4,349 research outputs found
The Effect of Multimedia Based Presentation Towards Studentsâ Speaking Ability at The First Grade Students of SMA Negeri 8 Pekanbaru
Keywords: Multimedia Based Presentation, Speaking Ability
Multimedia Based Presentation is a part of technology that facilitate
students and teachers to interact more effectively. It creates an enjoyable
classroom environment and attract studentsâ interest and motivation to be
involved during the learning process. The purpose of this research is to know the
significant effect of Multimedia Based Presentation towards studentsâ speaking
ability at the first-grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Pekanbaru.
This research was true-experimental research. They were experimental
class and control class. The sample of this research consisted of 32 students for
experimental class and 30 students for control class at the first-grade students of
SMA Negeri 8 Pekanbaru. The instrument of this research was oral test of
recounting the recount text. In this research, the test consisted four components;
pronunciation, grammar, fluency and vocabulary in pre-test and post-test. The
effectiveness of Multimedia Based Presentation can be seen from improving of
studentsâ speaking ability by comparing pre-test, post-test of experimental class
and pre-test, post-test of control class.
The researcher analyzed the data and did hypothesis test, the researcher
found the result that 12.131 > ttable at level of significant 5% is 2.042. The results
show that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted while the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there was significant effect by using
Multimedia Based Presentation towards studentsâ speaking ability at the firstgrade
students of SMA Negeri 8 Pekanbaru
Kaderisasi Dakwah Dayah di Aceh Melalui Program Muhadharah (Studi Kasus di Dayah MUDI Mesjid Raya Samalanga)
AbstrakAgama Islam adalah agama dakwah yang dikembangkan melalui lembaga pendidikan pondok pesantren, karena pendidikan pondok pesantren itu telah mampu melahirkan tokoh-tokoh dakwah yang sudah terkenal di nusantara. Kaderisasi dakwah yang dilakukan di pondok pesantren atau dayah telah mampu menjawab berbagai persoalan dalam kehidupan masyarakat, baik itu persoalan dalam ruang lingkup yang kecil atau persoalan dalam ruang lingkup yang besar. Salah satu pondok pesantren atau dayah di Aceh yang telah berhasil dalam melakukan kaderisasi dakwah adalah dayah MUDI Mesjid Raya Samalanga Kabupaten Bireuen Provinsi Aceh, dimana dalam kaderisasi dakwah dilakukan melaui program muhadharah pada setiap malam jumat. Dalam setiap kegiatan muhadharah di Dayah MUDI Mesjid Raya Samalanga selalu dilakukan pembinaan dan pengkaderan secara terus menerus, sehingga kader dakwah itu benar-benar telah mampu berdakwah dengan baik dan siap diterjunkan dalam kalangan masyarakat. Kader dakwah yang dianggap berhasil itu akan dites kembali oleh ketua kabilah masing-masing, hasil tes yang dilakukan oleh ketua kabilah baru diserahkan kepada Kabag Humas dayah untuk diberikan lisensi layak atau belum layak untuk terjun dalam masyarakat sebagai pendakwah. Jika ada kader dakwah yang sudah terjun kedalam masyarakat ada kekurangan atau laporan, maka kader itu akan dibina kembali supaya tidak menjadi masalah di kemudian hari
Habib Ahmed's maqÄáčŁid sharÄ«`ah concept on cooperative regulations in Indonesia
This article discussed Habib Ahmed's maqÄáčŁid sharÄ«`ah concept on Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) contracts, regarding the dualism of cooperative regulations in Indonesia between sharia and non-sharia-based cooperatives. In initiating the NIE (New Institutional Economics) approach for IFIs, Habib Ahmed emphasized the vital role of embeddedness as a culture rooted in the knowledge system. This embeddedness is the starting point of IFIs adaptation. These informal institutions then influence the formation of formal institutions and are followed by institutional forms of organization. Finally, the transaction products are in line with the organizational form. In other words, according to Habib Ahmed, if the adaptation and transaction of the IFIs start from this stage, then the product will be entirely in line with the proper Islamic ontology and epistemology. This qualitative library research focused on the reality of cooperatives in Indonesia, assessed from Habib Ahmed's perspective. This study concluded that Indonesia's economy still does not represent the goal of its constitutional economy with a feeling of kinship and mutualistic organization, such as cooperatives. In addition, its significant economic growth, which places it in the top twenty countries (G-20) in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is not inclusive
Studi ini bermaksud mengkaji tentang Syaikhul Islam, Bapak Ulama dan tokoh pendidikan Islam Aceh pada abad ke-20 M. Adapun yang menjadi fokus studi ini adalah gerakan pendidikan Islam Abuya Muhammad Waly Al-Khalidy di Aceh. Sejauh ini, studi terhadap tokoh-tokoh pendidikan Islam di Aceh memang telah digagas oleh Azyumardi Azra dalam karyanya,â Islam Nusantara: Jaringan Global dan Lokalâ. 2002, yang memfokuskan pada abad ke-17 dan 18. Studi tersebut dilanjutkan oleh Erawadi dalam âTradisi, Wacana dan Dinamika Intelektual Islam Aceh Abad XVIII dan XIXâ. 2011, yang lebih menitik beratkan pada abad ke-18 hingga 19. Namun kajian yang mengkaji gerakan pendidikan Islam ulama Aceh pada abad ke-20, masih dapat dikatakan belum ada yang mengkaji secara komprehensif. Hanya saja terdapat beberapa studi mengenai ulama Aceh yang dilakukan oleh para sarjana, seperti Yusny Saby, âThe Ulama in Aceh: A Brief Historical Survey.â Studia Islamika, 2001, M. Hasbi Amiruddin, Ulama Dayah: Pengawal Agama Masyarakat Acehâ, 2003, Oman Fathurrahman, âTanbĂźh al-MĂąsyĂź Menyoal Wahdatul Wujud: Kasus Abdurrauf Singkel Di Aceh Abad 17â, 1999. dan beberapa studi lainnya. Hampir semua kajian tersebut memperlihatkan signifikansi peran ulama di Aceh. Hampir dapat dikatakan bahwa, tidak ada kajian mengenai studi Aceh, tanpa melibatkan perhatian pada ulama Dayah di kehidupan rakyat Aceh
