877 research outputs found


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    Excessive vibration that causes damage to model the medium such as mine slope can physically and numeri- cally be modelled. The slope of this study simply represents the actual view of the slopes that has a smaller size than the actual one, while the numerical model is relates to a mathematical form of slope condition that based on physical and mechanical data of the medium. The slope failure has experimentally been built several variations. Effect of vibration is echieved by connecting the models into the vibration instrument with bearing that can horizontally move free in line within the determined track. The instrument is attached to a spring that can pull the model to side out. The spring is placed in an iron frame. Proviously, the slope has been formed in critical condition one (angle of 30°). Physical model and laboratory test results were used as an input for numerical modelling of the slope failure. Based on the numerical analysis, the SRF was 0.47 for D equal to 2 cm g around 0.0025. If the g’s were around 0.0057 and 0.0088, the obtained SRF for both g’s were 0.44 and0.41 respectively. While the D of 4 cm and g of 0.0024 came the SRF of 0.54, the g of 0.0064 derived the SRF of 0.48, and the g of 0.0106 obtained the SRF of 0.44. For D equal to 2 cm and g 0.0024, 0.0106; the obtained SRF was 0.54, 0.48 and 0.44 respectively. Increasing the D to 6 cm within variation of g from 0.0025, 0.0062 and 0.0106, the SRF was 0.51, 0.48 and 0.44 respectively. It is assumed that there is a correlation between the thickness of quartz sand layer and the decrease of SRF value. The correlation also occurs between the increase in vibration (g value) and the SRF


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    Undang-Undang No 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga atau KDRT dan Undang-Undang No 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak ternyata belum mampu menjadi benteng pemerintah untuk menyelamatkan perempuan dan anak-anak dari prilaku kekerasan. Berdasarkan data Tahunan Perkara dari Mahkamah Syar'iyah Pidie Jaya, perkara masuk dalam tahun 2016 mencapai 278 perkara. Dari jumlah itu, salah satu perkara yang ditangani lembaga itu adalah perkara kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) yang mana perkara jumlahnya mencapai 108 perkara. Beranjak dari uraian ini, penulis merasa perlu adanya penelitian tentang konsep Hukum Islam mengenai penyelesaian kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan bagaimana penyelesaian yang ditangani Mahkamah Syari’ah Meureudu Pidie Jay


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    Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities within rocks are often investigated by testing in the laboratory because it is easier and cheaper. However, it is more confidence with investigation results derived from the field due to the actual situation and conditions. In the laboratory, the wave velocities are commonly measured using ultrasonic pulse velocities test. But in the field, the velocities are commonly measured directly by several methods such as cross-hole seismic, down-hole seismic, suspension logging, seismic reflection, seismic refraction and spectral analysis of the surface wave. In the present study of field insitu tests, it has used down-hole seismic method. The field insitu test is more expensive than the laboratory test. Hence, this study would evaluate and compare data derived from both of laboratory and field insitu tests. Based on the measurements correlation, it is found that regression equation for each parameter are ... for compressional wave velocities, ... for shear wave velocities, xxxxx for shear modulus, ... for ... modulus of elasticity, for bulk modulus and ... for Lame constants. This equation can be applied to correct the laboratory test data in order to get close results between the laboratory and field insitu tests

    Factors that affect students’ success in English debates

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    This qualitative research aims to investigate the strategy of the English teacher coaching English class debates at SMAN (National Senior High School) Modal Bangsa in Aceh. It also aims to find out the factors behind the success of the Modal Bangsa students in English debating competitions. The participants of this research were 17 students and 4 teachers. The instruments for this research were an interview guide and observation sheets. The data were then analyzed by using analytical content analysis and document analysis. The findings showed that, in coaching the English debating teams the coaches used some approaches and methods of teaching such as opening the students’ mindsets, grouping the students and creating good relationships between the team members and the coaches. Four methods of teaching were used by the coaches viz: teacher center, co-operative learning, plus minus interesting and practice debates. Besides these approaches and methods, there were some other factors that triggerred the students achievements in the English debating competitions such as the recruitment process, the coaches’ background, the motivation of the students, the school environment and facilities, the classroom atmosphere, teamwork/the team relationships, the background of the students, the parental/community support/involvement and getting advice from a professional debater. Hence, in coaching English debate students, it is suggested that teachers should recruit members of English debate students using appropriate tests and an appropriate recruitment process. In order to make the learning process interesting, it is better to help students understand the advantages of participating in English debates and apply all of the above methods to learn about English debating and to support the progress of the English debating club


