41 research outputs found

    Ring on the Mythical Medusa Motif

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je zhotovení stříbrného prstenu na motiv bájné Medúsy pomocí metody přesného lití na vytavitelný model. V teoretické části se práce věnuje historii šperků a prstenů, druhům prstenů a postavě Medúsy a jejímu příběhu z řeckých bájí, a také její postavě, která se stala inspirací pro mnoho uměleckých děl. V praktické části je popsán postup od návrhu modelu až po odlití výsledného odlitku a jeho povrchové úpravy. Popsány byly jednotlivé pokusy a postupné zjišťování potřebných parametrů pro úspěšné odlití.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to make a silver ring on the motif of the mythical Medusa using the method of precision lost-wax casting. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the history of jewellery and rings, the types of rings and the story of Medusa from Greek myths, as well as her figure, which has become an inspiration for many works of art. The practical part describes the process from the design of the model to the casting of the final casting and its surface treatment. The individual attempts and the step-by-step determination of the necessary parameters for successful casting were described.652 - Katedra metalurgických technologiívýborn

    Pathogenetic mechanisms of repeated adverse cardiovascular events development in patients with coronary heart disease: the role of chronic inflammation

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    Stent restenosis is the most unfavorable complication of interventional treatment for coronary heart disease. We already know from various literature sources that the causes for stent restenosis in patients are both mechanical damage (partial opening, stent breakage, extended stented area, calcification, incomplete stent coverage of atherosclerotic plaque, weak radial stiffness of the stent metal frame, lack of stent drug coating), and the neointimal hyperplasia formation which is closely related to the de novo atherosclerosis development, being a predictor of the recurrent cardiovascular event. Considering this event, it is necessary to understand all the pathogenetic and pathophysiological processes of atherosclerosis. This review aims to comprehensively highlight the main issues of pathogenesis and the development of stent restenosis in the coronary artery after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. The review is based on relevant publications found by a selective search of PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and eLibrary, including works published within the last 20 years. The influence of various factors of the pathogenetic process on the risk of stent restenosis has been demonstrated

    The manifestation of parental competence in behavior and speech, depending on the emotional intelligence of mothers of primary school children

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    This article examines the problem of the level of development of parental competence of mothers of primary schoolchildren. A hypothesis is put forward about the difference in the manifestation of parental competence of mothers in behavior and speech, depending on the level of emotional intelligence and its components. With the help of the Emin Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, D.V. Lyusin and “Technique of Unfinished Situations (MNF)” by N.D. Mikheeva conducted a study on a sample of 32 mothers of primary schoolchildren. Processing was carried out using descriptive statistics and the N-Kruskal-Wallace test. The results showed a link between emotion management skill and the frequency of competent responsesВ данной работе рассмотрена проблема развития родительской компетентности матерей младших школьников. Выдвинута гипотеза о различии в проявлении родительской компетентности матерей в поведении и речи в зависимости от уровня эмоционального интеллекта и его компонентов. С помощью методик «Опросник на эмоциональный интеллект ЭмИн» Д.В. Люсина и «Методика Незаконченных Ситуаций (МНС)» Н.Д. Михеевой было проведено исследование на выборке из 32 матерей младших школьников. Обработка проводилась при помощи методов описательной статистики и критерия Н-Краскала-Уоллеса. Результаты показали связь между навыком управления эмоциями и частотой проявления компетентных реакци

    Sarcopenic obesity in comorbid patients

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    Sarcopenia is a multifactorial syndrome with an insufficiently studied pathogenesis, manifested by a generalized loss of muscle mass and skeletal muscle strength. Despite the fact that sarcopenia is a risk factor for mortality and disability, especially in the elderly, this pathology is rarely diagnosed. The lack of the uniform criteria for the diagnosis and comorbidity of the elderly patients create difficulties in the differential diagnosis of this condition. Sarcopenia is most often combined with endocrine pathologies, such as obesity and diabetes mellitus. An accelerated decrease in the muscle mass leads to a decrease in insulin sensitivity, resulting in insulin resistance, which, in turn, leads to the excessive accumulation of adipose tissue sarcopenic obesity. The results of the studies indicate a higher risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis among individuals with sarcopenic obesity, as opposed to those with simple obesity or sarcopenia. A vicious circle consisting of age-related changes in the skeletal muscles, obesity and impaired glucose regulation leads to a more severe course of diseases and a negative impact on a person's life expectancy. Due to the fact that there are presently no clear criteria for the diagnosis of sarcopenic obesity, there are no unambiguous data on its prevalence. A search for the modern methods of research, prevention and treatment of this condition is required

