638 research outputs found

    The Plot to Land a Bishop: Religious Opposition in 18th Century America

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    Autonomous Space Surveillance for Arbitrary Domains

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    Space is becoming increasingly congested every day and the task of accurately tracking satellites is paramount for the continued safe operation of both manned and unmanned space missions. In addition to new spacecraft launches, satellite break-up events and collisions generate large amounts of orbital debris dramatically increasing the number of orbiting objects with each such event. In order to prevent collisions and protect both life and property in orbit, accurate knowledge of the position of orbiting objects is necessary. Space Domain Awareness (SDA) used interchangeably with Space Situational Awareness (SSA), are the names given to the daunting task of tracking all orbiting objects. In addition to myriad objects in low-earth-orbit (LEO) up to Geostationary (GEO) orbit, there are a growing number of spacecraft in cislunar space expanding the task of cataloguing and tracking space objects to include the whole of the earth-moon system. This research proposes a series of algorithms to be used in autonomous SSA for earth-orbiting and cislunar objects. The algorithms are autonomous in the sense that once a set of raw measurements (images in this case) are input to the algorithms, no human in the loop input is required to produce an orbit estimate. There are two main components to this research, an image processing and satellite detection component, and a dynamics modeling component for three-body relative motion. For the image processing component, resident space objects, (commonly referred to as RSOs) which are satellites or orbiting debris are identified in optical images. Two methods of identifying RSOs in a set of images are presented. The first method autonomously builds a template image to match a constellation of satellites and proceeds to match RSOs across a set of images. The second method utilizes optical flow to use the image velocities of objects to differentiate between stars and RSOs. Once RSOs have been detected, measurements are generated from the detected RSO locations to estimate the orbit of the observed object. The orbit determination component includes multiple methods capable of handling both earth-orbiting and cislunar observations. The methods used include batch-least squares and unscented Kalman filtering for earth-orbiting objects. For cislunar objects, a novel application of a particle swarm optimizer (PSO) is used to estimate the observed satellite orbit. The PSO algorithm ingests a set of measurements and attempts to match a set of virtual particle measurements to the truth measurements. The PSO orbit determination method is tested using both MATLAB and Python implementations. The second main component of this research develops a novel linear dynamics model of relative motion for satellites in cislunar space. A set of novel linear relative equations of motion are developed with a semi-analytical matrix exponential method. The motion models are tested on various cislunar orbit geometries for both the elliptical restricted three-body problem (ER3BP) and the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) through MATLAB simulations. The linear solution method\u27s accuracy is compared to the non-linear equations of relative motion and are seen to hold to meter level accuracy for deputy position for a variety of orbits and time-spans. Two applications of the linearized motion models are then developed. The first application defines a differential corrector to compute closed relative motion trajectories in a relative three-body frame. The second application uses the exponential matrix solution for the linearized equations of relative motion to develop a method of initial relative orbit determination (IROD) for the CR3BP

    Wild Horse Management of Carson City Nevada- What the Public Thinks

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    There are two types of management strategies that are used in Carson City, NV, which are the free roaming method and the immunocontraception method. Nevada is home to nearly half of the nation’s wild horses (7), and the Departments of Interior and Agriculture need to manage and protect the wild horses that reside on public land stated by the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 (1). The objectives of this study are to obtain articles about the management of wild horses from previous studies, specifically look at Carson City and the community opinion about the wild horse management in that area, and then from the opinions and research, conclude what is the preferred management strategy for the rangeland, community, and the horses. The main focus of this study is to see what the community thinks about the way the horses are being managed with the free roaming method and the birth control method. The birth control method (Porcine Zona Pellucida or PZP) lasts for two years (3). The free roaming method will be cooperatively managed by the BLM, Fish and Wildlife Service, the Air Force, and the Department of Defense (2). It was found from reading several articles about the Deer Run Road horses that the opinions in the comments that were coded go from anger and disgust to annoyed with then BLM and the government, to extremely happy that the horses were adopted (9,10). It was concluded that the wild horses are creating strain on the rangelands and that the BLM is spending over $74 million to transport them (5, 6). The most positive reactions came from the article “Deer Run group adopts Carson City wild horses removed from BLM” (10). There were a few additional areas that deserve attention if there was more time for the project. These are the development, distribution, and analyzation of surveys to obtain first had opinions from the local community stakeholders. This would be beneficial to accurately identify local sentiment and preference(s). It would also be beneficial for future research to identify and approach different case sites with more accessible information