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    Konversi akad dalam lembaga keuangan syariah sering dilakukan, berbagai hal yang menyebabkan konvesi tersebut dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan keringanan kepada nasabah yang memiliki masalah keuangan yang tanpa disengaja. konversi akad mudharabah kepada akad qardh merupakan proses perubahan akad mudharabah menjadi akad qardh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hukum konversi akad mudharabah menjadi akad qardhu yang banyak terjadi di hampir setiap lembaga keuangan syariah, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk memaparkan landasan hukum yang membenarkan praktik tersebut dilakukan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif analitik, menjelaskan dengan analisa yang diperoleh dari literatur-literatur ilmiah penelitian terdahulu yang diperoleh. Hasilnya adalah konversi akad mudhrabah boleh berdasarkan hukum Islam karena Islam sangat menganjurkan tolong menolong sesama manusia yang membutuhkan pertolongan. Dalam hukum positif juga membolehkan dimana konversi merupaka suatu solusi untuk menyelamatkan lembaga keuangan dan juga nasabah dari macetnya pembiayaan dikarenakan beberapa faktor yang tidak disengaja. diatur dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 13/9/PBI/2011 tentang perubahan atas Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 10/PBI/2008 Tentang Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan Bagi Bank Syariah dan Unit Usaha Syariah. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan penataan ulang dengan mengkonversikan pembiayaan seperti konversi akad mudharabah kepada akad qardh

    Adat Istiadat Jahiliyah yang Terlarang (Analisis Kualitas Hadis Tentang Khamar, Judi, dan Aniaya Hewan)

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    The Hadith of Prophet Muhammad saw, as a source of Islamic teachings, covers almost all aspects of human life. It contains the teachings of a religious ritual as well as the teachings and information related to the daily lifes of human beings. Even the information of some bad behavior happened in the Age of Jahiliyah had become part of the subject that is narrated in the hadith of the Prophet saw. In this paper, the author raise issues about traditions associated with people who lived in the Age of Jahiliyah in hadiths that are prohibited in Islam. Among these traditions was a gambling, harming animals, and drinking the wine, such as the reason for revelation about the prohibition of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol it self, as well as sanctions for wine drinkers. This study will determine the accuracy all of those hadiths, especially the accuracy in historical perspective. If those hadiths meet the criteria for the validity of the hadith, then they can be used as a source of Islam

    Genetic Diversity of Eurycoma longifolia Jack Based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Marker

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    Eurycoma longifolia Jack is one of the extensively exploited medicinal plants in Indonesia. The objectives of this study were to obtain information on genetic diversity and population genetic structure of E. longifolia to formulate effective conservation plan. RAPD marker was used to assess the genetic diversity of E. longifolia collected from 5 natural populations in Riau Province. A total of 25 plants were analyzed using 5 RAPD primers, which amplified produced 44 scored DNA bands. The mean observed number of alleles per locus (No), number of effective alleles (Ne), and percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) of E. longifolia were 1.57, 1.34, and 56.80%, respectively. The degree of differentiation among populations of E. longifolia was 0.31 (Ht = 0.29; Hs = 0.20).  The mean value of estimated gene flow among populations of E. longifolia was 1.11 individual per generation. The UPGMA dendogram formed 2 significant clusters. The first cluster consisted of Pelalawan and Kampar populations, while the second cluster was formed from Kuansing, Rohul, and Rohil population. The genetic diversity information in this study is very important to perform efficient conservation and effective future management of its genetic resources. 
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