914 research outputs found
Potential Energy Calculations for Water Adsorption on Poly (methyl methacrylate)
Mateusz J. Zuba, P. Howard, B. Familo, T. Kane, R. Netusil, and C. C. Ilie
The generosity of the NOYCE Research Grant enabled me to focus on the study of various polymers. The main goal was to study the molecular orbitals of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and calculate the energy band gap. We obtained the activation energy from thermal desorption spectra of water on poly (methyl methacrylate) by employing Arrhenius analysis. Thermal desorption of PMMA is coverage independent with peaks at the same temperature. Activation energy of desorption may increase with increasing water coverage, i.e. the amount of water exposed to the system. We also performed the potential energy calculations for our system: two polymer chains and water molecules. The method by which potential energy calculations were performed involved HyperChem Professional 8.0; a very sophisticated molecular modeling software known for its quality, flexibility, and ease of use. As seen using HyperChem water molecules take a favorable position above the PMMA chains. Double bonded oxygen atoms of PMMA favor the Hydrogen atoms of the water molecule. CH3 ligands tend to turn the oxygen of water down towards the polymer backbone. Potential energy plots (in eV) for the water molecule as a function of distance from PMMA chains along the lateral to the backbone chain were obtained. These calculations were used in scientific papers
Two faces of Polish populism: the causes of the success and fall of Self Defence and the League of Polish Families
"Zwei populistische Parteien - Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (Selbstverteidigung der Republik Polen, SRP) und Liga Polskich Rodzin (Liga der Polnischen Familien, LPR) errangen bei den polnischen Parlamentswahlen von 2001 einen spektakulären Erfolg, der es ihnen nicht nur erlaubte, in den Sejm, sondern auch in eine Koalitionsregierung einzuziehen. Doch erlitten beide Formationen 2007 eine schwere Wahlniederlage und verschwanden nach den Europawahlen von 2009 faktisch von der politischen Bühne. Dieser Beitrag analysiert und erklärt - unter Rückgriff auf das Modell des 'Spiegelbildes' - die Gründe für Erfolg und Scheitern der beiden Parteien. Es wird die Auffassung vertreten, dass das sozial-ökonomische und politische Klima, die Struktur des polnischen Parteiensystems, die Muster innerparteilichen Wettbewerbs wie auch die Verortung der populistischen Parteien auf der Regierung-Opposition-Achse die wichtigsten Erklärungsfaktoren für Erfolg wie Scheitern liefern. Darüber hinaus erwies sich die populistische Identität als in hohem Maße bedeutsam. Ihre Besonderheit wird mit den 'zwei Gesichtern' des polnischen Populismus und der Kombination von vertikaler und horizontaler Exklusion zu erfassen versucht." (Autorenreferat
Impact of the New Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA) on Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) Gain and Loss Probabilities
We utilize an agricultural model that uses crop/weather relationships at the county resolution and fits robust distributions that take into account the impact that weather has on crop production. Once the crop insurance policy conditions and prices are applied to the modeled county yield distributions, the portfolio gain and losses can be calculated by aggregating the gain and losses at the county level, state level, regional level and nationwide level. Portfolio losses are computed under the old and new SRA rules and regulations for comparison purposes.SRA, MPCI, crop insurance, stochastic model, weather peril, probabilities, Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Risk and Uncertainty, C, Q,
Biomaterials and Stem Cells: Promising Tools in Tissue Engineering and Biomedical Applications
Biomaterial sciences and tissue engineering approaches are currently fundamental strategies for the development of regenerative medicine. Stem cells (SCs) are a unique cell type capable of self‐renewal and reconstructing damaged tissues. At the present time, adult SCs isolated from postnatal tissues are widely used in clinical applications. Their characteristics such as a multipotent differentiation capacity and immunomodulatory activity make them a promising tool to use in patients. Modern material technologies allow for the development of innovative biomaterials that closely correspond to requirements of the current biomedical application. Biomaterials, such as ceramics and metals, are already used as implants to replace or improve the functionality of the damaged tissue or organ. However, the continuous development of modern technology opens new insights of polymeric and smart material applications. Moreover, biomaterials may enhance the SCs biological activity and their implementation by establishing a specific microenvironment mimicking natural cell niche. Thus, the synergistic advancement in the fields of biomaterial and medical sciences constitutes a challenge for the development of effective therapies in humans including combined applications of novel biomaterials and SCs populations
Creation of timber grading instructions and evaluation of sorting based on Combimill Sakala OÜ
Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgid on seotud Combimill Sakala OÜ saeveski saematerjali tootmisprotsessiga ning on ettevõttele olulised, et parandada toodangu kvaliteeti ning hinnata saematerjali sorteerimise tulemusi. Töö esimene eesmärk on koostada ettevõttele uued saematerjali sorteerimisjuhendid, mis hõlbustaksid sorteerija tööd.
