis, hitung), siswa TK dan SD, sedangkan dibidang pengabdian kesehatan disosialisasikan tentang bahaya penggunaan narkoba. Mahasiswa KKN juga membantu peningkatan kemampuan membaca al-qur'an di mesjid terdekat, untuk menjaga agar tetap terjalin silaturahmi dengan masyarakat mahasiswa juga aktif dalam membantu kegiatan posyandu, peringatan Muharram serta bersih lingkungan. Hasil dari totalitas kegiatan diatas menunjukan bahwa program KKN meningkatkan potensi warga desa Pematang Cermai cukup berhasil khususnya dibidang UMKM, Pendidikan dan Kesehatan

    Determination Of Total Flavonoid Content Of Yellow Wood (Arcangelisia Flava (L.) Merr) Extract And Antibacterial Activity Against Staphylococcus aureus

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    Yellow wood (Arcangelisia flava) is a medicinal plant that has received little attention. Merr and (L.). Yellow wood has antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-hyperlipidemic, and anti-cancer properties. Furthermore, yellow wood is known to contain a range of flavonoid compounds, such as hydroxylarcangelicin, which has broad antibacterial activity. The purpose of this research is to investigate the total flavonoid content of yellowwood extract as well as its antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The manufacturing of methanol extract, characterization of simplisia, phytochemical screening, and determination of the total flavonoid levels of the yellow wood methanol extract by a visible spectroscopic approach were all part of this stage of research. Next, use chloramphenicol as a positive control and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a negative control to test antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The results of this study can be concluded to show that the total flavonoid levels in the methanol extract of yellow wood at a metanol concentration of 80% were 228,314 ± 5,4171 mg QE/g. At a 90% concentration of 245.993 ± 6.7626 mg QE/g and a 100% concentration of 265.953  3.0853 mg QE/g. Keywords: Yellow wood; Flavonoids; Spektrofotometri Visible; Stphylococcus aureus

    Isolation and Toxicity Test of Chitosan from Green Mussels (Perna viridis L.) With Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) Method

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    Green Mussels (Perna viridis L.) is one of Indonesia's fishery resources. The purpose of this study was to determine the toxicity level of chitosan from green clam shells (Perna viridis L.) by looking at the LC50 value tested on the BSLT method. This study included isolation of chitin and chitosan: deproteination, demineralization, depigmentation and deacetylation of chitin into chitosan, chitosan characterization, FTIR, and chitosan Toxicity Test using the BSLT method to see the number of deaths of Artemia salina L larvae obtained data (LC50). The results showed that the Chitosan Green Clam Shell (Perna viridis L.) had an LC50 of 4369.1806 ?g/mL. The results showed that green clam shell chitosan (Perna viridis L.) was non-toxic (LC50 > 1000 ?g/mL) in the BSLT test. Keywords:          BSLT, Chitosan, Shellfish, Toxicity Tes

    Utilization Of Glycerol By Product From Transesterification Of Waste Cooking Oil As A Cosurfactant In Nanocream Preparation

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    Waste cooking oil (used cooking oil ) is oil derived from leftover cooking oil for frying food. Waste cooking oil is still considered as waste by some people and waste cooking oil that should not be suitable for consumption is sometimes still widely reused in food processing, this can endanger health and reduce the nutritional value of food. In order to be used and have economic value, it is overcome by synthesizing waste cooking oil into glycerol so it can be used as cosurfactant. Besides as cosurfactant, this waste cooking oil glycerol also can be used for various chemical industies, foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals industries. For cosmetic preparation, it can make a nanocream preparation. The purpose of this research was to utilize waste cooking oil into a glycerol which is used as a cosurfactant, to characterize the synthesis results based on IR Spectroscopy data and to formulate it to nanocream preparation. The research was conducted in an experimentally by making glycerol from side product of waste cooking oil. Separating glycerol process conducted by transesterification reaction. Glycerol of waste cooking oil by product was characterized with IR Spectroscopy and evaluated include organoleptic, glycerol contents, density, viscosity, ash content, and moisture content. Formulation of nanocream preparation using 30% of Tween 80 as surfactant, glycerol by-product as cosurfactant 7,5% concentration, and 20% of VCO as oil phase. The nanocream preparation was measured for its particle size with the aim of being able to determine the particle size of the formula to form nanoparticle size. The results showed that glycerol of waste cooking oil by product shows the presence of OH, CH-aliphatic, C=O carbonyl and C-O. particle size of nanocream preparation obtained was 397,76 nm. Based on the result of this research, the conclusion is glycerol of waste cooking oil  by-product can form nano size with presence of glycerol as cosurfactant. The particle size of the nanocream preparation obtained was still in the nanocream requirement range, namely 20-500 nm.   &nbsp