    High-frequency ultrasonic speckle velocimetry in sheared complex fluids

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    High-frequency ultrasonic pulses at 36 MHz are used to measure velocity profiles in a complex fluid sheared in the Couette geometry. Our technique is based on time-domain cross-correlation of ultrasonic speckle signals backscattered by the moving medium. Post-processing of acoustic data allows us to record a velocity profile in 0.02--2 s with a spatial resolution of 40 μ\mum over 1 mm. After a careful calibration using a Newtonian suspension, the technique is applied to a sheared lyotropic lamellar phase seeded with polystyrene spheres of diameter 3--10 μ\mum. Time-averaged velocity profiles reveal the existence of inhomogeneous flows, with both wall slip and shear bands, in the vicinity of a shear-induced ``layering'' transition. Slow transient regimes and/or temporal fluctuations can also be resolved and exhibit complex spatio-temporal flow behaviors with sometimes more than two shear bands.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A

    Correction of anxiety in older preschool children by means of art therapy

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    The article examines the features of anxiety in older preschool children, provides a theoretical justification for art therapy as a method of correcting anxiety, and describes the basic principles of creating art therapy correction programs.В данной работе рассмотрены особенности тревожности детей старшего дошкольного возраста, дается теоретическое обоснование арт- терапии как метода коррекции тревожности, описаны основные принципы создания арт-терапевтических коррекционных програм

    Relationship Between Indices of Oxidative Stress, Endothelial Dysfunction and Chaperone Activity and the Severity of Coronary Atherosclerosis

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    The aim of this research was to study the relationship between the indices of oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and chaperone activity of proteins with the severity of coronary atherosclerosis. In patients with coronary heart disease, we found gender-related differences in the severity of coronary atherosclerosis. Significant differences in the indices of oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and chaperone activity were revealed depending on the severity of coronary atherosclerosis and the type of atherosclerotic lesion. The determination of studied parameters can serve as a good indicator of the severity of coronary atherosclerosis

    The Importance of Clinical and Biochemical Markers in the Diagnosis of Disorders of the Psychomotor and Physical Development of Children who Underwent Perinatal CNS Lesions

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the blood level of neurotrophic factors (S100 protein, nerve growth factor, L- homocysteine and angiotensin II) in the diagnosis of disorders of the psychomotor and physical development of children who underwent perinatal CNS lesions. A comprehensive approach to assessing the blood levels of neurotrophic factors, along with methods of neuroimaging in children in the first 6 months of the postnatal period, allows identification of the total result of multidirectional degenerative-reparative processes in the neurovascular components of CNS and construction of the diagnostically significant criteria of the severity of neuropathology, which determines the physical development of children in the first year of life


