25 research outputs found

    Physical activity level among children and adolescents orphaned by AIDS

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar o nível de atividade física em crianças e adolescentes órfãos por aids, segundo características sociodemográficas e relativas à orfandade. MÉTODOS: Inquérito populacional realizado no município de São Paulo, SP, entre 2006 e 2007, com 235 crianças e adolescentes de 7 a 14 anos. As crianças foram classificadas como ativas e sedentárias com o ponto de corte em 300 minutos por semana de atividade física. Todas as variáveis foram comparadas entre os dois grupos e entre os sexos. RESULTADOS: Foi observada prevalência de 42 por cento de sedentarismo. A maioria das crianças e adolescentes apresentou locomoção e brincadeiras infantis como principais atividades físicas. Quanto ao nível de atividade física foi observada diferença significativa entre os sexos (p < 0,001). Os meninos eram mais ativos e brincavam mais na rua do que as meninas. CONCLUSÕES: Há alta magnitude de prevalência de sedentarismo entre crianças e adolescentes órfãos por aids, sendo maior entre as meninasObjective: To estimate the level of physical activity among children and adolescents orphaned by AIDS according to socio-demographic and orphanhood-related characteristics. Methods: A population-based study was carried out with 235 children and adolescents aged 7 to 14 years in the municipality of São Paulo, SP, in 2007. Children were classified as active and inactive. The cut-off point established was 300 minutes of weekly physical activity. All variables were compared between both groups and sexes. Results: An overall prevalence of 42 per cent of inactivity was found. Active commuting and child’s play were the main physical activities for most of the children and adolescents. As for physical activity level, a significant difference was observed between sexes (p< 0.001). Boys were more active and played outdoors more than girls. Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of physical inactivity among children and adolescents orphaned by AIDS, especially girlsFAPESP n. 03/10883-5, CNP

    Mudanças no âmbito da testagem anti-HIV no Brasil entre 1998 e 2005

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    OBJECTIVE: To analize changes in HIV testing, reasons reported by those who were tested or not and received counseling. METHODS: Cross-sectional studies conducted in both men and women aged 16 to 65 years based on representative samples of urban Brazil in 1998 (n=3,600) and 2005 (n=5,040). Sociodemographic, sexual, reproductive characteristics, life experiences and health data were collected and analyzed. Potential differences in the distribution of variables was analyzed using Pearson's chi-square and design-based F test (±OBJETIVO: Analisar mudanças na realização de teste anti-HIV, as razões alegadas entre as pessoas que foram ou não testadas e o recebimento de aconselhamento. MÉTODOS: Estudos transversais conduzidos com homens e mulheres de 16 a 65 anos, com amostras representativas do Brasil urbano em 1998 (n=3.600) e 2005 (n=5.040). Características sociodemográficas, sexuais, reprodutivas e de experiências de vida e saúde foram consideradas na análise. A avaliação das possíveis diferenças nas distribuições das variáveis baseou-se nos testes qui-quadrado de Pearson e F design-based (

    The effect of prevention methods on reducing sexual risk for HIV and their potential impact on a large-scale : a literature review

