651 research outputs found

    A quasi-static nonlinear analysis for assessing the fire resistance of 3d frames exploiting time-dependent yield surface

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    In this work an automatic procedure for evaluating the axial force-biaxial bending yield surface of reinforced concrete sections in fire is proposed. It provides an accurate time-dependent expression of the yield condition by a section analysis carried out once and for all, accounting for the strength reduction of the materials, which is a function of the fire duration. The equilibrium state of 3D frames with such yield conditions, once discretized using beam finite elements, is formulated as a nonlinear vectorial equation defining a curve in the hyperspace of the discrete variables and the fire duration. A generalized path-following strategy is proposed for tracing this curve and evaluating, if it exists, the limit fire duration, that is the time of exposure which leads to structural collapse. Compared to the previous proposals on the topic, which are limited to local sectional checks, this work is the first to present a global analysis for assessing the fire resistance of 3D frames, providing a time history of the fire event and taking account of the stress redistribution. Numerical examples are given to illustrate and validate the proposal

    Climate Services to Support Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas: The CLARITY Project and the Napoli Case Study

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    Climate services are emerging worldwide as an essential tool to bridge the advancement in climate science and meteo/earth observations with a variety of operational fields in the domains of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). It is multidisciplinary study area with promising applications in the field of urban microclimate simulations, supporting climate-resilient redevelopment actions at both the city and neighborhood levels. The CLARITY CSIS (Climate Services Information System, available at https://csis.myclimateservice.eu/), developed within the H2020 CLARITY project, is an innovative hazard/impact modeling tool that takes into account short- to long-term climate change scenarios and urban microclimate variability. Disaster risks associated with climate change, such as heat waves and floods, are concentrated in limited periods of the year and therefore not adequately represented by annually averaged values. To this aim, new datasets have been extracted from Regional Climate Models to estimate the frequency of extreme temperatures and precipitation events until 2100, and a novel modeling methodology has been developed to capture the effect on the urban microclimate due to specific built environment features. The wide amount of data generated by satellite earth observations and made available at pan-European level through the Copernicus datasets (e.g., Urban Atlas, European Settlement Map, etc.) has been processed through specific algorithms and GIS spatial analysis tools to extract detailed information related to key parameters linked to urban morphology and surface types. In addition to the “screening service” available at the pan-European level through the CLARITY CSIS, an “expert service” workflow allows increasing the resolution of hazard and impact simulations at 250 m, by exploiting detailed land use datasets provided by local end-users and assessing the DRR/CCA potential of city-wide adaptation plans, as well as of specific district redevelopment projects. This paper will present the features of CLARITY CSIS and the results of Expert Services implemented for the City of Naples, focusing on the methods adopted to implement hazard/impact assessments and how information from climate services is tailored to support the integration of different DRR/CCA strategies within urban plans and projects

    FGB1 and WSC3 are in planta-induced beta-glucan-binding fungal lectins with different functions

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    In the root endophyte Serendipita indica, several lectin-like members of the expanded multigene family of WSC proteins are transcriptionally induced in planta and are potentially involved in beta-glucan remodeling at the fungal cell wall. Using biochemical and cytological approaches we show that one of these lectins, SiWSC3 with three WSC domains, is an integral fungal cell wall component that binds to long-chain beta 1-3-glucan but has no affinity for shorter beta 1-3- or beta 1-6-linked glucose oligomers. Comparative analysis with the previously identified beta-glucan-binding lectin SiFGB1 demonstrated that whereas SiWSC3 does not require beta 1-6-linked glucose for efficient binding to branched beta 1-3-glucan, SiFGB1 does. In contrast to SiFGB1, the multivalent SiWSC3 lectin can efficiently agglutinate fungal cells and is additionally induced during fungus-fungus confrontation, suggesting different functions for these two beta-glucan-binding lectins. Our results highlight the importance of the beta-glucan cell wall component in plant-fungus interactions and the potential of beta-glucan-binding lectins as specific detection tools for fungi in vivo

    Empirical vulnerability curves for Italian mansory buildings: evolution of vulnerability model from the DPM to curves as a function of accelertion

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    In the framework of the emergency management in the case of seismic events, the evaluation of the expected damage represents a basic requirement for risk informed planning. Seismic risk is defined by the probability to reach a level of damage on given exposed elements caused by seismic events occurring in a fixed period and in a fixed area. To this purpose, the expected seismic input, the exposed elements and their vulnerability have to be correctly evaluated. The aim of the research is to define a correct model of vulnerability curves, in PGA, for masonry structures in Italy, by heuristic approach starting from damage probability matrices (DPMs). To this purpose, the PLINIVS database, containing data on major Italian seismic events, has been used and supported by “critical” assumption on missing data. To support the reliability of this assumption, two vulnerability models, considering or not the hypothesis on the missing data, have been estimated and used to calculate the seismic scenario of the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake through the IRMA (Italian Risk MAp) platform. Finally, a comparison between the outcomes elaborated by IRMA platform and the observed damage collected in the AEDES forms, has been done. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Particle In Cell Simulation of Combustion Synthesis of TiC Nanoparticles

