34 research outputs found

    Graduação em química: avaliação, perspectivas e desafios

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    A graduação em química: um novo químico para uma nova era

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    A tecnologia da informação não para de evoluir, de se transformar a cada segundo e, nesse ritmo, continua seu forte fluxo em direção às estratégias de negócios das empresas, exigindo um contínuo aperfeiçoamento de seus gestores e malabarismos para reduzir custos, aumentar a eficiência de processos, lidar com as incertezas do mercado e com as oportunidades a serem buscadas, atingidas e superadas. É nesse universo que se insere a GlobalSix, empresa nova no segmento de consultorias e soluções tecnológicas que nasceu da união de profissionais especializados e dispostos a ousar e empreender. O protagonista deste caso de ensino e da história da GlobalSix é Ronaldo de Almeida Vitória, ex- funcionário de um banco nacional de grande porte, que deu asas ao sonho de ter seu próprio negócio, enfrentou desafios, assumiu riscos calculados e apostou nas competências empreendedoras, dele e dos sócios, para criar uma empresa orientada para oferecer soluções baseadas em tecnologia de ponta e inovação de processos

    A new di-m-sulfate complex as a model of purple acid phosphatase-sulfate complexes

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    The synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of NH4Fe2III(bbpmp)(m-SO4)2 1 where bbpmp is the anion of 2,6-bis(2-hydroxy- benzyl)(2-pyridylmethyl)-amino-methyl-4-methylphenol, are reported; this is the first example of a (m-phenolate)(m-SO4)2 complex, with a relevant N,O-donor ligand, as a synthethic analogue for the purple acid phosphatases-sulfate complexes

    Prática na Escola: aproximação entre escola pública e universidade através do diálogo com docentes da rede básica

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    Este recurso educacional consiste em uma coletânea de textos produzidos pelos sete estudantes da turma de Pesquisa em Ensino de Física do primeiro semestre de 2021, sob orientação de Eliane Angela Veit, professora regente. Cada capítulo do texto contém o trabalho desenvolvido por um estudante com objetivo de desenvolver uma proposta de prática para a sala de aula, auxiliando docentes da rede pública do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.Estes arquivos não podem ser editados, pois é um formato fechado. Este formato permite que sejam feitas edições - como marcação de texto e comentários, além de preenchimento de formulários - caso o autor permita. Estes arquivos podem ser visualizados no Adobe Acrobat Reader ou no navegador da web. Versão do PDF: 1.5 (Acrobat 6.x).Materiais de cursos e disciplinasEsse material possui propostas didáticas para docentes atuantes no Ensino de Física e Ensino de Ciências.1. versã

    Chemistry in Brazil: perspectives and needs for the next decade. Introductory document

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    Over the past years the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) has been working on different projects related to the development of Chemistry in Brazil. After a discussion throughout the country two documents have been published in Quimica Nova: Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry and The Chemist's Education. Here, we describe the initial document which was the starting point for the discussion of a new series of papers published in this special issue of Quimica Nova which presents an overview of the Chemistry in our country and the perspectives and needs for the next decade.S7S1

    Ni crisis ni panaceas: dinámicas y transformaciones de los sistemas partidarios en América Latina

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    A nivel global, tanto en la literatura especializada como en el debate público, la desafección ciudadana hacia la cosa pública, el debilitamiento de los partidos políticos y el aumento de la abstención contribuyeron a asentar la idea de una crisis de los sistemas de partidos y de la democracia. Diferentes indicadores darían cuenta de esta crisis: el desarraigo social de los partidos que consagró el modelo del partido cartel (Katz y Mair 1995); el declive de la militancia (Van Biezen, Mair y Poguntke 2012; Whiteley 2011); la erosión de las estructuras partidarias tradicionales capturadas por el lobby corporativo (Crouch 2004 [2014], 112) o la tecnocracia; la pérdida de capacidad de los líderes para construir partidos programáticos que expresaran identidades políticas duraderas (Cheresky 2006; Dalton 2004; Luna 2014b); o su incapacidad para responder con una mayor deliberación interna a los desafíos de la representación política (Accetti y Wolkenstein 2017).Fil: Alenda, Stéphanie. Universidad Andrés Bello; ChileFil: Varetto, Carlos Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martin. Escuela de Politica y Gobierno. Centro de Estudios Federales y Electorales; Argentin

    Graduação em química: avaliação, perspectivas e desafios The undergraduation in Chemistry: evaluation, perspectives and challenges

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    Poor standards in schools and the increase in the number of institutions of higher education - frequently without the due control - have adversely affected the quality of university level education in Brazil. On the other hand, evaluation of undergraduate courses, which has been carried out regularly since the min 1990's allow, within certain limits, a description of the quality Brazilian higher education courses in general, and Chemistry courses in specific. This paper evaluates the results of the national examinations (2000 and 2003's ENC, and 2005's ENADE), attrition rates for the 1990's and for the 2000-2005 period, as well as the perceptions of students and instructors that took part in those exams. Furthermore, the paper also analyzes the opinions of academics and of private sector professionals about the educational system's capacity to meet the job market's demand for skilled labor force. The actual profile of Chemistry graduates is then compared to what is demanded from them by the market, revealing deficiencies in the educational system. The expected essential curricula changes that would introduce an innovative and advanced approach in the undergraduate courses have become great challenges. In this sense, the paper seeks to reflect on questions such as: How to give informative courses a formative emphasis? Which programs should be included in the curricula to involve students in activities that require initiative and decision-making, thus fostering both learning and interest in Chemistry? How to prepare instructors for schools and for higher education? How to increase instruction in related areas without expanding the curricula excessively? How to introduce entrepreneurship in the curricula and further awareness of the professional non-academic careers in the area

    2011: o antes e o depois

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    A graduação em química: um novo químico para uma nova era

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    The discussions sponsored by the Brazilian Chemical Society, over the past five years, intending to produce a chemistry agenda with perspectives and needs for the next decade for the country, have involved the national chemistry community and several related sectors of Brazilian society. Chemistry education has been the theme throughout these discussions. It is known that the low level of basic and secondary education and the recent increase in high school courses and institutions adversely affect the quality of undergraduate teaching. The recent national "Curriculum Guidelines" for Chemistry Courses, through their flexible approach, encourage the integral, interdisciplinary (non compartmentalized) and critical-reflexive training of professionals as citizens and as entrepreneurs. However, deficiencies are still recognized. The system of undergraduate course evaluation has identified the most fragile modalities of the courses and other indicators. Also, it has been verified that the Brazilian chemistry industry absorbs only minimally the highly qualified professionals, which is attributed to the fact that the Federal Council of Chemistry is vertically organized and does not recognize the graduate degrees as professional qualifications. In conclusion, the importance of the effective implantation of the national curriculum guidelines is apparent, among other aspects, highlighting courses whose didactical and pedagogical projects may offer a solid formation in Chemistry. However, at the same time the guidelines are comprehensive and general enough to enable the chemistry professionals to develop varied skills