20 research outputs found


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    Analisis Pindah Panas pada Ruang Fermentasi Biji Kakao (Theobroma cacao L) dengan Menggunakan Kotak Kayu dan Styrofoam

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    Abstrak. Fermentasi merupakan kegiatan untuk melepaskan zat lendir dari permukaan kulit biji dan menghasilkan biji mutu dan aroma yang baik. Selain itu fermentasi juga dilakukan untuk menghindari tumbuhnya jamur selama masa penyimpanan. Selama fermentasi berlangsung akan terjadinya perpindahan panas/ suhu di dalam kotak fermentasi. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian yaitu untuk melihat perubahan suhu selama proses fermentasi, mengetahui pengaruh bahan kotak (kayu dan styrofoam) terhadap perpindahan panas di dalam kotak fermentasi dan perpindahan panas dari dalam kotak fermentasi terhadap lingkungan luar. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa suhu ideal fermentasi pada kotak kayu dihasilkan pada hari ke-5, sedangkan kotak styrofoam suhu ideal dihasilkan pada hari ke-3. Perpindahan panas pada bahan kayu suhunya lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bahan styrofoam. Hal ini disebabkan karena panas pada kotak kayu keluar lebih cepat, sehingga suhu pada proses fermentasi bisa lebih rendah dibandingkan menggunakan kotak styrofoam. Hasil fermentasi biji kakao dengan menggunakan kotak kayu didapatkan biji kakao yang bagus yaitu pada hari ke-5 fermentasi dan kotak styrofoam pada hari ke-5 fermentasi didapatkan biji kakao yang berjamur. Analysis Of Transfer Heat Room Of Cocoa Seed Fermentation (Theobroma cacao L.) Using Wood Box and StyrofoamAbstract. Fermentation is an activity to remove mucous substances from the skin surface to produce quality of seed and good aroma. In addition, fermentation also done to avoid the growth of mold during storage period. During fermentation, the heat transfer / temperature will be happen inside the fermentation box. The aim of this study is to observe the changes of temperature during the fermentation process, knowing the effect of packaging materials (wood and styrofoam) to heat transfer in the fermentation box and heat transfer from inside of fermentation box to the environment in the outside. The results showed that the ideal temperature of fermentation in wooden boxes was obtained in the fifth day, while the ideal temperature of fermentation in styrofoam was obtained in the third day. Heat transfer in the wood material is higher than in the Styrofoam material. This was due of the heat in a wooden box go out faster, so that the temperature in the fermentation process may be lower than using a styrofoam box.The result of cocoa seed fermentation using a wooden box obtained a good cocoa seed on the fifth day of fermentation and while using a styrofoam box cocoa seed were moldy in the fifth day

    Estimasi Kandungan Lemak Pada Biji Kakao Utuh Secara Cepat dan Non-Destruktif dengan Menggunakan Teknologi NIRS

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    Kandungan lemak merupakan salah satu parameter mutu utama dari kakao. Untuk menentukan lemak kakao, umumnya ditentukan dengan pengukuran standard laboratorium yang pada prosesnya melibatkan bahan kimia, memerlukan waktu yang lama dan bersifat destruktif. Teknologi sinar near infrared (NIR) merupakan metode baru yang bersifat ramah lingkungan, cepat dan tanpa merusak objek. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengaplikasikan teknologi sinar NIR untuk estimasi kadar lemak pada biji kakao utuh. Model prediksi dibangun dengan menggunakan dua metode regresi yang berbeda yaitu metode principal component regression (PCR) dan partial least square regression (PLSR). Spektrum NIR pada biji kakao diakuisisi dengan instrument NIR (Antaris Thermo Nicolet®), sedangkan kadar lemak aktual diukur dengan metode Soxhlet. Perbaikan data sinyal spektrum NIR dilakukan dengan metode Mean Normalization (MN). Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa teknologi NIR mampu mengestimasi kadar lemak biji kakao dengan tingkat akurasi: koefisien korelasi r = 0.82 (PCR) dan 0.83 (PLSR), koefisien Residual Predictive Deviation (RPD) = 1.75 (PCR) dan 1.8 (PLSR). Berdasarkan hasil studi dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi sensor berbasis sinar NIR mampu mengestimasi kadar lemak pada biji kakao secara akurat, efisien, dan ramah lingkungan. Teknologi ini dapat diaplikasikan pada proses sortasi dan grading biji kakao utuh.Kata Kunci:  biji kakao, lemak, nirs, plsr, pc

