261 research outputs found


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    This research focused on Muhammadiyah University Students’ Motivation in Applying The \ud Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP) offered by Indonesia International \ud Education Foundation (IIEF). The Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP) is a \ud scholarship program which offers an opportunity for the undergraduate college student at any \ud colleges in Indonesia to join English course at universities in United State of America for eight \ud week. This program intends to develop students’ abilities, especially in English for Academic \ud Purposes. \ud The design of this research was descriptive quantitative. The population was the English \ud Department students who had applied the program during year 2008. The number of the sample \ud was 15 students. The instrument used to obtain the data was questionnaire in the form of closed \ud ended questions and interview. \ud The purposes of this research were: 1.) To know Muhammadiyah University students’ \ud motivation in applying the IELSP offered by IIEF; and 2.) To find out the factors influence \ud Muhammadiyah University students’ motivation in applying the IELSP offered by IIEF. \ud The result of this research showed that 2 students (13.30%) had very high motivation in applying \ud the IELSP with the score between 127 – 150, eleven students (73.30%) had high motivation in \ud applying the IELSP with the score between 103 – 126, 1 student (6.70%) had moderate \ud motivation in applying the IELSP with the score between 79 – 102, 1 student (6.70%) had low \ud motivation in applying the IELSP with the score between 55 – 78, and 0 student (0%) had very \ud low motivation in applying the IELSP with the score between 30 – 54. Furthermore, their \ud motivation influenced by two factors, they are extrinsic with the score was 498 and intrinsic with \ud the score was 536. From the achievement of scores above it can be concluded that \ud Muhammadiyah University Students’ Motivation in Applying The Indonesia English Language \ud Study Program (IELSP) offered by Indonesia International Education Foundation (IIEF) was \ud high, and their motivation more influenced by intrinsic factor


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    Karkater manusia di zaman sekarang ini terlihat sudah mulai mengabaikan nilai-nilai luhur yang telah lama menjadi budaya bangsa, seperti nilai kejujuran (fairness), kesantunan, kebersamaan dan religius. Untuk mengantisipasi hal itu, maka salah satu sistem yang efektif untuk dikembangkan adalah mengimplementasikan program boarding school. Berangkat dari hal itulah, tujuan penelitian ini di antaranya adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah implementasi program boarding school dalam  membentuk karakter siswa, untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah karakter siswa pada implementasi program boarding school, dan untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi program boarding school dalam membentuk karakter siswa di Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Syaikh Zainuddin NW Anjani. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama: Implementasi program boarding school mengacu kepada sebuah perencanaan program boarding school, integrasi kurikulum madrasah dan program boarding school, serta langkah-langkah untuk melaksanakan kedua hal tersebut, dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa langkah, yaitu langkah persuasif, individual, dan kolektif. Kedua: Karkater yang dihasilkan dalam pengimplementasian program, boarding school yaitu pribadi yang beradab, beriman dan bertakwa, memiliki integritas tinggi, jujur, mandiri, patriotisme dan Nasionalisme, kedisiplinan dan tanggungjawab. Ketiga: Faktor pendukungnya adalah lingkungan religius, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, dan pola interaksi super aktif yang dibangun antara guru dengan siswa, pengasuh dengan santari, siswa dengan siswa melalui program tiga bahasa yaitu bahasa Arab, Inggris dan Indonesia. Sedangkan faktor penghambat yaitu : semangat yang menurun dari para siswa, kedisiplinan yang terlalu ketat di dalam asrama dan latar belakang siswa yang heterogen.Karkater manusia di zaman sekarang ini terlihat sudah mulai mengabaikan nilai-nilai luhur yang telah lama menjadi budaya bangsa, seperti nilai kejujuran (fairness), kesantunan, kebersamaan dan religius. Untuk mengantisipasi hal itu, maka salah satu sistem yang efektif untuk dikembangkan adalah mengimplementasikan program boarding school. Berangkat dari hal itulah, tujuan penelitian ini di antaranya adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah implementasi program boarding school dalam  membentuk karakter siswa, untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah karakter siswa pada implementasi program boarding school, dan untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi program boarding school dalam membentuk karakter siswa di Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Syaikh Zainuddin NW Anjani. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama: Implementasi program boarding school mengacu kepada sebuah perencanaan program boarding school, integrasi kurikulum madrasah dan program boarding school, serta langkah-langkah untuk melaksanakan kedua hal tersebut, dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa langkah, yaitu langkah persuasif, individual, dan kolektif. Kedua: Karkater yang dihasilkan dalam pengimplementasian program, boarding school yaitu pribadi yang beradab, beriman dan bertakwa, memiliki integritas tinggi, jujur, mandiri, patriotisme dan Nasionalisme, kedisiplinan dan tanggungjawab. Ketiga: Faktor pendukungnya adalah lingkungan religius, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, dan pola interaksi super aktif yang dibangun antara guru dengan siswa, pengasuh dengan santari, siswa dengan siswa melalui program tiga bahasa yaitu bahasa Arab, Inggris dan Indonesia. Sedangkan faktor penghambat yaitu : semangat yang menurun dari para siswa, kedisiplinan yang terlalu ketat di dalam asrama dan latar belakang siswa yang heterogen


