15 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to compare pre-teaching practice students and post-teaching practice students’ self-efficacy to find out whether enactive mastery does have effect in shaping EFL Pre-service self-efficacy. The ex post facto research design was used which implemented comparative research. The study attempted to analyze the difference between pre-service teacher students’ self-efficacy. The result showed that post-teaching students had highest self-efficacy in students’ engagement, followed by class management, and instructional strategy, while pre-teaching practice students had highest self-efficacy in class management, and followed by students’ engagement and instructional strategy. The result of three dimensions showed that there was significant difference on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy between pre-teaching practice students and post-teaching practice students, in which post-teaching practice had higher self-efficacy compared to pre-teaching practice

    Strategy Preference in Listening: A Profile of EFL Students to Answer TOEFL Test

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    ABSTRACTMeasuring students’ English ability in most universities would be counted from their passing grade on the Test of English as A Foreign Language (TOEFL). Listening to natives is considered a complicated section to answer among the three sections. Thus, EFL learners should focus on attainment strategies to answer the TOEFL preparation test. The current study examines students’ profile of attainment strategy use and how usage of this strategy differs by gender. The sixth English semester students, faculty of education at Universitas Islam Malang, were required to fill out the questionnaire of strategies used to answer the TOEFL. Utilizing the descriptive and independent t-test, the findings reveal that students deployed the strategies at a moderate level. Further, female students used all the strategies more often and significantly differently than their counterparts. This implies that the use of strategies could ease them in obtaining good scores in listening.ABSTRAKMengukur ketrampilan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa di sebagian besar universitas akan dihitung dari nilai kelulusan mereka pada tes TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Diantara ketiga bagian pada tes TOEFL, tes pada bagian I (Listening) dianggap sebagai tes yang sulit untuk dijawab. Sehingga, mahasiswa diharapkan bisa fokus dan bisa menggunakan strategi tepat ketika menjawab tes TOEFL. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil penggunaan strategi menjawab tes TOEFL dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan penggunaaan oleh mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Mahasiswa semester enam jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Malang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini dan mereka diminta mengisi kuesioner strategi menjawab tes TOEFL.  Dengan menggunakan analisis dan Uji T-tes, temuan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menggunakan strategi dalam kategori sedang. Hasil selanjutnya mengindikasikan bahwa mahasiswa perempuan sering menggunakan strategi dan berbeda secara signifikan dari mahasiswa laki-laki. Hal ini berarti bahwa penggunaan strategi dapat memudahkan mahasiswa tersebut untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus.   


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    In a business environment faced with intense competition situation like the current performance evaluation methods are needed that can assess the performance of the company appropriately and thoroughly. The gauges measure of performance that combines financial and non-financial performance is the Balanced Scorecard. Balanced Scorecard measures performance from four perspectives, namely financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business, and learning and growth perspective. This study was conducted using data in 2013, a questionnaire on employees, and customers of PT. PLN (Persero). The population of this research is the customers and employees of PT. PLN (Persero), whereas samples taken each respondent is 30 for employees and 300 respondents to the customer. The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability. The perspective used in this study consisted of Perspective Financial indicators of liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and profitability ratios. Then the customer perspective with the indicators of the level of customer satisfaction, customer acquisition rate, and the level of customer profitability. Then the internal business perspective with the indicators of the level of innovation, operation and after-sales service. And learning and growth perspective with indicators of employee satisfaction and employee productivity. From the results of the study using the Balanced Scorecard concept can be concluded that the performance of PT. PLN (Persero) has been good overall. In the financial perspective with the indicators of liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and profitability ratios show good performance. For the customer perspective shows good performance with a value of 3.43. At the company's internal business perspective has been able to do a good innovation. And for the learning and growth perspective shows the level of employee satisfaction is quite satisfactory with a value of 3.60. Data from these studies it can be concluded that the performance of the PT. PLN (Persero) has been balanced


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    Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the grammar learning strategies frequently used by Indonesian EFL learners in general and grammar learning strategies frequently used by successful and less successful students in learning grammar. The research design of this study is a quantitative study in the form of comparative design. There were 70 students of the second years of English education department participate in this study, and they divided into successful and less successful categories by using the TOEFL structure test consisting of 15 multiple choices and 25 error analysis. Besides, 70 items of the GLSI questionnaire used to know the grammar learning strategies used by the students. The result of the study showed that EFL students used social strategies more frequently than the other strategies. Moreover, both successful and less successful students used the same grammar learning strategies while they were different in frequency use levels. It was also proved that there is no significant difference between successful and less successful EFL students in using grammar learning strategies.Keywords: Learning Strategies, grammar, achievemen

    The effetiveness of text mapping in improving students' reading skill

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    Language learning strategies : theories and practices

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    The Role of the Dynamics of Critical Thinking and Metacognitive Ability in the Successful Learning of Indonesian High School Students

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the dynamics of students’ critical and metacognitive thinking skills, and their contribution to achieving the success of high school students’ Indonesian learning. This study uses a quantitative approach with a correlational design. The population of this study were students of class X SMA Negeri in East Java, with cluster random sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaire filling techniques and summative score scores, namely the results of students’ final semester exams. The data were analyzed using bivariate analysis and multivariate correlation techniques, which were used to determine the close relationship between the three variables and to determine the direction of the relationship. The results of this study found that there was a dynamic of students’ critical thinking and metacognitive abilities ranging from the lowest score of 65 to the highest score of 92 for critical thinking ability, and the lowest score of 60 to the highest score of 93. The results of the analysis showed that the significance value of 2- tailed critical thinking and metacognitive abilities, critical thinking and metacognitive skills, critical thinking skills and learning outcomes critical thinking skills and learning outcomes, metacognitive abilities and learning outcomes 0.000 < 0.05, and 2-tailed significance value critical thinking skills, metacognitive and outcomes learning is 0.000 < 0.05, so there is a correlation between critical thinking skills, metacognitive and learning outcomes