This study aimed to investigate the level of foreign language anxiety (FLA) experienced by senior-high-school English language learners (ELLs) and to explore plausible factors that contribute to the learnersâ anxiety. This research employed a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach, involving thirty-four twelfth-grade ELLs from SMA 4 Banda Aceh, Indonesia, as participants. In gathering the data, Horwitz et al.'s (1986) Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and semi-structured interview were used as instruments. The findings revealed that the majority of the ELLs were at a moderate level of anxiety, with more than half of them being at âMildly Anxiousâ level and with no âVery Anxiousâ learners. The findings also indicated that the ELLsâ FLA was caused not only by teacher factors but also student factors. The teacher factors include oral presentation task, incomprehensible input, and teachersâ attitude, while student factors comprise learnersâ fear of being laughed at, theirâ beliefs about L2, and lack of preparation
Power Steering is ministrant mechanism to decrease the required drive burden at the time of car at a speed of lowering; Moment Park or certain maneuver and will change over to manual drive at full tilt. Style to lessen drive burden obtained with fluid pressure with system of hydraulic awakened by direct moved pump with machine rotation. At the time of high machine rotation awakened by fluid pressure is pump will become to go up, drive burden will become as light as a feather. This not desire and will be arranged by valve relief. Loss of fluid flow friction at hydraulic system will lessen pressure, so that style awakened at drive burden mechanism will become to decrease
Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Keluarga Pada Masa Pandemi (Studi Pada Walimurid SMPI Al Hasanah Kota Bengkulu)
This thesis studied the reconstruction of family education during the covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the family's readiness in facing the pandemic covid-19, teaching material provided, the learning methods applied by the teacher, and the obstacles faced by parents and teachers. This type of research was descriptive qualitative. The method of determining the sample used purposive sampling technique. Data collections were interviews and documentation. The data source in this study is divided into two, namely primary data and secondary data. The primary data in this study were parents and teachers. Whereas the secondary data were the principal and the administration. Staff the results of this study were (1) family readiness in the face of a pandemic. Transferring the child's learning process to took home certainly requires greater cooperation from parents. Therefore, it took the readiness of parents in controlling themselves before starting to teach children during the learning process from home. Parents must be able to control themselves over what they are going through and guide their children calmly and patiently. (2) Teaching materials provided during the pandemic. During this pandemic, teaching material are given to students namely moral education, aqeedah, and worship (3) Methods of learning is applied during the pandemic. Online online learning was part of special offers in the era of the corona virus pandemic., (4) Constraints was faced by parents and teachers. Decreasing child's enthusiasm of learning. This was due to quite a lot of tasks, mis understanding of the tasks given. The emergence of a sense of saturation because they have to adjust the material or learning design that has been previously prepared
Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Keluarga Pada Masa Pandemi (Studi Pada Walimurid SMPI Al Hasanah Kota Bengkulu)
Tesis ini mengkaji tentang rekonstruksi pendidikan keluarga pada masa pandemi covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesiapan keluarga dalam menghadapi pandemi covid -19, materi ajar yang diberikan, metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan guru, dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh orangtua dan guru. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif. Metode penentuan sampel peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sumber data pada penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Yang menjadi data primer pada penelitian ini adalah orangtua dan guru. Sedangkan yang menjadi data sekunder adalah kepala sekolah dan tata usaha. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah (1) Kesiapan keluarga dalam menghadapi masa pandemi. Pemindahan proses belajar anak ke rumah tentunya membutuhkan kerja sama lebih besar dari orangtua. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kesiapan dari orangtua dalam mengendalikan dirinya sebelum memulai mengajarkan anak selama proses belajar mengajar dari rumah berlangsung. Orangtua harus bisa mengendalikan diri atas apa yang sedang dialaminya dan membimbing anak-anak dengan tenang dan penuh kesabaran. (2) Materi ajar yang diberikan selama masa pandemi. Pada masa pandemi ini, materi ajar diberikan kepada siswa yaitu pendidikan akhlak, aqidah, dan ibadah (3) Metode pembelaran yang diterapkan pada masa pandemi. Pembelajaran online atau daring adalah bagian dari penawaran khusus di era pandemi virus corona., (4) Kendala yang dihadapi orang tua dan guru. Menurunnya semangat belajar anak. Hal ini disebabkan tugas yang cukup banyak, tidak mengerti dengan tugas yang diberikan. Munculnya rasa kejenuhan karena harus menyesuaikan materi atau rancangan pembelajaran yang sebelumnya sudah dipersiapka
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