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    A existência de diferentes métodos preventivos que oferecem elevado grau de proteção contra o HIV tem trazido à luz um desafio: como países que proporcionaram ampla cobertura de prevenção e tratamento poderão utilizar novos métodos preventivos para reverter taxas de incidência que permanecem elevadas, até mesmo crescentes, em grupos sociais específicos? Realizamos uma revisão narrativa da literatura com a finalidade de examinar os métodos preventivos e as intervenções estruturais que, no contexto de epidemias concentradas populacional e geograficamente, podem ter maior impacto nas taxas de incidência. Com isso, analisamos o conhecimento acerca do grau de proteção dos diferentes métodos, seus limites e suas potencialidades. O alcance e a efetividade dos métodos têm sido minimizados, notadamente, por barreiras estruturais e psicossociais, como falhas de adesão, uso inconsistente ao longo do tempo ou apenas em situações em que as pessoas se percebem em maior risco. Indivíduos e grupos sociais mais atingidos pela epidemia têm limitado o uso e o não uso de métodos de acordo com seus valores, necessidades identificadas de prevenção e condições de vida. Isso impede que um método isoladamente venha a promover um forte impacto de redução na epidemia. Políticas baseadas na oferta conjunta e na complementaridade entre os métodos, na atenção aos aspectos psicossociais que interferem no seu uso e na redução das barreiras estruturais de acesso poderão ter maior impacto na incidência, especialmente se forem planejadas e implantadas com participação e mobilização social.A spectrum of diverse prevention methods that offer high protection against HIV has posed the following challenge: how can national AIDS policies with high coverage for prevention and treatment make the best use of new methods so as to reverse the current high, and even rising, incidence rates among specific social groups? We conducted a narrative review of the literature to examine the prevention methods and the structural interventions that can have a higher impact on incidence rates in the context of socially and geographically concentrated epidemics. Evidence on the protective effect of the methods against sexual exposure to HIV, as well as their limits and potential, is discussed. The availability and effectiveness of prevention methods have been hindered by structural and psychosocial barriers such as obstacles to adherence, inconsistent use over time, or only when individuals perceive themselves at higher risk. The most affected individuals and social groups have presented limited or absence of use of methods as this is moderated by values, prevention needs, and life circumstances. As a result, a substantial impact on the epidemic cannot be achieved by one method alone. Programs based on the complementarity of methods, the psychosocial aspects affecting their use and the mitigation of structural barriers may have the highest impact on incidence rates, especially if participation and community mobilization are part of their planning and implementation

    Estigma e discriminação vividos na escola por crianças e jovens órfãos por Aids

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    The restriction of human rights is one of the most poignant features of the AIDS epidemics. Children and youngsters infected or otherwise affected by AIDS are particularly vulnerable to stigma in educational environments. The purpose of this article is to analyze episodes of stigma and discrimination related to HIV/AIDS at school. Integrated to a demographic study, an in-depth analysis was made of seven interviews conducted with pedagogical coordinators from six public and private schools of early childhood and fundamental education in the city of São Paulo. The majority of episodes of stigma experienced by children and youngsters within schools took place in circumstances of dating/sexuality, conflict with schoolmates, learning difficulties, disclosure of orphanhood by AIDS, and interaction between teachers and pupils with HIV, with the most frequently mentioned causes being: being HIV-positive, coming from a "dysfunctional family", and inequality in gender roles, age, and social class. Homophobia and racism were pointed out as stigma reinforcements. Descriptions were made of institutional responses to the AIDS stigma and of practices of prevention against STDs/AIDS. The episodes indicate the extent to which the stigma and discrimination related to HIV/AIDS can aggravate the social inequality already present within the sphere of education, obstructing the youngsters' rights to education, to family life, to leisure, to privacy, to secrecy/confidentiality, and to a love life. Such episodes also reveal the lack of prevention programs in the schools visited, and the difficulty of dealing with other forms of stigma (such as racism and the stigma of poverty).A restrição de direitos humanos é uma das características mais marcantes da epidemia da Aids. Crianças e jovens infectados ou afetados pela Aids são particularmente vulneráveis a sofrer estigma em ambientes educacionais. O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar episódios de estigma e discriminação relacionados ao HIV/Aids na escola. Integradas a um estudo de base populacional, foram analisadas sete entrevistas em profundidade com coordenadores pedagógicos de seis escolas públicas e privadas, de ensino infantil e fundamental, na cidade de São Paulo. A maioria dos episódios de estigma vividos por crianças e jovens no âmbito escolar ocorreu em circunstâncias de namoro/sexualidade, conflito com colegas, dificuldade de aprendizagem, revelação da orfandade por Aids, interação entre professores e alunos com HIV, sendo as causas mais frequentemente atribuídas: ter HIV, ser proveniente de "família desestruturada", desigualdade nos papéis de gênero, idade e classe social. Homofobia e racismo foram indicados como reforçadores do estigma. Foram descritas respostas institucionais ao estigma da Aids e práticas de atividades de prevenção às DST/Aids. Os episódios indicam o quanto o estigma e a discriminação relacionados ao HIV/Aids podem aprofundar uma desigualdade social já instalada no âmbito da educação, constituindo obstáculos ao direito à educação, à convivência familiar, ao lazer, à privacidade, ao sigilo/confidencialidade e à vida afetiva dos jovens. Por outro lado, tais episódios também expressam a ausência de programas de prevenção nas escolas visitadas e a dificuldade de abordar outras modalidades de estigma (tais como racismo e estigma da pobreza)