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    HighlightsThe study of severity of psychological and emotional disorders in hypertensive patients with comorbidity who suffered COVID-19, as well as their association with clinical and laboratory indicators reflecting the course of diseases, is of high interest in the current epidemiological situation. Patients with hypertension who suffered COVID-19 presented with mild dementia and geriatric depression. Significant associations between systolic blood pressure and lung damage, between diastolic blood pressure and the average score on the geriatric depression scale, and lung damage were revealed. AbstractBackground. Modern studies have highlighted a more severe course of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in elderly patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease. The basis of the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is cerebrovascular ischemia, which arose as a result of coagulopathy with an increased risk of thrombotic complications, the clinical reflection of which is the development of mental and emotional disorders as a part of the post-covid syndrome.Aim. To analyze the severity of psychological and emotional disorders in hypertensive patients with comorbidity who suffered COVID-19.Methods. The study included 40 patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and comorbid pathology, aged 60 to 90 years. Taking into account the lung damage due to COVID-19, the patients were divided into 2 groups: the group 1 included 17 AH patients with lung damage of grade 1–2 according to computed tomography, and the group 2 included 13 AH patients with grade 3 lung damage. The control group consisted of 10 AH patients who did not suffer COVID-19. The Statistica 6.0 program was used for statistical processing of the data.Results. According to our data, patients in the group 2 suffered a more severe clinical course of COVID-19, the number of AH patients taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) in the group 2 was higher (85%) compared with the group 1 (47%), (p = 0.009). In the post-covid period, AH patients in the group 2 who suffered COVID-19 and had grade 3 lung damage presented with mild dementia and geriatric depression. AH patients in the group 1 with grade 1-2 lung damage presented with mild cognitive impairment (cognitive impairment no dementia) in the post-covid period. The analysis revealed a significant correlation between the score on the geriatric depression scale and the duration of fever and oxygen support. Moreover, the results of the analysis indicate a moderately negative correlation between the score on the geriatric depression scale and the minimum oxygen saturation, hemoglobin and leukocyte levels, a moderately negative correlation between MMSE scores and myalgia, and a moderate negative relationship between the scores on the geriatric depression scale and MMSE scale.Conclusion. The results obtained confirm the data on the development of mental health disorders in short and long-term periods after COVID-19.Основные положенияВ условиях текущей эпидемиологической ситуации значительный научный интерес представляет изучение выраженности психоэмоциональных нарушений у коморбидных больных гипертонической болезнью, перенесших COVID-19, и их взаимосвязи с клинико-лабораторными показателями, характеризующими течение заболеваний. У пациентов с гипертонической болезнью, перенесших COVID-19, выявлены деменция легкой степени выраженности и вероятная гериатрическая депрессия. Зафиксированы достоверные корреляционные связи между уровнем систолического артериального давления и стадией КТ-поражения легких, между уровнем диастолического артериального давления и средним баллом по гериатрической шкале депрессии, стадией КТ-поражения легких. Аннотация.Актуальность. Данные современных исследований продемонстрировали более тяжелое течение новой коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-19) у больных пожилого возраста, имеющих в анамнезе артериальную гипертензию, сахарный диабет и цереброваскулярную болезнь. Основой патогенеза действия COVID-19 является цереброваскулярная ишемия, возникающая в результате коагулопатии с повышенным риском тромботических осложнений, клиническим отражением которой служит формирование психических и эмоциональных нарушений в рамках постковидного синдрома.Цель исследования. Изучение выраженности психоэмоциональных нарушений у коморбидных пожилых пациентов с гипертонической болезнью (ГБ), перенесших СOVID-19.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 40 больных ГБ в возрасте от 60 до 90 лет с коморбидной патологией. С учетом стадии КТ-поражения легких в результате COVID-19 пациенты разделены на две группы: первая группа – 17 больных ГБ с 1–2-й стадией поражения легких по данным КТ, вторая группа – 13 больных ГБ с 3-стадией по данным КТ. Группа контроля состояла из 10 пациентов с ГБ, не болевших COVID-19. Для выявления депрессии использовали гериатрическую шкалу депрессии. Для определения и оценки тяжести когнитивных нарушений применяли краткую шкалу оценки психического статуса (MMSE).Результаты. COVID-19 протекала тяжелее у больных второй группы, в которой число пациентов, принимавших ингибиторы ангиотензинпревращающего фермента, было выше по сравнению с первой группой – 85 против 47% соответственно (p = 0,009). В постковидном периоде у больных второй группы, перенесших COVID-19 с 3-й стадией КТ-поражения легких, выявлены деменция легкой степени выраженности и вероятная гериатрическая депрессия. В постковидном периоде у больных первой группы, со стадией КТ-поражения легких 1–2, зарегистрированы недементные когнитивные нарушения. Выявлены достоверные корреляционные связи между суммой баллов по гериатрической шкале депрессии и длительностью лихорадки, наличием кислородной поддержки. Корреляционная взаимосвязь суммы баллов по гериатрической шкале депрессии и минимальной сатурации кислорода, уровня гемоглобина и лейкоцитов была умеренной отрицательной. Также обнаружена умеренная отрицательная взаимосвязь суммы баллов по шкале MMSE и миалгии. Корреляционный анализ продемонстрировал умеренную отрицательную связь между суммой баллов по гериатрической шкале депрессии и шкале MMSE.Заключение. Полученные результаты подтверждают данные литературы о развитии когнитивных и психоэмоциональных расстройств в раннем и отсроченном периодах COVID-19

    The effectiveness of hypothyroidism therapy in pregnant women, depending on the period of manifestation of this pathology

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    Diseases of the thyroid gland in pregnant women cause a violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland and in the fetus. In addition, the course of the gestational process in women is complicated. The problem of controlling the thyrostatus of pregnant women is relevant not only among gynecologists, but also among endocrinologists. The article considers the question of the most optimal period of pregnancy, during which the use of levothyroxine is effective for the correction of hypothyroidismЗаболевания щитовидной железы у беременных обусловливают нарушение функционирования щитовидной железы и у плода. Помимо этого, осложняется течение гестационного процесса у женщин. Проблема контроля тиреостатуса беременных актуальна не только среди гинекологов, но и среди эндокринологов. В статье рассматривается вопрос о наиболее оптимальном сроке беременности, во время которого эффективно применение левотироксина с целью коррекции гипотиреоз