Teine eesmärk on uurida sorteerimist tootmisprotsessis ning kvaliteediklassidesse määramise otsuseid. Uuriti, kui suur on manuaalsel sorteerimisel inimese veast tingitud rahaline mõju aastasele toodangule. Uurimistöö metoodika põhineb kontrollhindamisel ja sorteerija hindamisel. Täiendavalt uuriti saematerjali kappimist ning selle mõju sorteerimise tulemusele.
Tulemustest selgus, et sorteerija täpsus maksimaalsest tulemusest on antud ettevõttes 66%. Kappimisotsuste hindamisel selgus, et parema kvaliteediga saematerjalil arvestatakse mahakapitavat pikkust vähem, sest oluline on määrata saematerjal paremasse kvaliteeti. Kehvemate kvaliteetide korral kapitakse maha vähem, sest oluline on säilitada materjali maksimaalne maht, kuna sellest sõltub hind.
Kokkuvõtvalt saab väita, et kui saematerjali kvaliteet oleks määratud 100% õigesti, oleks aastane tulu 100 000 m3 tootmismahu peale arvestatuna 157 377 euro võrra suurem.The aim of the Master’s thesis is associated with Combimill Sakala OÜ sawmill’s timber production. It is important to maximize the quality of timber production and to assess its grading results. The first aim was to create new timber grading instructions which would make timber grading easier.
The second aim was to examine timber grading in sawmill to assess its accuracy in determining grades. The company was interested in annual monetary influence that comes from human error in timber grading. The methodology of this study is based on double grading of sawn timber. The first was a test grading, the second grading was carried out in sawmill’s sorting line. Additionally, trimming and its influence to grading was studied.
According to analysis, the company’s grading accuracy compared to test results was 66%. Based on the results of trimming analysis, when it comes to higher grade, the length that is trimmed in not of importance, it is only important to get a higher grade. When it comes to lower grades it is of importance to trim less to get the highest price.
In conclusion, if the test pieces, were graded 100% correctly by sawmill grading, the profit, which was calculated to annual production yield of 100 000 m3, would have been 157 377 euros
Economic, legal and social conditions for the development of dairy cooperatives in Poland: Historical implications and contemporary assessment from farmers
The aim of the article was to assess the development process of dairy cooperatives in Poland over the last 150 years, with the economic situation and the impact of legal regulations taken into account, and to assess empirical research findings on how dairy cooperatives operate according to their members (benefits of membership, development opportunities and threats). Despite the long tradition and experience in cooperation between dairies and farmers, the period of the centrally planned economy and economic transformation brought many changes. Poland’s EU accession has improved their development opportunities. The cooperatives have a high share in the milk purchase and dairy product sale. The cooperation with farmers has improved. However, there are still areas that need to be improved in the real spirit of the cooperative idea because they concern the basic economic benefits of membership and the principles of function of coops.Celem artykułu była ocena ewolucji rozwoju spółdzielni mleczarskich w Polsce na przestrzeni ostatnich 150 lat z uwzględnieniem sytuacji ekonomicznej i wpływu regulacji prawnych oraz ocena wyników badań empirycznych dotyczących funkcjonowania spółdzielni mleczarskich według ich członków (korzyści z członkostwa, szanse i zagrożenia rozwoju). Mimo wieloletniej tradycji i doświadczenia we współpracy spółdzielni mleczarskich z rolnikami, okres gospodarki centralnie planowanej i transformacja gospodarcza przyniosły wiele zmian. Wejście Polski do UE zwiększyło możliwości rozwoju spółdzielni mleczarskich. Spółdzielnie mają wysoki udział w skupie mleka i sprzedaży produktów mleczarskich. Poprawiła się współpraca z rolnikami. Wciąż jednak istnieją obszary, które wymagają udoskonalenia w duchu realnej idei spółdzielczej, ponieważ dotyczą podstawowych korzyści ekonomicznych członkostwa i zasad funkcjonowania spółdzielni
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