    Methodological issues in qualitative research on HIV prevention: an integrative review

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    Abstract: In view of the growing concern about the use of qualitative approach in health research, this article aims to analyze how the qualitative theoretical-methodological framework of HIV prevention is presented in empirical research. We conducted an integrative literature review with the following guiding questions: “How is the qualitative theoretical-methodological framework expressed in empirical research on HIV prevention?”; “What are the limits and potentials of the qualitative methodological designs employed?”. In the qualitative methodological discussion, five dimensions guided the methodological course and the presentation of findings, from the analysis of the characterization of qualitative studies to the contextualization of the studies and the methodological approaches used, highlighting the use of semi-structured interviews with thematic content analysis. We also examined social categories and analytical references, drawing attention to the plurality of these theoretical-conceptual references and to the authors’ polyphony, and identified the limits and potentials of qualitative research. This study focuses on a scientific topic that is related to a wide variety of social groups and analyzes how they are affected by it, examining issues related to social inequality and other analytical possibilities surrounding HIV prevention, and providing resources for a comprehensive methodological discussion. Hence, avoiding the risk of conducting qualitative research based on checklists that limit inventiveness and openness to different designs and forms of execution and analysis is as pivotal as ensuring that the research is consistent and detailed in publications

    Telehealth effectiveness for pre-exposure prophylaxis delivery in Brazilian public services : the Combine! Study

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    Introduction Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery based on user needs can enhance PrEP access and impact. We examined whether telehealth for daily oral PrEP delivery could change the indicators of care related to prophylactic use in five Brazilian public HIV clinics (testing centres, outpatient clinics and infectious disease hospitals). Methods Between July 2019 and December 2020, clients on PrEP for at least 6 months could transition to telehealth or stay with in-person follow-up. Clients were clinically monitored until June 2021. A desktop or mobile application was developed, comprising three asynchronous consultations and one annual in-person consultation visit. Predictors influencing telehealth preference and care outcomes were examined. The analysis encompassed intent-to-treat (first choice) and adjustments for sexual practices, schooling, age, duration of PrEP use and PrEP status during the choice period. Results Of 470 users, 52% chose telehealth, with the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) increasing over time for PrEP use (aOR for 25–months of use: 4.90; 95% CI: 1.32–18.25), having discontinued PrEP at the time of the choice (aOR: 2.91; 95% CI: 1.40–6.06) and having health insurance (aOR: 1.91; 95% CI: 1.24–2.94) and decreasing for those who reported higher-risk behaviour (aOR for unprotected anal sex: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.29–0.88). After an average follow-up period of 1.6 years (95% CI: 1.5–1.7), the risk of discontinuing PrEP (not having the medication for more than 90 days) was 34% lower with telehealth (adjusted hazard ratio: 0.66; 95% CI: 0.45–0.97). When adjusted by mixed linear regression, no differences in adherence (measured by mean medication possession rate) were found between in-person and telehealth (p = 0.486) or at pre- and post-telehealth follow-ups (p = 0.245). Sexually transmitted infections increased between the pre-follow-up and post-follow-up choices and were not associated with in-person or telehealth (p = 0.528). No HIV infections were observed. Conclusions Our findings indicate that telehealth for PrEP delivery can enhance service rationalization and reinforce the prevention cascade. This approach reduces prophylaxis interruptions and is mainly preferred by individuals with lower demands for healthcare services