    Rapid and non-destructive prediction of C-organic in agricultural soil using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)

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    Soil organic carbon (C-organic) is one of main of soil quality which affects the assortment of organic materials and mixtures properties of soils. This C-organic also have a practical value and importance in agriculture. To determine C-organic, normally, conventional and laborious procedures were employed. Yet, this method is expensive, time consuming, involve chemical materials and may cause pollution. Thus, alternative fast and environmental friendly method is required to determine C-organic in soil. The near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) technique can be considered to be applied, since this method is fast, nondestructive, simple preparation and pollution free. Therefore, the main objective of this present study is apply NIRS technique in predicting C-organics and classifying soils based on geographical characteristics. Soil samples from 4 different site locations were taken spectra data of these samples were acquired in wavenumbers range of 4000-10 000 cm -1 . C-organic prediction model was developed using NIR spectra data and partial least square regression (PLS), while classification model was established using principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed that Soil characteristics from 4 different locations can be classified with total explained variance of PCA was 99% (PC1 = 88% and PC2 = 11%). Moreover, NIRS technique was able to predict C-organic with maximum correlation coefficient (r) was 0.93 and residual predictive deviation (RPD) index was 3.22 which categorized as excellent prediction model performance. It may conclude that NIRS technique can be applied as a rapid and non-destructive method in predicting C-organic and classifying soil characteristics

    Akuisisi Spektrum Near Infrared Reflectance Pada Biji Kakao

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    Akuisisi spektrum Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) untuk produk olahan kakao telah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai penelitian namun untuk biji kakao utuh masih belum dilakukan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan teknik akuisisi spektrum NIRS untuk mendeteksi tingkat fermentasi biji kakao dan menentukan selang panjang gelombang yang mengandung informasi kualitas biji kakao secara nondestruktif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia, Jember-Indonesia dan Georg August University of Göttingen di Göttingen-Jerman pada Juli 2012 sampai Februari 2013. Penelitian menggunakan Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) dan Standard Normal Variate (SNV), Savitzky-Golay smoothing (SGs) dan derivative pertama (D1), derivative kedua (D2) sebagai metode koreksi spektrum dan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) sebagai metode pengolah data spektrum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akuisisi spektrum NIRS pada biji kakao tumpukan mampu menggantikan akuisisi NIRS pada biji kakao individu. NIRS juga diketahui mampu membedakan tingkat fermentasi pada biji dan bubuk kakao. Melalui studi ini ditemukan juga selang panjang gelombang yang dapat mengidentifikasikan kualitas kakao sehingga dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dalam pengembangan model identifikasi kualitas kakao.Kata Kunci: Biji kakao, NIRS, metode nondestruktifNear Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) spectra acquisition for processed cocoa products has been widely applied in various studies. The application of this method for whole intact cocoa beans is however scarce. The objectives of this research were to develop a spectral acquisition technique of NIRS to detect fermentation level of cocoa beans and determine the wavelength range interval containing cocoa bean quality information nondestructively. This research was performed in Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jember-Indonesia for fermentation treatment and Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany for spectra acquisition. These were conducted from July 2012 to February 2013. Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC), Standard Normal variate (SNV), Savitzky-Golay Smoothing (SGS) and spectra transformation into its first and second derivative (D1 and D2 respectively) were used as spectral pre-processing method whilst principal component analysis (PCA) was applied as a method of data processing. The results showed that NIRS spectrum acquisition on bulk of cocoa beans could replace NIRS acquisition on the individual beans. NIRS is able to distinguish the fermentation stages both in cocoa beans and cocoa powder. The study also found several NIR wavelength range interval associated with cocoa quality so that it can be used for further studies to develop cocoa quality attributes prediction models

    Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy: Prediksi Cepat dan Simultan Kadar Unsur Hara Makro pada Tanah Pertanian

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    Plants need an ideal and healthy soil condition for their growth and a sufficient amount of soil macronutrients. To determine soil nutrients, several methods have been widely employed. Yet, most of them are based on solvent extraction, which is normally time-consuming, requires complicated sample preparation, and sometimes involves chemical materials. Thus, a novel, fast and simultaneous method is required as an alternative method used to predict soil macronutrients in a short period and without involving chemical materials. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be considered for this need, since this method is fast, environmentally friendly, and non-destructive. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to apply an NIRS method to predict soil macronutrients (N, P, and K). The diffuse reflectance spectrum was acquired for soil samples in a wavelength range from 1000–2500 nm. Spectra data were corrected using a smoothing method whilst prediction models were developed using principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square regression (PLSR). Prediction accuracy and robustness were evaluated using these following statistical indicators: correlation coefficient (r), root mean square error (RMSEC) and residual predictive deviation (RPD). The results showed that NIRS was able to predict soil macronutrients simultaneously with a maximum correlation coefficient r = 0.97 for N prediction, r = 0.99 for P prediction, and r = 0.95 for K prediction. Thus, it may be concluded that an NIRS method is feasible to be applied as a novel, reliable and fast method to predict soil macronutrients (N, P, and K) simultaneously

    Effects of fermentation on protein profile of coffee by-products and its relationship with internal protein structure measured by vibrational spectroscopy

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    Objective To our knowledge, there are few studies on the correlation between internal structure of fermented products and nutrient delivery from by-products from coffee processing in the ruminant system. The objective of this project was to use advanced mid-infrared vibrational spectroscopic technique (ATR-FT/IR) to reveal interactive correlation between protein internal structure and ruminant-relevant protein and energy metabolic profiles of by-products from coffee processing affected by added-microorganism fermentation duration. Methods The by-products from coffee processing were fermented using commercial fermentation product, called Saus Burger Pakan, consisting of various microorganisms: cellulolytic, lactic acid, amylolytic, proteolytic, and xylanolytic microbes, for 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. Protein chemical profiles, Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System crude protein and CHO subfractions, and ruminal degradation and intestinal digestion of protein were evaluated. The attenuated total reflectance-Ft/IR (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy was used to study protein structural features of spectra that were affected by added microorganism fermentation duration. The molecular spectral analyses were carried using OMNIC software. Molecular spectral analysis parameters in fermented and non-fermented by-products from coffee processing included: Amide I area (AIA), Amide II (AIIA) area, Amide I heigh (AIH), Amide II height (AIIH), α-helix height (αH), β-sheet height (βH), AIA to AIIA ratio, AIH to AIIH ratio, and αH to βH ratio. The relationship between protein structure spectral profiles of by-products from coffee processing and protein related metabolic features in ruminant were also investigated. Results Fermentation decreased rumen degradable protein and increased rumen undegradable protein of by-products from coffee processing (p<0.05), indicating more protein entering from rumen to the small intestine for animal use. The fermentation duration significantly impacted (p<0.05) protein structure spectral features. Fermentation tended to increase (p<0.10) AIA and AIH as well as β-sheet height which all are significantly related to the protein level. Conclusion Protein structure spectral profiles of by-product form coffee processing could be utilized as potential evaluators to estimate protein related chemical profile and protein metabolic characteristics in ruminant system