    Space Image Processing and Orbit Estimation Using Small Aperture Optical Systems

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    Angles-only initial orbit determination (AIOD) methods have been used to find the orbit of satellites since the beginning of the Space Race. Given the ever increasing number of objects in orbit today, the need for accurate space situational awareness (SSA) data has never been greater. Small aperture (\u3c 0:5m) optical systems, increasingly popular in both amateur and professional circles, provide an inexpensive source of such data. However, utilizing these types of systems requires understanding their limits. This research uses a combination of image processing techniques and orbit estimation algorithms to evaluate the limits and improve the resulting orbit solution obtained using small aperture systems. Characterization of noise from physical, electronic, and digital sources leads to a better understanding of reducing noise in the images used to provide the best solution possible. Given multiple measurements, choosing the best images for use is a non-trivial process and often results in trying all combinations. In an effort to help autonomize the process, a novel “observability metric” using only information from the captured images was shown empirically as a method of choosing the best observations. A method of identifying resident space objects (RSOs) in a single image using a gradient based search algorithm was developed and tested on actual space imagery captured with a small aperture optical system. The algorithm was shown to correctly identify candidate RSOs in a variety of observational scenarios

    Scientific Illustrations of Beetles from Maryland and Virginia

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    This project involves illustrated beetles commonly found in Maryland and Virginia. Scientific illustrations were created using techniques including graphite pencils, scratchboard, pen and ink, and colored pencils. Educational applications for this project include highlights for science lessons. Descriptions, habitat, and diet information were included with each beetle illustration. Collection tips for each species were provided. Illustration technique used were included for each beetle. All illustrations are original hand drawn work. List of Beetles (Beetle Families presented in alphabetical order) Family Brentidae — Oak Timberworm – Arrenodes minutus Family Carabidae — Fiery Searcher – Calosoma scrutator • Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle – Cicindela sexguttata Family Cerambycidae — Long Horned Beetle – Graphisurus fasciatus Family Chrysomelidae — Spotted Cucumber Beetle – Diabrotica undecipunctata • Pigweed Flea Beetle – Disonycha glabrata Family Coccinellidae — Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle – Harmonia axyridis Family Erotylidae — Pleasing Fungus Beetle – Megalodacne fasciata Family Lampyridae — Big Dipper Firefly – Photinus pyralis Family Passalidae — Bess Beetle - Odontotaenius disjunctus Family Scarabaeidae — Green June Beetle – Cotinis nitida • Rose Chafer – Macrodactylus subspinosus • Japanese Beetle – Popilla japonica Family Silphidae — Roundneck Sexton Beetle – Nicrophorus orbicollis Family Tenebrionidae — False Mealworm/Darkling Beetle – Alobates pensylvanic

    Innovative Mental Health Services in Rural Minnesota: Community-based Mobile Crisis Response Services

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    The purpose of this research project was to explore the relationship between the frequency of service utilization of the Community-based Mobile Crisis Response Services (MCR) provided by the Southwestern Mental Health Center (SWMHC) and the frequency of service utilization of emergency holds and civil commitments in Jackson and Cottonwood counties by month for the 2009 calendar year. The specific research question proposed was: Is there a relationship between the frequency of Community-Based Mobile Crisis Response Services and the frequency of emergency holds and civil commitments in Jackson and Cottonwood Counties? The significance of this research project was to explore statistically significant relationships and service utilization of MCR in rural southwestern, Minnesota. There is a large gap in research available to note MCR’s usage in geographically rural areas as well as MCR’s relationship to local emergency holds and civil commitments

    Obstetric History And Sexual Health Screening Among Sexual Minority Women

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    Sexual minority women (SMW) face multiple barriers to sexual and reproductive health care including cervical cancer screening and sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening. Despite beliefs that they are not at risk for STIs or cervical cancer, most SMW should be screened according to standard clinical guidelines. Aspects of obstetric history, including pregnancy, birth, and elective termination, may represent opportunities for these two types of screening. Guided by intersectionality theory, we reviewed the existing literature for evidence that health care experiences may be correlates to cervical cancer screening among SMW. The review identified important healthcare experience factors, including hormonal contraceptive use, pregnancy history, provider-recommended cervical cancer screening, previous discrimination in health care settings, and disclosing one’s sexual orientation to providers. We then performed secondary analyses employing cross-sectional data from the Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women (CHLEW) Study, a diverse sample of SMW. The primary aim was to examine associations between obstetric history and the outcomes of cervical cancer and STI screening. In our final logistic regression model of cervical cancer screening, older age was associated with decreased odds (β 0.98, p\u3c0.01) of past year Pap testing. Having health insurance (β 1.72, p\u3c0.01) and being Black/African American (β 1.61, p\u3c0.05) were associated with increased odds of past year Pap testing. Variables significantly associated with increased odds of STI testing included higher numbers of lifetime sex partners (β 6.07, p \u3c0.0001 for the highest quartile group), and being bisexual (β 3.13, p\u3c0.0001). An annual income ≥75,000wasassociatedwithdecreasedoddsofSTItestingcomparedtoanincomeof3˘c75,000 was associated with decreased odds of STI testing compared to an income of \u3c15,000 (β 0.41, p 0.004). Decision tree analysis revealed the significance of age at coming out, early sexual initiation, and early drinking on the two screening outcomes; the models also identified specific subgroups of SMW that were less likely to report Pap testing, including SMW over 60 years old. Overall, our findings suggest the need for primary, longitudinal studies of SMW’s sexual and reproductive health. They also illustrate the significance of developmental milestones on later sexual health outcomes, and support the validity of intersectionality theory in investigating cervical cancer screening among SMW

