78 research outputs found

    Redefining Hadith by The Zahirism of Ibn Hazm

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    The perception of Ibn Hazm's thought on hadith as a Muslim intellectual who always puts forward the principles of textual Zahirism (dhāhiriyyat al-nash) in establishing a legal conclusion (istidlāl al-hukm) has implications for the general principles of understanding and position of hadith or al-sunnah. These implications will generally lead to the strengthening of the dhāhiriyyat al-nash paradigm or vice versa. This study employs a qualitative method with historical analysis and literature study along with relevant information of the study.This study explores Ihn Hazm's ideas about hadith, written in several of his works. Thus, it can be concluded that Ibn Hazm did not just use hadith for the sake of his madhab; he was also suspected of redefining or reconceptualizing various understandings of hadith. Finally, Ibn Hazm has rationalized the hadith according to the context and paradigm he is carrying. Hadith terminology cannot separate from the influence of discourse outside of hadith, such as knowledge, law, politics, and social religion

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Viii3 SMP Negeri 32 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to improve the learning process and increase the student's mathematics learning outcomes through the implementation of Learning in Cooperative Learning of Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS). This type of research is the Classroom Action Research with two cycle. The research was conducted in class VIII3 SMP Negeri 32 Pekanbaru in the second semester of the 2016/2017 academic year with the subject of as many as 39 students.. The research instrument consists of learning devices and instrument data collectors. Learning device used in this research is the Syllabus, Lesson Plan and Worksheet. The instrument data collector used in this research is the observation sheet and math achievement test. Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the result of the research showed that implementation of learning process on cycle II had happened improvement from implementation on cycle I. Weakness on cycle I is improved on implementation cycle II according with planning of improvement after reflection cycle I. Number of students that reach Minimum Mastery Criteria increase from basic score to daily test II. The number of students who reach Minimum Mastery Criteria on basic scor, daily test I and daily test II are respectively 15 person (38,46%), 20 person (51,28%) and 27 person (69,23%). Results of this research indicates that application of Learning in Cooperative Learning of TSTS can improve learning process and increase mathematics learning outcomes from the students at class VIII3 SMP Negeri 32 Pekanbaru in the second semester academic years 2016/2017 at Basic Competencies 4.3 Using the relationship of center angular, arc length, wide arc in solving problems, and Basic Competencies 4.4 Calculate the length of the tangent of two circle alliance

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Viia SMP An-namiroh Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to improve the learning process and increase the student's mathematics learning outcomes through the implementation Cooperative Learning of STAD. This type of research is the Classroom Action Research with two cycle. The research was conducted in class VIIA SMP An-Namiroh Pekanbaru in the odd semester of the 2016/2017 academic year with the subject of as many as 29 students, consist of 14 boys and 15 girls. The research instrument consists of learning devices and instrument data collectors. Learning device used in this research is the Syllabus, Lesson Plan and Worksheet. The instrument data collector used in this research is the observation sheet and math achievement test. Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the result of the research showed that implementation of learning process on cycle II had happened improvement from implementation on cycle I. Weakness on cycle I is improved on implementation cycle II according with planning of improvement after reflection cycle I. Number of students that reach Minimum Mastery Criteria increase from basic score to daily test II. The number of students who reach Minimum Mastery Criteria on basic scor, daily test I and daily test II are respectively 14 person (48%), 16 person (55%) and 20 person (69%). Results of this research indicates that application of Cooperative Learning of STAD can improve learning process and increase mathematics learning outcomes from the students at class VIIA SMP An-Namiroh Pekanbaru in the odd semester academic years 2016/2017 at Basic Competencies 2.1 Knowing the algebra and it's elements, and 2.2 Doing algebra operation