    Fast And Simultaneous Prediction Of Agricultural Soil Nutrients Content Using Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Abstract. The functions soil depends on the balances of its structure, nutrients composition as well as other chemical and physical properties. Conventional methods, used to determine nutrients content on agricultural soil were time consuming, complicated sample processing and destructive in nature. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) has become one of the most promising and used non-destructive methods of analysis in many field areas including in soil science. The main aim of this present study is to apply NIRS in predicting nutrients content of soils in form of total nitrogen (N). Transmittance spectra data were obtained from a total of 18 soil samples from 8 different sites followed by N measurement using standard laboratory method. Principal component regression (PCR) with full cross validation were used to develop and validate N prediction models. The results showed that N content can be predicted very well even with raw spectra data with coefficient correlation (r) and residual predictive deviation index (RPD) were 0.95 and 3.35 respectively. Furthermore, spectra correction clearly enhances and improve prediction accuracy with r = 0.96 and RPD = 3.51. It may conclude that NIRS can be used as fast and simultaneous method in determining nutrient content of agricultural soils

    Analisis Antropometri, Biomekanika, dan Beban Kerja Fisik pada Pengoperasian Alat Pengupas Nenas Tipe Engkol

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    This study aims to analyze anthropometry, biomechanics, and physical workload on the use of a crank-type pineapple peeler. The results showed that the crank-type pineapple peeler could be used at optimum hand reach. Based on the measurement results, the average heart rate for operators ranges from 101–112 pulses/minute, and it was classified as medium workload. The rate of  oxygen consumption at the operator reached 0.67–0.89 liters/minute, and it could be classifiedas low workload

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pemipih Emping Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) Tipe Mekanis

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    Abstrak. Pengolahan biji melinjo menjadi emping melinjo saat ini sebagian besar masih menggunakan cara tradisional (manual) yaitu dengan memukul-mukul biji melinjo menggunakan palu yang sebelumnya sudah disangrai dengan pasir. Teknik ini dirasakan tidak efektif karena memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dan tenaga manusia yang besar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut perlu dibuat suatu mesin untuk memudahkan dalam pemipihan biji melinjo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk desain mesin pemipih emping melinjo dengan sumber tenaga motor listrik,  menguji fungsional dan kinerja mesin serta membandingkannya dengan  metode tradisional. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kapasitas kerja mesin serta persentase kehilangan hasil. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa mesin pemipih emping melinjo tipe tumbukan mempunyai ukuran panjang 820 mm, lebar 520 mm dan tinggi 1010 mm, digerakkan dengan motor listrik dengan daya 1.5 hp 1450 rpm. Hasil pengujian mesin didapatkan kapasitas pemipihan 0.83 kg/jam sedangkan kapasitas secara manual 0.16 kg/jam. Persentase kehilangan hasil dari pemakaian mesin pemipih emping ini adalah 1.5 %  sedangkan dengan cara manual adanya kehilangan hasil yaitu sebesar 7 %.  Design and Performance Test Of Flatter Machines  Impact Type for Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon)Abstract. Flatteting of melinjo seeds into melinjo chips at this time most still use the manual method by beating the seeds of melinjo using a hammer that was previously roasted with sand. This technique is felt to be ineffective because it requires a long time and a large amount of human energy. To overcome these problems, a solution is needed to facilitate flattening the seeds of melinjo. This study aims to design melinjo chips flattening machine with an electric motor as a power source, to test the functionality and performance of the machine, and to compare it with traditional methods. The parameters observed include the machine's working capacity and the percentage of yield loss. The results showed that this flatter machines impact type for melinjo has a length of 820 mm, the width of 520 mm, and a height of 1010 mm, driven by an electric motor with a power of 1.5 HP with a rotation of 1450 rpm. The results of testing the device obtained a flaking capacity of 0.83 kg/hour while the capacity manually was 0.16 kg/hour. The percentage of loss of results from the use of this emping flask is 1.5% while by manual the loss of results is equal to 7%