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    A coupled continuum-discrete numerical model is presented to study the synthesis of TiC nanosized aggregates during a self-propagating combustion synthesis (SHS) process. The overall model describes the transient of the basic mechanisms governing the SHS process in a two-dimensional micrometer size geometry system. At each time step, the continuum (micrometer scale) model computes the current temperature field according to the prescribed boundary conditions. The overall system domain is discretized with a desired number of uniform computational cells. Each cell contains a convenient number of computation particles which represent the actual particles mixture. The particle-in-cell (discrete) model maps the temperature field from the (continuum) cells to the respective internal particles. Depending on the temperature reached by the cell, the titanium particles may undergo a solid-liquid transformation. If the distance between the carbon particle and the liquid titanium particles is within a certain tolerance they will react and a TiC particle will be formed in the cell. Accordingly, the molecular dynamic method will update the location of all particles in the cell and the amount of transformation heat accounted by the cell will be entered into the source term of the (continuum) heat conduction equation. The new temperature distribution will progress depending on the cells which will time-by-time undergo the chemical reaction. As a demonstration of the effectiveness of the overall model some paradigmatic examples are shown.Comment: submitted to Computer Physics Communication

    Caesar II: An Italian decision support tool for the seismic risk. The case study of Torre Pellice, Villar Pellice and Pinerolo municipalities

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    Italy is a country with high seismic risk; however, a broad seismic classification of the national territory has been introduced only in the last twenty years. Therefore, most of the existing buildings stock do not comply with the current anti-seismic codes. In recent years, the seismic events that occurred in Italy have highlighted the complexity of emergency management and the great challenge for public authorities called to answer to the post-event reconstruction and the planning of effective risk prevention and mitigation measures implemented in "peacetime". In this perspective, the CAESAR II project (Controlling, Mitigating and Managing Earthquake Emergency: Cost-Benefit and Multi-criteria Analysis of Impact Scenarios for Risk Reduction and Increased Resilience) has been developed as a decision support system for public authorities engaged in the development of seismic disaster risk reduction plans. CAESAR II includes a module for the simulation of retrofitting measures applied at the municipal scale, integrating different categories of anti-seismic and energy improvement measures based on the vulnerability analysis of the existing buildings stock. The CAESAR II tool's core is the module for evaluating "seismic impact scenarios" based on the end-users' hazard. The output of the model includes information on expected damage levels for buildings (from D0-no damage to D5- total collapse) and population (dead, injured and homeless). Impact scenarios can be customised according to the minimum unit of analysis assumed (municipality or 250x250m square mesh grid) and the availability of exposure data (from national census data or survey on the spot building by building according to the PLINIVS form). Scenarios include geo-referenced data managed by geo-servers to exchange data in a format compliant with OGC (Open Gis Consortium) standards and the European INSPIRE Directive. Simulation results can be further processed through the Multi-Criteria and Cost-Benefit Analysis modules to support the comparative assessment of alternative seismic and energy measurements. In this work, the procedures included in CAESAR II are described and a case study is reported. It concerns the analysis of the expected damage assessment on buildings and population for three municipalities in northern Italy, Torre Pellice, Villar Pellice and Pinerolo (Piedmont Region)

    Residential building and occupant vulnerability to tephra fall

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    International audiencePlinian and subplinian volcanic eruptions can be accompanied by tephra falls which may last hours or days, posing threats to people, buildings and economic activity. Numerous historical examples exist of tephra damage and tephra casualties. The mechanisms and consequences of roof collapse from static tephra load are an important area of tephra damage requiring more research. This paper contributes to this work by estimating the structural vulnerability of buildings to tephra load based on both analytical studies and observed damage. New studies are presented of roof strengths in the area around Mt. Vesuvius in southern Italy and of field surveys undertaken in other European volcanic locations to assess building vulnerability to tephra fall. The results are a proposed set of new European tephra fall roof vulnerability curves in areas potentially threatened by explosive volcanic eruptions along with comments on the human casualty implications of roof collapse under tephra loading. Some mitigation recommendations are provided

    Genetic diversity and admixture analysis of Sanfratellano and three other Italian horse breeds assessed by microsatellite markers.

