13 research outputs found

    Internet marketing and it's use of Latvian business.

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Latvijas uzņēmumu mārketinga aktivitātes interneta vidē.” Darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijā sniegtajām atziņām par interneta mārketingu, kā arī uz interneta lietotāju aptaujas rezultātiem un ekspertu viedokli, novērtēt Latvijas uzņēmumu mārketinga aktivitātes interneta vidē un izstrādāt priekšlikumus to pilnveidošanai. Darba izstrādē ir veikta literatūras analīze, patērētāju anketēšana un nozares ekspertu intervijas. Lai izprastu interneta mārketinga darbības īpatnības pirmajā nodaļā tiek aplūkoti interneta mārketinga kompleksa elementi. Otrajā nodaļa veltīta pētījumam: interneta mārketinga izmantošanas analīze Latvijas uzņēmējdarbībā. Trešajā nodaļā tiek apskatīts interneta lietotāju un nozares ekspertu vērtējums par Latvijas uzņēmumu interneta mārketinga aktivitātēm. Darba nobeigumā ir izstrādāti secinājumi un priekšlikumi. Darba apjoms ir 73 lpp., tajā ir 3 tabulas, 29 attēli un 6 pielikumi.Thesis of bachelor is „Internet marketing and its use of Latvian business.” The aim of the thesis is on theory bases of internet marketing, internet users’ questionnaire and internet sector experts’ positions evaluate Latvian enterprises activity in internet and develop a plan of this improvement. In work development uses analyses of literature, questionnaire of internet users and internet marketing experts’ inquiry. To understand peculiarity of internet marketing in first chapter discuss about elements of internet marketing complex. Second chapter is dedicated to analyses research about Internet marketing employ in Latvian enterprises. In third chapter analyses internet users and industry leading experts opinions about activity of internet marketing in Latvian enterprises. The thesis consists of 73 pages, 3 tables, 29 images and 6 appendixes

    Awareness of medical personnel of the emergency department in working with minors patients in the field of law

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    Bakalaura tēma ir “Uzņemšanas nodaļas ārstniecības personu informētība darbā ar nepilngadīgo personu tiesību jomā”. Darba autors izvēlējās šo tēmu, jo gandrīz katra ārstniecības persona darbā uzņemšanas nodaļā sastopas ar nepilngadīgu pacientu. Ārstniecības manipulāciju kvalitāte un pareiza darbība ar nepilngadīgu pacientu uzņemšanas nodaļas etapā ir atkarīga ne tikai no profesionālām darbībām, bet arī no ārstniecības personu informētības tiesību jomā. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot uzņemšanas nodaļas ārstniecības personu informētību nepilngadīgo pacientu tiesību jomā. Pētniecības uzdevumi: analizēt Latvijas Republikas normatīvos aktus, zinātniskos rakstus, literatūru un ekspertu viedokļus, Eiropas Savienības regulējumus, starptautiskos tiesību aktus un elektroniskos resursus. Veikt normatīvo aktu regulējumu darbā ar nepilngadīgiem pacientiem analīzi, noskaidrot pacienta tiesības un pienākumus, izveidot pētījuma instrumentu – anketu. Veikt uzņemšanas nodaļu ārstniecības personu aptauju attālināti, izmantojot platformu visidati.lv. Apkopot un analizēt iegūtos datus, izstrādāt secinājumus un sniegt ierosinājumus. Hipotēze: Uzņemšanas nodaļas ārstniecības personas nav informētas par nepilngadīgo pacientu tiesību jomu. Pētniecības metode ir kvantitatīvais pētījums. Pētījuma instruments – aptaujas anketa interneta vidē. Bakalaura darbā iegūtie dati liecina, ka vairākums respondentu ir informēti par uzņemšanas nodaļas darbu ar nepilngadīgu pacientu tiesību jomā, kas neapstiprina izvirzīto hipotēzi. Atslēgvārdi: ārstniecības persona, māsa, nepilngadīgs pacients, tiesības, pienākums, uzņemšanas nodaļa.The subject of the bachelor’s degree is “Awareness of medical personnel of the emergency department in working with minors patients in the field of law”. The author of the work chooses this topic because almost every medical person in emergency department encounters a minor patients work. The quality of medical manipulations and proper operation with minor patient at the stage of the emergency department depends not only on professional actions, but also on the awareness of medical personnel in the field of law. The aim of the bachelor’s theme is to find out the awareness of medical personnel of the emergency department in the field of the rights of minor patients. Research tasks: analyze regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia, scientific articles, analyze literature and expert opinion, European Union regulations, international legislation acts and electronic resources. To conduct to an analysis of the regulation of regulatory acts in work with minor patients rights and obligations, create a research tool – questionnaire. To conduct a survey of medical personnel of the emergency department remotely using the website visidati.lv platform. Collect and analyze the obtained information, develop conclusions and make suggestions. Hypothesis – medical personnel of the emergency department are aware of the legal field of minor patients. The research method is quantitative research. The research instrument is a survey questionnaire in the internet environment. The data obtained from the bachelor's thesis show that the majority of respondents are not aware of the work of the emergency department with minor patients in the field of law, which confirms the proposed hypothesis. Keywords: medical practitioners, nurse, minor patients, legislations, duty, emergency department

