12 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze effect of corporate social responsibility and profitability on stock prices. This research is a type of explanatory research. The population in this study is the Food and Beverage Industry on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2019 to 2022, namely 51 companies. The sample of this study are companies that actively issued corporate social responsibility during the research period, namely the Food and Beverage Industry on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, totaling 11 companies. Hypothesis testing uses partial (t) test. The results of the study show that corporate social responsibility has a significant effect on stock prices. Profitability has a significant effect on stock prices

    Pengaruh Kinerja Dan Kualifikasi Akademik Guru Terhadap Mutu Pendidikan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of teacher performance and teacher academic qualifications on the quality of education. Education is very important as one of the determinants of the quality of human resources. The type of research used is quantitative research with a design determination and type of research ex post facto. The population in this study were all Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) teachers in Palu City. The sample in the study was taken by 20 teachers. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, documentation, and observation. Data analysis techniques using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques and multiple regression. The results of the study found that there was a significant influence between teacher performance on the quality of education at the Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) in Palu City, as evidenced by the t value of 3,847 > 2,110 t table. Furthermore, there is a significant influence between the teacher's academic qualifications on the education quality of Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) in Palu City, as evidenced by the t-count value of 10,213 > 2,110 t-table. The results of this study indicate that there is a jointly significant relationship between teacher performance and academic qualifications on the education quality of Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) Palu City

    Peran Sertifikasi Guru Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran Dan Pengelolaan Kelas (Kajian Studi Literature Riview)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which teacher certification plays a role in improving the quality of learning and classroom management. This research design is a literature study using a qualitative approach. This research describes the role of certified teachers synergizing with each other to carry out duties and responsibilities such as to carry out learning evaluations in formal education units consistently through daily test assessments, assignments, midterm and semester tests. Certification is a motivation for teachers to improve the quality of learning this is because teachers perform well in their fields. In line with that, teachers who have certification are also able to do good classroom management, because certified teachers are professional teachers in carrying out the learning process, so they are able to create a conducive, effective and comfortable classroom atmosphere. So that the teacher's job is not only to teach and educate, but also as a good classroom manager by acting as a facilitator, motivator, demonstrator, mediator and evaluator. All of this has been done well by certified teachers in applying discipline to manage learning and improve the quality of learning professionally in each


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    Pendekatan yang menonjol adalah pembelajaran berbasis proyek yang memanfaatkan aplikasi dan platform web untuk memberikan pengalaman pembelajaran yang mendalam dan interaktif. Artikel ini mengkaji dampak dari implementasi pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan teknologi pendidikan pada pengembangan keterampilan holistik siswa, termasuk keterampilan sosial, kreativitas, pemecahan masalah, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Dengan melihat proyek "Planet Guardian" sebagai studi kasus, penelitian ini mengungkap bagaimana siswa terlibat dalam proyek berbasis lingkungan yang melibatkan penelitian, kolaborasi daring, dan pengembangan solusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proyek semacam itu dapat memengaruhi perkembangan keterampilan holistik siswa secara positif. Keterampilan sosial ditingkatkan melalui kerja tim dan komunikasi daring, sementara kreativitas diperangsang melalui pemecahan masalah dalam konteks dunia nyata. Pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan teknologi pendidikan juga membantu siswa dalam pengembangan kemampuan berpikir kritis melalui evaluasi proyek dan umpan balik dari rekan-rekan mereka. Dalam dunia yang terus berubah, keterampilan holistik seperti ini semakin penting untuk kesuksesan siswa di sekolah dan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, tantangan yang dihadapi dalam mengintegrasikan teknologi pendidikan dengan pembelajaran berbasis proyek adalah pengembangan pedoman terbaik dan strategi pendidikan yang efektif. Guru dan lembaga pendidikan perlu terus berinovasi dalam merancang proyek-proyek yang relevan dan mendukung pengembangan keterampilan holistik siswa. Artikel ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya upaya ini dan kontribusi penting pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan teknologi pendidikan dalam membentuk pembelajar yang siap menghadapi masa depan

    Dampak Lingkungan Sekolah terhadap Hasil Belajar dan Kesehatan Mental Siswa

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    This study aims to explore the impact of school environment on students' academic achievement and mental health through a literature review approach. The study analyzes the factors that influence the school environment, including physical, social, and academic environment, and how these factors can affect students' academic achievement and mental health. By collecting data from various literature studies, this study shows that a good school environment can have a positive impact on students' academic achievement and mental health. A comfortable and safe physical environment, a positive and inclusive social environment, and an academic environment that supports and motivates students can improve students' academic achievement and mental health. The practical implication of this study is that improving the school environment should be a priority to enhance the quality of education and student well-being

    Dampak Penggunaan Gadget pada Kesehatan Mental dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa di Sekolah

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of gadget usage on the mental health and learning motivation of students in schools through a literature review. The method used in this study is literature analysis from sources relevant to the research topic. The analysis results indicate that gadget usage has an impact on students' mental health, such as anxiety, stress, and gadget addiction. Gadget usage also has an impact on students' learning motivation, such as a decrease in interest in learning and concentration. To address these negative impacts, a holistic approach is needed, such as limiting gadget usage time, using creative and innovative learning methods, and providing social support from family and friends