    Industry 4.0: More than a Technological Revolution

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    Desde su aparición en abril de 2011, el término Industria 4.0 se ha convertido en un sinónimo de la producción del futuro. Casi todos los países industrializados alrededor del mundo han creado programas de investigación y proyectos de apoyo industrial y animan a las pymes y entidades estatales a dar forma a tales desarrollos activamente y mantener sus industrias en un nivel competitivo. Hoy, la Industria 4.0 ya llegó a las fábricas, por lo menos en regiones altamente desarrolladas del mundo. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las actividades de la Industria 4.0 se pueden observar en el campo de los sistemas de control inteligente. Nuevas tecnologías aparecen cada vez más rápido y encuentran su aplicación en ambientes de producción. La Ethernet TSN/SDN ofrecerá un estándar de comunicación en internet completo y compatible con capacidades en tiempo real. A pesar de esto, los protocolos para su aplicación e interoperabilidad todavía son un trabajo en progreso; llamados Asset Administration Shells en inglés, estos definen un conjunto de estándares de comunicación y servicios para conectar fácilmente un dispositivo de cualquier proveedor en el mundo a una red de una fábrica. En conclusión, los países industrializados no solo son proveedores de tecnologías al resto del mundo, también deben aceptar su responsabilidad en ayudar a las regiones menos industrializadas a encontrar e implementar sus futuros modelos de negocio en un mundo interconectado.Since its first appearance in April 2011, the term Industry 4.0 has become synonymous with the production of the future. Nearly all industrialized countries around the globe have set up research programs and industry support projects, and they encourage SMEs and government agencies to actively shape those developments and keep their industries competitive. Today, the Industry 4.0 has already arrived in factories, at least in the highly developed regions of the world. However, so far, most Industry 4.0 activities can be observed in the field of smart control systems. New technologies appear increasingly faster and find their application in production environments. TSN/SDN Ethernet will offer a complete compatible internet communication standard with real-time capabilities. Nevertheless, appropriate protocols for its application and interoperability are still a work in progress; they are called Asset Administration Shells and define a complete set of communication and service standards to easily connect any device from any supplier worldwide to a factory network. In conclusion, industrialized countries are not only suppliers of technologies to the rest of the world, they should also accept their responsibility to help less industrialized regions to find and implement their future business models in an interconnected world

    Nichts an mir ist anders, eigentlich... Becoming out - die Verwirklichung lesbischer Selbst- und Lebenskonzepte im postmodernen Spannungsfeld von Individuum, Subkultur und Gesellschaft

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    Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Erfahrungswelt lesbischer Frauen zu skizzieren, den Widrigkeiten mit denen sie umgeben sind, ebenso auf die Spur zu kommen, wie den großen und kleinen „Erfolgsgeheimnissen“, und dies, ohne dabei einem Ideal gelingender lesbischer Identität nachzuhängen. Am meisten interessiert die Autorin dabei die Erzählungen und Geschichten von Frauen. Ihre persönliche Sicht, ihre Bewertungen der Dinge, ihre persönliche Art des Umgangs mit ihren Erlebnissen will sie beschreiben, keine abstrakten theoretischen Überlegungen, sondern vielmehr konkrete alltägliche Schilderungen lesbischen Lebens. Die Autorin will anhand empirischer Befunde Antworten auf folgende Fragen finden: Wie gestalten und verwirklichen FrauenLesben ihre Selbst- und Lebenskonzept unter den heutigen, postmodernen Lebensbedingungen? Wie gestalten FrauenLesben den Prozess ihres Coming outs bzw. ihres Becoming outs und die Aneignung eines positiven lesbischen Selbstwertgefühls? In welcher Weise erfahren sie dabei Unterstützung, Ermutigung und Ermächtigung zu einer Lebensgestaltung jenseits des heterosexuellen Konzepts und inwiefern wird die lesbisch-feministische Subkultur als Unterstützung dabei erlebt? Wie zeigen sich Handlungsbeschränkungen und Grenzen der Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten „eigenen“ Lebens in den Biographien von Frauen? Welche Auswirkungen haben Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen sozialer Anerkennung und Ablehnung auf die Gestaltung der Selbst- und Lebenskonzepte