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    Sanfratellano is a native Sicilian horse breed, mainly reared in the north east of the Island, developed in the 19th century from local dams and sires with a restricted introgression of Oriental, African and, more recently, Maremmano stallions. In this study, the genetic relationships and admixture among Sanfratellano, the other two Sicilian autochthonous breeds and Maremmano breed were assessed using a set of microsatellites. The main goals were to infer the impact of Maremmano breed in the current Sanfratellano horse and to provide genetic information useful to improve the selection strategies of the Sanfratellano horse. The whole sample included 384 horses (238 Sanfratellano, 50 Sicilian Oriental Purebred, 30 Sicilian Indigenous and 66 Maremmano), chosen avoiding closely related animals. A total of 111 alleles from 11 microsatellite loci were detected, from four at HTG7 to 15 at ASB2 locus. The mean number of alleles was the lowest in Oriental Purebred (6.7), the highest in Sanfratellano (8.3). All the breeds showed a high level of gene diversity (He) ranging from 0.71 ± 0.04 in Sicilian Oriental Purebred to 0.81 ± 0.02 in Sicilian Indigenous. The genetic differentiation index was low; only about 6% of the diversity was found among breeds. Nei's standards (DS) and Reynolds' (DR) genetic distances reproduced the same population ranking. Individual genetic distances and admixture analysis revealed that: (a) nowadays Maremmano breed does not significantly influence the current Sanfratellano breed; (b) within Sanfratellano breed, it is possible to distinguish two well-defined groups with different proportions of Indigenous blood

    genetic diversity and relationship among the three autochthonous sicilian donkey populations assessed by microsatellite markers

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    AbstractIn the developed countries donkey has lost its main function as draft animal because of the mechanization in agri-culture; as a consequence donkey population was greatly reduced. According to SAVE monitoring institute, three of the eight Italian endangered donkey breeds are native of Sicily (Ragusano, Pantesco, Grigio Siciliano). Urgent safeguard plans are required. The aim of this work is to investigate the distribution of genetic diversity and the relationships among the three Sicilian autochthonous donkey breeds using a set of microsatellite markers. A total of 116 blood samples (61 Ragusano, 39 Pantesco, 16 Grigio Siciliano) were collected in 9 herds all over Sicily. Representative samples of Ragusano and Grigio donkey populations consist of unrelated individuals, whereas the sample of Pantesco represents nearly the entire studbook-registered population managed by "Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste di Erice (TP)" in the "Azienda S. Matteo". Genomic DNA was amplified at 11 microsatellite..


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    In the past few years, Italy has been ravaged by catastro- phic events of natural or anthropogenic origin. These events have highlighted, once again, the need to take prevention measures in order to mitigate the damage that similar future events could inflict on the Italian social and economic system. As the costs of these measures might be very high, available resources should be allocated carefully, assigning priority to areas with the highest potential risk. Therefore, estimating the potential damage caused by events expected both in the near future and on a longer timescale in a reliable way might be an important tool for pursuing an effective prevention policy. The growing diversification and extent of urbanised areas and economic activities make the estimation of the above effects increasingly complex. Hence, reliance should be made on a combination of disciplines that may be very different from or that have often developed independently of one another over the years. However, this combination has resulted in discre- pancies in methodological approaches, which have impaired the effectiveness of communication to the authorities in char- ge of prevention policies. This document proposes a common way through which the scientific community may present its arguments and ex- press its opinions about risks at the request of policymakers. In particular, the document proposes the use of a glossary with a view to overcoming “language” barriers among the va- rious disciplines and defining a common lexicon. The construction of a glossary requires the definition of key terms and their mutual relations, which may become a common legacy within a scientific and technical community. Moreover, a glossary may help overcome possible differences in the usage of those terms across the various disciplines, con- sidering both consolidated uses at international level and ope- rational practices at national level. Thus, the proposed glossa- ry is not a mere listing of terms with their definitions. Indeed, the meaning of the definitions depends only on the use of the related terms in the reasoning process and in the opinions that represent the outcome of this process. In this sense, the construction of a glossary requires the adoption of a common approach by the members of the scientific community involved. The document is organised as follows. The second sec- tion provides an overview of the rationale for a common ter- minology and the features that it should have, explaining its logical structure and normative purpose. Section 3 defines the concept of risk analysis in simple terms, highlighting the pos- sible ambiguities associated with this concept that need fur- ther insights. Section 4 proposes a formalisation of the logical process to be followed in carrying out assessments and ex- pressing opinions on various risks. This section also deals, in general terms, with the main items of information considered and their mutual relations. Section 5 presents the glossary, i.e. a list of terms, their definitions, and, where necessary, their application contexts. Finally, a short list of references used in the document is provided