    Antioxidant Activity Test of Barangan Banana Hump’s Ethanol Extract (Musa Paradisiaca (L.)) with DPPH (1,1 Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl) Method

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    This study aims to determine the secondary metabolites contained in Barangan banana weevil (Musa paradisiaca (L.)) and antioxidant activity based on the IC50 value. The stages of this research include processing plant materials, making ethanol extracts, characterization examinations, phytochemical screening, and testing the antioxidant activity of Barangan banana weevil. The ethanol extract of Barangan banana weevil was processed by the maceration method using 96% ethanol, and the antioxidant activity was tested using the DPPH method. The results showed that the ethanol extract of Barangan banana weevil contained chemical compounds such as alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and triterpenoids. The determination of the antioxidant activity of Barangan banana weevil obtained an IC50 value of 180.8 µg/mL. This means that the ethanol extract of Barangan banana weevil contains secondary metabolites and has the potential as an antioxidant with a weak category

    Phytochemical Screening And Antibacterial Activity Test Of Ethanol Extract Of Jengkol Leaves (Archidendron Pauciflorum Benth.) I.C. Nielsen Against Staphylococcus Epidermidis And Propionibacterium Acnes

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    Skin disease was a disease that attacked the surface of the body, and was caused by various agents, one was bacteria. One of the plants that had antibacterial activity was jengkol leaf (Archidendron pauciflorum Benth.) I.C. Nielsen because it contained compounds that had antibacterial properties that had previously been studied by other researchers against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. So that researcher was interested in researching on the antibacterial activity of jengkol leaves (Archidendron pauciflorum Benth.) I.C. Nielsen against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes. Fresh Jengkol leaves were processed into simplicia and extracted using 96% ethanol. Phytochemical screening was carried out on simplicia powder and extracts of jengkol leaves. Ethanol extract jengkol leaves was made in several concentrations, namely 20%, 25%, and 30%, positive control using Tetracycline HCl, and negative control using 1% DMSO. There were several tests carried out on jengkol leaves in addition to phytochemical screening, namely examination of simplicia characteristic including macroscopic examination, microscopic examination, examination of water content, examination of water-soluble extract levels, examination of ethanol-soluble extracts, examination of total ash content, and also an examination of acid-insoluble ash levels and antibacterial activity test of jengkol leaves. The results of phytochemical screening showed that the compound of jengkol leaves (Archidendron pauciflorum Benth.) I.C. Nielsen contained a class of secondary metabolites of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, steroids/triterpenoids, and glycosides. And for the results of the antibacterial activity research also showed that jengkol leaves could be used as antibacterial because it has a strong inhibitory power at a concentration of 20% and the strongest at a concentration of 30% against Staphylococcus epidermidis, namely 15.06 mm and 17.83 mm, while in diameter of growth inhibition zone Propionibacterium acnes was 15.86 mm and 18.1 mm

    The Buas Buas Leaf Utilization of Buas Buas Leaf (Premna pubescens Blume) Ethanol Extract as Liquid Soap With Anti-Bacteria Activity

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    The buas buas (Premna pubescens Blume) plant is from the Lamiaceae family. The use of ethanol extract of buas buas leaf (Premna pubescens Blume) as soap is because soap is one of the health products needed by many people to maintain a healthy body. It is used as an antibacterial because buas buas leaves contain secondary metabolites that can be used as antibacterial.The Buas buas leaf Simplicia (Premna pubescens Blume) was extracted using 96% ethanol by maceration and concentrated with a rotary evaporator to evaporate the solvent. The concentrated extract obtained was tested by phytochemical screening, formulated into liquid soap with concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and tested for pH, foam height, viscosity, specific gravity and irritation test, and antibacterial activity against staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The results of the phytochemical screening test of the ethanol extract of buas buas leaf (Premna pubescens Blume) contained secondary metabolites in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and steroids/triterpenoids. Liquid soap made with concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15% has a pH of 10-10.3; foam height 50-90 mm; viscosity 1210-1290 cP; specific gravity 1-1.08 and did not cause irritation to volunteers; and have inhibitory power of 14.2 mm, 15.0 mm, 16.0 mm, and 20.0 mm against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, respectively