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    African Swine Fever (ASF) is a disease of pigs caused by African Swine Fever virus of the genus Asfvirus and family Asfarviridae. ASF virus has a limited host range and is only capable of affecting pigs. The disease affects all breeds and ages of pigs, although domestic pigs are the most susceptible. The disease is not zoonotic but causes economic losses on pig farms. ASF disease has various forms, ranging from per acute, acute, sub acute and chronic. Pigs infected with ASF will show common clinical symptoms such as high fever, cyanosis, haemorrhage, anorexia and ataxia. The spread of the disease is very rapid with a high mortality rate of more than 90%. The disease can spread through direct, indirect and vector contact. Prevention and control measures for ASF include strict biosecurity, reducing direct contact with contaminated feed or equipment such as feeding contaminated feed, quarantine, restricting pig traffic, depopulation of pigs sick with ASF, vector control, area closure, disposal and decontamination. Keywords:. Afrikan Swine Fever, Pig, Virus INTISARIAfrican Swine Fever (ASF) merupakan salah satu penyakit pada ternak babi yang disebabkan oleh virus African Swine Fever dari genus Asfvirus dan family Asfarviridae. Virus ASF memiliki jangkauan inang yang terbatas dan hanya mampu menyerang hewan babi. Virus ini menyerang semua ras dan umur babi walaupun babi peliharaan (domestik) menjadi jenis yang paling peka terhadap virus tersebut. Penyakit ini tidak bersifat zoonosis namun memberikan kerugian ekonomi bagi peternakan babi. Penyakit ASF memiliki bentuk penyakit yang bervariasi, mulai dari per akut, akut, sub akut dan kronis. Babi yang terinfeksi ASF akan menunjukkan gejala klinis umum seperti demam tinggi, sianosis, hemoragi, anoreksia dan ataksia. Penyebaran penyakit ini sangat cepat dengan tingkat mortalitas yang tinggi sampai mencapai 90% lebih. Penyakit ini dapat meyebar melalui kontak langsung, tidak langsung dan vektor. Untuk tindakan pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit ASF dapat dilakukan dengan cara biosekuriti yang ketat, mengurangi kontak langsung dengan pakan atau perlatan yang terkontaminasi seperti swill feeding, karantina, membatasi lalu lintas babi, depopulasi babi yang sakit ASF, pengendalian vektor, penutupan daerah, disposal dan dekontaminasi.Kata Kunci :  African Swine Fever, Babi, Viru

    Aplikasi Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan (Customer Relationship Management CRM) dalam Era Digital: Analisis Literatur tentang Keuntungan dan Implementasi

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang strategi bisnis CRM dalam mengelola dan memperkuat hubungan antara perusahaan dengan pelanggan. CRM bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan, serta memperkuat loyalitas dan retensi pelanggan. Implementasi CRM dapat membantu perusahaan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih besar melalui up-selling dan cross-selling, serta membangun hubungan jangka panjang dengan pelanggan. Untuk membuat implementasi CRM berhasil, perusahaan harus melibatkan seluruh pihak yang terkait dan menentukan strategi yang tepat dalam implementasinya, seperti memilih vendor CRM yang tepat, menyediakan pelatihan dan dukungan untuk karyawan, dan mengumpulkan data pelanggan. Implementasi CRM dapat dilakukan di berbagai sektor, seperti bisnis, perpustakaan, dan restoran. CRM akan berhasil jika perusahaan mampu mengumpulkan data pelanggan dan menentukan strategi yang tepat dalam implementasinya

    Pelaksanaan Program Rumah Belajar bagi Anak Gampong Meunasah Papeun untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar dengan Berbasis Hidden Curriculum

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    Program Rumah Belajar berbasis Hidden Curriculum merupakan suatu program yang dilaksanakan guna untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar anak yang terdapat di Gampong Meunasah Papeun. Program ini dilaksanakan karena terdapat suatu keadaan dimana motivasi belajar peserta didik di gampong tersebut dikatakan rendah oleh para orang tua wali. Program ini dilaksanakan dengan empat tahapan meliputi: Observasi, Perizinan, Pelaksanaan, dan Penutupan. Program ini dilaksanakan dan mendapatkan partisipasi dari anak-anak gampong, diperkirakan 40 anak ikut dalam kegiatan Rumah Belajar ini. Kesimpulannya Program Rumah Belajar dengan Basis Hidden Curriculum telah mampu meningkatkan motivasi belajar anak gampong Meunasah Papeun. Program semacam ini haruslah difasilitasi dan harus dilaksanakan secara terus menerus guna menjadikan anak dan peserta didik memiliki semangat dan motivasi belajar yang tinggi dengan demikian maka tujuan pendidikan yang semestinya akan dapat dicapai

    Penerapan Pola Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat pada Kelompok Tani di Kabupaten Magelang dan Temanggung

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    The agricultural sector has an important role in supporting the national economy. The role is the creation of food security, a contributor to gross domestic product, job creation, poverty alleviation, a provider of food and industrial raw materials, a source of community income. All of the respondents in this study have farmed livestock. The application of the pattern of community service to farmer groups in Magelang Regency and Temanggung Regency shows that most farmers/breeders are of productive age and can increase agricultural productivity after receiving guidance from the Ministry of Agriculture program. Communication patterns have the same perception of group goals, division of tasks with members' abilities, trust in the group, level of satisfaction with the group, channels for communicating id / ideas for group progress and the achievement of member goals through the group. Trust in the group and the level of satisfaction with the group increased because of the guidance from the Ministry of Agriculture