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    This research explores the historical dimensions and the episteme phenomena in spreading the recitation of the Khamsatun poem in the middle of the Javanese Muslim community in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Historically, this poem has functioned as a means to invoke protection from epidemics in the form of reviving religious rituals in people's social beliefs. Therefore, to find the social meaning of this poem, this research uses the Hans-Georg Gadamer hermeneutic approach in seeing the mediation of community understanding related to the meaning of poetry. This study concludes that Islam responds to various incidents that befall their followers in various ways, one of which is to ask for protection from the plague through prayer in the form of poetry. Lil Khamsatun Poetry is identical as a ritual of Dhikr in the Sha Dhiliyah Tariqah is objectified in the community, so they feel safe and protected from COVID-19. This process shows that the facts about COVID-19 are not enough just to be seen from a rational and health perspective but also it can be seen as a phenomenon of the response of the Muslim community to the epidemic through reviving religion in social life

    Effect of Fermentation Container and Thickness of Bean Mass During Fermentation Process of Cocoa Bean (Theobroma Cocoa L)

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    Fermentation is used mainly to free the beans from the pulp, preventing growth, improving appearance, and facilitating subsequent process. Nowadays, fermentation becomes one of the important steps for better quality and taste of chocolatte. Fermentation methods may vary from country to country. Indonesian farmers mostly use wooden container instead of stacking the beans on the ground. Due to the simplycity and practical important to the farmers in improving quality of cocoa beans, available containers which are easy to be found around the village is used. The containers choosen in this reasearch are wooden box, rattan bucket and plastic bucket. The percentage of fermented beans and their mass temperatures are affected by the thickness of bean mass. Therefore, it is necessary for adjusting the thickness of beans which are placed in different containers and different size. The aim of this research is to improve the quality of fermented cocoa beans by selecting appropriate type of fermenting containers, size, and their optimal thickness of the bean mass. The variable of these research are containers (wooden box, palstic bucket, and rattan bucket) and bean mass depth (30, 40 cm). During fermentation, changes in temperature, pH, and sugar content were recorded within 12 hours interval time. Analysis of dried fermented beans included water content, fat content, pH, cut test, and free fatty acids. Results shows that bean mass temperature highly increased up to the third day and slowly decreased on the fourth and the fifth day. The highest temperature was 43.4oC occurred in beans placed in rattan bucket at thickness of 40 cm. Unlike pH, during fermentation, the pH becomes extremely acidic occurred from intial day (5.45-5.85) to the third day (3.05-3.25), but on the fifth day the trend of pH value is increased. Sugar content shows that the initial sugar content average was 9.5% and then decreased to 3.4% on the first day. On the second day, the amount of sugar was below 2% and decreased to 0.3% on the fifth day. Among different containers wooden box shows highest fermented beans compared to other container

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Siswa Kelas III Sdn 016 Sekeladi

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    The research was classroom action research that aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes with applied the cooperative learning type Numbered Heads Together. The subject of the research is students of class III SD Negeri 016 Sekeladi at the second semester of academic years 2014/2015. There are 24 students in the class, consist of 12 boys and 12 girls who have heterogeneous academic ability. The research are two cycles. Each a cycle has four stages, that are planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Each end of the cycle of daily tests carried out. Data collected through observation and tests in the form of daily tests. Results of this research showed that the teacher\u27s activities and students have done well after doing the action. The action is successful if the number of students who achieve a score basis increase in daily tests I and II. The number of students who achieve a score of minimum mastery criteria on basic, daily test I (first cycle) and daily test II (second cycle) are respectively 16,7%, 37,5 %, and 58,3%. The result of this research shows that the type Numbered Heads Together Cooperative Learning Approaches can improve the mathematics achievement from the students of class III SD Negeri 016 Sekeladi at the second semester of academic years 2014/2015

    Pengaruh Penerapan Strategi Pemecahan Masalah dalam Pembelajaran Matematika terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 26 Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to determine the influence of the implementation of problem solving strategy in mathematics learning to the mathematical problem solving ability of students. This study was conducted in SMP Negeri 26 Pekanbaru on odd semester academic year 2015/2016. This is a pre-experimental study which using the static-group comparison design. The population is all of students at grade IX in SMP Negeri 26 Pekanbaru and the number of sample in this study is 75 students. The sample was determined by using purposive sampling and random sampling tehnique, so that class IX.4 consisting of 36 students as control class and class IX.6 consisting 39 students as experimental class. The experimental class was implemented the problem solving strategy in mathematics learning, meanwhile the control class was implemented conventional learning. The data in this study consisted of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data consisting of observation result, meanwhile the quantitative data consisting of posttest. The data was collected by using observation, test and documentation tehnique. The result showed that the problem solving strategy in mathematics learning influences the mathematical problem solving ability of students at class IX in SMP Negeri 26 Pekanbaru. The level of that influence is 43,06% on medium level