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    Abstrak: Narasi Futuristik merupakan sebuah wacana yang merepresentasikan sebuah peristiwa, penceritaan atau tindakan-tindakan yang berorientasi ke masa depan ditandai dengan perkembangan teknologi. Tidak hanya sekedar sebuah penceritaan, futuristik muncul sebagai respon kebutuhan masyarakat dalam era yang serba cepat dan diwarnai dengan perubahan-perubahan yang saling berhubungan di dalamnya terdapat perubahan keadaan atau situasi yang dibangun berdasarkan urutan waktu melalui tindakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan struktur narasi futuristik dalam novel Cara Berbahagia Tanpa Kepala karya Triskaidekaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan naratif dipadukan dengan futuristik dan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga bentuk narasi futuristik. Ketiga bentuk tersebut 1) penokohan, 2) tema, dan 3) latar. Serta struktur narasi futuristik yang terdiri atas terem a, b, c, d, e, f, dan g. Sedangkan fungsi menggunakan tanda x, y, dan z.Kata Kunci: Novel, Narasi, Futuristik, Bentuk, Struktu

    Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Demografi terhadap Emisi Udara di Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the influence of demographic factors on air emissions in Indonesia. Demographic factors used in this study were population density, education level, and urbanization rate. Air emissions are measured with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as proxies. Theoretically, population density and urbanization levels have a positive effect on air emissions, while technology has a negative effect on air emissions. The analysis technique used is multiple regression using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method.The results of this study indicate that population density and level of education affect air emissions in accordance with the proposed theory but the level of education does not significantly affect air emissions in Indonesia. Population density, urbanization level, and education level simultaneously affect air emissions in Indonesia

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Kepala Bernomor untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Metematika Siswa pada Materi Bilangan Pecahan di Kelas VII Mts Muhammadiyah Duri

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    This study aims to improve the learning process and improve learning outcomes class VII learners of MTs Muhammadiyah Duri by applying cooperative learning numbered heads model. The subjects were learners in class VII which consisted of 8 women and 8 men with heterogeneous academic ability. This research is a class act with two cycles . Each cycle has four stage : planning , implementation , observation and reflection . Data collection instrument in this study is the observation sheet activities teachers and learners , as well as the achievement test. Sheets were analyzed qualitatively descriptive narrative, while the achievement test were analyzed by descriptive statistical study by analyzing the development of the individual and group values ​​, KKM achievement analysis , and analysis of the success of the action. Results of research on the observation sheet shows the activity of teachers and learners have done well and according to plan after the action . Improvements in the learning process of students and increase the number of learners who achieve KKM at the end of each cycle UH compared to the number of learners who achieve a score of KKM on base score. At the base score only 31% of learners who reach KKM , the UH I increased to 63% and the UH II also increased to 81% . The results of this study indicate that the application of cooperative learning numbered heads model can improve the learning process and improve learning outcomes class VII learners of MTs Muhammadiyah Duri in the first semester of the academic year 2013/2014

    Pengembangan Rpp dan Lkpd Matematika dengan Penerapan Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah pada Materi Prisma dan Limas Kelas VIII SMP

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    The background of this research is the restrict of mathematics learning instruments as supporting learning referring to 2013 Curriculum. This research aims to develop the RPP and LKPD of mathematics with the application of problem based learning on the subject matter of the prism and pyramid for the 8th grade students of SMP. Research development by Thiagarajan. Development is done through the following steps: (1) define; (2) design; (3) develop; and (4) disseminate. At the stage of define, the researcher conducted a needs analysis as first-end analysis, analysis characteristic of students, concept analysis, assignment analysis and learning aim specification. Furthermore gather the necessary materials to design RPP and LKPD. RPP and LKPD that had been developed then validated by 3 validator and revised based on advice from the validator. RPP and LKPD that has a valid then tested in the small group trial with subjects 10 students of class VIII-6 SMP Negeri 3 Tambang. Based on the analysis of data and discussion can be concluded that RPP and LKPD of mathematics with the application of problem based learning on the subject matter of the prism and pyramid for the 8th grade students of SMP to be valid by the average for the RPP is 3.74 and the average for LKPD is 3.44, and eligible practicalities to use students of class VIII