    Internet marketing and it's use of Latvian business.

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Latvijas uzņēmumu mārketinga aktivitātes interneta vidē.” Darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijā sniegtajām atziņām par interneta mārketingu, kā arī uz interneta lietotāju aptaujas rezultātiem un ekspertu viedokli, novērtēt Latvijas uzņēmumu mārketinga aktivitātes interneta vidē un izstrādāt priekšlikumus to pilnveidošanai. Darba izstrādē ir veikta literatūras analīze, patērētāju anketēšana un nozares ekspertu intervijas. Lai izprastu interneta mārketinga darbības īpatnības pirmajā nodaļā tiek aplūkoti interneta mārketinga kompleksa elementi. Otrajā nodaļa veltīta pētījumam: interneta mārketinga izmantošanas analīze Latvijas uzņēmējdarbībā. Trešajā nodaļā tiek apskatīts interneta lietotāju un nozares ekspertu vērtējums par Latvijas uzņēmumu interneta mārketinga aktivitātēm. Darba nobeigumā ir izstrādāti secinājumi un priekšlikumi. Darba apjoms ir 73 lpp., tajā ir 3 tabulas, 29 attēli un 6 pielikumi.Thesis of bachelor is „Internet marketing and its use of Latvian business.” The aim of the thesis is on theory bases of internet marketing, internet users’ questionnaire and internet sector experts’ positions evaluate Latvian enterprises activity in internet and develop a plan of this improvement. In work development uses analyses of literature, questionnaire of internet users and internet marketing experts’ inquiry. To understand peculiarity of internet marketing in first chapter discuss about elements of internet marketing complex. Second chapter is dedicated to analyses research about Internet marketing employ in Latvian enterprises. In third chapter analyses internet users and industry leading experts opinions about activity of internet marketing in Latvian enterprises. The thesis consists of 73 pages, 3 tables, 29 images and 6 appendixes

    Truth, wisdom and happiness in Augustine’s «Against the Academics»

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    Darbs pievēršas Augustīna agrīnajam sacerējumam “Pret akadēmiķiem”, lai izpētītu tajā rodamās norādes uz to, ar kādām problēmām nākas saskarties akadēmiskajam skeptiķim viņa gudrības un laimes izpratnē. Darbs secina, ka akadēmiķis ir spiests pieņemt vai nu to, ka gudrais nezina savu gudrību, vai ka gudrība pati par sevi ir “nekas”. Skeptiķis arī nevar kļūt laimīgs, jo nesasniedz stipri vēlamo labumu – patiesību; kā arī tāpēc, ka turpina palikt pārāk stiprā saistībā ar maldiem. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek pamatota doma par skeptiķu mācības antropoloģiskā aspekta primaritāti Augustīnam. Otrajā nodaļā tiek iztirzāta skeptiķu gudrības izpratne un Augustīna iebildumi pret to. Trešā nodaļa ieskicē Augustīna izpratni par patiesības un laimes saistību un apskata viņa apsvērumus par skeptiķu izredzēm sasniegt laimi.The thesis focuses on Augustine's early work "Against the Academics" to explore its indications of the problems facing the sceptic in his understanding of wisdom and happiness. The thesis concludes that the academic is forced to accept either that the wise do not know their own wisdom or that wisdom itself is “nothing”. The sceptic also cannot become happy because he does not attain the highly desirable good, which is truth, and because he remains in a too strong connection with falsehood. The first chapter grounds the idea of the primacy of anthropological issues for Augustine. The second chapter discusses the skeptics' understanding of wisdom and Augustine's objections to it. The third chapter outlines Augustine's views on the relation between truth and happiness and discusses his objections to attainability of happiness for sceptics