    Stigma and discrimination related to HIV/AIDS: right to education of children and young people orphaned by AIDS

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    A restrição de direitos humanos é uma das características mais marcantes da epidemia da Aids. Crianças e jovens infectados ou afetados pela Aids são particularmente vulneráveis a sofrer estigma em ambientes educacionais. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender o impacto do estigma e discriminação relacionados ao HIV/Aids em crianças e jovens órfãos por Aids no que concerne ao gozo do direito à educação, conforme estabelecido pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Integradas a estudo de base populacional, foram analisadas sete entrevistas em profundidade com coordenadores pedagógicos e dois grupos focais com professores de seis escolas públicas e privadas, de ensino infantil e fundamental, na cidade de São Paulo entre 2005 e 2006. Os episódios descritos de estigma foram analisados à luz da teoria de Erving Goffman. A maioria dos episódios de estigma vividos por crianças e jovens no âmbito escolar ocorreu em circunstâncias de namoro/sexualidade, conflito com colegas, ·dificuldade de aprendizagem, revelação da orfandade por Aids, contato físico entre professores e alunos com HIV, sendo as causas mais freqüentemente atribuídas: ter HIV, ser proveniente de \"família desestruturada\", desigualdade nos papéis de gênero, idade e classe social. Homofobia e racismo foram indicados como reforçadores do estigma. Foram descritas como respostas institucionais ao estigma da Aids o ocultamento da condição sorológica dos familiares ou do próprio aluno órfão e práticas de atividades de prevenção às DST/Aids. Os episódios indicam o quanto o estigma e a discriminação relacionados ao HIV I Aids podem aprofundar uma desigualdade social instalada no âmbito da educação, constituindo obstáculos ao direito à educação, convivência familiar, lazer, privacidade, sigilo/confidencialidade e à vida afetiva dos jovens. Tais episódios também sugerem limitações do alcance de programas de prevenção às DST/Aids nas escolas visitadas e sua dificuldade de abordar outras modalidades de estigma (tais como racismo e estigma da pobreza).Human rights violations are a crucial characteristic of the AIDS epidemic. Children and juveniles, either infected or affected by AIDS, are particularly vulnerable to face stigma in educational settings. The objective of this dissertation was to describe HIV I AIDS-related stigma and discrimination episodes as regards to the right o f education, established by the Brazilian Statute of the Child and Adolescent. As part of a population-based study, seven in-depth interviews and two focus groups with educational counselors and teachers from six public and private elementary schools in the city of São Paulo between 2005 and 2006 were examined. The episodes were analyzed in the light of Erving Goffman\'s theory. The majority of stigma episodes lived by children and youngsters at school has occurred in the following circumstances: dating/sexuality, conflict with colleagues, learning difficulties, AIDS orphanhood disclosure, physical contact between teachers and HIV positive students. The reasons underlying such circumstances reported by interviewees included: being HIV positive, family disruption, gender role inequalities, age and social class. Homophobia and racism were indicated as factors that reinforce AIDS stigma. Keeping AIDS orphanhood as a secret and STD/ AIDS prevention activities at schools were mentioned as institutional responses to AIDS stigma. These episodes indicate the extent HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination may reinforce social inequalities in the educational system, constituting obstacles to the rights to education, family life, leisure, privacy, confidentiality and adolescents\' affective relationships. Such episodes also suggest limitations of the STD/ AIDS prevention programs in the schools visited and their difficulty in dealing with other types of stigma (such as racism or poverty-related)

    Adolescent perspectives on HIV testing: obstacles and challenges for prevention programs