    Pendidikan Karakter Nabi Muhammad Saw Dalam Buku Sirah Nabawiyah Terjemahan Kitab Ar-Rachiiqu Al-Makhtuum Karya Syeikh Shafiyurrahman Al-Mubarakfury

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    Nabi Muhammad saw merupakan suri teladan yang baik secara keseluruhan. Karakternya dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan kurikulum pendidikan karakter yang selama ini kurang mengena. Melalui buku Sirah Nabawiyah, nilai karakter beliau dapat dipelajari dengan memahami perjalanan hidup beliau. Sesuai latar belakang tersebut maka permasalahan yang dapat dirumuskan adalah apa saja nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter Nabi Muhammad saw dalam buku sirah nabawiyah terjemahan dari kitab ar-rachiiqu al-makhtuum, dan apa relevansi pendidikan karakter perspektif Islam dengan kurikulum nasional. Sedangkan tujuannya adalah untuk menentukan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang tercermin dalam kehidupan Nabi Muhammad saw melalui telaah buku sirah Nabawiyah terjemahan dari kitab ar-rachiiqu al-makhtuum. Adapun hasil telaah ini diharapkan bermanfaat secara a) teoritis; yaitu menambah wawasan dan perbendaharaan nilai pendidikan karakter, b) praktis; yaitu 1. meningkatkan kecintaan terhadap Nabi Muhammad saw serta keridhaan Allah; 2. memperbaiki pola pendidikan karakter yang lebih benar sesuai syariā€™at Islam; 3. menjadi bahan tambahan dan penyempurnaan kurikulum lembaga pendidikan; dan 4. meningkatkan efektifitas pendidikan terhadap kehidupan sosial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pustaka, kualitatif, deskripsi, dan biografi. Jenis pendekatannya adalah deduktif. Dan metode analisisnya adalah analisis isi. Berdasarkan penelitian/telaah pustaka yang telah dilakukan, nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam buku tersebut adalah Nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang dapat disimpulkan dalam kajian ini setidaknya ada 23 nilai karakter, yaitu: (1) religius, (2) jujur, (3) toleransi, (4) disiplin, (5) kerja keras, (6) kreatif, (7) mandiri, (8) demokratis, (9) ingin tahu, (10) menghargai prestasi, (11) bersahabat/komunikatif, (12) cinta damai, (13) peduli lingkungan, (14) peduli sosial, (15) tanggung jawab, (16) adil, (17) sabar, (18) optimis, (19) santun/ramah, (20) rendah hati, (21) sederhana, (22) konsisten, dan (23) konsekuen. Sedangkan nilai karakter yang ada di luar sintesisasi pendidikan karakter perspektif Islam dengan kurikulum nasional setidaknya ada 16 nilai karakter, yaitu: (1) menutup aurat, (2) beradab, (3) bersegera, (4) berwibawa, (5) bijaksana, (6) cerdas, (7) cerdik, (8) gemar tersenyum, (9) kuat, (10) organisatoris, (11) partisipatif, (12) pemberani, (13) profesional, (14) progresif, (15) siap, dan (16) terampil. Nilai-nilai hasil sintesisasi yang tidak tercermin dalam peri kehidupan Rasulullah saw adalah (1) semangat kebangsaan, (2) cinta tanah air, dan (3) gemar membaca. Relevansi pendidikan karakter perspektif Islam dengan kurikulum nasional adalah sebagai komponen dan faktor pendukung keberhasilan kurikulum nasional dalam mewujudkan perkembangan dan peradaban bangs
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