    Analysis of Combination Dielectric Coatings

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    The research is based on many years experience on developing conglomerate, intermetallic and nitride type coatings with properties of wear resistance, high temperature resistance, excellent corrosion resistance, etc using vacuum Technologies Working with vacuum plant is not possible to apply oxide coatings having good dielectric properties (not disruptive electrical current exceeding 1000 volts). This happens because of technological equipment, material, electrical and physical-chemical properties

    Heat Resistant Coatings for Titan Alloy-Based Parts of a Gas Turbine Engine

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    The paper deals with the results of research of Ti-Al-N based thin heat resistant ion-plasma coatings for titan alloy-based parts of a gas turbine engine (GTE). To carry out the research, three Ti-Al-N based fusions were taken: conglomerate, intermetallic and nitride. The analysis of oxidation process of surfaces in the range of 500° - 825°C with the use of scanning electron microscopy was performed and the key features of coatings fracture process under high-temperature oxidation conditions were identified

    Metal Surface Modification on the Basis of Micro-arc Oxidation Technology

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    Metal surface modification on the basis of Micro-arc Oxidation technolog

    Study on the Pore Structure of Lightweight Mortar with Nano-Additives

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    With the development of nanotechnology, nanomaterials have been introduced to improve the engineering properties of cement-based building materials. An abundant number of studies have been carried out on normal-weight concrete using multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) or nano-silica (NS) and have proven their effectiveness. Nevertheless, still very few investigations are available in terms of lightweight cement-based materials, especially when MWCNTs and NS are binarily incorporated. Thus, in this study, fly ash cenospheres (FACs) according to cement weight were applied as lightweight fine aggregates to produce lightweight mortar (LWM). MWCNTs at 0.05, 0.15, and 0.45% and NS at 0.2 and 1.0% were binarily added as modifiers. Compressive and flexural strengths were tested to investigate mechanical behaviors. A water absorption test was conducted, together with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), to identify the impacts of the nano-additives on the pore structure of LWM. The following results were obtained: MWCNTs and NS demonstrated synergic effects on enhancing the mechanical properties of LWM. MWCNTs exerted positive impacts on reducing the porosity and improving the pore distribution at low dosages of 0.05 and 0.15%. The hybrid addition of NS further transformed large voids into small ones and introduced closed pores

    Development of Innovative Combination Dielectric Coatings

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    In Latvia and abroad the most perspective method for the application of protective coatings onto lightweight structural alloy products is micro-arc oxidation (MAO). Over the last decade there has been a surge in the number of publications on the mechanism and growth kinetics of coatings applied onto surfaces of the valve alloys under various technological operations of MAO process, as well as their properties and structure. MAO is a comparatively new way of surface modification and strengthening of metal materials. The beginning of this method can be seen in traditional anodizing and this is an electrochemical process. Using MAO allows obtaining combined multifunctional ceramic materials with unique qualities: wear resistance, corrosion strengths, electric insulation and decorative overlay

    Development of Innovative Combination Dielectric Coatings

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    In Latvia and abroad the most perspective method for the application of protective coatings onto lightweight structural alloy products is micro-arc oxidation (MAO). Over the last decade there has been a surge in the number of publications on the mechanism and growth kinetics of coatings applied onto surfaces of the valve alloys under various technological operations of MAO process, as well as their properties and structure. MAO is a comparatively new way of surface modification and strengthening of metal materials. The beginning of this method can be seen in traditional anodizing and this is an electrochemical process. Using MAO allows obtaining combined multifunctional ceramic materials with unique qualities: wear resistance, corrosion strengths, electric insulation and decorative overlays.