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Kancing Gemerincing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IX A SMP Negeri 2 Lirik

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    The research was classroom action research that aims to improve mathematics achievement with applied the cooperative learning technique of jingling studs. The subject of the research is students of class IX A SMP Negeri 2 Lirik in the first semester academic years 2014/2015, there are 23 students in the class who have heterogeneous academic ability. The research are two cycles, each a cycle has four stages, that are planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Each end of the cycle of daily tests carried out. Data collected through observation and tests in the form of daily tests. Data analysis was performed with narrative descriptive analysis and descriptive statistical analysis. The qualitative analysis descriptive narrative showed that the teacher\u27s activities and students have done to the action of the first cycle to the second cycle. Most of students were active in learning process. Such as while they were doing the steps of learning, presenting students\u27 worksheet or questions, and giving the conclusion of learning. The descriptive statistical analysis showed the number of students who achieve a score of minimum mastery criteria increase in daily tests I and II. The number of students who achieve a score of minimum mastery criteria on basic, daily test I (first cycle) and daily test II (second cycle) are respectively 13.04%, 34.78%, and 69.57%. Results of this research indicates that the cooperative learning technique of jingling studs can improve students\u27 mathematics achievement math class IX A SMP Negeri 2 Lirik

    Penerapan Quick On The Draw dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X Mia 3 Sman 10 Pekanbaru

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    The research is classroom action research that aims to improve mathematics achievement by applying Quick On The Draw in cooperative learning. The subject of this research is student of class X MIA SMAN 10 Pekanbaru in the first semester academic years 2014/2015, there are 40 students in the class, consist of 15 boys and 25 girls. This research is exercised in two cycles, and at the end of every cycle carried out mathematics achievement test. Data collecting through observation for the observation of learning activity of teacher and student and also observation of student attitude, portfolio for the assessment of skill and mathematics achievement test for the assessment of knowledge of student. Base on the result of analysis, the amount of student that reaching KKM at attitude interest improves from 74.36 % at first cycle and become 100 % at second cycle. The amount of student that reaching KKM at knowledge interest improves from early score with percentages 48.71%, at first mathematics achievement test with percentages 56.41% and at second mathematics achievement test with percentages 82.05%. The amount of student that reaching KKM at skill interest improves from 92.3 % at first cycle become 100 % at second cycle. The result of research conclude that applying Quick On The Draw in cooperative learning can improves mathematics achievement of X MIA 3 SMAN 10 Pekanbaru in the first semester academic years 2014/201

    Karakteristik Penalaran Siswa Kelas XI Sekolah Menengah Atas Tentang Sampel yang Memiliki Kemampuan Matematika Rendah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana karakteristik penalaran siswa kelas XI Sekolah Menengah Atas tentang sampel yang memiliki kemampuan matematika rendah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dua orang siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Purwodadi yang mempunyai kemampuan matematika rendah serta kemampuan menyampaikan pendapat secara lisan dan tertulis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes tertulis dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan berdasarkan data hasil tes tertulis dan wawancara. Kemudian dilakukan triangulasi metode untuk menghasilkan data dari subjek penelitian yang valid. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan kemampuan matematika rendah, yang berjumlah 2 subjek, satu siswa memiliki karakteristik yang belum sepenuhnya berada di tingkat 1 dan satu siswa memiliki karakteristik pada tingkat 1. Karakteristik siswa yang belum sepenuhnya berada di tingkat 1 yaitu: dapat memberikan contoh tentang sampel, dapat mendeskripsikan istilah tentang sampel, tidak memahami ukuran dan teknik pengambilan sampel dalam mewakili populasinya yang ditandai dengan menyarankan pengambilan seluruh mahasiswa tanpa ada seleksi. Sedangkan karakteristik siswa yang berada pada tingkat 1 yaitu: dapat memberikan contoh tentang sampel, dapat mendeskripsikan istilah tentang sampel, tidak memahami pentingnya ukuran sampel yang besar dalam mewakili populasinya yang ditandai dengan menyetujui pengambilan jumlah sampel yang kecil dalam penelitian, tidak dapat menyarankan seleksi yang tepat dalam pengambilan sampel. ?Ă©?
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