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    O incentivo à testagem anti-HIV em campanhas nacionais não tem resultado em aumento na sua realização de teste por jovens. Com o objetivo de compreender o processo de decisão para realizar o teste de HIV, este estudo qualitativo realizou entrevistas individuais e três sessões de grupos focais com 26 estudantes do ensino médio em três escolas públicas de São Paulo, SP, em 2011. Os temas abordados foram: simbolismos da Aids, percepção de risco para infecção por HIV, consequências pessoais/sociais do diagnóstico, prevenção às DST/HIV na escola e benefícios/desvantagens em fazer o teste. A metodologia das cenas permitiu que imaginassem e/ou reconstituíssem o encontro sexual que os mobilizaria para o teste e o processo de testagem. Os resultados foram analisados segundo o campo construcionista social e o quadro dos direitos humanos. Para moças e rapazes, as trajetórias e cenas sexuais que mais estimulariam a testagem foram sem uso de preservativo e, em geral, em encontros com forte desejo e consumo de álcool. Moças indicaram cenas com envolvimento emocional e preocupação de evitar gravidez, infidelidade do parceiro ou sexo sob coerção. Rapazes imaginaram fazer o teste após cenas de sexo casual com parceiras sem vínculo afetivo, pobres ou negras. Alguns indicaram que o tempo fomentaria a reflexão sobre uma exposição ao HIV assim como o passado de parcerias sexuais e de uso de drogas do parceiro. Ao imaginar cenas de testagem, valorizaram a companhia para ir ao serviço de saúde, significado como não amigáveis. Fazer o teste foi sempre imaginado como muito estressante. Alguns consideraram receber o resultado um pesadelo, descreveram experiências de estigma e discriminação, e a experiência como uma lição para proteção nos encontros sexuais. O forte impacto psicológico diminuiria com o tempo assim como o uso do preservativo. O diagnóstico positivo garantiria uso de preservativo para proteger o parceiro, embora a não-utilização seja esperada em relações estáveis. O processo de decisão dos jovens em relação ao teste é marcado por trajetórias afetivo-sexuais que expressam diferentes normas de gênero para a sexualidade, constituindo diferentes trajetórias de autocuidado. O cenário cultural e programático do teste (idade, desigualdade de gênero, parceiro, classe, cor da pele, restrições nos serviços de saúde) expressa a intersecção entre diferentes marcadores sociais de desigualdade que constituem obstáculos à realização de direitos sexuais, à saúde e à educação.In Brazil, HIV testing campaigns have not resulted in increasing the uptake of HIV testing among young people. We carried out a qualitative study to investigate the decision-making in HIV testing. In-depth interviews and three focus groups were conducted with 26 high school students from three public schools in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in 2011. The topics covered were: AIDS symbolisms, HIV risk perception, individual/social consequences of the diagnosis, STD/HIV prevention programs at school, and costs/benefits of taking the test. The scene methodology allowed participants to recall/reimagine the sexual encounter that would lead to test-seeking and the process of being tested for HIV. A social constructionist approach and a human rights framework were used to analyze the results. The sexual trajectories and scenes that would most encourage test-seeking were sex without condom use, usually driven by strong desire and alcohol consumption for both sexes. Girls imagined scenes in the context of emotional involvement and concern about contraception, being cheated on or undergoing coerced sex. Boys imagined seeking the test after scenes of casual sex without emotional involved and with poor of black partners. Some young people considered that time would account for a reflection around being exposed to HIV, as well as being aware of the partners history of sexual partners and drug use. As for the testing scenes, the company of a friend to go to the health service was regarded as helpful as services were perceived as unfriendly environments. Taking the test was always imagined as a very stressful event. Some regarded learning the test result as a nightmare, described stigma and discrimination episodes, whereas others would make this experience as a lesson learned about prevention in sexual encounters in the future. The strong psychological impact would gradually decrease over time, as well as the condom use. The HIV diagnosis would make sure the adolescent used condom in order to protect the partner from getting infected, although not wearing a condom is expected as a relationship becomes steady. Young peoples decision-making in HIV testing is informed by affective-sexual trajectories that express different gender norms for sexuality, thus resulting in different self-care trajectories. The cultural and programmatic scenario of the test (age, gender inequality, partner, class, ethnicity, and lack of trust in health providers) expresses the intersection between socially constructed markers of difference that become obstacles to the full realization of sexual rights and the rights to health and education